Chapter 289 Temptation

After all, I am too young and too careless and impulsive.

Si Ningning couldn't help but sigh in her heart that Gu Sande did a good job in binding people.

If we didn’t tie people up, wouldn’t it really be a group fight?

Just as he was sighing, Huo Lang suddenly sat next to him.

Si Ningning turned her eyes away and shook the kettle in her hand, "Are you thirsty? I'll pour you a cup too."

Huo Lang shook his head and looked up at her with his deep peach blossom eyes, "Don't you have anything to say to me?"

"Uh..." Si Ningning pursed her lips and licked the tea-stained lips, knowing that she couldn't avoid it and didn't intend to avoid it anymore.

She turned around and sat down across the table across from Huo Lang, "I don't know how to explain this."

 After holding it in for a long time, I finally said this sentence.

If they were really strangers, Si Ningning might not intervene in this matter, but she, Gu Xi and the others were not strangers.

Although she doesn’t have many interactions with her, she is still an acquaintance, and the Gu brothers really helped her a lot when dealing with issues related to space materials, so they have some kind of friendship.

 Let’s talk about the matter, except for the so-called "friendship", and unilaterally mention black market reselling, even if it is indeed not allowed in this era, Si Ningning does not feel that this matter is enough to rise to the level of human life.

To be honest, when he first entered the yard and saw Gu Xihe lying motionless on the ground, Si Ningning was really startled. Inexplicably, he recalled that he was in the town a few days ago, and he looked like a fool. Gu Xihe smiled at her and told her how delicious his sister-in-law's salted duck eggs were.

At that moment, Si Ningning was really afraid that Gu Xihe would die.

 Instead of saying that I am afraid, it is more appropriate to say that I cannot accept it.

 However, Si Ningning could not tell Huo Lang these things frankly.

The deer's eyes swayed with contradictions. Si Ningning was silent for a while and raised his eyes and asked Huo Lang, "Do you believe in such things as eyesight and premonitions?"

Before Huo Lang could answer, Si Ningning lowered his eyes and continued: "Whether you believe it or not, when I saw the situation at that time, I subconsciously felt that this farce should be stopped. It cannot continue, and it should not continue. Go down."

"There are so many people with problems. There may be some people who are not positive in their thinking, but that doesn't mean that everyone is like that. And I think..." Si Ningning raised his head and his expression suddenly became serious after careful consideration. "So what if you participate in the black market? If you don't steal or rob, you are willing to fight and suffer. You can earn money to support your family based on your own ability. What's the point..."


Before the word "wrong" could be uttered, Si Ningning's words were interrupted by the sound of Huo Lang getting up and slamming the table.

Si Ningning's pupils flickered, and a burst of light suddenly appeared in her big round eyes. Red tears appeared at the end of her eyes. At the same time, her lips shrank uncontrollably.

Different opinions mean different things. Why is it so bad?

Who should show the evil?

   I’m giving you face, aren’t I?

Si Ningning became angry when she saw Huo Lang lowering his eyebrows and looking angry.

 In the past, Si Ningning would not necessarily become red-faced even if he scolded or hit someone, but now, after all, this is not the past. Who wouldn't be willful and pretentious when it comes to love?

Speaking of the time, when the tears fell, Si Ningning stretched his face and walked out without talking.

Huo Lang stepped forward and took Si Ningning's hand, "You're stubborn, where are you going before you eat?"

"Do you tube!"

 “Who cares if I don’t care?”

 “Why do you care?!” Si Ningning was like a small top, twisting and struggling to keep Huo Lang from touching him.

 “I am your match!”


 “You said you...”


After making a fuss for a while, Si Ningning stopped and allowed Huo Lang to lead her into the house.

"I wasn't mean to you just now, let's talk about you..." After Si Ningning sat down at the table, Huo Lang poured her a glass of water. Seeing that her face was blushing and there was still half a tear hanging from the corner of her eye, Huo Lang My heart suddenly became too soft.

Hurrying, Huo Lang stood up and took off the straw hat on the wall, rolled up the brim of his hat to fan Si Ningning, "Can you say that? What if others hear it?"

"I didn't tell anyone else, didn't I just talk about it to you?" Si Ningning frowned in defense, her anger not completely gone.

"Okay, okay." Huo Lang nodded softly and shook the straw hat faster in his hand. "There are some things that we all know well in our hearts. We don't have to express our opinions and shout for others to agree. Don't say that my identity is special. , even with your status, it may not be appropriate to say those things.”

