Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 293: Uncatchable wind

 Chapter 293 The Uncatchable Wind

After giving instructions, Zhao Hongbing waved his hand and called Si Ningning and Jiang Yue closer, "The children will start class today, and the other adults will start class tomorrow night."

Zhao Hongbing said, changing the subject, "Teacher Si, Teacher Jiang, let's leave now, and I'll leave these dolls to you!"

“Uncle, go ahead.” Si Ningning curved her lips and nodded calmly. On the other hand, Jiang Yue beside her was still a little shy and embarrassed.

Jiang Yue was somewhat affected by Si Ningning's state, and nodded after stumbling.

Seeing this, Zhao Hongbing waved his hand and asked the members gathered in front of the literacy class to go together. Si Ningning and Jiang Yue clapped their hands, and with friendly smiles on their faces, they shouted to the children in order:

"We have a total of twenty-two classmates, but only fifteen desks are not enough, so most of the seats require two people to sit at one table... Now everyone listen to what I say, boys and girls are divided into two rows, from short to short Stand in line, Gao!"

Si Ningning arranged seats according to height and body shape, and arranged seats in front and back rows. Si Ningning didn't think too much. After arranging two tables with seats for men and women, when she was arranging the third table, Jiang Yue saw that she wanted to continue arranging seats according to the mix of men and women. She quickly raised her hand to point someone and pulled her back.

Jiang Yue took Si Ningning two steps back and whispered, "Don't arrange things like this. Some little boys are naughty and like to pull people's pigtails to bully them. If they get into trouble in class, how can they go to class? I think it's just boys who follow. Boys are in a group, girls are in a group with girls..."

Jiang Yue's concerns were not unreasonable. Si Ningning thought about it and nodded, "Okay, then follow your ideas, but let's agree first that this position is not fixed and will need to be adjusted every once in a while. "Back."

It’s okay to avoid the most important things and make the most light-weighted arrangements at first. When you go back to class, you can popularize the knowledge and observe at the same time. Then you can make adjustments based on the situation.

Si Ningning’s idea is to expand the minds of these children, learn knowledge and respect at the same time, which includes mutual respect between men and women.

 Because of some trivial matters, or for the sake of convenience, it is not what Si Ningning wants to bring up a child into a situation where men and women have no contact with each other, or are even opposites. This kind of pathological relationship model is not what Si Ningning wants.

There are a total of fifteen desks in the classroom, three rows and five rows. Among the twenty-two children, there are more boys than girls. There are 14 boys and only eight girls. The girls are generally not tall, so Si Ningning put them on They arranged four tables and sat at the front.

Children who grew up in the countryside are naughty, but they restrain themselves a lot in the presence of the educated youth from the city, especially in the presence of the most beautiful one among the educated youth, Si Ningning.

In the classroom, a group of furry children who usually jump up and down are acting as if they are being told something.

 Basically, they obeyed whatever Si Ningning and Jiang Yue said and where they were told to sit.

After allocating the seats, Si Ningning stood at the front under the blackboard. She raised her hand to ask the children to be quiet. She opened and closed her lips and was about to speak. Her eyes noticed Jiang Yue standing behind her shoulder and putting down her little follower. Si Ningning After a moment of silence, he stretched out his hand to pull Jiang Yue forward and stood beside her, and then turned his attention to the children again:

“Everyone has been assigned a seat. From now on, when you come to class every day, you will sit in your current position. This seat will be adjusted from time to time. Now it is sorted according to everyone’s height. In the future, it may be adjusted according to everyone’s learning progress and academic performance.”

“These are things for the future. If the seats need to be adjusted at that time, Teacher Jiang and I will inform everyone in advance. Now, students who understand will raise their hands.”

After Si Ningning finished speaking, the twenty or so little kids blinked their eyes with confusion on their faces.

Si Ningning raised her hand, looked up, and repeated, "Students who understand, raise your hand."

 The next second, the little beans seemed to have reacted, and they raised their hands one by one.

Si Ningning nodded with satisfaction and continued to set up the "class rules", "You are not allowed to speak at will during class. Remember to raise your hands. In the future, you will need to raise your hands before speaking on any questions in class. The teacher will nod and call your name." speak."

“You can ask teachers or adults for help with anything, not just in classrooms or literacy classes, but anywhere, and…”

It took a whole morning just to popularize the classroom rules. Not only did the children listen with enthusiasm, but Jiang Yue also felt like she was back in school. At first, she just stood beside Si Ningning and listened silently, and then moved directly behind. The teacher's chair was at the back of the classroom. He listened to Si Ningning and raised his hands in cooperation.

