Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 294: Do you want to?

Chapter 294 Are you willing?

 Only the books written by him and Sanae were written by Si Ningning!

He Gu’s small lips were greatly raised, feeling a little proud for no reason.

According to the prior arrangement, while Jiang Yue was helping the children write their names, Si Ningning had already written down the pinyin rhyme list on the blackboard.

 If you want to teach, you must teach from the beginning, from the Enlightenment.

Si Ningning copied what was mentioned in the lesson preparation book. After copying, he turned around and Jiang Yue happened to finish writing everyone’s names. “Okay, everyone, please be quiet and read the blackboard carefully!”

The two looked at each other and smiled. Jiang Yue clapped her hands to remind the children. After the classroom quieted down, Jiang Yue walked slowly to the chair at the end and sat down, silently observing the way Cheese Ningning taught.

Si Ningning has a broad vision and a lot of knowledge. When giving lectures, he is not limited to the content in the lesson preparation book. Sometimes he will give an impromptu excerpt if he thinks of relevant knowledge.

 When it comes to big principles or things at a deeper level, we convert the piled and gorgeous professional terms and vocabulary into vernacular, and condense the whole into short stories with morals to tell everyone.

 Not to mention that the children were attentive in class and listened with gusto, as was Jiang Yue.

Except for the initial lack of confidence and wanting to observe and learn from Si Ningning to see how to deal with the situation in the classroom, later until Jiang Yue was able to take up the post independently to complete the mathematics course, from time to time, as long as she was idle, Jiang Yue was still He would snicker, roll his eyes at Si Ningning, move a stool and sit at the back of the classroom to listen.

Jiang Yue felt that even though Si Ningning was teaching a course for children, she would always have different feelings every time she listened to it while sitting there.

how to say?

To paraphrase Si Ningning’s words, Jiang Yue felt that her soul had been sublimated.

 This is no exaggeration.

Jiang Yue told this to Si Ningning, but Si Ningning didn't believe it. He just put his fist to his lips and smiled, laughing at her for not having that much ability. Jiang Yue felt that she had been sublimated in just a few words.

Si Ningning said she didn't believe it, but Jiang Yue was not happy anymore. She raised her fingers and argued with Si Ningning with an example: "Can I lie to you about this? Let's not talk about it from afar, like you did with your classmates in class the day before yesterday. It said, 'As we grow up, we must not only be behaviorally independent, but also spiritually independent.' I think it's right. It's just, well... it's just sober in the world."

 People are easily led astray under a lot of pressure, making it difficult to maintain their independence.

Si Ningning’s words are to guide everyone on what to do in that situation, how to act, how to make decisions, and how to maximize benefits and practicality.

Jiang Yue herself has imagined similar things. She feels that if she encounters that kind of dilemma, even if she is not led astray by others, she will most likely be affected by her own temper and personality.

Several of the solutions given by Si Ningning were things Jiang Yue had never thought of before, or rather, she had never thought of them before, so she felt strange, as if she suddenly discovered, "Oh, so this is the case." You can still think like that! Solve it like this!”

Si Ningning was originally skeptical about Jiang Yue's statement, but after Jiang Yue explained her thoughts in detail, she was slightly startled and believed Jiang Yue's words.

"I'm very happy that you can have these feelings." Si Ningning silently summarized the words in her heart, curved her lips and continued with a faint smile: "Those words are to guide all children, but you know, you and me."

Si Ningning held the notebook in one hand, and tapped Jiang Yue's heart with the other, and then tapped her own heart again, "We are all women, and the world has always been very harsh on women. Our value should not be This is fully reflected in the phrase ‘women can hold up half the sky’.”

"We can also be smart, independent, not bound by the world and anyone's preset framework, and we can also be more charming... So Jiang Yue, if my remarks can expand your thinking about things, then I will take classes in the future I will always look forward to having you come and listen.”

 While talking, the person has already walked out of the door.

Si Ningning held her lesson preparation book in both hands and smiled lightly at Jiang Yue, "It's raining lightly again. I have to go to class. I haven't fed the rabbit yet. Remember to feed it~"

  After saying that, he turned around suddenly, his braid swaying out of his back in a beautiful and pleasant arc. Si Ningning hurriedly ran towards the path beside the house with leaps of joy.

Jiang Yue stood on the steps at the door with her head peeping out to watch Si Ningning run away. She pursed her lips for a while as if she wanted to say something, but she didn't say anything.

