Chapter 287 Statement

However, the girl with braided braids was obviously not a smart person, and she didn't hear the underlying meaning of Si Ningning's words at all.

Glancing at the camellias that Si Ningning had stuck in the bamboo basket around her waist, she snorted and said:

“I don’t think you are a sister of our revolutionary family, but rather a capitalist.”

 After speaking, she turned around and began to encourage the people around her, "Don't be fooled by her rhetoric, she is a capitalist!"

 Who doesn’t know how to lead the way?

Before the braided girl could persuade the others, Si Ningning scolded: "Comrade, you can despise me, but you cannot despise the revolution! Otherwise, I will very much suspect that you have other motives."

As he spoke, Si Ningning took a step forward, his face suddenly became serious, and his whole body revealed a calm and bluffing energy.

"You, you, when did I say that?" Si Ningning was frightened by the braid immediately, and he denied it in a panic, "Don't frame me falsely!"

After denying it, he did not forget to threaten Si Ningning, "If you continue to talk nonsense, believe it or not, I will take you with me..."

 “What together?” Si Ningning raised her eyebrows and asked before the braid could finish.

At the same time, a young man named Wang Song, who was leading a group in the courtyard, stood up.

Unexpectedly, instead of cheering for the braid, he scolded the braid: "Comrade Yang Xiaogu, please speak more politely!"

"I, I..." Aunt Yang shrank, and finally retreated to the back of the crowd under Wang Song's warning gaze.

Si Ningning clasped his hands behind his back, looking like a classic posture like a veteran cadre, but in fact, he was hiding it from the eyes of a group of people in the courtyard, posing behind his back.

Seeing this, Huo Lang turned his eyes sideways and met Gu Sande's gaze.

 Huo Lang nodded slightly, and Gu Sande nodded harder in response. The next second, as if they had reached a consensus, the two of them bowed together to help Gu Xihe, who was lying on the ground.

Gu Sande glanced at the young woman sitting at the door and whispered, "Go in!"

The woman was stunned for a moment. After she realized what she was doing, she quickly got up and walked in front, leading them to carry Gu Xihe to the bed in the room.

 When Huo Lang and Gu Sande left with Gu Xihe, Si Ningning seemed to have taken a step accidentally, and she was lying across the door of the Gu family hall.

Slightly adjusting his mood, Si Ningning lowered his brows and looked at Wang Song with a serious and questioning look.

 At that time, Wang Song was also looking at Si Ningning, and when his eyes met, Wang Song was stunned for a moment.

Among the group of people in the courtyard, Wang Song is considered the oldest one, about seventeen or eighteen years old. Therefore, his personality and perspective of thinking about things are more mature and careful than others.

The reason why Wang Song stopped Yang Xiaogu from talking to Si Ningning just now was because Wang Song saw something unusual about Si Ningning.

What is so unusual about it?

Generally speaking, ordinary people will always be a little bit wary when seeing them, not to mention being afraid to avoid them, but I have never seen anyone who dares to challenge them head-on.

 Other than this, Wang Song also noticed that Si Ningning's words and deeds were different from those in Province H.

 Has a smooth Beijing accent, the common back-and-hand gestures of an office-bearer, and a good appearance with skin as white as a steamed bun...

The things reflected in these details made Wang Song have to think more.

Wang Song's eyes flashed with strange light, and he already had a guess about Si Ningning's origin.

This person is either a clerk from a big city, or a girl from a clerk's family.

 Otherwise, how could you have the confidence and courage to challenge them?

Thinking about it, Wang Song understood something in his heart. When he spoke again, his tone couldn't help but be more polite:

"Comrade, you may not know this when you first came here. We received a call from Jubao saying that someone in this family was involved in black market transactions. We came here to investigate this matter. If the matter is not true, we will never take the next step, but now …”

Si Ningning glanced at the messy yard, then at Gu Yang, who was standing at the door of the hall with a bruised nose and face, and his eyes fell back on Wang Song.

“So now, have you confirmed that this matter is true?” Si Ningning asked with raised eyebrows.

“…” Wang Song hesitated and nodded, “It’s basically confirmed.”

With the word "basic", it means there is not yet.

Si Ningning has a clear mind.

 Seeing Wang Song's unusual attitude towards her, Si Ningning had some guesses, and after making up her mind, she already had a countermeasure in mind.

