Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 301: The Chen family dotes on Si Ningning

Chapter 301 The Chen family favors Si Ningning

Si Ningning did all the work that could be done, and almost everyone else in the educated youth area also got up.

The educated youth spot that had been quiet all night became lively again. It was at this time that Si Ningning leaned on the handle of the **** and yawned, suddenly feeling sleepy.

It’s not just that I feel sleepy, but that I feel very sleepy all of a sudden, and I want to fall asleep immediately.

Si Ningning kept her face blank and silently wiped away the tears from the corner of her eyes. At this moment, she felt like she was just like that big bastard, doing all the useless work day by day!

  【White work: Work that is done for nothing, is a waste of time and is not very satisfying. 】

Xu Shuhua and the others were busy washing up inside and outside the house. Si Ningning yawned and held it in. He originally wanted to push through the short burst of sleepiness, but he still couldn't.

After entering the house and putting down the hoe, Si Ningning took off his military coat as if sleepwalking, threw his head into the bed and fell asleep.


 When he woke up again, Si Ningning was pushed awake by Jiang Yue.

"What's wrong?" Si Ningning pulled down the quilt and opened his eyes.

  She was still very energetic when she woke up in the morning, but looking at her now, her eye sockets were sunken, as if she had gone out to commit a thief last night.

Jiang Yue was startled by Si Ningning, and asked Si Ningning what was wrong several times.

Si Ningning shook his head, "It's okay, I just got up too early in the morning and suddenly felt sleepy again after working so hard..."

As he spoke, Si Ningning spread his hands and waved them twice like fish fins, "The warmth in the bed is so comfortable. The more I sleep, the more I want to sleep."

Jiang Yue agreed with this statement, but thinking of business, Jiang Yue pushed Si Ningning again, "Don't sleep now, that kid from Hegu is here to find you!"

Si Ningning was startled, and her head that had just retreated into the quilt popped out again, "Who? Hegu? How long have you been here? Have you left?"

"No, he just came. Now he is waiting at the door. I asked him to come in but he didn't come."

Si Ningning quickly stood up, put on clothes and shoes at the same time, "Thank you Jiang Yue, I have to go out. If I don't come back for lunch, if they ask..."

 Craning his neck and looking out, Si Ningning winked at Jiang Yue and lowered his voice, "Just give me a look, as long as it's not outrageous."

By the time he finished speaking, Si Ningning had already buttoned up his clothes, pulled out his hair, picked up the bamboo basket and rushed out of the room.

Jiang Yue let out a "tsk" and followed him out of the room, "Why are you so careless? There are so many people who are not fools. If you don't come back to eat, where else can you go but to find that person?"

Just then, Li Lingyuan came into the main room with a cup, "What's the matter?"

Li Lingyuan sat on the side of the door and poured water from the elephant trunk pot. Finally, he drank the hot water. He glanced at Jiang Yue and asked, "Is that Si Ningning just now? Where is she going? She's wearing a military coat. If it weren't for those two dark braids, I wouldn't have recognized it."

Jiang Yue rolled her eyes at Li Lingyuan, sat at the table with her hands on her chin, and said with a strange and impatient tone in her voice: "She went to the team to correct homework and test papers."

As she spoke, she rolled her eyes at Li Lingyuan again, "You can't recognize such a big man. Are your eyes lame?"

"Hehehehe..." Li Lingyuan laughed, not angry at all, "You are also a teacher, don't you have to correct the test papers? Then why didn't you go?"

These words were originally a reason. Li Lingyuan continued to ask, and Jiang Yue suddenly became impatient. She removed her hand from her chin and slapped it on the table, "I want you to take care of it!"

“You are still a teacher in the literacy class. Didn’t you go there too?”

 Li Lingyuan scratched his head and quickly retorted, "How can it be the same? We teach adults. We don't have homework or test papers. Only the children you teach need to do homework and take exams."

Jiang Yue exhaled one after another, turned her chin and looked to the other side, too lazy to pay attention to Li Lingyuan.

"What's going on? Isn't this chattering? Why are you still angry?" Li Lingyuan moved the bench towards the table, smiled and stretched out his hand towards Jiang Yue, "Oh, don't be angry, I'll let you hit me twice. Is it good?”