With a slight sigh of relief, Jiang Yue chuckled unconsciously, turned around and went into the house to clean the rabbit cage.

 Winter in the south is very cold. This was Si Ningning’s first thought after winter began.

  She also spent the winter in the South before traveling through time. Although there was no heating in the South at that time, hotels, shopping malls and other places had air conditioning.


 But that was before, after all, now...

Si Ningning put the notebook in her arms, put one hand over her head to shield her from the rain, and ran to the literacy class.

 It rains a lot in the south, which is most evident after late autumn.

 The light rain was as fine as an ox's hair, so it was somewhat unnecessary to hold an umbrella, but it rained all the time, and the road would inevitably become wet.

School was over at noon that day, and Si Ningning waved her hands for the children to go first. She put away her textbooks and cleaned the small table, so that she could use them directly when Jiang Yue came over for math class in the afternoon.

He had just finished cleaning up, and before he clapped his hands and walked out, he heard a "bang bang" at the door. He turned his head and saw that Si Ningning's eyes suddenly lit up. She picked up her lesson preparation book and walked towards the door. Step, "Ah, I'm such a busy person, how can you have time to come?"

“There have been a lot of things in the county recently, and I just came back.” Huo Lang stood at the door of the literacy class with a basket on his shoulders and a bamboo hat in his hand.

Si Ningning walked out of the sugar control room in the classroom. He raised his hand to put the hat on Si Ningning's head.

“What’s the use of raindrops as sharp as needle points?”

Si Ningning turned her head to hide, but Huo Lang couldn't help her and firmly put the bamboo hat on her head, "You just got sick a while ago and you forgot about it? You don't have a long memory at all."

Huo Lang muttered in his mouth, but his big hands neatly and carefully tied the tether around Si Ningning's chin.

Si Ningning couldn't help but curl her lips into a smile at first, then stopped her smile the next second, glaring at Huo Lang with a feigned anger, "Look at what you said, just like me and an ignorant child."

 “Isn’t that right?”

“I’ll give you another chance to reorganize your language!” Si Ningning put her arms around her shoulders, raised her chin, and looked like a proud queen. Of course, that was assuming that she was much shorter than Huo Lang.

Holang smiled hoarsely, held her shoulders and walked back seductively, "Okay, okay, you're not, you're not. Let's go quickly, I'll take you back...I'll bring you something when I come back this time."

"What is it? Has anything happened in the county recently? I haven't seen you back for a while." "Didn't we say that each commune brigade would organize a security team? Now that the candidates have been selected, this is not a big deal. It’s formal, but these people must also be trained.”

After hearing this, Si Ningning's eyes flickered twice, and she turned her head and asked Huo Lang, "In other words, you have been busy training these people in the county recently?"

"Hmm." Huo Lang nodded lightly, pulled out a heavy cloth bag from his waistband and handed it to Si Ningning.

Si Ningning was caught unawares and asked, "What is this?"

"Rice and malted milk. You have lost weight and your complexion is not good... This rice is used to make porridge. You have a kettle. Make a pot of malted milk every day and bring it to class to drink. It won't cool down for a while." "As he spoke, Huo Lang stopped and looked at Si Ningning, "Don't worry about these, I'll bring them to you next time."

Originally, I wanted to buy a kettle for Si Ningning. I could boil a kettle of hot water in the morning and fill it up so that I could drink hot water throughout the day. However, the department store only had one pair this month, and that was before Huo Lang came over. It was bought by a newlywed couple.

Holang could only say hello to the counter of the department store and ask people to help reserve it.

Si Ningning was speechless.

 She was ill a while ago and she did lose some weight, but it definitely has something to do with "bad complexion", okay?

Let’s not talk about anything else, let’s just focus on the educated youth. Who has fairer skin than her? Who has a pinker and rosier face than her?

Si Ningning gave Huo Lang a strange look. Huo Lang looked at her and wondered, "What kind of look is this?"

"Nothing in my eyes." Si Ningning shook her head wildly, tightly sealed the bag and asked, "You just brought it to me? Didn't you keep it at home?"

“Leave the rice and ask the two little ones to take it with them when they go to your place for dinner.”

Huo Lang gave things to Si Ningning in a rather secretive way, because he was afraid that the older uncles and aunts in the team would see and gossip about Si Ningning, so Huo Lang wanted to avoid it as much as possible.

