Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 285: Something happened

Chapter 285 Something happened

Jiang Yue pulled the food box to protect her chest, pursed her lips and muttered in a low voice: "Look at you, what are you doing in such a hurry?"

Looking at the biscuits in the box again, Jiang Yue raised her head suspiciously, "Did you make this?"

“Yeah.” Si Ningning sat down at the table with her hands folded across her chest and nodded calmly.

"How to make it?" Jiang Yue continued to ask, "Does it take a lot of flour?"

"It was baked in the stove. Did you boil a lot of hot water in the morning? I saw that the temperature inside was high, and I got the inspiration from it." Si Ningning made random remarks, "I have seen baked naan before, and I originally wanted to do that. I planted it, but I didn’t expect it to be made into biscuits.”

Her assertions made Jiang Yue believe everything.

Not only did Jiang Yue believe her, he also criticized her by discussing the matter:

“Look at the naan bread that has grown in size after baking. Yeast is definitely in it. Do you want to take a look at yours?”

Flour is a fine grain, something as valuable as rice. Jiang Yue didn't want to eat too much of Si Ningning's, so she broke off a small half from the box and pushed the rest back to Si Ningning, "You are so small. At first glance, There was no baking powder, no wonder it failed!”

Si Ningning suppressed a smile, pretending to be enlightened and slapped her forehead. Her wide-eyed expression couldn't be more exaggerated, "Ah! So that's it. Now I know the problem. I'll try again next time."

Jiang Yue's neck receded, her expression even more exaggerated than hers, "No, you'd better just eat gnocchi honestly!"

If this is done wrong, won’t the flour be wasted? She feels so distressed!

Thinking about it, Jiang Yue stuffed the small piece of cookie into her mouth. It was a little dry when she first chewed it. After chewing it twice, her eyes suddenly lit up.

 The texture is crunchy and crunchy, but also very sweet!

 The nuts are delicious when chewed!


Jiang Yue's eyes were as wide as big lanterns and she turned to look at Si Ningning.

However, Si Ningning had already closed the food box at that time, leaving Jiang Yue alone to go back to the room.

Even though Si Ningning went back to his room, he left two and a half cookies on the table.

When Jiang Yue saw it, she stood up from the table and stretched her neck towards the door of the room: "There are still a few pieces that haven't been put in!"

“I said I’d give it to you to taste when it’s ready, and you still want to crack the nuts for me? Eat it!”

Si Ningning’s intermittent voice came from the room.

Jiang Yue was slightly stunned, knowing that Si Ningning did this to take care of her little thoughts. For a moment, she felt a little complicated.

 This is a thoughtful and deep-rooted friendship...

After a short silence, Jiang Yue carefully picked up the two and a half biscuits on the table, twitched the corners of her lips as if practicing, and returned to her usual smile, "Then I'll keep it, and I'll crack the nuts for you." go!"

 “Don’t be in a hurry now.”

“Anyway, lunch isn’t ready yet, so I have nothing to do when I’m free.” Jiang Yue’s eyes narrowed and she had already sat down on the steps at the door to get busy. “And just doing things with your hands is actually the same as sitting down and taking a rest.”

“Okay, just knock a little bit. I’m kidding you, I have plenty of time in the afternoon, so I can knock by myself.”

 “I know! You are the talkative one.”

Si Ningning was speechless for a while, but she stuck out her tongue at Jiang Yue twice in a cooperative manner.

 quarrel, take care of each other's differences, be childish together...

 Probably this is the case only when you are really compatible with your friends and get along with each other, right? Si Ningning couldn't help but think.

 At noon, He Gu was asked to deliver a message to Huo Lang. As expected, in the afternoon and evening, Huo Lang stopped Si Ningning when he came to patrol.

At that time, everyone in the educated youth spot was busy with their own affairs. Huo Lang waved to the young men who were traveling with him to patrol first. After he dismissed the others, he looked at Si Ningning and got to the point:

“I’ll set off at ten o’clock tomorrow, and I’ll go to town to buy some things in the morning.”

"Okay." Si Ningning nodded, "Do you want to buy something to take to Captain Gu's house? You don't need to buy too much. I've made biscuits made of nuts. They're ready."


Huo Lang nodded slightly, raised the corners of his thin lips slightly and raised his chin at Si Ningning, gesturing for Si Ningning to enter the room.

Si Ningning waved her hand and moved a few steps towards the door, "Go quickly!"

"Don't go anywhere tomorrow morning. Wait until I pick you up at the educated youth spot." Huo Lang stopped hesitating and left a sentence before taking long-legged steps and jogging about ten steps to keep up with the security team members who were patrolling forward.

