Chapter 288 Guidance

Si Ningning lived up to the "expectations" of the two people. He looked around and considered for a moment, then wrinkled his crescent eyebrows and pretended to be dumbfounded before switching sides: "Comrade Wang, this really cannot be used as evidence."

Upon hearing Si Ningning’s words, Wang Song’s eyes instantly became gloomy, he rubbed his neck and asked, “Why not!”

Si Ningning said hurriedly: "Don't be impatient. Why don't you listen to my point of view first?"

Wang Song suppressed his anger and said, "Okay, you say it."

Si Ningning wanted to say something, so Wang Song gave her face and gave her a chance to say it.

If the nonsense point of view mentioned cannot convince him, then this person will still take away what he should take away!

Things have developed to this point, and there is no point in continuing. Worried that it will be counterproductive, Si Ningning goes straight to the point:

“What’s the saying? Women hold up half the sky. Are you all familiar with this sentence? If you don’t say it often, you must have heard it many times, right?”

The young men suddenly became ferocious when facing each other. Si Ningning knew what they were thinking at this time. He raised his left hand in the air and pressed it down, "Don't be anxious yet, I haven't finished speaking yet."

“The team leader of this brigade also said that their sideline business is growing lotus roots and raising ducks. The members of the commune work hard and it is normal for them to exchange their work points for some to go home and improve their food.”

 “That rice…”

"That's exactly what I'm going to say next." Si Ningning gave Wang Song a look, signaling him not to rush for words, "Rice is also a type of ration. Although the rice yield is not high, the south is different from the north. This Rice is the main food crop, just like the lotus root and duck eggs were exchanged for, what does it matter if you eat rice once in a while?”

“Although people like them are poor, they can’t think that they buy rice every day and eat rice every day just because of this small bag of rice, right?”

"If this matter were placed in someone else's house, I would have nothing to say, but I have to put it in front of my eyes." Wang Song glanced at Gu Yang who was bruised and swollen at the door, and said angrily: "I think it's unjustifiable!"

After saying that, he turned his dissatisfied eyes to Si Ningning and said, "Comrade Si, you have said so many things that don't match up with your words. I very much suspect that you are covering up."

"What's unreasonable about this? Let me ask you in your own home, don't you occasionally turn on the small stove to have a good meal? Are you willing to be inspected? If I let people go to your home, can I correct you if I find rice? Do you live a capitalist life by eating rice every day?”


Si Ningning was not angry but smiled instead. After making Wang Song speechless, she continued: "As for whether I have protected you, why don't you just listen to me for a few more words?"

Wang Song pursed his slightly thick lips and turned his head to one side.

Although he was not convinced, he held back his temper and allowed Si Ningning to continue speaking.

"The matter at hand has little to do with 'women hold up half the sky', but it depends on who said this and what is the previous sentence of this sentence! You have all gone to school, right? Then who among you knows ?”

Si Ningning glanced at everyone and asked questions at the right time.


Many of the people present did go to school before, but if they can memorize a single quote like this and remember who said it, it is already amazing.

 Now it is a bit difficult for them to ask the first half or the second half of which famous saying.

 Many famous quotes are written in long paragraphs. Most people only need to say a few sentences, and no one can really memorize them all.

 For a moment, the courtyard suddenly became quiet.

 No one can answer it!

Si Ningning was silent. Although she was a little speechless, this situation may not be unfavorable to her.

 The more superficial these people’s knowledge and understanding of the situation, the greater the room for them to develop.

"The great leader once said: everyone is equal, and women can hold up half the sky!" Si Ningning cleared her throat, her voice suddenly rose and resounded throughout the courtyard. Everyone in the courtyard could clearly hear her speech. :

"These people may have external problems, but apart from those problems, they are all flesh and blood and dignified people like us! If they have problems, there will be specialized people to deal with them, not you..."

As soon as the topic changed, Si Ningning pointed her finger in the direction of everyone and said questioningly: "Look at yourselves!"

Everyone frowned and lowered their heads in confusion.

 “Look at your sleeves!”


What happened to the sleeves?

 Isn’t this the same as usual? Is there any problem?

 Looking around and seeing everyone following her lead, Si Ningning couldn't help but feel a little more at ease.

