Chapter 300 Envy

"Well..." Huo Lang's eyes suddenly drifted to the door, "The higher ground on the side of my house is fine."

Thinking of something, he added belatedly: "Uncle, you don't have to think too much, just do everything according to the rules."

Huo Lang didn't want Zhao Hongbing to have any backdoor relationship for him. Firstly, he didn't want to, and secondly, he couldn't, and he didn't need to.

Huo Lang applied for a housing site with Zhao Hongbing in his own name. To put it bluntly, it was the settlement site of his surname Huo. It had little to do with the original homestead of the Chen family, but because of his special relationship with Sanmiao and Hegu, in Hegu Before Sanae Tani became a grown-up, the two families were one family.

 In other words, it is equivalent to Holang taking two homesteads by himself.

This matter is actually easy to explain, but I am afraid that if someone takes it seriously, there will be a lot of trouble.

Hong Lang didn’t want others to criticize Si Ningning when the house was built in the future, so he thought that he should try his best to reject all possible signs of being "special".

 Everything must be done in accordance with the rules, and you should keep a low profile as part of your duty. Avoid sharp edges if you can, thereby reducing the possibility of causing trouble for yourself and not causing trouble for others.

Zhao Hongbing recalled it and roughly knew which dot Huo Lang was talking about. After thinking about it for a long time, Zhao Hongbing made a "tsk" sound, frowned and asked: "Is that dot a little small? And the bamboo roots and tree branches are also There are too many and it’s not easy to clean…”

"It's winter this year. The road is not easy to walk, and the bricks and tiles can't be transported in. It's still early. If it can be approved, I can start clearing it when I go back. If I'm careful, three to five days will be enough. It's okay, uncle." Said with a smile.

When he came here to apply for a homestead site, Huo Lang tactfully mentioned that he wanted to build a two-story building. Zhao Hongbing had no objection and repeatedly reassured Huo Lang.

Building a house requires a lot of materials. As long as Holang has the ability to get enough bricks and tiles, he can build as many floors as he wants, and no one else can control it.

Because of these few words, Huo Lang already had an idea in his mind, so after finishing speaking, he changed the subject and told Zhao Hongbing about his thoughts:

“I’ll build a small two-story building with enough room to live in. I can leave the old house next to it first, or I can just bulldoze it to form a backyard and raise some chickens and vegetables.”

“Let’s make arrangements like this now. When the grain is grown and they want to get married, it won’t be too late to build a new one.”

"Okay, okay." Seeing that Huo Lang already had an idea, Zhao Hongbing nodded and said "ok" several times, "It's okay if you have an idea and have it all arranged... Go back today. I'll finish my work in the past two days. I’ll go over and measure it for you.”

 “Well, it’s troublesome, uncle.”

“Go, go, go, if you don’t speak the same language as one family, what’s the trouble? You’re doing all those stupid things at a young age, and I don’t want to talk to you. Let’s go, go home quickly!”

Zhao Hongbing waved away Huo Lang with a stubborn black face.

Huo Lang laughed dumbly and walked out of the Zhao family yard.

On the way home, thinking about what Zhao Hongbing said, Huo Lang walked slowly and looked up at the hazy sky, pondering in his mind.

He definitely couldn't go with Si Ningning a year ago, and he couldn't drag Si Ningning back with him after the year, but the matter between him and Si Ningning...

To be honest, if he can marry Si Ningning today, Huo Lang doesn't want to wait until tomorrow. However, Si Ningning is not ready for this matter yet. Huo Lang doesn't want to force Si Ningning, so he can only do it now. He waited silently for a response from Si Ningning before he could take the next step.

 But this does not mean that he just sits and waits. He still has to take some actions.

For example, let Si Ningning’s close relatives know of his existence, so that he would not arrange a blind date for Si Ningning and force Si Ningning to marry someone else...

When he thought of this, it seemed that it was indeed true, and those messy things were right in front of his eyes. Huo Lang's deep brows suddenly wrinkled, and he let out an unhappy "tsk", and immediately made a decision in his heart, waiting to see him tomorrow. Si Ningning must speak up and completely eliminate this potential risk.