Si Ningning wondered what was wrong with this. She walked from the educated youth point to Chen's house only a few steps away. But at noon the next day, when Huo Lang came to the educated youth point again, she understood what Huo Lang meant. Pick her up" means.

Huo Lang put down the basket on his shoulder and took out a piece of meat from the basket and handed it to Si Ningning, "Where are the others?"

"It's a rare break. They all went to the town to buy some." Si Ningning took the meat handed over by Huo Lang. Before she could say anything, she heard Huo Lang ask again:

 “They didn’t call you together?”

"Why didn't you shout? I'm famous for being very popular. They all wanted to drag me along, but who made me have an appointment with someone in advance? If I go to the town, what will happen to someone when I go back? Explain?”

Si Ningning glanced pointedly, and when she was carrying the meat into the house and putting it down, she turned around and asked Huo Lang, "You said you asked me to wait for you, are you just waiting for you to bring the meat?"

"I bought it by chance." Huo Lang stood at the door and rubbed his head. "Originally, I wanted to buy some meat and take it over there. Maybe because I went early today, the butcher shop still has a lot of meat that has not been sold out. It's a rare opportunity. Please, I’ll buy an extra copy and bring it to you.”

These words sounded like an accident, but Si Ningning laughed strangely and glanced sideways at Huo Lang, "Do you think I believe it or not?"


"You know whether it's true or not! Don't be idle. I've almost packed everything else. I just haven't brought the rabbit cage in. Please help me carry it in."

 “Get the order!”

Huo Lang gave a decent military salute, unlike Si Ningning who usually struggled to pick up a rabbit cage with both hands. He picked up a rabbit cage with one hand and carried the rabbit cage into the house lightly and quickly. Afterwards, after Si Ningning closed the door, the two set off side by side.

There were also camellias near the third team. Si Ningning followed Huo Lang up the mountain and discovered them on the way to the seventh team of Hongqi Commune.

 Although there are, there are not many in number. There are two colors, one is extremely bright red, and the other is extremely clean and pure white.

Si Ningning felt that the red color was too bright and eye-catching, so she picked a dozen white camellia flowers along the road and tied them into a bouquet along with other wild flowers and weeds that she picked up on the road. When she saw the finished product, Huo Lang even praised her sincerely. :

“You are so skillful with your hands. I didn’t see you picking a few flowers just now. Why did they become so big after being tied up?”

"You don't know this, right? Flower arranging is also a craft." Si Ningning laughed twice, turned his head for a while, and his pair of dark deer eyes curled up, hiding a little bit of mischievous energy, " You’ve learned to praise me now, don’t you think I’m the eldest daughter of capitalism?”

“Don’t blame me, it’s definitely not my surname Huo who said this.” Huo Lang avoided Si Ningning’s gaze and looked straight ahead. "How come your surname is not Huo?" Si Ningning held Huo Lang's big hand, bowed and stretched her neck to see Huo Lang's wonderful expression.

Si Ningning was determined to tease Huo Lang this time, otherwise she would be sorry for what he called her "squeamish" in the first place.

“You’re not the one who said the capitalist’s lady? Or are you the one who said ‘squeamish’?”

Si Ningning's eyes flashed, she pursed her lips and said with a smile, "If you say anything out loud, you will throw water away. If you dare to say it, you dare to admit it, otherwise you are not a man... Huh?"

Huo Lang held Si Ningning's hand tightly and brought Si Ningning forward with a little force.

The moment their eyes met, Huo Lang thought: If Si Ningning wants to laugh, just laugh. Anyway, this slap in the face won't be the first time.

Thinking of this, Holland suddenly felt that all the constraints on his body were gone in an instant.

He looked down at Si Ningning who had slammed into his arms. His other big hand wrapped around Si Ningning's slender waist unceremoniously and domineeringly, and brought Si Ningning a few inches closer to his arms. point.

"like you."

The breath is entangled, and the atmosphere suddenly reaches the extreme level of ambiguity.


 Distance, too close!

Looking at the handsome face that was so close and getting closer and closer, Si Ningning's turtle-haired neck receded, and he murmured in hindsight: "Wha, what?"

"I said," Huo Lang's voice became deeper and hoarse, as if he was making some sacred declaration. He lowered his eyebrows and spoke again with a gentle and pious tone:

"I like you."

 “I just like you to be delicate, beautiful and educated.”

"What's the problem?" Huo Lang nodded, his hot breath hitting the side of Si Ningning's face, "Why are you laughing at me?"

 Si Ningning is not the only one who can cause harm, there is someone more sinister than her.

