Chapter 286 Hard Bones

 In order to avoid causing trouble, it is better to follow the arrangements for the time being.

"Comrade Si, it's sunny outside. You go inside to do it. There's water on the table. You pour it down and drink it yourself. I really didn't treat you well. I'll tell you when I come back." Gu Sande Liushenwuzhu , shook his head and before Si Ningning could answer, he pulled Huo Lang and ran towards the northeast of the village.

Si Ningning frowned and stood at the door for a long time, then turned and entered the courtyard.

Si Ningning didn’t close the courtyard door. No one in the Gu family was there, so she couldn’t really enter the house.

Carrying Huo Lang's basket to the shade of the steps and putting it down, Si Ningning followed and sat on the ground.

The incident occurred in the Seventh Brigade and had nothing to do with either her or Huo Lang, so Si Ningning was not too worried about Huo Lang's safety.

But to be honest, Si Ningning really wanted to know what happened that could make the calm and experienced Captain Gu suddenly become confused.

Sitting under the eaves, speculating and overturning, overturning and overturning, for about ten minutes, Si Ningning failed to figure out a reliable result, and even yawned sleepily out of boredom.

Si Ningning held her chin with her hand, half-closed her eyes and lazily wiped away the physiological tears from the corner of her eyes. She didn't know if it was an illusion, but she heard a sudden "click" in the room behind her, and there was a soft sound of something falling to the ground, accompanied by the crying and struggling business. , a short moment is fleeting.

Si Ningning suddenly straightened up, stifled his second mid-yawn, turned slightly to look in the direction of the main room, and listened carefully.


The sparrows jumping around outside the eaves made a "chirping" sound, and for a while there was no other sound.

Si Ningning looked back suspiciously, holding her chin in her hands. Just when she thought she had heard wrongly, there was a sudden "clang" in the room, and there was a louder noise.

Si Ningning was startled and quickly stood up.

This time she heard it clearly. In addition to the loud noise just now, there was also the sound of struggling and the tender and soft crying of a child.

 What the hell?

 Isn’t there no one in the Gu family?

 Where is it?

Si Ningning’s crescent eyebrows slightly raised, and many possibilities flashed through her mind uncontrollably. One of the most exaggerated and outrageous ideas was kidnapping.

 In this remote and backward place, who is most likely to be kidnapped?

 Women! child!

 The daughter-in-law who was brought here?

 A kidnapped son?

Would it be like that?

Si Ningning shook his head in disbelief and followed the sound to the window of the room where the sound came from.

  While hesitating whether to go up to confirm, there was suddenly a sound of crying inside.

 “Woooo…hug, hug, hug—”

 However, only the child asked for a hug unilaterally, and there was no response from the adults.

Similar closed spaces and familiar words accidentally touched the deepest and softest place in Si Ningning’s heart.

Her body was almost out of control. When she reacted, Si Ningning was already standing in front of the window, but what she saw completely pulled her out of the shackles in her heart.

 The one crying was indeed a child, to be precise, a little girl, about four or five years old.

 But the person who was bound was not a woman, but...

 A strong, muscular young man.

Si Ningning recovered from her daze. Just as she felt that the young man looked familiar, he already called out her name, or rather, her fake name.


Si Ningning's scalp exploded for a moment, and the hairs on his back stood up. But just for a moment, the other party changed his words again:

 “You are not Dongdong, are you his sister?”

Gu Chao put his hands on the sides of the back of the chair, and his whole body was tied tightly to the chair with ropes.

 At first, he should have been sitting in a normal posture. Due to his vigorous struggle, the chair was knocked over by him. At this moment, he was lying sideways in front of Si Ningning with his back on the ground and his feet in the sky.

The reason why he didn't speak just now was because Gu Chao's mouth was also blocked. He struggled for a long time before spitting out the cloth stuffed into his mouth. It was at the moment when he freed his mouth that he saw the man standing by the window. Si Ningning.

Si Ningning didn't say a word. Even she didn't know whether she was shocked by the scene in front of her or by what Gu Chao said.

She is dressed normally now, not the men's clothes she wore every time she went to the black market in town. Gu Chao can actually call out her name at a glance?

Although Gu Chao vetoed it in the end, this incident did shock Si Ningning.