School was over at noon and the children were asked to come to class at 1 p.m. Si Ningning and Jiang Yue walked back together.

Recalling what happened in class, Si Ningning took Jiang Yue's arm and pinched her waist, "What happened to you in the classroom just now? Just say a few words if you don't cooperate. Just run away." What are you doing so far away?”

"Ouch, ouch! Isn't that because you said it well? It reminds me of the time when I was studying. No, no, Si Ningning, I discovered that when I was studying, the teacher in the class couldn't speak as well as you. good."

“Come on, I’m trying to teach students about classroom rules and guide them to respect their teachers, but it’s not a serious lecture.” Si Ningning smiled and curled her lips helplessly.

Jiang Yue clicked her tongue and said seriously: "To be honest, my teacher has never said this to me since I was a child. The teachers when I was a child were gentler. When I got older, those teachers basically relied on me to maintain the classroom. Roar…"

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about that. Having said that, Jiang Yue, if you don't like the teachers you met before, then you should also pay attention when you become a teacher in the future, and don't let yourself become the person you don't like. kind of people.”

"of course!"

The two of them were laughing and joking and walking back arm in arm. During this period, Si Ningning muttered to Jiang Yue: "Go back and help me sharpen my pencils. I need to sharpen twenty-two pencils."

"Why did you cut so many? Twenty-two sticks...You don't want to give one to each of those children, do you?"


"Why are you doing this? Twenty-two pencils cost a lot of money! And if you give them pens, they don't have anywhere to write. Wait, you won't... you won't give them notebooks, right? "

“How can you read and write if you don’t have books? If you don’t even have a pen or notebook, how can you read and write? Okay, Jiang Yue, don’t worry about these details. Let’s go back quickly.”

In the gap between the yellowing leaves on the treetops, Si Ningning, with bright eyebrows, smiled like a bright flower, half coquettishly, half coaxingly, holding Jiang Yue's arm and walking back.

"I know, I know!" Jiang Yue was helpless by her, but she still couldn't help muttering: "Si Ningning, I can't understand you anymore."

Si Ningning laughed "hehe" twice and ignored Jiang Yue's mumbling.

Jiang Yue was a teacher with her, and there was no way to hide the matter of the pen and notebook. If it weren't for this, Si Ningning wouldn't have said it so boldly.

Si Ningning will handle things that she can handle by herself. For matters that cannot be avoided, she will give priority to weighing the pros and cons.

Let's talk about the matter at hand. Si Ningning also considered that others would think of her behavior, but after careful consideration, she believed that the subsequent benefits of doing so would be greater, so she chose to do so.

 As for other people’s opinions…

 It cannot be said that it is not important, but after all, there are not many things involved, so it does not take a long time, and all ideas and opinions will eventually be diluted by time.

 After the weather cooled down, the days became much shorter. After lunch, there were still more than 40 minutes before class started. Si Ningning and Jiang Yue were sitting at the table in the main room, one immersed in sharpening pencils, and the other focused on organizing notebooks. Si Ningning bought a lot of notebooks, divided into small grid composition notebooks and striped number notebooks. She counted twenty-two notebooks in each type. After counting, she went into the room to get a pen, thinking about what she had seen before. of some people with pens in their pockets.

After finishing these things, I looked up inadvertently and suddenly saw Mo Bei sitting on the table.

Si Ningning was startled, "When did you come?"

She and Jiang Yue were alone in the main room just now. Si Ningning really didn't notice when Mo Bei came.

"I've been here for a while." Mo Bei took a sip of tea, his thick long eyelashes naturally drooped, he calmly turned a page of the book, and read in silence.

Si Ningning said "Oh" and finished organizing all his books. He only had one knife, and Jiang Yue was using it.

With nothing else to do for the moment, Si Ningning put her elbow on the table and leaned her neck towards Mo Bei, "What book are you reading?"

Mo Bei pushed the bamboo cup aside, stood the book up and showed Si Ningning the cover.

The book did not have a formal cover. Si Ningning vaguely saw the words "architecture" and "mechanics" among the densely packed small characters, and immediately realized that the book Mo Bei was reading was the one she had given him before.

It seems that you really have the right partner, or else you wouldn’t have left it alone earlier?

