Chapter 290More

This is half true and half false.

If Si Ningning is Dongdong, or Dongdong's family, then she always knows a little bit about the rubber factory. As long as she knows, her expressions and subtle expressions cannot remain unchanged!

However, Gu Yang was disappointed again, because apart from the gentle smile on her face, the young girl could see no other changes:

"Good people are rewarded. Comrade Gu is active in work, helpful and kind-hearted. It is normal to be appreciated by others! However, getting a state-owned job is no small matter. I hope Comrade Gu will seize the opportunity and be positive in his work in the future. "

Gu Yang's wrinkled and swollen face continued to observe Si Ningning, while Huo Lang could no longer sit still.

Si Ningning is his partner, and Gu Yang is already married. He just stared at Si Ningning when he was talking, but now that he's finished talking, what's going on?

Horang tapped his fingers on the table in displeasure, "That's it for now. We will follow up later. For the rest, you can do whatever you normally do in the brigade."

After saying that, he turned his eyes to Gu Sande. Huo Lang stood up and stepped out of the bench, "Uncle, we have something else to do in the afternoon, let's eat first..."

When Gu Sande heard that Huo Lang wanted to leave again, he quickly turned around and waved to Gu Yang, "Brother Yang, since this matter has been made clear, you should go back first. We still need someone at home." Look after.”

Gu Yang nodded slowly, took a deep look at Si Ningning, then took a step back and bowed heavily to Si Ningning and Huo Lang. The next moment, he turned around and left the main room without any delay.

As soon as Gu Yang stepped out of the courtyard of Gu Sande's house, Gu Chao, who was holding a crying little girl and coaxing him at the door, came up to him, "Brother Yang, how are you? Is it him?"

"Don't mention this matter again." Gu Yang lowered his voice and walked ahead.

Gu Chaojian frowned, and the little girl in his arms followed Gu Yang for a few steps with a puzzled face, "Why? What did you say in it? Did she..."

"You didn't even listen to what I said, did you?" Gu Yang suddenly stopped and glanced at Gu Chao with his sharp eyes. Gu Chao was unprepared and was stunned by his eyes.

The little girl You Lan was already frightened by what happened today, but when Gu Yang glared at her again, she hugged Gu Chao's neck and started crying.

Gu Chao patted You Lan on the back with his big hand to comfort him, but he didn't actually say anything. He had his deep eyes with his upper eyelids pressed very low, and he was looking at Gu Yang anxiously and worriedly.

Gu Yang wouldn't ask if he didn't want him to, but worry couldn't be hidden, and it would still come out of his eyes even if he closed his mouth.

Gu Yang avoided Gu Chao's gaze and scratched the back of his head irritably. After a moment of silence, his tone softened: "Go back, don't let Fourth Wife worry."

After the words fell, Gu Yang no longer hesitated and started walking towards home again.


Gu Chao responded slowly, hugged his sister and looked at Gu Yang's back for a while, then turned and walked in the direction of his home.

 Because of today's incident, the Gu family brothers were inevitably in a much heavier mood than before. But when they turned their attention to Gu Sande's house, the atmosphere became much more lively.

“Your aunt has organized a meeting for women comrades and she is not at home today, otherwise the meal would not have lasted so long...”

 “It’s been a long time since I’ve been here, and I’ve finally come back once and then left without eating. What does that sound like?”

“Wait, wait! I still have some flour at home. I’m going to make a pot of gnocchi very quickly. Hear that, Huo Lang? Sit down and eat!”

Huo Lang was not really in a hurry, he just didn't like Gu Yang staring at Si Ningning all the time. Now that Gu Sande was trying to persuade and persuade him to stay, it was hard for Huo Lang not to nod.

When hesitating, he turned his gaze to Si Ningning. Si Ningning sighed softly and smiled, "My uncle said so, why don't you come down the steps?"

Holang's face was originally serious, but when he heard the words "go down the steps", he lost his composure. This ghostly girl knew how to undermine him.

Huo Lang suddenly showed a bright smile mixed with a hint of embarrassment, "We are not very hungry, uncle, please do less. Let's sit down together, drink soup and chat about home affairs. Oh yes... Where is my basket? Inside it. I also brought something.”

 “I put it on the doorstep.”

Si Ningning is also thinking about the basket that Huo Lang brought over. There is still meat in that basket!

"I'll get it!"

Si Ningning said as he turned around and left the room.