Jiang Yue turned around and slapped his hand away. Her cheeks puffed up and her face turned red. She held it in for a long time and yelled out, "You seem to have that serious illness!"

 Where is such a person?

Every time I get scolded so badly, I still have to come forward!

Li Lingyuan nodded with a smile on his face, "Okay, okay, I'm seriously ill, so don't be angry, okay?"

Jiang Yue felt as if she had been blocked by someone, and wanted to scold her again, but looking at Li Lingyuan's cheerful and silly face, the fierce face she had put on suddenly returned to normal.

never mind.

It's better not to bully this idiot.

 “I’m too lazy to talk to you, so don’t bother me, I’m thinking about something!”

“Okay, hey hey, what do you think, I won’t disturb you, I’ll just sit here.”

Li Lingyuan really sat there and stopped talking, but glanced at the table from the corner of his eye from time to time.

Jiang Yue is not a fool, and of course she doesn't know that Li Lingyuan is looking at her.

She puffed her lips arrogantly and said nothing as if she hadn't seen it, but she couldn't help but muttered in her heart:

 What a big fool.


The sloping tree crown covered most of the sky. On the wet path, Si Ningning led Hegu and walked leisurely:

“What did your elder brother buy? Did he buy another bunch of messy stuff?”

"Hmm..." Hegu nodded first, then shook his head, "I don't know either. You can see for yourself later!"


Si Ningning wrinkled her nose and made a face, while teasingly tapping the tip of Hegu's nose.

He Gu tilted his head and avoided it, holding Si Ningning's hand and continuing to walk forward, "Can you cut my hair again? My hair has grown so long that it always **** my eyes when I eat, and I don't feel comfortable at all."

“Okay, but I didn’t bring any scissors. You and Sanae come with me to the educated youth center in the afternoon. After your hair is cut, I’ll ask your eldest brother to boil a pot of hot water. You two should take a good bath before.”


Chatted along the road to Chen's house. As soon as he arrived at the gate of the courtyard, Huo Lang ran out to pick her up.

Huo Lang took Si Ningning's backpack and walked in front, "What else did you bring here? Didn't you say I would go to the town to buy it?"

 “Just a little bit of seasoning.”

 “You cook a lot at home, how can you do without ingredients?”

Si Ningning said disapprovingly: "There must be some, but it's definitely not mine."

Holang laughed dumbly, "A little seasoning, a little more or a little is fine."

"Bring it here." As soon as Si Ningning entered the main room, he took the bamboo basket back from Huo Lang's hand.

Scanning the things piled on the table, Si Ningning arched her eyebrows and teased with a smile: "How about saying that they don't like the food you cooked? I'm sure it has nothing to do with your cooking skills. It’s just the ingredients that are missing.”

“You two said so, right?” Si Ningning leaned forward slightly and winked at Hegu and Sanae.

 The two little ones nodded together, their voices extremely loud, "Yes! The food cooked by Sister Ning/Si Ningning is a hundred times more delicious than the one cooked by the elder brother!"

"Can you count when it reaches a hundred? A hundred times as much?" Huo Lang let out a light "tsk", pretending to be annoyed and patted the back of Hegu's head, "I don't know how valuable food is, so why don't you eat it if it doesn't taste good? You'll be hungry later. How many times do you two eat, let’s see if you can still be picky.”

Hegu frowned, and his small, bright red mouth suddenly pursed so high that he almost had to hang the oil can up.

Si Ningning smiled and pushed Huo Lang, "Okay, stop teasing them two. Do you have a wiper? Get one for me?"

                                                                                                               In the local parlance, it is actually 蜜衣, the kind of apron that is worn around the waist. 】

"Yes, I'll get it for you." Huo Lang turned around and just took a step out. He saw Si Ningning's movements from the corner of his eye. He immediately turned his head and said, "Why did you take off your military coat? You're wearing it well, but it's so cold after it's taken off. ?”

"This clothes is for warmth, but it's too heavy. It's fine for going out, but it's a bit too much for work at home." Si Ningning said with a smile, folding the military coat at the waist and placing it on the long bench against the wall next to the table. , "And isn't this in the house? It will get hot after a while."