Si Ningning nodded to show that she had seen it, and then slowly retracted her neck and sat upright again. She spoke in a steady tone, put her hands on her chin and tentatively asked Mo Bei:

 “How is the content? Can you understand it?”

Mo Bei paused and nodded emphatically, "The content is extensive and interesting. I can understand it a little bit. After thinking about it over and over again, I can figure out some principles."

"It's good if you can understand." Si Ningning nodded, but said in her heart: There are different types of people in this world, just like Mo Bei, he is a smart weirdo.

 A book that others think is obscure and difficult to understand, like reading from heaven, becomes "interesting" in his hands.

 When I think about it, I feel a bit...

Si Ningning let out a soft "Eh" and trembled for no apparent reason.

“What are you doing?” Jiang Yue raised her eyes and glanced at her in confusion.

Si Ningning smiled and shook his head, "It's okay."

In a moment, he was surprised again: "You are so fast, is this the last one?"

"It's not that hard to just sharpen a pencil. Just do it with '欻欻' twice." Jiang Yue said as she sharpened the last pencil in her hand. "And the main thing is that your knife is easy to use." "

After returning the knife to Si Ningning, Jiang Yue gathered more than twenty sharpened pencils together, "It's almost time, let's go?"

"Yeah." Si Ningning nodded, and while holding up the notebook he packed up, he said to Mo Bei: "Mo Bei, let's go first. Remember to close the door when you go out to work later."


Mo Bei responded lightly, his eyes always focused on the book.

Until Si Ningning and Jiang Yue walked out of the door, their backs disappeared and only the faint chatter and laughter could be heard, Mo Bei slowly put down the thick book in his hand and turned his head to look out the door.

 Winter in the south can also be windy.

 Different from the coldness in the north, it is gentler and colder.

 The wind that makes people difficult to grasp...

Mo Bei sighed and slowly looked away.

On the other side, Si Ningning placed the notebook on the teacher's small table in front of the classroom with a click. After freeing his hands, he couldn't help pinching his ears that were chilled by the wind. "It's just the beginning of winter and it's so cold outside. It’s so cloudy, isn’t it going to rain?”

“It should be, it can’t be snowing anyway, it’s still too early for it to snow,” Jiang Yue said.

Si Ningning nodded, then smiled again, and grabbed Jiang Yue, who was about to run away and sit at the back of the classroom, "Don't leave in a hurry yet, help me hand out the notebook and pencil. Do you remember what you said when you came?"

It was still a while before class started, but the children were all positive and basically all had arrived. Previously, there were a few scattered around playing at the door. Seeing Si Ningning and Jiang Yue coming, they all followed in. In the classroom, they were sitting on the chairs in an orderly manner, looking up at Si Ningning and Jiang Yue, looking like they were waiting for instructions.

Jiang Yue looked around the group of classrooms, her wheat-colored face slightly red, "I will send it for you, but I don't agree with your statement."

As he spoke, Jiang Yueban took up the gridded arithmetic notebooks and passed them out along the first row of desks, one to each person. Jiang Yue said as he handed them out: "This is the notebook that your teacher Si spent a lot of effort to get." I will give one to each of you now. Please take good care of it and remember the kindness of your teacher, do you know?"

 “I know! Thank you, Teacher Si!”

 The Mao children all spoke up, including Hegu, Sanmiao, Sanya and Zhou Xiaocui.

He Gu originally wanted to call Si Ningning by his first name, but before the class started, Zhao Hongbing gave him a lesson and ordered him not to call Si Ningning by his first name anymore, and to respect the teacher and call him teacher.

Although Hegu didn't like being talked about, he still listened to Zhao Hongbing's reprimand.

He Gu didn’t mean to disrespect Si Ningning when he called her by his name. He just subconsciously felt that calling him that would make him look special.

That kind of "special" is the "special" that Si Ningning feels in his heart, rather than the kind of "special" that involves deliberately doing something to attract other people's attention.

Hegu and Sanae's notebooks were issued by Si Ningning. Unlike others, which were completely blank, their names were written in Juanxiu's pen handwriting.

 Seeing the name on the notebook, Hegu's little hand unconsciously rubbed the handwriting, and then turned to look at the other people in the classroom.

Over there, Jiang Yue had finished handing out the notebooks and was using Si Ningning's pencil to go around the table and ask the children for their names. After learning the names, she wrote their names on the children's notebooks on the cover of their notebooks. .

 (End of this chapter)

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