Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 302: filled her eyes

Chapter 302 Filled her eyes

 Huo Lang chuckled twice, said nothing, stopped picking the vegetables, and just sat on the stove, leaning back against the wall, looking at Si Ningning with a smile on his face.

Si Ningning was not a fool. She could not detect such a lingering and intense gaze, she just wanted to ignore it for the first time.

But Huo Lang kept staring at her, and she held it back and buried herself in her work. In the end, she couldn't help but blush. She dropped the rag and looked up at Huo Lang:

 “Why do you keep staring at me?”

“You can’t marry someone back home, why don’t you just take a look?” Huo Lang asked teasingly.


How can anyone always talk about the words "marry home, marry home"?

Si Ningning pursed her lips, glanced sideways at Huo Lang, snorted and ignored Huo Lang.

Holang chuckled indifferently.

The dishes were almost picked, and the others were free. Except for stuffing a handful of dry firewood into the stove from time to time, the rest of the time they just leaned against the wall and looked at Si Ningning, as if just looking at Si Ningning was a kind of feeling in front of them. enjoy.

 Because for Holang, this feeling is wonderful, and it feels like entering a happy married life ahead of schedule.

In the family, he is a husband who works at sunrise and rests at sunset. Si Ningning, who is busy in front of the stove, is busy attentively in front of the stove every meal, just waiting for her husband to have a hot bite when he returns. Rice wife.

At a certain moment, Huo Lang felt that his heart was filled up, but when he realized that Si Ningning had not married him yet, he felt even more impatient.

 Can’t wait to marry the girl I love and go home.

Huo Lang's eyes suddenly became erratic as he stared at Si Ningning. Just as he was immersed in his imagination and expectations for the future, his upright nose wrinkled slightly, and then he closed his peach blossom eyes and took a deep, intoxicating breath:

 “It smells so good…”

"Really? I think it smells good too." Si Ningning raised her eyebrows slightly, giving a sweet and satisfied smile. She continued to press, stir-fry, and other movements with the spatula in her hand at a constant speed.

"The meat you bought this time is too fatty, so I sliced ​​off some pig skin and fat from the corners. I will cook out the lard later and pack it up. It will also taste better if you sprinkle some salt on the oil residue."

The fatter pork belly makes the braised pork lean and fragrant, and the fat melts in your mouth. This is actually just right. However, conditions are tight in this era. In daily life, people rarely eat oily and fishy food. If you eat it, you will eat something so heavy. , it is easy to have diarrhea when you look back.

Holang nodded, "Well, let's try it later."

While busy and chatting, Huo Lang unconsciously recalled the endless imagination just now. When he thought about the things in the future, he couldn't help but think about the educated youth returning home in a while.

After careful consideration, Huo Lang asked, "Educated youths also have a holiday to return to the city to visit relatives. Uncle Hongbing's plan is to arrange for you to leave on the 25th. Do you know this?"

Si Ningning's hand that scooped up the oil residue and skimmed off the excess grease suddenly paused, looking at Huo Lang and slowly shaking his head.

 Educated youth return to the city…

 Others went back to visit relatives, but the few members of her family had nothing to do with visiting relatives.

 “Then what are your plans?”

Si Ningning wiped his hands with a rag and was silent for a long time before replying: "Let's wait for the notification first. I will do whatever uncle arranges."

Si Ningning didn’t have any clear plans. In fact, personally, she didn’t want to return to Beijing at all, let alone contact that group of people.

 However, she must go back, not for herself, but for Si Ningning who was in the 1970s to get an explanation.

 This experience is inevitable.

But having said that, Si Ningning always thought that it would not be easy for educated youths to return to the city. When she went back to confront those people, she had to stay here for another three or two years before she could have a chance. Unexpectedly, the reality was not as she expected...

And now that Huo Lang has brought her news in advance, she still has time to make plans and what to do before going back.

Si Ningning was thinking when suddenly Huo Lang's voice came to his ears, "What are you thinking about? So absorbed?"

