Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 295: Wait for me, okay?

Chapter 295 Wait for me, okay?

Huo Lang is a few years older than Si Ningning, but apart from this, his and Si Ningning's relationship histories are almost the same, both are blank.

 The first heartbeat, the first time there is someone I want to be with, a girl I want to marry.

  Holang was actually very scared in his heart.

He had returned from another job. He had a regular job and a job-change allowance. He was tall and good-looking. He was undoubtedly excellent in the eyes of others. But in front of this bright-eyed girl with white teeth, Huo Lang felt something he couldn't explain in his heart. The discomfort comes.

 Because, Si Ningning is also an outstanding person among female comrades.

 Hand said these words, for Huo Lang, it is not an exaggeration to say that half of his life has been lost.


Si Ningning fell silent under the frank and loyal confession.

Huo Lang suddenly became nervous physically and mentally. He silently took half a step back, as if he was confused and questioning himself. He shook his head slightly and called Si Ningning's name again, "Si Ningning?"


Si Ningning suddenly came to his senses and glanced at Huo Lang. He could see Huo Lang's hesitation and panic in those extremely deep peach blossom eyes.

Si Ningning frowned slightly and felt apologetic, but in the end she chose to turn her face and lower her eyes to avoid Huo Lang's gaze, and the hand that had just grasped Huo Lang's sleeve also loosened.

"Well..." Si Ningning pursed her lips in panic, "Huo Lang, I like you very much, but I think our progress is going too fast?"

Si Ningning's eyes flashed with many uncertain emotions, but in the final analysis, what she said was the truth.

 She likes Huo Lang very much.

 But the progress is really fast.

 And based on her physical age, she is still only seventeen years old...

Although girls in the countryside get married early in this era, even though many people in this era can get married after just one meeting...


 Well, there’s nothing wrong with that.

Like Huo Lang, Gui likes Huo Lang. When it comes to marriage, Si Ningning still feels subconsciously resistant and afraid.

Si Ningning clenched and unclenched her little hands, unclenched and tightened them again. After hesitating for a long time, Si Ningning turned sideways and took hold of Huo Lang's arm, and confessed: "I'm a little scared...Huo Lang, I think I haven't done it yet." So ready, are you willing to wait?"

Huo Lang pursed his thin lips and took the initiative to hold Si Ningning's hand. He wanted to tell Si Ningning not to be afraid. He could wait for her and was willing to wait for her, but Si Ningning seemed to have read his thoughts. , before he could speak, his crooked eyes suddenly smiled peacefully and brilliantly:

 “You don’t need to wait too long, I just need to be mentally prepared.”

Si Ningning raised her head sideways and looked at the hazy gray sky through the dark green branches and trunks of the trees on both sides of the trail, "Just wait until it snows? Okay?"

“At that time, I will tell you my answer.”

Si Ningning looked sincere and serious, and although winter in the south does not snow as often as in the north, it still snows.

Most of this winter has passed, and it will be the twelfth lunar month, the end of the year, maybe tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, next week, etc.

 In short, it will snow soon...

 “Okay.” Huo Lang nodded lightly.

His thoughts suddenly twitched, the panic in Huo Lang's eyes faded away, and he returned to his usual gentle smile and looked at Si Ningning, "This matter is not urgent, I can prepare the materials to build a house first, um... I can use blue bricks, or Do you have any ideas about using red bricks like Uncle Hongbing’s house?”

He said he was asking Si Ningning what he thought, but before Si Ningning could answer, Huo Lang said softly, "Hmm," and then said to himself: "You like flowers, I will ask Uncle Hongbing to approve the land later, and I will choose the foot of the mountain. Sometimes I secretly plant a mountain rose plant at the foot of the mountain behind my house, pull it with a nail and raise it for two years. When it blooms, it will bloom a whole wall of flowers. You will definitely like it!"

It was probably because Huo Lang's imagined future was too comfortable and beautiful. Si Ningning felt a little relieved. She put her fist to her lips and smiled softly. She said "hmm" and couldn't help but mention a little idea, "The houses of the members can be built like that." Can it look like a two-story building? If not, then I want a small attic. "

“Okay, okay. The materials still need to be prepared for a while. If you have any requirements or ideas, you can think about them slowly and let me know when the time comes.”

 “Hmm. Okay, let’s send it here!”


While talking all the way, we reached the top of the **** beside Zhiqingdian’s house. Standing there, we could see the black tiles of Zhiqingdian.

Si Ningning took off the bamboo hat and handed it to Huo Lang. Seeing Huo Lang positively nodding and smiling cheerfully and with a simple and honest look, as if he was about to get a wife, he was almost overjoyed. Si Ningning was so happy. Don't know what to say.