 “Brother hug, brother hug, brother, brother…”

Gu Chao was lying on his back on the ground. Beside him, a dirty little girl sat on the ground next to him fearfully and hesitantly. Her little face was covered with runny nose and tears, and her eyes were swollen as if something. She had obviously been crying for a long time.

“You Lan is not afraid, help brother untie the rope first.” Gu Chao withdrew his gaze and coaxed softly.

Xiao Youlan hesitated for a moment and finally shook his head, "No, I won't untie it."

 Gu Chao had no choice. He couldn't move his body. He could only try to turn his eyes to look at the window and put it down. He said in a nervous and anxious tone: "I know your brother, can you help me untie the rope?"

Si Ningning shook her head, trying to deny the statement that she had a brother named "Dongdong", but before she could say anything, Gu Chao's eyes had already burst into tears, and he begged with grief, anger and despair: "I beg you, okay." I'm in a hurry, if I don't hurry up, my brother and I will die!"

 Brother and younger brother…

Gu Chao’s elder brother and younger brother, aren’t they Gu Yang and Gu Xihe?

 So it was Gu Yang and Gu Xihe who were in trouble?

Faintly realizing something, Si Ningning felt her brain buzzing for a moment and reacted immediately. If it was what she thought, then Gu Chao must not be allowed to go out at this time.

 Otherwise, if something happens, it won’t be as simple as damaging Gu Yang, Gu Xi and these two people!

Will take another Gu Cha!

 As for the reason why Gu Chao was **** here, the person who did this should have considered the same point as her.

Think of this. Si Ningning suddenly took a step back and completely exited the window position.

She couldn't respond to Gu Chao's question of whether she was "Dongdong", or whether she was "Dongdong's" sister, and she couldn't really help Gu Chao untie the rope, so she could only choose to turn around and leave.


Even if this matter is beyond Si Ningning's jurisdiction, Si Ningning is not ready to sit back and wait for death.

 As for the specifics, you have to go and have a look first and understand the whole story before making any plans.

 No longer hesitating, and ignoring the struggling and pleading voices behind him, Si Ningning frowned and quickly walked out the door.

The movement in the production team had stopped. Si Ningning followed the direction and walked towards the end of the village. When he turned around in the alley, he met people who were standing around watching the excitement.

Oddly enough, when those people saw Si Ningning's face, they were startled for a moment, and then, as if subconsciously, they took two steps back.

Slow down, those people glanced up and down at Si Ningning, as if they had confirmed something, and their tense expressions suddenly relaxed.

Si Ningning frowned, feeling a little confused. There was no time to dwell too much on the reason. Si Ningning looked back at the direction where everyone was watching the excitement and picked up his slowed pace again.

Although the seventh brigade of Hongqi Commune is also a village in the mountains, it is not like the third brigade where Si Ningning works. The houses are scattered and built against the mountains.

Team 7 occupies a small area as a whole, and most of the members' houses are clustered together. After walking around for a hundred or so steps, Si Ningning stopped in front of a dilapidated courtyard.

 This is it.

"Since you dare to do something, you should have the courage to bear the consequences. What does it mean if you dare to do something but dare not admit it?"

"Yes! You have taken advantage of all the right and wrong. You should be the one to give an explanation. What explanation do you want?"

 Across a courtyard gate, the sound of fierce arguments could be heard vaguely in the courtyard.

There were many people watching the fun nearby, but they all kept a certain distance from the yard in front of Si Ningning. They were probably afraid that they would be implicated if there was a commotion later.

“The public is right when he says it, and the mother-in-law is right when she says it. Since everyone is willing to be reasonable, let’s talk about the matter and discuss the matter on the matter! If they really did something wrong, the punishment will not be escaped..."

"There are just a few people in this group. The older ones can't get out of bed, the younger one is mute, and the only strong man is always active in his work and never misses a day. These things are obvious to all the members of the team, and they are clearly remembered in the team's work points book. If I can’t let him go without reasonable excuse.”

 The sound of Gu Sande’s intermittent and fierce arguments could be heard in the courtyard.

Si Ningning listened for a long time and roughly understood something in his heart.

Step forward and step onto the steps, knocking on the courtyard door, Si Ningning asked softly:

“Comrade Holang, are you in there?”

The courtyard suddenly fell silent. Just for a moment, a familiar low and hoarse voice came, "Here."

The courtyard door opened in response, and Si Ningning raised her eyes. The person who opened the door for her was not Huo Lang, but a young man in a yellowish white coat, who looked about fourteen or fifteen years old.

