Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 292: Accurate calculation

Chapter 292 The calculation is accurate

Si Ningning watched for a while and gradually felt relieved, thinking that the sow in the small pen here had already given birth, so the other sow should be about the same, right?

Without delay, Si Ningning lined the other sow’s pen with straw.

The pig from before was obviously still in its belly. At present, Si Ningning couldn’t tell whether the big pig was in good or bad condition. She was not very reassured if she had to tell the truth.

 After hesitating for a while, Si Ningning decided to stay in the space and wait for the big pig to give birth to do some other work.

  Sort out the acorns that were knocked out a while ago, and use a wall-breaking machine to grind them into powder.

The three-liter capacity of the wall-breaking machine, including the equipment inside, can only hold half a kilogram of acorns at a time. Si Ningning knocked out acorns by himself, and with the continuous help of others from Zhiqingdian, he knocked out a total of seven kilograms and eighty taels of acorns. , it took nearly an hour just to pack these acorns.

Si Ningning pressed her hands against the top cover of the wall-breaking machine until all the acorns were broken, and her hands were numb.

  Although the acorn powder produced by the wall breaking machine is ready for processing and import, it is not actually pure acorn powder.

 Really pure acorn powder also needs to be rinsed with water to remove impurities.

 To put it bluntly, pure acorn flour is actually starch extracted from acorns.

Although the acorn powder we have obtained so far is only seven or eight kilograms, it would be good to get two kilograms of acorn starch after rinsing.

The process of rinsing acorn starch is not complicated, but rather requires time to settle.

Si Ningning took a spoon and a bowl and poured out a portion of the semi-finished acorn powder. After preparation, she would see if there was a suitable opportunity to take it out to make some special snacks. Most of the remaining acorn powder was poured into a large plate. Got in.

Si Ningning moved the basin to the kitchen sink and clamped it, turned on the faucet and filled it with water.

 Stir while collecting water, and then reach in and pick up the acorn powder at the bottom and rub it to separate as much impurities as possible.

 Mo Yue filled up most of the basin of water. Si Ningning felt that it was about the same, so she washed her hands under the faucet on the other side, went out of the kitchen, found a pair of labor protection gloves and put them on.

While the acorn meal is resting, you can harvest the soybeans you planted earlier.

The soybeans to be harvested this time are more than the last batch. With Si Ningning’s harvesting speed, it is impossible to harvest them all in one go. He can only harvest a little while he has some free time.

Si Ningning put on a rough coat and a long gown over her clothes. She made all preparations before starting to harvest soybeans.

Moyo harvested a ridge of soybeans. The sow that had given birth to piglets started giving birth again, and she gave birth to three more pigs in a row. There were seven piglets in total. The piglets were nesting on the straw pile and looking for milk. The sow must be tired, lying on its side limply and not moving much.

Seeing that the piglets had all come out safely, Si Ningning felt slightly relieved. He cooked a large pot of various grains mixed with oil and water in the kitchen, poured half of it into the pots of the two sows, and added the newly harvested soybeans. Some were added to the basin.

 The sow with a solid mouth of food can recover faster, and the one that has not yet started giving birth can have more energy.

After cooking the two sows, Si Ningning turned her head slightly and looked at the boar that was pickled a month ago.

  Two sows are eating greasy beans here, and the boar is pitifully providing cabbage over there, well...

 There seems to be a slight difference in treatment.

Si Ningning poured some soybeans into the boar basin, "How can I say that I am a **** man? Soybeans are in short supply now, so I will go with the lesbians first."

As he spoke, Si Ningning raised his chin towards the two sows, "And did you see that, pregnant woman!"

The black pig raised his head and looked at Si Ningning. He didn't know whether he understood it or something. He just opened his mouth and didn't say "Huh, huh, huh" anymore.

Si Ningning couldn't help but smile, and added a handful of soybeans to the pot next to the boar's pen as if to appease and reward him. "When the other beans are collected, you will be indispensable."

As if he really understood what Si Ningning said, the black pig's tail was curled up like a spring, and he hummed with his head buried in his mouth while eating the soybeans in the basin.

If he could really understand people's words, the black pig might be thinking: soy, soy! Hum hum hum - I'm waiting for you to fulfill your promise.

But little did she know that what Si Ningning was thinking at this time was that the other sow was afraid that she would give birth to six or seven piglets, and she had to quickly get rid of the **** pig before the piglets grew up and separated.