Gu Sande laughed loudly in the room. On the one hand, he scolded Huo Lang for bringing something over again. On the other hand, he was vaguely teasing, teasing whether Huo Lang was already dating someone. He remembered to take her partner to play with him, so he was here. Can't sit still.

 Gu Sande glanced at the door intentionally or unintentionally, and deliberately amplified his voice, rather than teasing Huo Lang, he was teasing both Huo Lang and Si Ningning at the same time.

Horang responded with a dry smile in the room, while Si Ningning outside the door felt her ears burning with shame, but when she turned around and entered the room, she acted as if nothing had happened:

"Fortunately, I brought it to the shade and kept it. Otherwise, the meat would have smelled bad if it hadn't been exposed to the sun... By the way, uncle, here are some pastries. I made them myself. The hazelnuts in them are picked from the mountains. It's not worth it. "What's the money? Bring it here for you and my aunt to have a taste."

"Ouch, ouch, this is really..." Gu Sande took the meat that Si Ningning handed over with one hand, and took the two oil paper parcels that Si Ningning handed over with the other hand. His eyes didn't know which hand he was putting. Seeing fit, "You said you guys, I'm sorry to come here empty-handed, so that's what I mean, this is both meat and snacks... did you make it yourself?"

Gu Sande first looked at Si Ningning, then raised his hand and looked at the oil paper package in his hand. He couldn't stop smiling, "You are so handy! Comrade Si is so handy! Come on, sit down!" I’m going to make gnocchi right now. I’m happy today, let’s sit down and have a good meal as a family!”

What Gu Sande meant by "a good meal" was actually noodles and meat brought by Huo Lang. When the bowls of rice were brought to the table, Si Ningning and Huo Lang's bowls were piled high with slices of meat, while Gu Sande's bowls were full of meat. In the bowl, there is only half a bowl of clear soup with a bit of fishy oil...

Si Ningning was filled with emotions after eating this meal. After leaving Gu Sande's house and on the way home, Si Ningning couldn't help but sigh: "Isn't my uncle too honest and gentle?"

"I heard that the man who educated him came from a wealthy family a few decades ago, and there were people in the palace... Think about it, my uncle has a bit of scholarly atmosphere, even though he is now a serious poor peasant, he behaves There are still some differences from ordinary farmers in this aspect.”

Huo Lang said lightly, looking at Si Ningning out of the corner of his eye as he spoke, he asked in a deep voice: "Do you feel pressure coming here?"

 “Pressure?” Si Ningning frowned and looked back at Huo Lang in confusion.

 “He is also considered my elder.”

 Although they are not related by blood, their relationship is no worse than that of those who are related by blood.

"No." Si Ningning shook her head honestly, took Huo Lang's hand and crossed the crossbar on the edge of the field, and stepped onto the mountain forest through which she was going home. "Except for grandma, there are no elders or relatives in my family who are as good as San De. Uncle treats me so kindly.”

“To be honest, I actually think it’s quite strange.”

 Not for fame or profit, even though they are not related by blood, they can still be caring and nagging like family members. Si Ningning has never experienced this before, and she was really surprised when she saw them.

Huo Lang heard the hidden meaning in Si Ningning's words, and couldn't help but pause slightly. In this era, the poorer you are, the more glorious you are, and there is no particular emphasis on noble birth or anything like that, but Holang comes from an unusual family.

People like him actually have many restrictions from the organization and the outside world when it comes to choosing a partner. One of the most serious ones is that the woman’s family background must be clean and clear.

 So, before confirming the relationship with Si Ningning, Huo Lang had already gone through the procedures to learn about Si Ningning's past in private.

Of course, what Huo Lang knew was the past of Si Ningning who originally belonged to this era, not the Si Ningning from the future world.

Even so, the matching and similar pasts between the two Si Ningning were enough to hit the softest place in Huo Lang's heart.

In an instant, Huo Lang's deep peach blossom eyes were filled with a variety of complex emotions such as softness, tenderness and distress. He turned his head and looked at Si Ningning, with a serious expression and a pious expression, as if he was making a promise:

 “There is one now, isn’t it?”

“In the future, there will be more people who will love you and take care of you from the bottom of their hearts. If they start nagging you, don’t you feel annoyed?”

Si Ningning felt the warmth transmitted from Huo Lang's palm on the back of her hand, and the defensive fortress built in her heart relaxed slightly. She stuck out her tongue playfully and tilted her head to make a deliberately distressed look:

“I can’t promise you this now. I’ll have to wait until I actually experience it. After all, what if they are really nagging me too much and I can’t help but say something back?”

