Chapter 284 Cookies

 The cookie is caramel color overall and looks very good. It is carved from the same mold as the "Quduoduo" cookies sold in later generations.

Si Ningning picked up a piece and tasted it. The sweetness was moderate, the nuts were fragrant, and the taste was very good. The only difference was in the taste.

 Because it hasn’t cooled completely yet, it’s not that crispy.

Si Ningning moved the tray to the stove, turned on the range hood and blew it for a while. After about three to five minutes, the heat on the tray was almost taken away.

At that time, Si Ningning picked up another piece to eat, and as expected, he tasted the crispy taste in his memory.

There were still a lot of unopened nuts outside the space, and Si Ningning had already made a decision in her mind. When she went back to knock out all the nuts, she would have to make similar cookies for the second and third times, and every time The quantity produced must be increased by one.

 No way, who makes it taste good?

After the heat dissipated, Si Ningning found oil paper and tied two small packages that could hold about twenty cookies. The thin hemp ropes that were not tied were replaced with plain woolen ropes.

Excluding the wrapped cookies, there was still a lot left on the tray. Si Ningning packed them in a snack box and planned to eat them later.

 After finishing all this work, she did not stay in the space for long. After adding food to the chickens and pigs, she went out to sleep and rest without any hesitation.

Si Ningning had a lot to think about, so it was rare for him to get up with everyone early the next morning. When he went out to fetch water and brush his teeth, he met the security team who came to patrol in the morning.

Si Ningning and Huo Lang looked at each other, smiled and nodded tacitly. Neither of them spoke. They only briefly met their eyes in the early morning light, and then they turned around and went about the things at hand.

  After washing, he put all the unpleasant things in the house in order. At that time, the dew outside the house had almost receded. Si Ningning took the lotus seeds and golden cherry seeds with their little thorns removed to dry in the sun.

Carefully carried the two rabbit cages to the door to let some air out. Si Ningning made a cup of malted milk and brought it to the doorstep. While letting it cool, he took a sip from time to time while busy cracking nuts.

At noon, Hegu and Sanmiao ran over, carrying two ripe and cracked pomegranates in their arms, saying they wanted to give Si Ningning to eat.

Si Ningning temporarily put down the hatchet, took one of the pomegranates and broke it into two halves along the gap of the opening with a "Zika" sound. One half was handed to Sanae and the other half to Hegu. Si Ningning curved her lips and said: "You guys Eat first, my hands are dirty, I’ll eat later when I’m done.”

There was also a large intact pomegranate. He Gu and San Miao didn't think much about it. They sat next to Si Ningning and ate pomegranate seeds.

“Si Ningning, what are you doing knocking on this?” He Gu asked.

At the side, Sanae tilted her head and looked at Si Ningning with a confused expression, waiting for Si Ningning to answer her confusion.

Si Ningning’s eyes curled up and she smiled slightly, “Of course it’s delicious.”

 “How can this be delicious?” He Gu asked doubtfully.

I grew up close to the mountains, and I also ate fresh nuts and cereals. The texture and taste are similar to peanuts freshly pulled out of the ground. Although it is not unpleasant, the taste is definitely not delicious.

Hegu was very doubtful, could such a thing really taste delicious?

"Of course." Si Ningning nodded seriously, stood up, clapped her hands and walked towards the well. "I made some in the morning. I'll give it to you to try when I get it."

He Gu noticed Si Ningning's intention and quickly got up and followed him to the well.

The buckets in the pool are full of water, which the male educated youths collected before going out in the morning.

While Si Ningning was squatting down, Hegu had already pressed his two small hands on the handle of the bucket. He slowly tilted the bucket and poured out a small amount of water to wash Si Ningning's hands.

"You're so good." Si Ningning praised him without hesitation. Not only was the latter not shy and embarrassed after being praised, he even raised his chin and looked very proud.

Si Ningning burst out laughing. After washing his hands, he replaced Hegu's place. He called Sanae to come with him. He washed his hands with the two little guys before walking back.

Going to the door and picking up the basin of nuts, Si Ningning weighed it twice, and there was an uneven "thumping" sound in the basin. She sat down and waited for me for a while. "


Si Ningning asked the two little ones to sit down at the table in the main room. Si Ningning put the basin of nuts on the table, then entered the room with his back to Sanae and Hegu, opened the mosquito net and took out the food box from the inside of the bed. .

Returning to the main room with the food box, Si Ningning opened the lid and pushed it to the center of the table. As soon as he said "Try it and see", he turned to one side and poured two cups of cold white water from a bamboo cup and pushed it to Sanae and Sanae respectively. In front of He Gu.