Without giving these people time to think and have random thoughts, Si Ningning directly answered their doubts and started the anti-routine guidance mode:

“You should think about it, why are you wearing cloth strips instead of wearing seals?”

“Have you misunderstood the meaning of revolution, which has led to some of your usual actions being excessive and therefore not recognized?”

“Good comrades who are recognized should get epaulettes and wear epaulettes! Think about it, have you been recognized?”

Si Ningning continued one sentence after another, blocking those who wanted to refute at first.

Perhaps the brilliance of the "epaulets" in Si Ningning's words was too dazzling. Those who had glared and bared their teeth in the beginning were silent now, and they really frowned in memory.

 Don’t say it yet, I don’t know if I don’t want to, but now that I think about it carefully, it seems that there is really something wrong?

 In the past, whenever they took action, they would always cause big trouble...

 Furthermore, crying is always louder than laughter.

 Could it be that they really understood the wrong meaning?

 Have they really chosen the wrong direction?

Wang Song, who had always been angry and impatient, calmed down. After thinking carefully about Si Ningning's words, he no longer glanced at Gu Yang with a sinister look that was determined to win. Instead, he looked at Si Ningning and asked seriously: " Will it be like you said?"

“If we go back and adjust the way we do what you say, will we get the epaulettes?”

 “I can’t guarantee you will get it.”

Si Ningning glanced at Huo Lang calmly out of the corner of her eye. At this time, Huo Lang also looked towards her. Their eyes met, and Si Ningning felt an inexplicable sense of peace of mind.

Turning his eyes back to Wang Song's group, Si Ningning added firmly: "But if you act in the right direction, are active and united, I will apply to the higher authorities for registration."

 These words are not empty words. Reporting to Holang is also reporting to superiors, right?

This group of people is usually the most troublesome group in the county and town, which is almost equal to trouble.

 If they really change, it will be a good thing for the communes and brigades.

I believe that by then, the county will also be willing to accomplish this "good thing."

 After all, achieving perfection does not require a high price, it is just an armband.

I thought it would take some more twists and turns to get rid of these people. Unexpectedly, as soon as Si Ningning finished speaking, Wang Song's attitude changed 180 degrees and he was even more respectful and polite to her than before:

"Okay, Comrade Si, I believe you, then about this..."

Wang Song glanced at the door of the Gu family hall and changed his tone, "It's up to you how you want to deal with the matter here! If we don't interfere, we will adjust our combat strategy when we get back later."

After saying this, Wang Song paused, as if after a brief hesitation, he turned around and looked at the group of people behind him, and then added a thoughtful sentence to Si Ningning: "If possible, I hope Comrade Si can give us a few nice words." , The people behind me are not old, and they don’t have any bad intentions. They just want to do their part to do something real.”

“Maybe they were on the wrong path before and had a wrong understanding, but after I go back, I promise that I will lead them in the right direction!”

Si Ningning laughed dryly in her heart and said: Do real things, is this real work?

It can be seen that Wang Song is serious and willing to make changes. Si Ningning can probably also see that Wang Song is really not that bad yet. If he corrects it in time, there is still a chance to save him.

Immediately, Si Ningning nodded lightly and said, "Don't worry. Leave a contact address before you leave later. If there is any news, I can notify you."

Wang Song was afraid that Si Ningning was just talking empty words and deceiving them. But when he heard that Si Ningning asked for an address, he felt that this might not be what he thought.

 If you are trying to fool them, even if you can fool them away this time, can you do it next time?

Thinking about it, Wang Song became more and more convinced of what Si Ningning said, and he nodded hastily, "Okay."

After settling Wang Song's group, Si Ningning turned to the door of the main room, where Gu Sande was stunned by what happened, and said with a straight face:

“Comrades who are down-to-earth and hard-working regardless of their background are good comrades and deserve to be commended. Captain Gu, I hope you will set an example with clear rewards and punishments, and will not let the really opportunistic lazy people get into trouble, nor let the hard-working and down-to-earth members be discouraged.”

“Yes, yes, yes, I will definitely remember Comrade Si’s words. I will abide by my duty from now on and follow the Party and the leader in everything!”

Gu Sande's promise was the end of the incident. Si Ningning nodded lightly, "That's it for now. The rest of the details will be decided by Captain Gu himself. It's almost time for lunch. Comrade Wang left his address." , just lead everyone back to their respective homes!"