The wooden fence in the space has been used up, and the new pigsty can only be slowly surrounded by bamboo, which is no small project.

Si Ningning doesn’t want to be too troublesome or too tired.

After cooking a few pigs, Si Ningning collected the eggs scattered everywhere.

The grass and trees that were transplanted before are growing well. Most of the trees were still small when they were transplanted, so their growth is not obvious. The ones like golden cherry, honeysuckle, purslane and so on are really fast growing.

The backyard fence is covered with honeysuckle green vines. If they continue to grow, they will have to climb along the wall to the roof.

The golden cherry blossoms are also growing well. The newly pulled out thorns will look great if they are full of pink or white flowers.

The purslane is no exception. Previously, there were few chickens in the space, and the open space was basically overgrown with purslane. Now there are more chickens in the space, and they will take a few bites from time to time, which indirectly controls the purslane. Jian's domineering growth.

As expected by Si Ningning, space is developing in the direction of an inexhaustible cycle...

However, these are what we see on the surface so far. Si Ningning thought that when he enters the space next time when he has enough time, he must consider and deal with the honeysuckle vines on the backyard fence.

Now, it looks good, but if it is allowed to grow a little longer, it won't necessarily be the case.

And when the honeysuckle vine gradually grows strong and becomes lignified, it will be troublesome to clean it up later.

Glancing at the bulging belly of the sow, Si Ningning thought that the pig would not give birth today. If she did, she couldn't wait any longer, so she took off her gloves and put them on the pig pen, walking towards the villa. Unbutton the coat.

Taking off his dirty coat, he untied and rearranged his braids that were a little loose due to busyness in the bathroom. Si Ningning washed his hands and face, checked the acorn powder in the kitchen, and considered pouring out the yellowish water on his face. Finally, he added some water to the basin and continued to settle, then turned around and left the space. Educated Youth Point welcomed more than a dozen new little lives. Coca-Cola spoiled everyone, especially Jiang Yue. She used to be the most active in cooking rabbits, but now she has given birth to more than ten little rabbits. She often murmurs that they smell bad and look ugly. So, but what about reality?

I have to eat a lunch box in the cage in the lunch box, as if eating like that.

Every time he saw him, Si Ningning couldn't help but shake his head and smile.

However, these two litters of rabbits really made Si Ningning see what "one appearance changes every day". The little rabbits were indeed ugly on the first day after they were born. On the second day, their appearance did not change. They just felt more energetic. But starting from the third day, the changes in the little rabbit became more and more obvious.

For example, the characteristics of the ears are obvious, and the body has obvious fine hairs. Starting from about the sixth day, the little rabbit gradually begins to change into a furry direction. Not to mention the cute little appearance, not to mention that the female educated youth cannot control it, and a group of male educated youth are idle. No matter what happens, I like to run over and take a look.

 This is what happened outside the space, but in Si Ningning’s space, half a day passed between the birth of the first sow, and the second sow also started to give birth.

The birth of the second sow did not go well. She gave birth to eight piglets in one litter. I don’t know if the last two piglets were entangled in the umbilical cord in the womb or if the umbilical cord around the neck was not removed in time after birth. strangled to death.

Si Ningning only entered the space on the second day. Anyway, when she entered the space, the two little pigs with black backs and black heads were already cold.

 Although I feel it is a pity, there is nothing I can do about it.

Si Ningning dug a deep hole next to the mulberry tree by the stream, close to the side of the tree trunk, threw the two piglets into the hole and buried them, so that they could be used as fertilizer if they rot later.

Si Ningning kept picking larger vegetable leaves from the space and taking them out. These kind of vegetable leaves were rarely eaten, and they were mostly spread out on the doorstep to dry in preparation for the rabbits. For rations.

 So many mouths have been added, so if you don’t prepare, the rabbits won’t be able to survive until winter.

When Si Ningning is doing this, she will estimate the time in advance. For example, in the morning, as soon as the educated youths leave the house, she will enter the space to take care of them, or at noon, as soon as the educated youths leave, she will enter the space with her back feet...

In this way, when the educated youths come back at noon or in the evening, the vegetable leaves will be almost dry and it will be impossible to tell whether they are old or young. Once someone asks, Si Ningning can easily answer and just say that they are from the team. Some aunt cleaned the vegetable field to give it to her, or she picked up the discarded land and so on.