Horang regained his composure and thought about his words in his mind. Unconsciously, a cold and serious expression appeared on his face. As he walked through the alley, he bumped into the most naughty and mischievous tiger in the team.

Hutou was frightened when he saw Huolang's expression as if he was the king of hell. He stood close to the alley wall without daring to move. It wasn't until Huolang had walked far away that he ran home with his mouth pursed and his eyes red, crying. .

Huntou thought to himself as he ran, his mother really didn’t lie to him!

Brother Huo has been on the battlefield and picked up a gun. His hands are stained with blood. He has killed many bad guys, so his aura is so intimidating!

 Hmm~ It’s terrible!

Even though he has been taught to respect Huolang and not be rude, Hutou still feels that sometimes Huolang is really scary.

It's better to go home and admit your mistake and admit that he stole the eggs!

 The tiger head sniffed heavily and ran out of the alley with a sad face.

The days are short and the nights are long in winter, and the sky quickly darkens. People who work in the fields go home one after another, and the educated youth spots have also reached their busiest time of the day.

The door of the hall was ajar, and Song Shuhan sat behind the door with a face that was chapped and red by the wind. "I finished patching up the rapeseed seedlings today. I have nothing else to do before the year. I can have a good sleep tomorrow morning."

"How can I get a good night's sleep? It's so cold." Li Lingyuan wiped the mud off his shoes at the door, pushed the door open and entered the room, sitting next to Song Shuhan.

It was too cold outside and he didn’t want to brave the wind to go to the room over there to get a cup, so Li Lingyuan took Song Shuhan’s cup and picked up the kettle on the stove and poured a cup of water into it.

The hot water gave off curls of smoke, and Li Lingyuan didn't find it too hot. He blew it twice and drank it in small sips.

Song Shuhan sighed helplessly: "There are so many bamboo cups, just take another one, mark it and put it here for use. Why do you take mine every time?"

"Hehe..." Li Lingyuan smiled without embarrassment, and said while slipping on his shoes: "I forgot! I will know next time, don't be angry, don't be angry!"

Song Shuhan either doesn't care about this very much, or sometimes he feels helpless. If Li Lingyuan took his, he would have to go back and get it again.

Li Lingyuan also knew Song Shuhan's temper. He knew that Song Shuhan would not be angry, so he often acted like this. If it were Mo Bei, he would not dare.

Song Shuhan shook his head helplessly, and saw Li Lingyuan's feet taking off his shoes and socks out of the corner of his eye. He couldn't help but turn his eyes and look at them carefully, and immediately let out a soft "tsk", and then frowned, "Why are your feet like this?" "

Li Lingyuan’s feet are red and swollen, especially the toes, which should have been in the shape of long and thin strips. Now they are all round and round due to the cold. Some of the toes are bruised and purple, and some **** scabs can still be seen vaguely.

“It’s just a little bit of frostbite, nothing serious.” When Song Shuhan asked, Li Lingyuan didn’t feel embarrassed. He moved his toes and stretched his legs to the edge of the stove to keep warm, and said cheerfully:

"I heard that many poor families on the team are reluctant to buy shoes. They still wear straw sandals when going out in the winter. The calluses on their feet are as thick as half an inch... Some of them have severe frostbite. Guess what? The skin stretches from the toes to the heels. Whole pieces of skin peeled off..."

“You said the tender flesh is exposed on the soles of the feet, and they wear such rough straw shoes and step on the prickly mud and dirt. How do they persevere?”

“You are like this yourself, and you still care about how others persist?”

“Aren’t I feeling emotional?” Li Lingyuan said with a smile on his face. He bent over and scratched his toes as he spoke.

When it was cold, his feet were numb from the cold, and he basically couldn't feel the itch, but when he warmed up, he couldn't. That's how the **** scabs on his toes came from.

Perhaps because he warmed up around the stove, Li Lingyuan became lazier both physically and mentally. He couldn't help but sigh: "I really feel that it is really not easy for our grassroots farmers. We need to learn how to breed." Spirit, if we can endure it and persevere, Song Shuhan, we will definitely become great in the future!"

 “Don’t slap me with your foot-picking hands.”

 “Hey! Introduce someone!”