"You can say whatever you want around me, but not in front of others." Holang said half coaxingly, half emphatically.

"I understand these principles without you having to explain them." Si Ningning nodded reluctantly and said "Yeah", then stared at Huo Lang for a while and said, "Speak to me properly from now on, and when you glare and slap the table again, I’ve found someone else, so go hang out!”

I just said it well just now, and suddenly mentioned this stubble, Ho Lang was cold, "You see you, again ..."

"Who's so stubborn?" Si Ningning's eyes widened, her face was filled with anger and coquettishness as she stared at Huo Lang, "Did you listen to what I said?"

Looking at her angry and delicate look, Huo Lang suddenly realized that the delicate little daughter-in-law could only coax and hold her, not be cruel.

Anyway, the truth has been explained. Huo Lang still recognized Si Ningning's way of dealing with people. For a moment, he had no other worries. Huo Lang quickly admitted his mistake and immediately raised his hand to the side of his head to sign. A gesture of salute, "I promise there will be no next time!"

Si Ningning let out a soft "hum" and her face looked better.

 After flirting and making fun for a while, the topic was brought back again. Si Ningning frowned and lowered her eyebrows, lying on the table and said dejectedly: "Am I messing with you again?"

 She was referring to the "epaulets" thing.

Huo Lang smiled helplessly, fanning Si Ningning calmly and sitting next to him, "It depends on how you understand it."

Si Ningning said "Huh" and looked at Huo Lang blankly.

Horang was softened by her rare appearance of confusion. He pinched the tip of her nose and said in a low voice: "From an outsider's point of view, this matter is indeed a trouble, but are you an outsider?"

"That group of people has always been the most difficult problem for the commune and the brigade. If we can gather this group of people, it will solve a big problem. I shouldn't have to deal with this matter originally, but after listening to your story I think it’s very feasible.”

“So, do you understand?” Huo Lang asked Si Ningning with a smile.

Having said all that, what else does Si Ningning not understand?

Si Ningning immediately became energetic, raised his head and asked, "Do you think it's feasible? Do you have any clear ideas? Let's put it together and maybe we can come up with a better idea!"

"Hmm... Is this about it?" Huo Lang crossed his chest with one hand and rubbed his chin, "It's not easy to choose someone to guide them... It's better to just watch them for a while and observe their behavior like you said. Make a decision again?”

 Looking out of the corner of his eye to see Si Ningning who was dazed, Huo Lang paused and asked, "Have you already got an idea?"

"Hmm..." Si Ningning said in a long "Hmm" voice, hesitating whether to continue, "It's not really an idea, I just might have to find a job for you again." "Let's talk about it."

Si Ningning thought about it for a moment, organized his words, and said: "It's not enough to just look at it unilaterally. We still need to take certain actions, otherwise I guess it will be difficult to stabilize those people."

"Well..." Si Ningning paused for a moment, then thought about it, "We have to deal with this matter. I can only think of ways and provide suggestions. You still need to come to truly report the situation to the county, and the way of handling it is still..." It depends on whether you plan to go to the county to cross the road now or tell the county later. These are all uncertain and must be based on the actual situation. "

Huo Lang raised his eyebrows in thought, and tapped his index finger on the table unconsciously, "There are too many uncertainties in this matter. My initial idea is that we can take care of it ourselves first, and wait. Make sure there is no problem before asking the county, what do you think?"

“Anything is fine, but if you talk to the county first, someone else may handle the matter, and you won’t have to be so tired.” Si Ningning said calmly.

"What?" Huo Lang raised his eyebrows, looked at Si Ningning with a smile in his peach blossom eyes and said casually: "Are you afraid that I will be tired?"

As soon as Si Ningning saw his expression, she knew what trick he was thinking of to trick her. He immediately frowned, pursed his lips, puffed out his cheeks, and other small actions in one go. Si Ningning glared and said, "Now is the time to get down to business." , can you be more serious?"

 “How am I not serious?”

Si Ningning tilted her head and let out a soft "hum", not wanting to talk to Huo Lang.

After being silent for a long time, she turned back and spoke further about her thoughts, "We can do this ourselves. We can leave the county alone, but Wang Song and his group can't say anything about it." None, that’s what I think, do you think it’s okay?”

 “That’s it, that’s it…”

Si Ningning put her elbows on the table and leaned close to Huo Lang and muttered. After revealing all her thoughts, she raised her face and looked at Huo Lang with bright eyes, "What do you think?"