She poked Huo Lang's narrow waist and whispered, "Can you restrain yourself a little?"

  Although in the end she basically didn’t run away, she hasn’t nodded yet!

Huo Lang coughed lightly, nodded quickly and returned to his normal and serious expression, "Okay, you go ahead, I'll watch you go in."

"Yeah." Si Ningning nodded and turned around, but just two steps out, she turned around and walked back.


A bright smile appeared on Huo Lang's face. Seeing Si Ningning turn around, he quickly restrained himself and became more serious. He was about to ask "What's wrong?" but before he could finish his words, Si Ningning walked in and grabbed him with both hands. He stood up on his tiptoes and made a "pop" movement, completing a set of movements in one go.

Huo Lang raised his hand and touched the side of the face being kissed. Before he could react, the sly and delicate girl had already run away. She turned around and waved to him from a distance, her bright-browed face pouting. Smiling, she silently opened and closed her lips to let him go back.

By some strange coincidence, Huo Lang couldn't help but shout, "Si Ningning!"

"Huh?" Si Ningning, who had turned the corner, looked back and looked at Huo Lang with blank eyes.

“I will go back to the county in a while. The next time I will come back will be half a month later.”

Si Ningning turned her head and glanced in the direction of the educated youth spot. After a while, she looked away and nodded to Huo Lang to indicate that she knew.

Huo Lang stopped where he was, looked at Si Ningning with a cheerful smile for a long time, and finally raised his arms above his head and waved, "I'm leaving. I'll see you when I come back next time!" Si Ningning hesitated for a moment and nodded lightly, He raised his little hand and waved goodbye to Huo Lang.

The times are backward, and although they are not far apart, they are really separated as soon as they are separated. There is no mobile phone to contact them, and Si Ningning actually feels a little reluctant to let go.

Watching Huo Lang walk away and disappear, Si Ningning straightened up and walked back.

 But there is nothing we can do about it.

 Life is not just love and love. A lifetime is so long, there are always other things to do and need to be done.

Time passed quickly after winter. Si Ningning and Jiang Yue conducted a mock test. The test questions were all selected from the recent teaching content. For example, the Chinese test questions were about filling in the blanks such as distinguishing initial consonants and finals, and the math questions were about the arrival of... Addition and subtraction of numbers up to twenty.

The children are all beginners, so the exams are all relatively basic. Si Ningning and Jiang Yue are also very concerned about this matter. There are also rewards for the top three. The reward for Chinese is a small grid composition book. Add a pencil, and the math is as it should be, except that the composition text is replaced by a ruled notebook.

Of course, in addition to the rewards for the top three, other children, regardless of their performance or score, are also given encouragement awards, which are actually just a small red flower.

Even though it is just a small red flower, it took Si Ningning a lot of time just to cut and tie the paper.

 Passing this exam also made Si Ningning aware of some problems.

 Children have good learning adaptability, and it is understandable that there are differences in grades. However, what puzzles Si Ningning is that the biggest difference is not between individuals, but between subjects.

Taking Chinese and Mathematics as an example, the number of people who passed Chinese and Mathematics was far behind the number of people who passed Mathematics, and the gap between the highest score and the lowest score was also huge. When Si Ningning really had a headache and was looking for the reason for this, the time had quietly entered the twelfth lunar month.

Because the busy and unchanging production team suddenly became lively, some people in the front were happily talking about how fat the pigs would be this year, and every household would get two more mouthfuls of meat from the pig slaughter at the end of the year. Behind them, there were aunts gathering together to discuss how much they could get this year. How many work points, etc.

Everyone’s face is filled with smiles, hoping that this year will be better and better.

Si Ningning was deeply affected. On the one hand, she prepared lessons more seriously. On the other hand, before getting busy at the end of the year, she discussed with a group of educated youths about handing over rabbits.

Before raising rabbits, Si Ningning and Zhao Hongbing discussed related matters and agreed that the educated youths raising rabbits together would count as two households. Just like chickens and ducks, one household could raise three rabbits, and two households would count six rabbits.

 The original six rabbits have now grown to thirty-three, divided into several cages.

  In the past two months, the weight of each of the two newly added rabbits has stabilized at about three and a half to four and a half kilograms.

After all, he had been raised since he was a child. Si Ningning was really reluctant to hand it over to Zhao Hongbing, but he had no choice. Firstly, it was agreed in advance, and secondly, the rabbit was too edible. If he didn't hand it over, he would be an educated youth. The little hay and rabbit food in the village will definitely not last until the beginning of next spring.