"It's better not to be able to move around than to get cold, but you just don't listen." Huo Lang had no choice but to wipe his clothes.

While Si Ningning was tying a rope around his waist, Huo Lang was rummaging around in the room. Just as Si Ningning was about to ask him what he was looking for, he saw him pulling out a square wooden frame from under the bed, and then dragging A rusty iron pot that my parents almost didn’t recognize came out.

"It's so cold today, why don't you use a brazier?" Si Ningning asked in surprise.

Huo Lang glanced at her and waved the things in his hands, "Isn't this useful?"

Si Ningning stamped her feet, "I meant before!"

"It's not that cold when you're used to it." Huo Lang grew up in the three northeastern provinces when he was a child. He has experienced many cold weather. The low temperature here is nothing to him. "It's windy outside. I haven’t let the two little ones go out for a while. They usually play on the bed.”

Si Ningning nodded knowingly and reached out to pick up the pork in the basket on the table, "Do you have a big basin? Take one to the well for me. You bought a lot of meat this time. Are you planning to marinate some?"

"Make some bacon. I learned it from my aunt in the team before. I think it's delicious." Huo Lang said and hurriedly removed the basket in front of Si Ningning. "Put on your clothes and sit down for a while. Wait for me." Raise the brazier."

“…Okay.” Si Ningning rubbed her nose and responded obediently.

The stove is always burning in the Educated Youth Point, and the temperature in the room is not too low. I don't feel cold even if I don't wear a coat when I usually move around in the room.

There was no brazier in the Chen family, so Si Ningning felt a little chilly after taking off her military coat.

Horang bought a lot of things this time, including ten kilograms of pork, five kilograms of flour, ten kilograms of rice, and a bottle of oil, which is about half a kilogram.

 In addition to these, there are also small snacks such as glutinous rice sticks, fruit peel, white rabbit toffee, etc.

Si Ningning was sitting at the table waiting for Huo Lang to light the brazier. Hegu and Sanae were presenting gifts to her one after another.

“Okay, I’ll just taste one, and you can keep it for yourself.”

Hegu squatted in front of Si Ningning while carrying the small horse. He buried his head in silence and opened the paper package containing the white rabbit and divided it into three parts on the small horse. One part belongs to him, one part belongs to Si Ningning, and the third part belongs to Sanae.

One pill for him, two pills for Si Ningning, one pill for Sanmiao, one pill for him, two pills for Si Ningning, and one pill for Sanmiao...

As the grain was being divided, Si Ningning saw the clues and asked funnyly: "Why is there no one for your elder brother?"

Sanae peeled off a large white toffee and put it in Si Ningning's mouth. The round eyes on the little bun's face were full of seriousness, "Big brother said, he doesn't like sweets."

 There are some people who don’t like sweets, but there are also people who just say so, but actually want to give the only sweets or food they have to their children.

Si Ningning wondered sharply whether Huo Lang was the former or the latter. Before she could figure it out, Sanae peeled off another White Rabbit toffee and handed it to her like a maid serving her.

Si Ningning pushed Sanmiao's little hand back helplessly, "Sanmiao can eat it by herself. I don't like sweet things either."

Sanae hesitated for a moment, nodded and pressed the candy into her mouth.

He Gu raised his head at this moment and said, "You're lying. You obviously like sweet things. I saw you eating a lot of chocolate **** before."

"…" Si Ningning stretched out his index finger to scratch his forehead and explained forcefully: "Chocolate is different. I don't eat the sweetness of chocolate, but taste its mellowness, you know? That is to taste the mellowness."

Hegu frowned and scratched his head.

As soon as Si Ningning saw his tangled expression, she knew that He Gu had been deceived by her, and she couldn't help laughing.

 Haha, demo!

But she didn’t laugh twice. Hegu’s eyes suddenly lit up, and the words he said next almost made her swallow the white rabbit in her mouth:

“I know, then I’ll tell my eldest brother and ask him to buy more chocolate **** in the future!”

“Cough…cough cough—” Si Ningning choked and coughed.

Hegu hurriedly brought water and handed it to Si Ningning. He looked up at his little rosy face that he had cultivated in the past six months and asked Si Ningning seriously: "What's the matter, Si Ningning, you don't like chocolate." Yet?"