 “Ah, no…”

The bottom of the pot was burned red, and the remaining pieces of oil were burnt black. Si Ningning quickly scooped up all the oil residue with a spatula, then turned to a large bowl to hold the lard. There was a gap in the middle. She asked Holang, "What's wrong? Did you say something just now?"

"I asked, do you have a lot of luggage to go home? If not, I'll buy some things before you leave tomorrow. You can take it back with you. It's fine if you are alone, but you have someone to talk to..." Huo Lang paused for a moment, then changed his words, "As your partner, I should express my feelings. How can I let you go back empty-handed?"

Si Ningning was stunned for a moment, and for a long time he understood the hidden meaning of Huo Lang's words. Unconsciously, he glanced sideways at Huo Lang and laughed softly, "Are you buying things to gain my face? Or are you just buying things for me?" Crossing the street in my house so that they know you are there?"

The smile on Huo Lang's face dropped, he made a "tsk" sound and glared at Si Ningning, "Why do you think you are always so smart?"

"Ha ha ha ha-"

Si Ningning couldn't hold it in and laughed under Huo Lang's resentful gaze.

However, after calming down, Si Ningning wiped away the physiological tears from laughter in the corners of his eyes, and said sternly with flushed cheeks:

"Don't worry about it in advance. The situation in my family is special. Well... overall it's a bit complicated. In short, I will go back to see what the situation is. If there is no problem, I will tell them about our affairs and wait until the next time I visit relatives. Let’s go back together.”

Holang weighed it and nodded slightly, "Okay."

After chatting about the main business, the two chatted intermittently about other things. During this period, Huo Lang perfectly controlled the heat in the stove, while Si Ningning quickly cooked the braised pork, adding various condiments, and Mo Yue simmered the braised pork. When the meat was ripe, Si Ningning found a sea bowl and took out the meat.

Perhaps he felt that this dinner party was rare, so Huo Lang was very willing. Not only did he buy meat early in the morning, but the rice for cooking was also ready.

Si Ningning put rice into the back pot and simmered it. The sea bowl with braised pork was embedded in the edge of the pot and simmered together with the rice. He freed up the front pot and washed it. He quickly cooked a bunch of clear rapeseed and blanched spinach in hot water. , add garlic water and the chicken essence and oil that I brought with me and mix it into a small dish of cold dishes.

After everything is finished, the rice and braised pork in the back pot are just right at the heat, and the aroma wafting out, whether it is the fragrance of the rice or the rich aroma of the braised pork, is enough to make people salivate.

No, Si Ningning opened the lid of the pot and just used linen tongs to hold the rim of the bowl and took it out. When he turned around, he saw Huo Lang standing at the door of the kitchen behind him, with two arms holding grains on one side and Sanae on the other. A pair of black and clear eyes looked straight at her.


Si Ningning felt ashamed and asked, "Where can I eat?"

Hegu swallowed a sip of saliva and said positively: "Eat in the kitchen!"

At the same time, Huo Lang said in a low voice: "Go to the main room."

Sanae blinked her big eyes, tilted her head to look at her second brother, and then looked up at her eldest brother. The last pair of eyes only looked at Si Ningning with bright eyes, looking forward to "eating", but did not express her stance.

Horang put down the two little ones, patted their heads with his big hands, turned around and said, "Help get the bowls, and I'll clear the small table."

"Oh! Oh!" Hegu and Sanae clapped their hands happily. Seeing that Si Ningning was still in a daze, Hegu pursed his lips and said with a smile: "Brother said that we should clear the small table and eat in the main room!"

Si Ningning nodded hesitantly, "Well, I'll carry it over first, and you can just grab your own bowl and chopsticks. I'll come over later to serve the rice, so don't burn yourself."

"Know it!"

There are all the people you like in front of you, and there is a large table of delicious food that you can’t usually eat. No matter adults or children, the four people at the table are very satisfied.

Si Ningning also felt very happy.

She has everything in her space, food, drink, clothing, she has everything that others can think of, and she also has things that others can't think of.

Although I have everything, there are some things that are different when enjoyed alone or with people you like.