 Since your identity has been misunderstood, let’s let this misunderstanding go deeper!

Since these people don’t have any real skills, can they really check her details?

“Since you have confirmed the authenticity of this matter, I can’t take sides, so let’s leave it like this.” Si Ningning looked around at everyone in the courtyard:

"Everyone in this yard is on one side. In order to avoid conflicts, I will be a notary today. You can present all the evidence and reasoning you have obtained. If there is really no problem, I agree with you to take this person away. No one else can stop it.”


 After settling down Gu Xihe, Gu Sande and Huo Lang came out side by side. Hearing Si Ningning's words, Gu Sande rejected it loudly, almost subconsciously: "No!"

The problem with the Gu family is certain, right or wrong, the whole family will not get any good results.

Knowing this, Gu Sande was worried that Si Ningning would not know the inside story and would get him in instead. He quickly jumped out of the door and said, "Comrade Si, I don't agree with this!"

It's a good thing that Gu Sande didn't deny it. His denial completely dispelled Wang Song's concerns.

Wang Song was originally worried that Si Ningning and Gu Sande were related to each other. In that case, Si Ningning would definitely intercede on behalf of the Gu family.

And in other words, with such a thick leg in front of him, Gu Sande not only refused to hug him, but also wanted to stop him. What does this mean?

 It means that Gu Sande has little relationship with the officer surnamed Si, so he is afraid that after they produce evidence, the officer surnamed Si will not help him!

“I support Comrade Si’s proposal!” Wang Song said, and after speaking, he looked behind him.

 The boys and girls behind him immediately spoke in unison: "We all support Comrade Si's proposal!"

There were two groups of people in the courtyard. The number and voice of Wang Song's side absolutely overwhelmed Gu Sande's. Immediately, Wang Song looked at Gu Sande proudly and said, "Captain Gu, if you are so opposed, you are afraid, right?" ?”

 “Afraid, I’m afraid of your mother’s legs…”

The veins on Gu Sande's forehead were popping. He opened his mouth to curse, but the curse was not enough. He wanted to continue to curse, but Huo Lang stopped him.

Gu Sande was afraid that more people would be implicated because of this matter, and he would be confused if he cared about it. He lost his usual composure for a moment, but Huo Lang could see clearly from the side.

Although he did not agree with Si Ningning's approach of taking the lead alone, seeing that Si Ningning had already introduced Wang Song and others into the game, at this moment, Huo Lang could only continue to look down.

Gu Sande was held silent by Huo Lang. Huo Lang looked at Si Ningning, opened his thin lips lightly, handed Si Ningning a ladder and said down the situation: "Comrade Si, please seek justice in this matter." "Don't worry, the people's eyes are sharp." Si Ningning nodded, coughed slightly and turned to Wang Song, "Let's get started!"

Wang Song nodded, and the next ten minutes became the time for him to unilaterally list the evidence and testify against the Gu family.

Si Ningning listened and nodded, so that after Wang Song finished speaking, he felt confident that the Gu family would not be able to escape today.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, Si Ningning asked, "Comrade Wang, right? You said that you were jubaoed by someone else at first, so can you find the person jubaoed by you now?"


Wang Song is stuck.

Where can he find someone?

 There's no one jubaoing with them, okay?

 They came here because they accidentally heard the news from passers-by on the street a few days ago.

 What did the passerby say at that time?

Wang Song recalled the situation at that time. That day they were patrolling the street and bumped into some passers-by coming out of the supply and marketing cooperative. They heard those people talking, saying that the men buying things in the house must have done something, otherwise they could not be appointed. He looks so strong.

At first, hearing this alone would be nothing, but Wang Song and his team had been to the 7th Brigade several times, and they all knew several problem families there.

At first glance, Gu Yang and the others from the supply and marketing cooperative were all familiar faces. Wang Song thought about what he just heard and felt that it made sense, so he came here today.

He heard the words from passers-by. Now if he is asked to find someone, where can he find them?

"Isn't this fact right in front of us? Who else do we need to find?" Wang Song declined subconsciously.

Si Ningning knew as soon as he looked at his expression that he couldn't find anyone, or else he was a made-up "jubao person".

Si Ningning was silent for a while, thinking about her words. She first glanced at Huo Lang expressionlessly, and then took a step closer to Wang Song and others, so why should she:

"You can't say that. If you can't find anyone, it's hard to talk about it. What if they say you have no witnesses and the evidence is all fabricated?"