Si Ningning took a sip of water to wash away the sweet feeling stuck in his throat, and slapped Hegu in front of his head angrily, "No, but children are not allowed to interfere in matters between adults."

"I didn't interfere, I won't..." He Gu took advantage of the opportunity to persuade Si Ningning. Seeing Si Ningning's serious gaze, he said with a flat mouth, "Okay", and did not continue what he said before. .

 “That’s good.”

Si Ningning smiled slightly and rubbed He Gu’s furry little head.

 “What are you talking about?”

  Holang came from the kitchen carrying a brazier.

At this point, it was already several hours before breakfast time. There was no charcoal fire in the stove. There was a layer of black charcoal under the brazier that Huo Lang brought, which must have been accumulated previously.

Apart from these, above the black coals of the brazier, there are a few burning firewood.

Si Ningning was stunned.

This is really a real brazier!

 Fortunately, the firewood burning above had been dried by Holang early in the morning, so there was not much smoke when it burned.

 “Nothing said.”

Si Ningning responded, tugged on his clothes and was about to take off his clothes before standing up. Huo Lang said: "Don't move, wait for the fire to burn."

After setting up the brazier, Huo Lang brought in a small bundle of dry firewood and chopped it into a suitable length with an axe. He clapped his hands and stood up, "I want a big basin and water, right? Wait, I'll fetch water."

As he spoke, he went to the backyard in a hurry.

Si Ningning was stunned for a while while watching the operation.


Didn’t she come here just to help with the work and cooking?

  Why is it now like a mascot being watched, sitting aside and not being allowed to do anything?

Huo Lang brought a large wooden basin with iron hoops, and soon brought two buckets of water and poured it into the basin. Si Ningning took off his military coat and went up to help. Huo Lang made a "tsk" sound, but before he spoke, Si Ningning Ning Ning raised her eyes and frowned at him, "Tsk, what? If you really don't let me do anything, I won't come next time."

Horang swallowed his words, smiled and changed his tone, "Okay, let's do it together, let's do the head office together, right?"

Si Ningning nodded, "Yeah."

Horang put down the barrel and asked, "What else do you need? I'll get it for you?"

"Put away the sweets and snacks and give them two or three a day. If they eat too much, they will get cavities... And the meat needs something to put it in after washing it. You can bring a clean empty basin or bucket."


The wooden bucket he just used was used to draw water from the well, so it would not be stained with the smell of oil. Huo Lang put the bucket back to the well and took another basin from the kitchen.

After washing the pork and putting it into a basin, Si Ningning rolled up her sleeves, cut out the lunch snacks and put them away separately. While helping Huo Lang marinate the pork, she asked:

“What do you think about lunch? Is there anything you want to eat?”

“It’s all good, take a look, is that little meat enough? Do you want to cut off some more?”

“That’s enough, um... If you don’t have any other ideas, let’s eat braised pork! It’s a bit boring just eating meat. The spinach my sister-in-law gave me last time on the team was quite delicious. Do you have any seeds?”

Cabbage, Chinese cabbage, carrots, spinach, rapeseed, red cabbage, etc. are the main dishes in winter in the south. Although households in the countryside do not have much private land, the vegetables they grow are basically included in these types.

Of course, Huo Lang also grows vegetables, but he has been in town a while ago and has not taken care of the vegetable plot at home. The harvest of the vegetables he planted will not be very good, but it will definitely be no problem to stir-fry one or two plates.

 “Yes, I will pick them later.”

"Yeah, okay." Si Ningning nodded and asked Huo Lang to pour out the water in the big basin. Then she poured the pork for bacon into the basin. She asked Huo Lang, "Does it have to be marinated first to make bacon?" , and then smoke it with fire?”

 This is what I saw on TV before.

"No need." Huo Lang shook his head and took out the seasonings, salt and a small packet of peppercorns he had prepared early in the morning.

“Just put salt on it, sprinkle with peppercorns and marinate it overnight. Tomorrow, if you have time, pierce two holes in the skin of the meat and tie it with a rope, and then hang it on the eaves of the backyard to dry.”