Si Ningning felt very satisfied.

 After having enough wine and food, Si Ningning was too lazy to move, so Huo Lang took care of all the work of cleaning the table and washing dishes.

While washing the dishes, Huo Lang was still thinking about whether to take out the bamboo bed in the main room and put it on a quilt, so that the three idle people could take off their shoes and sit on the bed to play, or just sleep on the bed and rest for a while. When he came out of the kitchen after finishing his work, he saw He Gu and Sanae sitting in a row on the benches. Si Ningning sat in front of them and asked them about their homework during this period.

Horang chuckled helplessly and did not disturb the three of them. He wiped the small table clean and moved it to the side of the three of them, and silently made three cups of fragrant malted milk.

Hegu finished the test first, and his little nose twitched slightly when he smelled the fragrance of malted milk. He stood up suddenly and said, "Yeah! Brother is making malted milk again!"

Si Ningning glanced at it and handed Sanae a cup, then looked at the only cup left on the table and asked Huo Lang with a smile: "Are you not going to drink it, or are you not going to give it to me?"

Huo Lang had no idea, so he immediately changed his steps and said, "Okay, I'll make a cup. I'll make another cup, okay?"

"Don't ask me if I can do it. We're not that far behind. Everyone else is eating and drinking, and you just watch from the sidelines? What's this?"

"Okay, okay, I'll remember it next time. Let's eat and drink together next time, okay?" Huo Lang poured hot water and made a cup of malted milk, sat back in the chair and drank, his face filled with tears. He looked at Si Ningning with a smile, his eyes were full of Si Ningning.

Perhaps Si Ningning felt that he had become thicker-skinned because he had seen him so much?

  He nodded as if nothing had happened, and then muttered proudly: "That's not bad."

Huo Lang laughed twice in a low voice, and said something to clear out the bamboo bed and let them play on it so as not to sit on the ground and get cold.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Si Ningning shook her head and refused, "Don't be so troublesome. It's getting late. I should go back after I sit down for a while."

 “Okay.” Huo Lang just sat quietly without moving. Si Ningning checked the homework of Sanae and Hegu and found that the completion was good. After praising each of them, he picked up a small piece of broken carbon and drew a simple thirty-six-square chessboard on the floor of the hall. He taught Sanae and Hegu about the rules. Hegu played backgammon.

The rules of backgammon are simple, and Sanae and Hegu quickly picked up the game. After Si Ningning played two games with the two of them, he gave up the temporary chess pieces in his hands - a pile of small wooden sticks.

She tilted her head and leaned her face against her knees, half of her face was sunken, and she blinked at Huo Lang with bright eyes.

Huo Lang knew that she was planning to go back, so he immediately put the enamel jar in his hand back on the small table, stood up and picked up Si Ningning's military coat, "I'll give it to you."

Si Ning smiled silently and nodded.

The two little ones were immersed in playing in the house. Huo Lang gently closed the door and walked out of the courtyard side by side with Si Ningning. "What are the plans for tomorrow?"

"There are no special arrangements, but the educated youth have just had a holiday, so they should be busy cleaning up in the past two days."

Tomorrow is Laba, and Si Ningning didn’t mention going to town.

The mountain road was wet and difficult to walk. If she said she was going to the town, Huo Lang was determined to follow her.

Hourang asked Si Ningning if he had any plans for tomorrow. In fact, his subconscious thought was that if Si Ningning didn't have any plans, he could come over and play like today.

Listening to the meaning of Si Ningning's words, Huo Lang knew that Si Ningning would probably be busy tomorrow, so he didn't ask her to come over. Instead, he told her: "Then you should pay attention to the stove in the house when you are busy tomorrow." Keep it burning all the time, don’t worry about running out of coal, I’ll get some back in a few days. Also, even when I go out to pour water, I have to put on my clothes.”

Holang held Si Ningning's hand, his deep peach blossom eyes filled with worries like an old father's, "I don't have much flesh on my body, and I almost lost weight when I got sick last time, so don't get sick again."

“I know, I know!” Si Ningning laughed helplessly, “Stop nagging like an old lady!”