Of course, Si Ningning did not use this excuse every time. After drying vegetable leaves several times at the entrance of the educated youth point as a cover, she put the processed vegetable leaves directly into the broken basket for forage.

Anyway, they are all half-dried and wrinkled, so you can’t tell anything if you get close.

Si Ningning was sweating profusely all over while working in the space, which was probably related to this. The low-grade fever and cough that had lasted for half a month were finally eradicated.

By that time, it was the beginning of winter in mid-November, and with the explosion of firecrackers flung up by swinging bamboo poles, the literacy class officially started!

  After the firecrackers exploded, a burst of smoke floated in front of the literacy class.

Zhao Hongbing waved his **** hand in front of him, and after wiping away the pungent sulfur smell, he grinned and shouted cheerfully at the top of his voice:

“The commune encouraged us to restart literacy classes. Although we are a month behind other production teams at this stage, no other production team has literacy classes like ours.”

 Zhao Hongbing stepped back and waved his hand, gesturing to the people surrounding him to look over.

At the door of the literacy class, not only were all the children who signed up to participate in the learning stood, there were also many adults gathered around.

 Children may not understand these principles. Zhao Hongbing waved his hand to let the adults present understand that the production team has provided all the conditions, and they will need their parents' cooperation in the future.

“The follow-up arrangements are as mentioned before. During the day, we will be informed by our team’s Si... No, it’s Teacher Si and Teacher Jiang!”

Zhao Hongbing took a breath and continued: "During the day, the children are taught by Teacher Si and Teacher Jiang on our team. In the evening, after dinner at seven o'clock on time, everyone listens to the whistle of the team! At least one adult from each family will come Here, other educated youths from the Educated Youth Point will come to classes to popularize knowledge and help us members escape from the predicament of being illiterate and illiterate!”

"The number of people is not fixed. In order to complete the commune tasks, each household must provide at least one person! But if the whole family wants to come, that is also welcome! Pay attention during class, and the small tables are all Children’s desks! If I see someone sitting on the desk and destroying the desk, I will scold you. Don’t blame me for not giving you face!”

Members were trained to the point of raising their heads and shrinking their necks one by one. It was obvious that Zhao Hongbing had already figured out their ins and outs.

  I didn’t dare to say anything else at the time. Each one of them smiled awkwardly and nodded, “Team, captain, don’t worry, we will bring our own benches when the time comes and we will never sit on the table!”

 “Yes, Captain, I promise!”

 “I promise too!”

The members were talking to each other, and suddenly someone raised a question: "Captain, it gets dark early now, and it will be completely dark by seven o'clock. I can't see even if I stretch out my palm, so how can we still go to class? How can we learn literacy?" ?”

Zhao Hongbing waved his hand and said: "Light up!"

As soon as these words came out, there was a burst of noisy discussion from the crowd, and soon someone asked another question:

 “Then who provided this lamp?”

As if he had expected it, Zhao Hongbing chuckled and scanned everyone with his scrutinizing eyes, "I've got the lamp, let's collect the kerosene!"

 “Huh? Let’s get together? This…”

The crowd was buzzing and talking again. Before anyone could ask questions again, Zhao Hongbing waved his hand and raised his voice and said: "This matter is settled! No one needs to say more, what's the matter? I'll pay for your creations." What are the conditions for studying? You mothers are not willing to pay for kerosene? "

"No, no. No! Everyone is willing to do it!" A thin man with a dark face said, turning around to ask the others, "Do you think so?!"

 “Yes! Just do what the captain said!”

 The others all responded in unison, and Zhao Hongbing's face looked better now.

How much kerosene can be used in a kerosene lamp, and how much is that kerosene worth?

Zhao Hongbing didn’t care at all about paying for it himself, but why didn’t he pay for it?

  It is to calculate the urinal nature of these old oilmen on the production team.

  If they don’t get involved, very few people will come to participate in the night school literacy class.

But if they pay out, no matter how many cents or miles it is, in order to prevent their families from losing money, these old oilmen will come over to bask in the light of the kerosene lamp, even if they fail to listen to the lectures.

They are all honest farmers, and they are not greedy for money or want to take advantage of small things. In fact, they are used to being poor and are afraid of being poor, so they are reluctant to waste a little bit.

Zhao Hongbing himself is a farmer and knows this very well.

 (End of this chapter)

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