I went early today. Not only did I buy a lot of meat, but I also bought a lot of fat. Just washing the meat made my hands full of oil. Si Ningning is a clean person, and Huo Lang thought that she would definitely not like this greasy food. Feeling, so he pushed the person aside:

"I'll do this. You go sit aside for a while, or see if there is anything else that needs to be prepared."

 The method of making bacon and salting it and controlling the amount should also require skills. Si Ningning was afraid that it would be bad if he intervened hastily, so he nodded obediently, "Okay, I'll go to the kitchen and take a look."

Si Ningning has been in the Chen family’s kitchen several times. The last time she came over when Huo Lang was not at home, Sanae Hegu cooked the food herself, so it was a little messy, so she even cleaned it up at the time.

This time I entered the kitchen again. Everything in the kitchen was clean and tidy. It must have been tidied up by Huo Lang when he came back yesterday.

Looking around, Si Ningning went to the main room to pick up a kettle. As expected, it was empty. "I'll boil some water."

"I'll help..." Huo Lang responded and was about to get up. Si Ningning stopped and glared at him, "The meat is not marinated? You want to do this, and you want to help that. Just break yourself in two." ”

Horang wanted to touch his nose, but before he even got close, he smelled a heavy smell of pork and pepper. He quickly took his hand back, chuckled without embarrassment, and squatted back to continue working.

Si Ningning then left with satisfaction.

Sanae couldn't wait, so she stood up holding a piece of candy and followed Si Ningning behind her, "Sister, let me help you light the fire!"

  “Huh? Okay! Sanae is awesome.”


Hearing Sanae's shy laughter, Hegu rolled his eyes and stood up to go to the kitchen.

Holang let out a "tsk" and stretched out his long legs to stop him, "What are you going to do?"

 “Let’s light the fire!” Hegu said matter-of-factly.

Holang glanced at the brazier and said, "It's okay to light a fire. Why do you have to go to the kitchen to block it?"

Hegu frowned slightly and said with a straight face, "I'm going!"

Horang asked the question in time: "If you run away, no one will care about it. What should I do if Si Ningning comes over later and feels cold?"

He Gu, who was about to swoop away with his head buried in his chest, stopped and glanced at the crackling fire brazier. It seemed that after careful consideration, he pouted unhappily and stayed in the main room to watch the fire.

The meat is said to be a lot, but in fact it only weighs eight or nine kilograms, and it actually marinates very quickly.

The marinated meat was temporarily placed in a basin. Fearing that the big basin would cause trouble in the middle of the room, Huo Lang pushed the basin under the big table and placed it there.

There was a grain of corn in the brazier in the house, so Huo Lang felt relieved and went to the backyard to wash his hands and check on the situation in Si Ningning. Seeing that the kitchen was getting warm, he didn't stay long and went out to pick vegetables with a basket.

When Huo Lang came back, Si Ningning had already filled the kettle with hot water, and the pork that was going to be braised had been cut into pieces and blanched. Si Ningning was washing the pot and planning the next step. .

Horang waved his hand and sent Sanae to the main room to look at the brazier with He Gu. He took over Sanae's position of lighting the fire, lighting the fire and choosing vegetables.

 “You picked so many?”

Si Ningning took a moment to take a look at the basket. It was packed to the brim, with several varieties, including spinach, green garlic, and rapeseed.

“They looked good, so I picked a few more.” Huo Lang said matter-of-factly.

 Zhao Hongbing must have helped take care of it in the past when he was away. The vegetable field was very orderly and the vegetables were growing well.

"You didn't say there was green garlic. I just saved some meat. You can slice it and fry it later."

The meat has been marinated and needs to be washed before eating.

"There wasn't much that was cut off, so what's left? Besides, the team will kill the pigs and divide the meat in a few days. If you want to eat, there will still be some left." Huo Lang pinched off the muddy vegetable roots, raised his head and smiled with his peach blossom eyes. Yi looked at Si Ningning and talked about another topic, "When the bacon is ready, can I send you some? I'm sure you'll like it too."

"It's harmful..." Si Ningning sighed softly and said angrily: "If someone tells you this, you have to say that!"


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 (End of this chapter)

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