Si Ningning was sitting on the chair opposite the two of them yesterday, resting her chin on her hands and looking at the two little ones with a gentle smile on her face, "See if you like them?"

The metal lunch box is not big and is made of cold steel. However, the color of the appearance is very similar to that of a tin lunch box. If you don’t hold it in your hand and distinguish it carefully, at first glance, it looks like it is made of tin.

The food box is square, not big overall, and loose inside. There are about a dozen cookies in it. Sanae is shy and dare not reach out to take it, but Hegu does not. In Sining After Ning said "Try it", he had already picked up a piece.

He was not in a hurry to eat the grain. He held it in his hand and looked at it over and over.

The biscuits smell sweet and fragrant. Although I haven’t tasted them yet, judging from the feel of them in my hand, I know they are very crispy.

Hegu knew that the taste of this biscuit would be the same, but before putting it into his mouth, he used his imagination and said, "Si Ningning, do you think this biscuit looks like a stilt bee's nest?"

The stilted bee is a wasp. The hive is generally small and has an inverted lotus shape. On the surface, the raised nut kernels on the cookies look like "holes", and the holes at the entrance to the hive surface. There is indeed a slight resemblance.

“There are some similarities.” Si Ningning nodded.

 It’s not a bad thing for children to have rich imaginations, Si Ningning thought, picked up a cookie and handed it to Sanae. The moment Sanae tremblingly stretched out her hand to take it, she asked with a slight smile as if to guide, "What does Sanae feel like?"

"Hmm..." Sanae tilted her head to one side, her dark eyes looking aimlessly at the beam above her head, and after a while, her eyes fell on Si Ningning. She clasped her little hands together and gestured: "It looks like a lotus pod, but also like a cotton garden. "

There is no need to explain that it looks like a lotus pod, it does look like it on the surface.

As for Sanae saying that cookies are like cotton fields, Si Ningning can understand it more or less.

 She once watched a video of cotton planting on the Internet and knew that planting cotton is not as simple as digging a small hole and spreading seeds like other crops.

Cotton seedlings require a separate nursery. This nursery is actually made by mixing soil with water, mixing it into a wet state that can be kneaded into a ball without being loose, and then kneading the mud into regular small mud **** the size of a fist. , press a small hole in the middle, and that small hole is where the cotton seeds are placed.

This description may not be that appropriate, but Zaomiao can make bold associations, and Si Ningning thinks it is worthy of praise. “Sanae is awesome and has a rich imagination. Keep it up.” Si Ningning praised with a smile.

He Gu straightened up and half-knelt on the bench with his hands on the table, "What about me? What about me, Si Ningning, am I great?"

“Bang, you are a stick with a stick.” Si Ningning reached out and flicked He Gu’s head, and said angrily: “Sit down, and I will knock out the millet teeth that finally grew out.”

Hegu frowned, covering his head with one hand and his mouth with the other and sat back on the stool obediently.

Although I have seen Hegu and the others recently, Si Ningning has been busy with various trivial matters and has never had time to check Hegu and Sanae's homework.

Taking advantage of this brief moment of leisure and the two of them happening to be right in front of her, Si Ningning took advantage of every opportunity and asked whoever swallowed the food first, Hegu or Sanao. After a series of questions and answers, Si Ningning was very satisfied.

Even without her supervision, Hegu and Sanae completed their homework well. They memorized everything they needed to memorize and remembered everything they had said before. They were considered to have worked hard.

"You are still young, and it is the time when you have a good memory and should study. But don't put too much pressure on yourself. Study when you should study, and play when you should play. Do you understand?"

“I know Si Ningning/Sister Ningning.”

"Okay." Si Ningning stood up from the table, "While there is still a while before lunch, you two go play, don't run too far, just play under the shade of the trees."


The two little ones nodded together and bit into the biscuits in their hands, but neither of them had the intention to leave and go out to play.

Si Ningning didn't pay much attention to it. He brought the elephant trunk bottle with cold boiled water and put it on the table. He also confiscated the cookie box and reminded the two little ones to pour water themselves if their mouths were dry after eating.

After giving these instructions, Si Ningning started to get busy again, looking through the lotus seeds and golden cherry seeds, and feeding the rabbit. After finishing the trivial tasks, the next step was cooking.

Si Ningning thought about it and stewed the remaining chicken. The educated youth will have a holiday tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Everyone will definitely go to the town to buy it, and Mo Bei will certainly be among them.