Of course, he left rice for the family and asked Hegu and Sanmiao to take it with them when they went to Si Ningning's place for dinner, so as to prevent the mouthy elders from chewing the children's tongues.

 There are no adults at home, and it is okay for a child to go to the teacher's house to eat with rations, but if he goes empty-handed and goes frequently, it is a different situation.

Si Ningning thought it would be okay. She also bought malted milk and other things herself, and there was also milk powder in the space. Sanae and Hegu would go to her place later, and they could drink it together.

Thinking of this, Si Ningning said "Oh", lowered her eyes slightly and was about to continue walking back, but at this moment, Huo Lang took her hand.

Si Ningning looked up at Huo Lang sideways. Under the wide brim of his hat, his eyes were clear and his dark face was no bigger than a palm. "What's wrong?"

"...Nothing." Huo Lang stared at Si Ningning with his deep peach blossom eyes. He hesitated to open the topic and asked, "Is there anything else missing? A mattress for winter or something?"

"There is no shortage." Si Ningning shook her head and said truthfully: "I was sick a while ago and went to the town to buy medicine. I also went to the post office and sent a quilt from home."

The Si family sent a quilt, but the quilt was very thin, and the cotton inside was hardened into knots, which was not enough to keep out the cold. Si Ningning took off the quilt in the space, threw the rotten cotton aside, and removed the quilt cover. After cleaning it, she put it on the quilt she had collected earlier.

The six-pound single quilt is really thick, and it makes the bed a lot softer when used as a quilt. In addition to the quilt, Si Ningning's current quilt is the previous two-pound quilt that serves as a temporary quilt. Heavy silk quilt.

 Because the mosquito net can block the wind, and the thin silk is covered with a small blanket when sleeping, I don't feel cold at night.

Of course, you will still need thicker quilts and clothes in the future. Those things take up space, but they still need special treatment before being taken out.

"Oh, that's it." Huo Lang rubbed his hair and glanced around the area with his misty eyes unconsciously, looking at everything but Si Ningning.

Si Ningning observed him for a long time, frowned her delicate crescent eyebrows, and asked seriously: "What on earth is going on? Tell me quickly!"

Huo Lang paused and looked back at Si Ningning in surprise, "How did you know something was wrong with me?"

"..." Si Ningning fell silent, thinking in her heart: "I have something to say." These words are almost engraved on your face, and you can't even think about it.

Rolling his eyes, Si Ningning glared at Huo Lang angrily, "Say it quickly!"

  Many folk sayings are correct, but what else can we say about which lid goes with a pot?

Huo Lang laughed out loud at Si Ningning's glare, but he didn't laugh for a long time, and his expression became reserved again.

 After weighing and weighing, Huo Lang finally mustered up the energy, straightened his back and got to the point, "Let me ask you, what do you think of me?"

As if he was worried that Si Ningning would not answer well, Huo Lang added at the end: "I am asking you a serious question, and you should answer well, seriously and thoughtfully."


Si Ningning was speechless for a while, only feeling that Huo Lang's nervous expression and behavior were very different from the past, which seemed strange.

But after thinking about it, Si Ningning glanced at Huo Lang up and down, and nodded pertinently, "Not bad, very good, what's the matter?"

Holang's expression became stern, his back straightened even more, and he asked again uncertainly, "Really?"

Si Ningning clicked her tongue and nodded patiently, "Really."

 Could she still lie to him about this? Even if she lied to him, there must be a reason and purpose, right?

"That's okay." Huo Lang nodded, his heart suddenly returned to its original place, and his whole body felt much more relaxed.

As soon as he relaxed, his whole body's aura suddenly changed. The speed was so fast that Si Ningning couldn't resist it. So when Huo Lang asked the next question, Si Ningning was stunned on the spot:

 “What? What did you just say?”

“I said that I have already obtained the approval letter for the brick factory. I will go to Uncle Hongbing’s house later to discuss the matter of looking for a foundation. We have been dating for a while, and you think I am good, right?”

Huo Lang stuttered, turned sideways and looked at Si Ningning. His voice was low and serious, and he said as if he was making a promise: "If you are willing, I will do my best to give you better things in the future." The best.”

Si Ningning fell silent, and Huo Lang's deep brows furrowed with concern. He nervously clenched his fists and asked, "Si Ningning, are you willing?"

 (End of this chapter)

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