Song Shuhan rolled his eyes at Li Lingyuan and said, "Let's not talk about this anymore. How about we squeeze in tonight? We can sleep on the same bed."

 If you use two quilts, it shouldn’t be that cold.

There is no need to worry about Mo Bei. He has a thick quilt sent from home. In addition to the quilt, he also has a military coat. If he still feels cold at night, he can put the military coat on as a blanket.

After Song Shuhan finished speaking, before Li Lingyuan could answer, Mo Bei, who was sitting at the table in the hall and reading under the kerosene lamp, suddenly spoke:

“The bed is so big that even one person can’t move around, so how can two people sleep on it?”

Song Shuhan turned his eyes to Mo Bei. After thinking about it carefully, he felt that Mo Bei was telling the truth, so he asked, "Mo Bei, what do you think?"

Mo Bei paused slightly as he turned the pages of the book. As if after careful consideration, he gave two options:

“Let’s discuss with the female educated youths. We can temporarily move to the main room to sleep here, or we can go to the town to buy a stove in the next two days.”

Li Lingyuan's economic conditions are not as good as those of Mo Bei and Song Shuhan. He thought for a moment and raised his hands and said, "How about discussing this with the lesbians?"

Song Shuhan shook his head in disapproval, "No, this is inappropriate."

Although Song Shuhan vetoed Mo Bei's first proposal, he did not agree with Mo Bei's second proposal.

Without thinking too deeply, Mo Bei knew what the two of them were thinking, so he said bluntly: "I can find a way to buy the stove, but after I bring it back, I am not responsible for the subsequent care."

Song Shuhan was stunned. Li Lingyuan raised his hand and said, "I'll take care of it!"

  After saying that, he scratched his head in embarrassment, "My family's conditions are not good, so I can't help with the money, but if there is any manual work or not, it will be no problem if you leave it to me!"

Mo Bei nodded slightly, read the last sentence on the page calmly, and then calmly turned the page.

Song Shuhan was silent, looking at Mo Bei's profile with sharp jaw line and sighed: "I'll buy the stove equally with you, but I don't have much money now, so I have to wait until next month to get it together."

In the past, the Song family would send money to Song Shuhan. Later, Song Shuhan didn't want to be supported by the family all the time, so he told his family that he would ask if he had no money, and there was no need to send him money for the time being.

This is the same thing. Later, Song Shuhan bought eggs several times at the educated youth spot. In the production team, he would occasionally exchange some things with the commune members for tooth sacrifices. There was really not much money left on hand.

Moreover, Si Ningning bought the stove for five yuan before. Now that so much time has passed and the weather is so cold, it’s hard to say whether the price of the stove has increased.

 Because of these things, Song Shuhan did not immediately agree to the proposal to buy a stove just now.

Now that the purchase of the stove has been decided, Song Shuhan has to send a letter to his family to ask for some money...

 There is no other way. The production team workers’ rations are not stable yet, and it is impossible to count on them.

Thinking about it, Song Shuhan rubbed his face worriedly. Thinking that he was seventeen or eighteen years old, he was spending family money to be supported by his parents, and he felt a little guilty in his conscience. But if he didn't say this and let Mo Bei buy a stove by himself, he wouldn't have the shame.

"Yeah." Mo Bei didn't know that Song Shuhan was feeling confused, so he nodded slightly again and said two words in a gentle voice, "It's not urgent."

The main room suddenly became quiet, and you could only occasionally hear one or two sounds of nut shells being roasted, burning and exploding in the stove.

"Huh? Where have all the female educated youth gone today? Why didn't I see any of them?" Li Lingyuan was naive, shaking his head and looking around, not noticing the subtlety of the atmosphere.

Faintly hearing small voices coming from the other side of the room, Li Lingyuan stretched his neck and looked into the room of the female educated youth, "Oh! Jiang Yue, Si Ningning, what are you doing? Why don't you come out today? There is a stove in the main room, which is warmer than the room. Hey, why don’t you come out and chat with us?”


The murmur of the chatter suddenly stopped, and after a while of silence, Jiang Yue's loud voice came through the door, "The rice is ready in the pot, you go ahead and eat it! We'll be here soon!"


 So, what are girls doing in the house?