Huo Lang's deep peach blossom eyes deliberately held a trace of sadness, and he stared at Si Ningning blankly as if waiting for an answer.

 “No…no problem.”

 Facts have proved that Si Ningning cannot beat Huo Lang.

As for the matter in front of her, she was tricked by Huo Lang without even realizing it.

Although she vaguely sensed something was wrong, Si Ningning was not sure what was wrong. She crossed her hands on Huo Lang's chest and held it in for a long time before stammering: "No problem, you can." Can’t you be more tactful? I’m shy!”

Si Ningning said she was really shy. When she said this, her face was already red.

 Huo Lang glanced at her pretty and red face, tried hard to suppress the smile in his heart, and cheekily tilted his head to face Si Ningning, "I need an apology to compensate."

Si Ningning scratched his forehead angrily, and now he realized that he was involved in the joke again.

Although she was angry, there was nothing she could do. She slowly opened her folded hands, grabbed hold of Huo Lang's chest and stood on tiptoes, and "popped" on Huo Lang's face like a dragonfly.

Si Ningning's cheeks were hot. After the kiss, she put her hands on Huo Lang's chest and pushed Huo Lang. She quickly pushed him back a few steps and asked awkwardly, "Isn't this okay?"

 “That’s enough.” Huo Lang raised his eyebrows and chuckled.

If Si Ningning is like a cat that steals fish, then at this moment, Huo Lang is simply a cunning fox who plays the role of a successful and innocent white rabbit.

 “Let’s go, if we delay any longer, we’ll get hot after walking.”

Huo Lang reached out to Si Ningning. Si Ningning hesitated for a moment before putting his hand on her again. During this time, she lowered her head and whispered, "If you pull me next time or something, can you say hello in advance?"


 “My flowers are all wilted under your weight.”

“…” Huo Lang padded the basket on his shoulders and scratched his head, “I’ll pick it for you again.”

"This area is sparse. When we get to Team 7, there are more camellias, red, pink, and white, and some have two colors in one flower. If there are too many, I will pick whatever you want. As many as you want."

 “Then I’m going to have an eye-opening experience!”

"you will like it."

Chatting along the way, by the time we arrived at the Seventh Brigade of the Hongqi Commune, it was already 11:30 noon. The sun was shining brightly, and a series of beads of sweat hung on Si Ningning's forehead.

She loosened her hands from being intertwined with Huo Lang's. One hand was holding the bamboo basket at her waist, and the other hand was placed horizontally against her forehead to block the sun.

I don’t know what kind of special day it is today. As soon as I stepped into Team 7, I heard overly lively and even noisy sounds coming from the northeast direction at the end of the village.

Si Ningning looked curiously in that direction, thinking that people in Province H spoke loudly, so it might not be a special incident, so she didn't pay much attention to it and followed Huo Lang. Xiao ran away from the sun and went to Gu's house.

As soon as Huo Lang stepped into the door of Gu's house, Si Ningning didn't even reach the door when he bumped into Gu Sande who was walking out in a hurry.

"Uncle." Huo Lang stopped him, "You are so anxious, what happened?"

"Ah? Oh, Huo Lang, it turns out you're here." Gu Sande paused suddenly, as if he had something on his mind. He glanced around anxiously and aimlessly, and saw Huo Lang strolling behind him to follow him. Yes, he stuttered and said, "Ah, Comrade Si is here too."

Gu Sande took half a step out and then took a step back, clearly showing his attitude of being in a hurry to go out but being held back by the presence of guests.

Gu Sande hesitantly grabbed Huo Lang's arm and said truthfully: "It's no coincidence this time. Something happened in the team. I'm afraid I don't have time to greet you two. In this case, you two go inside and sit down. Wait for me for a while, I’ll take care of the matter and be right back!”

Just looking at Gu Sande's anxious and worried look, Huo Lang knew that this matter was probably not a trivial matter.

"Uncle, please wait a moment." Afraid that Gu Sande couldn't handle it alone, Huo Lang helped carry the basket from his shoulders, put the basket in one hand on Si Ningning's back and took him a few steps into the courtyard, "Wait for me here. I’ll go take a look with my uncle.”

Si Ningning was also vaguely aware of the seriousness of the matter. He guessed that the movement he heard just now was probably the place where the accident happened. He immediately nodded without hesitation, "Well, go ahead! I'll wait for you here."

Gu Sande and Huo Lang, one is the captain and the other is the security captain who still has a position in the county. Both of them are people with backgrounds and weighty words. They used to handle things, while Si Ningning is just an educated youth. The past may not be able to help.

 (End of this chapter)

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