Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 299: Visiting relatives

Chapter 299 Visiting relatives

Zhao Hongbing frowned. He didn't know whether it was because he had been worried a lot these days and didn't get enough rest, so his mind couldn't turn around or something else. He scratched his forehead roughly, not understanding the point of Huo Lang's words, "Will you buy it with money?" Isn’t it appropriate? Then we are no longer the same as capitalists?”

"How can this be considered a capitalist?" Huo Lang glanced at the white hair on both sides of Zhao Hongbing's ears, smiled helplessly, tapped the table with his slender fingers, and continued to analyze this topic with Zhao Hongbing:

"I raise rabbits at the educated youth point. Didn't the team give me work points at the end of the year? If I can't understand, I will treat this as a side job. This is the case with other brigades and production teams when running side jobs. Big goods go to the commune. The food is given to department stores or state-owned restaurants, and the rest is eaten by the people in the production team."

"You know the place in the Seventh Brigade of the Hongqi Commune next door. I often go there. The side business there is growing lotus roots and raising ducks. It doesn't matter if the members occasionally step into the water and eat some lotus roots, but if they take more, or ask for duck eggs or something, It also needs to be paid with work points or money.”

Like lotus root, although it is grown economically, it still belongs to the category of vegetables and fruits, and it is mass-produced. As a welfare, the members have no food every day, so it doesn’t matter if they eat one or two festivals. If they take more, they will definitely be paid.

Like duck eggs, it takes two or three months for a duck to lay eggs, and it only lays one egg a day. It is not considered a high yield, so it is naturally more expensive than lotus roots.

 As the price goes up, of course members are not allowed to take it away and eat it for free.

 A duck egg is like this, let alone a rabbit that is so fat?

Huo Lang could imagine that if he hadn't come back this time, Zhao Hongbing would have lost his mind and distributed the rabbit to the members for free, and he wouldn't say whether the members of his team would argue because the rabbit was not enough. , if this matter spreads to other production teams, those members will go crazy, and they will try their best to recruit three teams to settle down.

That's meat, real meat.

"Why didn't I think about side hustle?" Zhao Hongbing slapped his head and suddenly realized, "Ah Lang, you came back at the right time. If you hadn't woken me up, this is the end of the year, and the production team would probably be We still have to fight!”

Zhao Hongbing never thought of distributing things for free, but subconsciously classified rabbits as grain rations. He didn't sleep well the previous night because he had been struggling with this distribution ratio, how much grain a rabbit was worth, and what was appropriate. How can we make everyone feel at ease.

 Now Huo Lang’s words have awakened Zhao Hongbing:

"Then I will follow what you said. I will release the news later and talk about this matter. I will get the money from selling the rabbits later, and all of them will be allocated to our team's construction funds. In the future, the team will be renovated and expanded. Yes, make money from this first!”

Huo Lang smiled and took a sip of water, nodded and said: "Okay, uncle."

When the topic came up about side hustle, Zhao Hongbing couldn't help but sigh again, "There are too many things this year, and we haven't caught up with the good time. Otherwise, mushrooms will bloom several times this winter. After the new year, when things settle down, maybe we can produce more." The team can also supply goods to farmers’ markets in towns and counties like Team 7 of the commune next door.”

Things are happening in a hurry. The literacy class has just been built, followed by the busy autumn harvest. I originally planned to clean up a few empty houses to cultivate mushrooms before winter, but when the time came, I was stymied by winter wheat and winter rapeseed. .

Zhao Hongbing only felt that it was a pity that this matter seemed to be just dragging on for a while, but in fact it was not.

 After the new year, it will take time to clean up the house, right?

It will take time to build the shelves and change the vents, right?

Does it take time to do trial planting?

 Back and forth, no matter what, we have to stay together for another two months.

"It will be done sooner or later. There is no need to rush for two months. If I want to put it on the schedule as soon as possible, I will hand in the tasks in the next few days. Just circle the place and I will take people to clean it up."

There are about ten young and strong young men on the team, and they can clean up neatly in two days at most. "Is this..." Zhao Hongbing touched his chin, "I think it works!"

In the past two days, he took the time to ask Si Ningning if he could do it quickly and see if he could try it again by the end of this year.

The matter was almost finished, and the water in the enamel jar happened to have reached the bottom. Huo Lang pushed the enamel jar towards the center of the table, stood up and was about to say goodbye and go home. However, just as he was about to stand up, he was stopped by Zhao Hongbing:

“Alang, the Chinese New Year is coming soon, how do you plan it? You won’t go home this year?”

"I won't go back this year." Holang paused for a moment, lowered his eyelids and quickly reviewed the current situation in his mind. After a while, he raised his eyes and said with a cheerful smile: "We'll wait until the weather gets warmer after the New Year. It's cold now, so I really have to leave. I’m not worried either.”

Usually when he is not at home, Hegu and Sanmiao can still ask Zhao Hongbing and Chen Lianmi to take care of them. It is busy during the New Year period and every household is busy with reunions and festivals. It would be inappropriate to trouble Zhao Hongbing and the others at this time.

Zhao Hongbing didn’t think much about it. Huo Lang basically arranged it like this in the past few years. He basically knew Huo Lang’s temperament. He didn’t even think of asking last year.

This year it was because educated youths came to the team. At the end of the year, news came from the brigade that the educated youths also had quotas to return to the city to visit relatives, so he asked him to plan the time.

Zhao Hongbing was thinking about this and asked Huo Lang casually.

But having said that, Zhao Hongbing also revealed something to Huo Lang about the educated youth returning to the city to visit relatives during the holidays, "The train from the south to the north takes a day or two. I originally thought that if you would go, you might be able to follow Si Educated youth and the others are here."

 Huo Lang nodded. He always remembered that Si Ningning cried before and said he missed his grandma, so he casually asked, "How many days are the educated youths off for visiting relatives?"

If the holiday is long and he is away from home for so long, Si Ningning can stay in the city for a few more days to see family and friends.

"It should be a ten-day holiday. I'm thinking about letting them go out and buy tickets on the 25th day of the new year. They can buy them on any day they can. Arrange the time and come back before the eighth day of the new year."

 On the eighth day of the Lunar New Year in the south, the temperature is slowly getting warmer, and people will be needed to work in the fields.

 Huo Lang nodded, and Zhao Hongbing asked him again: "Last time you said you wanted to apply for a homestead, what happened? Is there anything you like?"

The situation is not good, life is tight for every household, and no one builds a new house unless necessary. Even if you want to build a new house, you have to tighten your belt and save for five or six years. Only when you have saved enough money will you start talking about land approval. thing.

Huo Lang said that he wanted to build a house. If there was a good foundation, Zhao Hongbing would be able to approve it for him.

“If you don’t have a favorite place, I can recommend a few to you. If there are any, that would be even better. If you tell us, we can make arrangements easily.”

 (End of this chapter)

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