"Which of you will separate the male and female rabbits? I think we can just pick out a healthy male rabbit, and the other rabbits will all be female. Rabbits are so willing to give birth, even if we eat one or two female rabbits later, it will not affect the subsequent rabbits. Quantity, what do you think?”

 “I think it’s okay, that’s all?”

  Everyone was talking among themselves, and Jiang Yue, who was sitting by the stove at the door, blushed, "I usually don't see you doing anything when cleaning rabbits, but now you are very active in discussing how to eat them!"

Jiang Yue slammed the poker in her hand to the ground, stood up, raised her hands and said angrily: "I don't agree!"

Everyone, you look at me and I look at you, looking a little embarrassed.

 But when it comes to hygiene, it’s really not something they dislike.

It's exactly like that, just like the work of educated youth. The labor is divided between men and women. Female comrades help cook, while male comrades chop wood and fetch water, etc. This is the same for cooking rabbits.

  It has always been female educated youths who were responsible for sanitation. Male educated youths believed from the bottom of their hearts that this matter was also a division of labor between men and women. Therefore, although they did not help clean up the rabbit cages, they often cut the grass on their way back from work.

It’s just that the weather has cooled down recently and there is no fresh grass outside, so it seems that the male educated youths are not doing much work.

Jiang Yue ran straight back to the room after yelling. The people in the hall who were warming themselves by the stove didn't know what to say for a while, and the atmosphere became strange.

Si Ningning looked around and put his head down in his notebook to record it. While writing it down, he said: "This matter is arranged like this. After a while, two male educated youths will go out to catch the rabbits and distinguish the male from the female. One male and five females, or two males All four mothers are fine.”

"After I have selected the six rabbits that I will keep for myself, I have to ask a few male educated youths to work with me to deliver the rabbits to the captain's house. Everyone should be quick and get this done quickly. The reduction of work points at this time will not affect the distribution of rations at the end of this year.”



Everyone in the room cheered excitedly. For just a moment, Li Lingyuan among them looked in the direction of the door of the female educated youth's room and said hesitantly: "Well, Si Zhiqing, what about Jiang Zhiqing?"

"Jiang Yue?" Si Ningning said "Huh", closed the notebook, closed the lid of the pen, pursed his lips and said with a smile: "Leave this matter to me, but I have agreed to come back after finishing the current business. When you kill a rabbit and eat rabbit meat, you have to give me a rabbit leg!”

Mo Bei said nothing, his sharp eyebrows and eyebrows suddenly softened.

Song Shuhan rolled his eyes shyly and said with a smile: "Okay, don't say one rabbit leg, just two or three will be fine, don't you think so?"

If it weren't for Si Ningning, let alone eating rabbit meat, even if you turn in the rabbit, you wouldn't get any work points.

Thinking about it, everyone in the room burst out laughing and said "yes" in unison.

 The atmosphere suddenly became lively.

At the end of the year, the weather became colder and the children did not have enough clothes to keep out the cold. Si Ningning discussed with Jiang Yue and finally reached a consensus on a winter vacation.

There are no serious winter vacation homeworks, but Si Ningning left a few jingles for the children, plus some reminders for everyone. After the new year, the school will check everyone's pinyin writing, and let everyone go back and memorize it carefully. If they can't write it by then, The missing one is a thin bamboo strip.

On the other hand, Jiang Yueliu's "homework" was simple. It only required the children to learn to count from one to one hundred before the start of classes next year. As for what punishment would be imposed if they failed to count by then, Jiang Yue had not thought about that aspect at all.

Because of this, although the children have always liked Si Ningning, under the completely different reward and punishment systems of the two teachers, they still have some respect for Si Ningning.

But having said that, under these comparisons, although Jiang Yue was indirectly recognized and liked by the children, it also laid a small pit for future courses. Of course, those are all things for later.

Because of the rabbit incident, Jiang Yue was sullen and sulky for several days. Even so, when Si Ningning sat next to her with a roasted rabbit leg squirting on it, Jiang Yue couldn't help but swallow. Drooling.

 Tears welled up in Jiang Yue's eyes, but she hated herself for being hopeless. She was easily lured away by a little fragrance, and immediately gave a sonorous "hum" and turned her face away from Si Ningning.


 Because the website keeps changing the rules and A Yao has tenosynovitis on the back of his hand, he has a big bump and needs to rest. Therefore, starting from August, daily updates will be temporarily changed to every 2-3 days.

Once things get better, Ah Yao will resume daily updates as soon as possible. I hope you guys can understand~

 (End of this chapter)

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