 “If you are obedient, you don’t need me to nag you all the time.”

  “Okay, obedient, obedient, I’ll be obedient, okay?”

Si Ningning winked playfully at Huo Lang, but Huo Lang couldn't do anything to her. He let out a low sigh and flicked Si Ningning's head on the forehead. After a while, Si Ningning pinched her in turn. Several notes.

Si Ningning didn't exert much force, and Huo Lang's arms had strong muscles and thick skin. The few pinches she pinched not only didn't make Huo Lang feel any pain, but instead made him feel numb and tingling, just like flirting. Huo Lang burst out laughing.

Si Ningning glanced sideways at Huo Lang and hummed, "Just laugh!"

 “Okay, don’t laugh, don’t laugh.”

Having already passed through the path of the literacy class, seeing that there were only a few steps to reach the educated youth point, Huo Lang slowed down and walked a few steps, then stopped, holding Si Ningning's hand and Si Ningning also stopped. Come down.

"What's wrong?" Si Ningning was stunned at first, and the next second he noticed the familiar scenery around him and reacted accordingly. He wanted to withdraw his hand, but Huo Lang's grip tightened, but he didn't pull it back.

Si Ningning's youngest daughter puffed out her cheeks and looked a little shy, "I'm here, go back quickly!"

"Yeah." Huo Lang responded in a low voice without actually letting go of Si Ningning's big hand, "Remember what I just said."

 “I remember it all!”

"Well..." Huo Lang was a little reluctant to let go. After writing for a long time, he asked Si Ningning, "When you go back in a while, you really don't need me to buy anything to take back?"

"It's really not necessary!" Si Ningning said with a smile, and softened his tone after a while, "Okay, go back quickly! I'll think about it in the past two days. If there is anything missing or needed, I will tell you in advance. Then you can buy it for me, okay?"

"Okay." Huo Lang nodded lightly, and just as he loosened his grip a little, Si Ningning grabbed it again before he could twitch his hand, "The team has a lot of things to do at the end of the year, and I should be doing some work in the past two days. Help uncle with some work. I won’t be able to take care of you when the time comes. If you have anything to do, just tell He Gu and Sanae and they will let me know when I come back in the evening.”

"Yeah." Si Ningning responded lightly, "Don't just be busy, but also pay attention to your health and eat on time."


 “Then...I’m going back?”

"Yeah." Huo Lang let go of Si Ningning's hand, his deep eyes filled with gentle and tender light, filling Si Ningning's eyes, "I'll watch you go in."


Si Ningning turned back three times at a time. When she got to the side of the house of the educated youth spot, she didn't forget to turn around and wave her hand, asking Huo Lang to go back quickly, for fear that Huo Lang would freeze standing there in the cold weather.

There is a stove in the Educated Youth Point room. In order to maintain the indoor temperature, the door is always closed when the weather is cold after winter.

The young lovers separated reluctantly. Si Ningning ran back to the educated youth center with her nose red from the cold, and banged the door several times, "Shuhua? Jiang Yue? Open the door!"

After several shots, and just when Si Ningning was about to slap her again, the door opened with a creak. Si Ningning subconsciously raised his eyes and met a pair of cold amber eyes.

 …Have Mo Bei's eyes always been so light?

A question briefly flashed in Si Ningning's mind, and as the door was opened, her thoughts returned instantly, "Thank you, hehe."

Nodding towards Mo Bei, Si Ningning missed Mo Bei and got into the room. She didn't enter the room either, so she put her hands on the table in the main room and slapped it, shouting: "Gather, gather! I have the latest news for you." Everyone announces it!”

Mo Bei closed the door with his backhand. The other educated youths were also there, and they all gathered around the table for a while.

 “What’s the news?”

"What's going on?" Jiang Yue poured a cup of hot water and gave it to Si Ningning, "Stop the lawsuit, just tell me!"