The young man saw Si Ningning's handsome appearance. He was slightly stunned at first. The next moment, his slightly immature brows suddenly stood up. As if he had discovered something, he turned around and shouted something into the courtyard. Si Ningning didn't hear it clearly. , but when I looked inside, I found that there were many people standing in the courtyard.

 Besides Gu Sande and Huo Lang, there were about ten other people who looked a little younger than Gu Xihe.

The two groups must have fought just now. Gu Yang, with a bruised nose and face, was forced to stand aside by Huo Lang.

Gu Xihe was a little more serious. He lay motionless on the ground, with some dark red blood on the side of his face.

The young man's words alarmed the people in the courtyard, who immediately turned their attention from Gu Yang and others to Si Ningning.

Si Ningning pursed her lips slightly and looked at her without any panic, her expression unusually calm.

If this group of people came because they were involved in the black market, they wouldn't be able to catch her.

She usually dresses in men's clothing and has made adequate preparations for covering up. Even Gu Yang and others who often deal with her may not be convinced that she is "Dongdong" when they see her in women's clothing.

 What's more, this group of boys and girls who have never seen her before?

 But if this group of people looked at her angrily now, it was not because of the black market, then what other reason could it be?

  Did they come to Gujia not just for the black market, but for other things?

Si Ningning’s brain was running rapidly, and he calculated two possibilities in his mind.

 Either they are here for the black market, but there is no evidence in hand.

 Otherwise, I wouldn’t be arguing with Gu Sande here.

  It is no longer just a matter of simply using the Gu family background to speak.

It doesn’t matter whether something is true or not, as long as they say it is true, it is true.

Both of these possibilities seem to be barely reasonable, but they really require entangled details and cannot withstand the beating.

 After all, no matter what the possibility is, this group of people should not and cannot possibly connect the matter to her...

But if this is the case, what does the sudden change in expression of the young man who opened the door mean?

At this time, it is most taboo to panic. With a normal heart, Si Ningning gently pushed the young man blocking the door and walked into the yard slowly and calmly. "You are so good, why are you still fighting?"

 “Come to me.”

At the door of the Gu family hall, Huo Lang, standing next to Gu Sande, waved to Si Ningning.

Horang is not ready to intervene in the matter at hand, and is ready to wait and see.

Although he was not prepared to intervene, it did not mean that Huo Lang was a fearful person and would allow a group of young boys and girls to throw dirty water on Si Ningning.

Si Ningning strolled to the center of the yard, winked at Huo Lang calmly, indicating that there was no need to worry, then turned around and looked around at a group of boys and girls with unkind expressions, and asked calmly and calmly without being surprised or angry:

“I don’t know what happened? Any of you young comrades would like to come out and talk about it?”

 It is not appropriate to show timidity at this time, let alone make people think that she is weak and in need of protection.

 Because there is a sentence, how to say it?

 Ah, no, it’s two sentences.

 Pick the persimmons when they are soft.

 Another sentence is: kicking the nose to the face.

Isn’t that the case with Mrs. Hu’s house in the third team before?

 People used to go there often, but in the end, because of what happened, they never went there again?

Isn’t it just because I met Zhao Hongbing’s strong backbone?

 If necessary, Si Ningning is willing to act as a "hard nut" today.

 “Who are you? You ask us to say it, so we say it?”

A sneer with a sinister tone came. Si Ningning turned and looked over, and saw that the person speaking was a girl with braids.

Looking at the vague appearance, Si Ningning felt that he was somewhat familiar, but for a while he couldn't remember where he had seen him before.

Ignoring the other party's sarcastic tone, Si Ningning smiled lightly, "We are all brothers and sisters in a big family. If you have something to talk about, resolve it peacefully. Don't speak so irritably. Otherwise, if you really make a fuss, everyone will have a disgraceful face. nice."

There is nothing wrong with what Si Ningning said, but if you think about it carefully, you can also taste some other meanings.

 Let’s see how the listeners understand it.


This chapter has been re-edited. There may have been sensitive areas before, so it was blocked.

 This is the revised version now. Some places may look a little blurry, but that’s the only way it can be. This is the fourth revision. Ayao has tried his best to revise it... I hope everyone will understand and understand! If you think about it a little while watching, you should be able to understand it!

 Finally, thank you! QAQ

 (End of this chapter)

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