From a behavioral point of view, Si Ningning's whispering looks more like favoring Wang Song, but what she said was neither too loud nor too soft, just enough for the people nearby to hear clearly.

Before Gu Sande could react, Huo Lang touched his shoulder lightly, and then he suddenly stepped forward, pointed at Wang Song, and asked angrily:

“They all say that evidence is important. Whoever spoke it, let him stand up and say it again! Otherwise, there is no witness and no physical evidence. I doubt the authenticity of this matter!”

Wang Song frowned and looked at Si Ningning subconsciously, intending to say that if it was because of her, these fools wouldn't be able to think of this matter.

Who is Si Ningning?

Although she did mean it, could she give Wang Song a chance to take the blame at this time?

 Absolutely not.

Si Ningning frowned and glanced at Wang Song with complicated and disappointed eyes.

That look in his eyes clearly means: Look, what did I say?

“…” Wang Song choked and felt a tightness in his chest.

It feels worse than eating shit.

He really didn't think of the idea, and no matter how depressed he was, he had to endure it for the moment.

Wang Song took a deep breath, took a step forward away from Si Ningning, and confronted Gu Sande: "I can't find him now, but that doesn't mean I don't have other evidence!"

Si Ningning couldn’t help but feel a thump in her heart.

Does this Wang Song have other things in his hand?

 Why didn’t you hear him talk about it just now?

After calming down a little, Si Ningning took a step forward and lifted Wang Song up, "Captain Gu, don't worry, Comrade Wang is aboveboard and will definitely not wrong others with empty words, right Comrade Wang!"

Si Ningning glanced at Wang Song.


Wang Song nodded and responded loudly.

 After that, he glanced behind him again. Soon, a dozen teenagers began to move slightly, and soon a boy with a crew cut came out carrying an old bamboo basket, "Brother Song, here it is!"

Si Ningning looked into the basket. When she saw the contents clearly, her pretty face suddenly wrinkled.

 “That’s it?” Si Ning Ninghu asked.

"That's right!" Wang Song responded firmly, took the basket from Xiao Ping Tou's hand, took a few steps forward and placed the basket on the ground for everyone present to see, "If you are not participating in black market activities, where did these things come from?"

Wang Song sneered "Haha" and asked Gu Sande: "As far as I know, their family is very poor. They can't afford to buy these things, right?"

Gu Sande was so angry that he stood up and questioned on the spot, "How can this be considered evidence? Our brigade's side job is to raise ducks and plant lotus roots. Members have duck eggs and lotus roots at home. Is it so strange? Is this also evidence?" Don’t be too bullying!”

There are many things in the bamboo basket, and the most conspicuous ones are duck eggs and lotus roots. Wang Song actually reasoned with Gu Sande's question:

“Raising ducks and lotus roots is a sideline business of the brigade and is collective property. Captain Gu, please explain why collective property appears in individual families? And—”

Wang Song stepped forward and took out a few sections of lotus roots from the basket, revealing the cloth bag underneath. He opened the elastic opening, showed the contents and asked again, "Duck eggs and lotus roots can be explained, but how can we explain this rice?" ? Humph, Captain Gu, please give me an explanation!"

 “Give me an explanation! Give me an explanation!”

As if he had caught Gu Sande's vital point, the people behind Wang Song suddenly started shouting.


 Wang Song has a good saying.

If it were just duck eggs and lotus roots, then Gu Sande could still explain it, but now it’s not just duck eggs and lotus roots!

There is also rice, the kind that is so white that you can’t pick out a grain of sand or a worm, it’s such good quality.

Even if Gu Sande wanted to defend this big family, he couldn't find a suitable way to say it at the moment.

Gu Sande was speechless and looked at Si Ningning subconsciously.

Seeing this, Wang Song also turned his attention to Si Ningning.

“Comrade Si, please tell Captain Gu whether my evidence is in compliance with the rules?!” Wang Song laughed happily, with a smile on his face as if everything was certain.


 The previous chapter was blocked for some reasons and is being revised! The plot may not be coherent for the time being, but I hope everyone can understand!

 It’s finally the end of the month! Please give me some recommendation votes and monthly votes to support me!

 (End of this chapter)

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