 In the room, Si Ningning and Jiang Yue sat cross-legged on the bed. One was arranging the cashmere thread, and the other had his hands on his chest, acting as a tool for winding the cashmere thread, or a tool man.

"This military coat is so thick and easy to get! This one must cost a lot of money!" Xu Shuhua exaggerated with her eyes widened.

Si Ningning could pack the scattered things into the space or put them in the rattan box, but the military coat sent by Huo Lang was too solid and the entire rattan box could not be put in it.

It was not easy to store this thing into the space, so Si Ningning folded it and put it at the end of the bed. Xu Shuhua and the others came back from the field and saw it as soon as they entered the room. They were all envious.

"Isn't that right? In our department store, such a thing not only costs coupons, but also costs another one hundred and sixty yuan!"

"This is a big deal, Ningning." Song Xiaoyun took two steps to sit next to Si Ningning, and affectionately hugged Si Ningning's hand, which was holding the cashmere thread and preparing to put it on Jiang Yue's side, "Ningning, our heads are about the same. Can you try it on me? I haven’t worn a military coat yet!”

Si Ningning slowed down her hand movements by half a beat and slowly turned her head to look at Song Xiaoyun.

Song Xiaoyun shook Si Ningning’s arm and continued to act coquettishly, “Okay? Okay? I’ll just give it a try, it won’t get dirty!”

 While speaking, Song Xiaoyun reached for the military coat at the end of the bed without waiting for Si Ningning to nod in agreement.

Jiang Yue felt that something was wrong. It was difficult to move with the thread wrapped around her hands, so she stretched out her legs and used her calves to stop Song Xiaoyun's hands. "Stop making trouble, Xiaoyun. This person gave this to me as a gift. And you and Ning Ning are different in size. Ning Ning is half a head taller than you. She wears clothes that reach her calves. Why don’t you wear clothes that reach your ankles?”

If the body shapes are similar, then Jiang Yue really has nothing to say, after all, everyone is thin.

Song Xiaoyun retreated and gave an inaudible "tsk" sound, feeling a little aggrieved and dissatisfied: "Ning Ning didn't even say no..."

 Do we have to wait for others to talk about this matter? Can't you be more interesting?

Jiang Yue frowned and opened her lips to speak, but she felt a force of gravity hit her hands. It was Si Ningning who pulled the cashmere thread at the other end.

Si Ningning raised her slender brows and smiled just right, "Xiaoyun, if I make other new clothes in the future, I can lend them to you if you want to try them on, but not this one."

"Oh well…"

Song Xiaoyun couldn't hide her disappointment. Si Ningning said no, and she didn't bother Si Ningning to continue inking.

Looking at the military coat at the end of the bed with bright eyes, Song Xiaoyun let go of Si Ningning's hand, stood up, opened the door and walked out, "I'm hungry, let's go eat!"

"Then let me go too!" Xu Shuhua stood up and said, "The male educated youth are clumsy. I'm really afraid that they will knock over the food."

Si Ningning smiled and nodded, "Yeah."


Jiang Yue breathed out angrily, staring at the door with her brows furrowed.

Si Ningning pulled the end of the cashmere thread to call Jiang Yue's attention, "Okay, there's not much left. Let's go eat after wrapping it up."

 “Yeah.” Jiang Yue responded unhappily.

Si Ningning was helpless and a little funny, and silently wrapped two circles of cashmere thread on Jiang Yue's hand. She said in a gentle voice: "Don't put it all on your face, occasionally hide it in your heart." Just hide it.”

Jiang Yue was stunned for a moment, then nodded lightly after a moment of reaction.

 Jiang Yue is not actually targeting Song Xiaoyun, on the contrary, she quite likes Song Xiaoyun.

But...I don’t seem to like it as much as I did at the beginning.

In the past, Jiang Yue thought that Song Xiaoyun was a small and delicate one, with a lively appearance and a good personality. Anyway, she always wanted to take care of her when getting along, but now?

Perhaps it was because Si Ningning had such a good personality and she was compared with him. Jiang Yue felt that Song Xiaoyun's personality was very problematic. Sometimes they had different opinions on small things. Maybe Jiang Yue was not so willing, but Song Xiaoyun was coquettish and soft-spoken. Pao, Jiang Yue will still agree.

