Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 298: prodigal women

Chapter 298 The prodigal woman

 “Okay!” Holang responded quickly.

Si Ningning pursed her lips and her eyes wandered around Huo Lang, "It's too late to knit a sweater this year, the most I can do is knit a pair of gloves!"

"It's okay, there will be countless winters in the future." Huo Lang said in a low voice. As he spoke, his expression became a little depressed.

Si Ningning had been looking at him and asked, "What's wrong?"

Horang shook his head and glanced sideways at the hazy gray sky.

He thought it would snow soon this year, but it turned out that he had been out for more than half a month, and everyone came back, and the snow had not yet fallen...

Horang sighed softly, feeling vaguely regretful.

However, I thought that this matter had to be approved by Si Ningning's family. I couldn't rush it for a while, so I could only suppress the regret and loneliness in my heart, and then suppress it further.

With a smile, he handed the package and the hot water bottle to Si Ningning. Huo Lang said in a deep voice, "I won't send you in. I just went back home, and Uncle Hong Bing hasn't gone over to report yet."

Si Ningning nodded, and when she saw the kettle while picking up the things, she asked again: "Do you have a kettle at home? How can you get things from me? There is a stove in the educated youth point, and there is a lot of hot water for drinking all day long. This Take it home, take it home!"

"Take what is given to you." Huo Lang forced the thing to Si Ningning, "take it and don't drop it."

 The inner tank does not need to be dropped, otherwise it will explode with a "thud".

Si Ningning also knew this and immediately struggled to push back, not daring to use much strength.

  After some pulling and pulling, Si Ningning was finally able to hold it in his hand. Si Ningning was speechless.

 Huo Lang quickly took a few steps back, smiled and raised his chin at Si Ningning and waved, "Go back. I will go to the town to buy meat early tomorrow morning. Come back in the morning and let Hegu call you over. You can do it then."

Si Ningning nodded slowly, and for a while she couldn't stop laughing at Huo Lang's way of standing still and looking through the autumn water. She was holding a thermos in her hand, holding the parcel under one arm, and stretched out her other hand to respond to Huo Lang. , "You go ahead, I'm going into the house."


Huo Lang deserved it, but he stopped where he was, watching Si Ningning disappear to the side of the house before slowly turning around. Unable to restrain his exaggeration, he stepped out with his long legs and walked towards Zhao Hongbing's house.

In the educated youth spot, Si Ningning sat sideways on the edge of the bed and opened a package.

Even though the small package may not look very big, it is quite heavy inside. It must weigh at least three or four kilograms.

While Si Ningning was unpacking the package, Jiang Yue was sitting on the bed opposite, holding the bed board with her hands and swinging her feet to look at it.

As soon as Si Ningning unfolded the package, Jiang Yue couldn't hold it back and sat down beside her, "Nothing to say."

 “What’s nothing to say?” Si Ningning gave her a strange look.

Jiang Yue raised her chin to the hot water bottle covered with a bamboo cover at the end of the bed. After a while, her eyes fell on the package in front of Si Ningning. "Take a look at it. It's such a winter. I've got a military coat for you. I've got the hot water bottle. Here, there’s clam oil, cream, and a bottle of Yashuang!”

Jiang Yue added with an exaggerated expression: "This is not something that can be justified by just saying "careful and careful", this is old-fashioned!"


Si Ningning was immediately amused by Jiang Yue. But it was true that Huo Lang always wanted to take care of everything she had, and Si Ningning could feel his thoughtfulness and attentiveness.

After laughing a few times, Si Ningning calmed down and opened the packaging box of Yashuang, revealing a small white porcelain bottle with a green cover inside. She unscrewed the cover and found that there was an isolation device inside. She originally thought it was made of plastic. After a few buckles, Jiang Yue finally came to help and lifted the layer of isolation.

"This seal is made of wax. My mother used to use it. When using it, a gap was opened and then changed back after use. I heard my mother say one day that this way the contents inside will not be damaged." Jiang Yue explained. Then, he handed Yashuang, who had opened the wax seal, back to Si Ningning.

Si Ningning took the thing and nodded knowingly. She put her nose close to the mouth of the bottle and smelled it. The smell was quite fragrant and she didn't dislike it.

  Trying to pick out a lump and give it a try. As soon as he took it and dug out the ointment, Jiang Yue's face wrinkled into a chrysanthemum. "... Just use a little every time. Why take so much?"

Jiang Yue clicked her tongue in distress, as if Si Ningning was using something that belonged to her.

“…” Si Ningning was speechless for a while, and then she had her own opinion and said, “What can a little bit touch?”

As she spoke, the cream she dug out with her fingers was already smeared on the back of her hand. Then she put her **** together and slowly pushed them apart, lowering her head to smell as she pushed.

"This, that's it? It's such a big lump, just apply it on the back of your hand???" Jiang Yue's eyes almost popped out, "Si Ningning, you are such a prodigal woman! Most people can't afford it. you!"

Si Ningning smiled mischievously, then blinked innocently for a while, "Then you have to be careful, be careful that I rely on you."

I don’t know whether it was because of Si Ningning’s ridicule or because she was angry, but Jiang Yue’s face suddenly turned red, “Do you believe that I threw you out of the gate?!”


Si Ningning likes to tease Jiang Yue. Every time she sees Jiang Yue blowing up, she finds it particularly interesting.

Two girls are making trouble here. On the other side of Zhao Hongbing's house, Huo Lang is sitting at the table in the main room chatting with Zhao Hongbing.

"I gave you six rabbits at the beginning. Guess how many I got back a few days ago? Twenty-seven!" Zhao Hongbing made two exaggerated gestures, "That's it. There are still six rabbits left in the educated youth spot. "Tell me, is this educated youth capable?"

Huo Langxin said: Then can his future wife have no ability?

The man in front of him smiled slightly and nodded, "Yes."

 After a brief exchange, we learned about what happened to the production team during the half month they left. During the remaining time, Horando was pulled by Zhao Hongbing to solve problems:

"There are a lot of rabbits, but they are not enough for the team to distribute from house to house. What do you think is good?"

“Also, it’s the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month soon, and the New Year will be celebrated in a while. The work points haven’t been calculated yet this year, and there’s not even a trace of pig killing and ration distribution.”

 Zhao Hongbing counted on his fingers the troublesome things to be solved by Huo Lang by the end of the year.

Huo Lang listened silently for a while and then said: "Isn't it okay to just distribute the food as before? How many work points are divided into grains? If there is still some surplus, it depends on one's personal wishes, whether to divide grains or calculate the value of work points and convert them into money. As for the rabbit..."

Huo Lang paused and thought of what Zhao Hongbing said. There are only twenty-seven rabbits in hand at the moment, and the entire production team will definitely not be able to divide them among them. Moreover, it is not only the educated youth point that has contributed to raising rabbits, but also the production team. When money is given and work points are given, how can it be said that the points are given to everyone?

“The rabbits are considered as extras. If anyone feels that the portion of pork is too small and not enough to eat, and wants to have a warm year at the end of the year and wants to eat more meat, let them buy it with money.”

 (End of this chapter)

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