Huo Lang chuckled softly, let go of Si Ningning's hand, took a big step forward, bowed and said "come up", and when Si Ningning climbed onto his shoulder, he said in a rich and magnetic voice:

"Even if you are eloquent and sharp-tongued, you may not be able to outsmart them if you get into a debate."

"Huh? Why?" Si Ningning put her hands around Huo Lang's neck from behind and whispered in Huo Lang's ear.


The side of Huo Lang's face was itched by Si Ningning's breath. He tilted his neck and rubbed against Si Ningning's arm. When he didn't get any relief, he held Si Ningning in his mouth and scratched him.

Si Ningning obeyed and used her little hands to gently scratch the side of Huo Lang's face.

The corners of Huo Lang's mouth were raised greatly, and he carried Si Ningning on his back along the mountain road. During this period, he explained to Si Ningning:

“They have a special job, and they may not be able to fight with live ammunition, but if you rely on words, there are really few who can match them. Don’t be afraid, because you think you will disrespect them if you talk back or talk back.”

“If you can reply to them a few more times, not only will they not be angry, but they will think that this is your “skill” and they will be happier.”

"Is that so..." Si Ningning responded in a long voice, probably having a hint of speculation in her heart.

Without having too much entanglement on this matter, Si Ningning curved her rosy lips and smiled crisply, "I understand."

Chatted about happy and unhappy things along the way. When they were approaching the third team, Huo Lang slowly squatted down and put Si Ningning off his back. His tone was serious and he suddenly talked about a serious matter:

“Would you like to go to the county again when you have time? You are very active and your qualifications are very good in all aspects. You can try to apply to join the First Party.”

What Huo Lang said is not a lie. Si Ningning can be described as excellent in all aspects.

 In individual aspects, Si Ningning has always been excellent, and is one of the best.

 It is definitely no problem to join a party.

Huo Lang's biggest concern is actually that Si Ningning has too many ideas and is too good. Although he can help more people most of the time, without a strong blessing, will this blazing red road be able to go on for a long time? Not to mention, it is very likely that someone will covet Si Ningning, or even more extreme, directly think that Si Ningning is an obstacle.

These are the thoughts that Holang got from what happened today.

At present, Wang Song's group is not completely bad and can still be persuaded, but what if it is replaced by another group of people?

It’s hard to say what the results are. A commune is big or small. Even if you don’t meet it today, you can meet it tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. In this way, Si Ningning’s safety will be very difficult. Guaranteed.

Holang wanted to give Si Ningning a guarantee, at least to ensure her personal safety and to ensure that not just anyone who wanted to touch her could easily touch her.

Si Ningning didn’t know what Huo Lang was thinking, but she was indeed surprised by Huo Lang’s words, “Join the First Party? Can I?”

 “If you don’t give it a try, how will you know if it works?” Huo Lang smiled lightly and didn’t finish his sentence.

Si Ningning hesitated for a moment, then nodded seriously, "You're right, I'll make some preparations later when I have some free time, and I'll tell you then!"

Time can be squeezed out at any time, but Si Ningning feels that this matter is not a trivial matter and must be done carefully.

Although she has done a lot of things now, they are all trivial and not worth mentioning.

If she really wants to consider applying to join a party, she must have a tangible fact in her hand.

 At present, the first thing Si Ningning can think of is the literacy class in primary school.

Thinking about it, Si Ningning took a deep breath and straightened her back. She must continue to prepare lessons carefully when she gets back!

 For her and for the furry children!

“While it’s still early, I have to go back and continue preparing for lessons!” Si Ningning said enthusiastically.

Huo Lang thought that the literacy class was about to start in the next few days, so he didn't waste any more time. He nodded and moved the basket hanging on his arm to his back. He raised his chin and motioned to Si Ningning to go ahead, "I Send you back."

Si Ningning shook her head and refused, "No need to go to the team. The other educated youths are probably back by this time. If you go over, they will make fun of me again."

Si Ningning felt a headache when she thought of Jiang Yue's grinning and winking expression.

Huo Lang was silent, looking at Si Ningning with his deep peach blossom eyes, and said stubbornly: "Send him to the literacy class."

Si Ningning thought about it for a while and nodded, "Okay then~"

 (End of this chapter)

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