“Okay. Comrade Si, will you come back to town with us?”

“No, I have other things to deal with when I come here.”


Wang Song and others left the address and left quickly, making sure that they were far away. Si Ningning breathed a sigh of relief, followed Gu Sande with Huo Lang, and entered the house to check on Gu Xihe's injuries.

Gu Xihe was hit on the side of the head with a **** and bled a lot. His originally wheat-colored face became frighteningly pale due to excessive blood loss.

Si Ningning frowned and gently pulled a corner of Huo Lang's back. Huo Lang turned her ear and muttered in a low voice, "Do I have to take him to the hospital?"

Huo Lang turned his head and glanced at Si Ningning, and in a low and hoarse voice that only two people could hear, he said, "Don't worry about it. Someone will make arrangements."

Si Ningning nodded, worried that if he stayed for a long time, he would be exposed, and Gu Yang would find out about it, so he immediately told Huo Lang that he wanted to go back.

Before Huo Lang responded, Gu Sande, who was closest to them, heard this and quickly turned around, "Comrade Si, you can't just leave! You helped me a lot in this matter, so you have to treat me well." one time!"

 “Haha...there is no need to entertain, I am a little uncomfortable, I want to...”

"What? Uncomfortable? Yes, yes, that whole deal just now must have taken a lot of effort. Huo Lang, what are you doing standing there stupidly? Why don't you take Comrade Si home quickly? I'll be back in a moment, but say Okay, I have to stay for dinner!”


Even though Si Ningning tried his best to refuse, he could not withstand Gu Sande's enthusiasm to persuade him to stay.

Si Ningning originally wanted to struggle, but this time Huo Lang stopped siding with her. Instead, he helped Gu Sande persuade her. With no other choice, Si Ningning had no choice but to nod.

On the way to review the Sande family with Huo Lang, Si Ningning raised a question in his heart: "Captain Gu seems to be too concerned about the affairs of the brothers' family?"

  Holang nodded, "They are all from the same family."

After a pause, he seemed to think that this statement was not very accurate. Huo Lang added a few more details, "There is another boy who is not here today. His name is Gu Chao. He belongs to the fourth room of Lao Gu's family. He came out of the house just now. It’s a big room.”

"The boys I see now are all grandchildren. A few years ago, when the Gu family was still lonely, Uncle Sande worked as a long-term worker. I mean long-term worker, but he was actually the adopted son of the fourth wife. He went to and from school with the father of that boy from Gu Chao. He studied and read, and considering his seniority, he was still the uncle of those boys. "

"Later on, the old Gu family wasn't lonely anymore? Uncle San De was recommended as captain because of his innocent background, but people's hearts are full of flesh. If you are good to me, I will naturally be good to you, so I usually take care of you in private, and It’s not difficult to understand.”

“So there are still these things in it.” Si Ningning nodded lightly with her long eyelashes drooping.

It's no wonder that Gu Sande is so interested in the brothers of the Gu family.

Also suddenly, Si Ningning understood the reason why Gu Sande tied Gu Chao up in the house and prevented Gu Chao from showing his face.


Thinking of this, Si Ningning remembered that Gu Chao was still **** in Gu Sande's house!

 “What’s wrong?” Holland asked.

Gu Chao is currently worried about Gu Yang and Gu Xihe's affairs, so he probably won't have time to study her.

Si Ningning was panicked for a moment, then calmed down after thinking, "It's okay. I just saw someone **** in Captain Gu's house before I came here. He's a young man who's not very old. I'm afraid it's the Gu Chao you mentioned, right? Captain Gu just said He has always been here, and that person is probably still **** there!"

"It should be so." Huo Lang nodded in response and couldn't help but walk twice as fast. "Did you hear something from him? I asked you why you came here suddenly..."

The two of them hurried back to San De's house. Si Ningning excused herself as thirsty and stood at the table in the main room with her back to the door, pouring water instead of entering the room with Huo Lang.

After Huo Lang entered the room and untied Gu Chao, as Si Ningning expected, he didn't even have time to say "thank you". Gu Chao picked up the little girl Gu Youlan and rushed out of Gu Sande's house and ran towards Gu Yang's house.

 (End of this chapter)

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