Although the chicken is still fresh and has not changed in taste, it will not necessarily be the case if you wait until tomorrow night to eat it.

Si Ningning went to the kitchen to take out the remaining chicken. When he went to the well to clean it, as soon as he got a bucket of water, the grain came up.

He hasn't finished chewing the cookies in his mouth, but his little hands are still the same as before, pressing the handle of the bucket to help Si Ningning pour water.

Si Ningning burst into laughter and asked Hegu to pour the water slowly. After cleaning the chicken, the two went inside. Si Ningning poured water into the pot to prepare the chicken. The two little chickens seemed to have communicated in advance. Hegu rushed to pour water, and now Sanae rushed to help light the fire.

Si Ningning thought that usually when Huo Lang was not at home, Sanae could cook and light the fire without any problem. Plus, with her watching from the side, nothing would happen, so she didn't say much. Two little ones were huddled at the door of the stove, and you made a fire with a handful of leaves and a handful of small sticks.

After all, this was an era when supplies were relatively scarce. Even though Huo Lang often started a small stove for the two little ones at home, when they smelled the aroma coming from the pot, Hegu and Sanae still couldn't help but shrugged their noses:

 “It smells so good!”

Si Ningning smiled and raised the spatula seriously: "This chicken belongs to someone else. We are not greedy. I will buy the meat next time and you can come and eat it."

"Oh!" Hegu's eyes rolled. While writing down Si Ningning's words, he silently said in his heart: When I get back, I will tell my elder brother and ask him to buy meat!

Si Ningning was busy with things on the stove and didn't notice the little expression of the grain ghost for a while. She took some time and asked: "What do you want to eat for lunch? Do you want to eat boiled sweet potatoes? Or do you want to eat them?" Boiled eggs?"

"We just came here to play, not have lunch here." Hegu stood up in response, and pulled Sanmiao up as he spoke. As if he was afraid that Si Ningning would let them stay for dinner, he pulled Sanmiao and moved him sideways, "Brother is at home. After cooking, let’s go back and eat!”

Seeing that the two children were about to run away, Si Ningning held the spatula in her hand and chased her two steps, "Then you walk slower on both sides of the road, don't fall. By the way... give me a message, just tell your elder brother, The educated youth will rest tomorrow.”

These words made people confused at first, but Si Ningning knew that as long as Huo Lang heard this, he would understand what she meant.


 Watching the two little ones run away, Si Ningning continued his work.

According to the days, today is not the day for Si Ningning to cook, but there is nothing to do at the moment, and the fire in the stove is also rising. Si Ningning canned the chicken and stepped aside, preparing to finish the meal. Simmering in the stove.

After cleaning the front pot and filling it with water, and setting up the bamboo steaming tray, Si Ningning went to the front room to get her personal rations and put them on the tray one by one. When it was her turn, she didn't want to eat a staple meal, so she I took a separate bowl and cracked two eggs, mixed some water with seasonings and steamed them together.

 Perhaps because her aunt is coming in the past two days, Si Ningning's appetite has not been very good, so she planned to eat a bowl of egg custard at noon to cope with the problem.

 While she was busy, footsteps suddenly came from behind her.

Before I could turn around, I heard Jiang Yue’s anxious voice: “I didn’t see any rations in the front room, so I knew you were the one who made them.”

Si Ningning turned around and raised her eyebrows with a smile, "The water is on the table in the main room. Can you drink some water and take a rest?"

 According to the days, it is Jiang Yue's turn to cook these days.

Jiang Yue fanned herself with her hat, stretched her neck and took a look into the pot. All the rations were put on the table, and now she just had to wait for them to be cooked.

Jiang Yue did not refuse and ran towards the main room with a smile, "Then I'll go drink some water and take a rest. I'll wash my hands and help you crack the hazelnut shells later."

"Yeah." Si Ningning nodded, covered the pot lid, put two wrist-thick firewood in the stove, and then followed Jiang Yue to the main room.

 The food box on the table in the main room has not been confiscated, and there is still more than half a box of cookies left in it.

Si Ningning took advantage of the situation and pushed Jiang Yue, "Here."

"What for? Give me something to eat?" Jiang Yue asked coquettishly, "Are you so nice?"

"I just made it this morning. It's just these few pieces. Do you want to eat it? If you don't eat it, I'll throw it down!" Si Ningning rolled her eyes at her and pretended to close the food box.

Jiang Yue stretched out her hand to stop her, "Hey, hey, eat! Eat! I didn't say not to eat!"

 (End of this chapter)

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