Seeing that everyone was approaching, Si Ningning stopped suing and took off her heavy coat. She hummed and said with a smile: "It's been more than half a year since we went to the countryside and came here. I just got the news that this year We have a vacation to go home to visit relatives. Depending on the captain’s wishes, he should arrange for us to leave on the 25th or 6th of this year!”


Educated Youth Point erupted with a burst of strong joy. After a while, everyone recovered from the surprise and began to worry and question again: "Real or false? Huh? Real or false?"

Si Ningning pursed her lips and smiled lightly, and said confidently: "This is probably true! But I don't know the specific number of days of vacation."

 Why are you so confident?

 Probably because the news was brought by Holang.

And the relationship between Huo Lang and Zhao Hongbing is close. What Zhao Hongbing said to Huo Lang was basically that he didn't run away.

Si Ningning estimated that if nothing unexpected happened, Zhao Hongbing would come over to talk about this matter at the latest tomorrow.

 In fact?

Zhao Hongbing's movements were much faster than Si Ningning expected. As soon as she finished speaking, before everyone in the educated youth spot had time to react, the door was banged, and then Zhao Hongbing's rough voice came out. :

 “Is there anyone there? In the house?”

Everyone was stunned. Si Ningning was the first to react and urged Li Lingyuan, who was standing at the edge: "Why are you still standing there? I'm here to talk about this! Go and open the door!"

 “Oh oh oh! Open the door!”

Li Lingyuan quickly pulled the door latch, and the others followed behind, happily surrounding Li Lingyuan and facing Zhao Hongbing, "Captain! You are here!"

“Captain! Sit down and talk! Come on, hurry up! Come into the room, sit down and talk!”

"Hey, hey." Zhao Hongbing was a little confused by the crowd's enthusiasm. When he realized what he was doing, he was already being held to the edge of the table by a group of educated youths.

Jiang Yue poured hot water and handed it to Zhao Hongbing, "Captain, drink water."

“Eh!” Zhao Hongbing nodded. He held the warm bamboo cup and rubbed it. He looked around at the crowd and said, “Don’t stand and look at me. If there is a stool, sit down.”

When everyone sat down, Zhao Hongbing spoke slowly. What he said was exactly what Si Ningning said a few minutes ago:

"Well, the big guys have been here for more than half a year, and they are usually very hardworking and active. Isn't it the end of the year soon? The team leader sent a message, saying that arrangements have been made for the educated youth comrades to return home. A holiday to visit family.”

As Zhao Hongbing explained the reason for the matter word by word, the group of educated youths subconsciously looked at Si Ningning. Their eyes contained two meanings, one was joy, and the other was recognition of what Si Ningning said just now.

 The news is indeed true!

Everyone was shocked by this huge surprise. They all sat upright in front of Zhao Hongbing and nodded obediently.

Zhao Hongbing saw that each of them had bright eyes and looked like they were looking forward to returning home, and felt something in his heart.

 This group of people are all young children. They must be homesick after being away from home for so long.

Returning to the topic, Zhao Hongbing continued: "What the captain means is that this holiday to visit relatives is for ten days. Everyone can start buying tickets on the 25th of the twelfth lunar month. Buy early and come back early. Come back early and come back early. The best time to come back here is You can’t go beyond the eighth day of the first lunar month, that’s the limit, you can make other arrangements.”

"Ah, by the way, um, when the time comes to buy your tickets to leave, remember to go to the team to report. Although the rule is that you can come back before the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, but you left in time, the final time of return, these teams They must be recorded and reported to the brigade and commune.”

 “Well, well, captain, we all remember it!”

"Okay, you guys can continue your work. I should go back after I finish talking about the business." Zhao Hongbing drank the water in the cup, laughed twice in a rough voice, "Haha", walked to the door and stood on the steps to turn around. Coming here:

"Oh, by the way, there is nothing much to do in the cold weather now, but our team also has a lot of other trivial tasks. We take advantage of this time every year to twist the straw rope so that it can be used to tie the grain and wheat next year. If you Those who have time to live can also go to the warehouse to register. Two jobs are divided into one bundle, and those who are able will get more."

 “Thank you, captain, we’ll go back later!”

 (End of this chapter)

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