 Jiang Yue didn't think anything of similar things, but she was a little resistant to it.

That is, in many things, Song Xiaoyun's ideas are always very strange. If you don't tell others, it will make it difficult for others, but it will always make people embarrassed...

 Feeling upset thinking about these things, Jiang Yue shook her head randomly, not wanting to think about it any more.

Si Ningning on the other side had finished winding the last coil and took the cashmere thread away from her hand. "Okay, you go to eat first. I'll clean it up and come back."

 Eating comes first, no matter what, it cannot affect eating!


Jiang Yue nodded, happily put on her shoes, and walked away with a "da da da" sound.

After everyone left, only Si Ningning was left. The room suddenly became quiet. Si Ningning finished making the bed, stood by the window and looked in the direction of the door, then withdrew his gaze to look at the neatly folded military coat at the end of the bed.

The value of this military coat is not only reflected in money.

More than Holang’s intention.

Si Ningning always remembered what Huo Lang said, and it took three years for him to make this statement.

 Si Ningning now wears light down jackets when going out, that is, thin down jackets.

She collected them all before traveling through time. Before taking them out, she tied them with dyed dark fabric in the space. She wore them with thermal underwear and a sweater, and she didn't feel cold. So at first, she planned to wear this military coat temporarily. I put it away, not planning to wear it.

Recalling the look in Song Xiaoyun's eyes when she went out just now, Si Ningning felt that it was better to wear the clothes on the upper body to ensure safety.

She doesn’t want others to touch this dress, and she doesn’t want others to think too dirty about it. Instead of being anxious and jealous, it’s better to wear it.

Thinking about it in her mind, Si Ningning untied the hooks on both sides and put down the mosquito net. After tucking the mosquito net on the edge of the bed, she slowly turned around and went to the main room to eat.

 The next morning, in response to what Song Shuhan said yesterday about "sleeping in," none of the educated youths got up.

Si Ningning was the first to get up while the room was still a little warm.

He took the stove to the main room and added a piece of briquettes, and added pecans and nut shells to the surface. He adjusted the vent to the maximum, until he could see an open flame coming out of the top, so Si Ningning turned down the vent of the stove. .

After pouring a pot of water and setting it on the stove to heat up and wash her face, Si Ningning spread her hair and sat at the table in the main room to comb her hair. After brushing her teeth and washing her face, the girls in the room all had faces. It means that I haven't woken up even though I'm buried in the quilt.

Si Ningning was silent for a moment, then filled the elephant trunk pot with water and put it on the stove to continue boiling. Once it was boiled, he would not have to worry about drinking hot water later.

After that, he grabbed something casually from the space to eat for breakfast. Si Ningning quickly went to the kitchen. Before everyone got up, he took out various seasonings from the space and packed them in small packages, and then put them away together. space, just take it out and put it in the basket when you go out in the morning or noon.

Horang’s place must have seasoning, but it’s definitely not as complete as hers.

It’s rare to get together for a meal, why don’t you have a delicious meal?

After finishing everything, Si Ningning glanced at his watch and said, "..."

Perhaps the several indirect separations from Huo Lang during this period were not short, so Si Ningning was subconsciously looking forward to getting back together this time, so...

 Seems a little too positive. After taking care of everything, it was just eight o'clock.

It was so early, even if Huo Lang got up early to go to the town to buy meat, he would probably have to go back at this point.

The road is not easy to walk, and it will be nine-thirty or ten o'clock when we get home. If Mo Jiu asks Hegu to call her later, she will definitely be there at ten-thirty or eleven o'clock.

Si Ningning hissed and felt a little annoyed. By now, all his drowsiness had disappeared, and it was definitely impossible to take off his clothes and go to bed.

Si Ningning pressed the tip of her tongue against her molar teeth. While feeling annoyed, she couldn't help but start looking for something to do.

 Clean the rabbit cage for 20 minutes.

 Clean up the newly sprouted weeds in the vegetable patch beside the house for 10 minutes.

  Organize the stack of firewood dumped on the doorstep for 5 minutes.

 Filling up the hole made by the rain at the door a while ago, 10 minutes...

 (End of this chapter)

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