"I think it's feasible. Then you'll make the plan and I'll do the errands." Huo Lang nodded.

Si Ningning gave him an angry look, "What you call an 'executor' is much better than an errand boy!"

Huo Lang smiled brightly and didn't care much about these problems.

It is a good thing to be able to solve problems for the people, and it does not matter whether it is execution or running errands.

Si Ningning has ideas and things he wants to do, and he is willing to fully support them.

“Would you like to go see some camellias after dinner?” Huo Lang asked with a smile.

Si Ningning shook his head and said, "Let's not go now."

Having walked such a long way here, it doesn't matter how much effort he had to spend at Gu's house, but Si Ningning was indeed shocked. Now he felt very tired and his head was a little groggy. , I just want to go back to the production team to rest early.

"This flower will bloom until March next spring. If you want to see it later, I will bring you over anytime." Huo Lang also noticed that Si Ningning was not in good spirits, so he did not insist on looking at the camellias. "Are you tired?" I'll carry you when you get back."


Si Ningning rubbed his forehead and nodded gently.

As he was talking, there was a sound of footsteps in the courtyard.

At first, he thought it was Gu Sande who was back, but Si Ningning turned around and saw that it was not just Gu Sande who had returned, but someone was following behind Gu Sande...

 Gu Yang with a bruised nose and swollen face.

The two of them walked into the house, and Si Ningning stood up slowly beside Huo Lang:


 “Captain Gu.”

"Hey! Sit down. Sit down." Gu Sande sped up and took two steps. He pressed down twice with his hands. After Si Ningning and Huo Lang sat down, he turned around and let Gu Yang go out behind him. , "Everything is almost arranged over there. This Gu Yang, he told me that Comrade Si has helped his family a lot. No matter what, he should thank Comrade Si, and he must come and talk about this matter. He must let me Comrade Si knows what’s going on.”

The rough meaning of this sentence is: to prevent Si Ningning from feeling in her heart that she doesn't know who she has helped after helping others.

Si Ningning could understand. He laughed twice, turned his eyes to Huo Lang, and put all the responsibility and credit on Huo Lang:

"It's good to explain things clearly, but Captain Gu, don't get me wrong. I'm just talking. When the time comes, Comrade Huo Lang will be needed to really push for a solution to this matter. If you want to thank Comrade Huo Lang, thank him! "

Huo Lang received Si Ningning's gaze and nodded understandingly.

Gu Sande said "Alas" and then said: "Everyone has contributed, and everyone should be thanked!"

After saying that, he pushed Gu Yang to his side.

Gu Yang's face was swollen and the eyelid of one of his eyes was swollen, making it impossible to fully open his eyes.

 He listened silently for a long time. Gu Sande pushed him and he took a step forward.

Unlike Gu Sande who said "Thank you all", Gu Yang first nodded to Huo Lang and said: "Thank you, Brother Huo."

 Then he set his sights on Si Ningning.

On that swollen face, neither eye could be fully opened, but for some reason, Si Ningning could always feel an inquiring charm.

Si Ningning’s crescent eyebrows furrowed slightly, and at a certain moment, her heart suddenly became nervous.

At this moment, Gu Yang, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said:

 “Those things are not for us to resell.”

Si Ningning swallowed lightly, nodded slowly and softened her voice, "Well, I believe you."

Is it what she thinks?

Gu Yang doubts her?

 So, the so-called coming over to explain the reason face to face is actually a temptation?

Si Ningning's thoughts were racing. At the same time, Gu Yang had been silently paying attention to the changes in her expression.

But what was disappointing was that Si Ningning's overall performance was too calm. After watching for a long time, Gu Yang did not find any changes in details that were worthy of suspicion.

 Is his feeling wrong?

For a moment, Gu Yang frowned, and the self-doubt in his heart made him take a serious look at Si Ningning in front of him.

 The young girl's skin was very fair, her appearance was first-rate, and she was well-dressed. In fact, she was not very similar to the person he knew.

 It’s just that the eye contours are somewhat similar…

Except for the slight similarity in appearance, everything else was completely different, but why did it remind him of that person?

Gu Yang did not give up and tried again: "I went to the town to buy things and accidentally rescued a passerby. That person appreciated me very much, so he recommended me a job in the rubber factory... The things they found were used as Thank you to that person.”

 (End of this chapter)

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