Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 303: To go home or not to go home?

Chapter 303 To go home or not?

 After sending Zhao Hongbing off, the gate of the educated youth point was closed again. All the educated youth sat around the table and started discussing the matter.

Song Shuhan asked: "What are your plans? Are you going back? When do you plan to buy tickets?"

 “Return.” Mo Bei nodded calmly, and then lowered his eyes to read calmly.

Li Lingyuan scratched his head hesitantly, "I, I'm not in a hurry, let's take a look first! Anyway, there's still more than half a month left."

Song Shuhan nodded and glanced at the female educated youth at the table, "Like Mo Bei, I also plan to go back. What about you?"

Si Ningning nodded calmly and expressed his thoughts.

Song Xiaoyun looked at this, then that, and finally said hesitantly: "I, let me take a look first too!"

Xu Shuhua was more direct, smiling and saying optimistically: "I won't go back now, um... I'll go back next time."

Song Shuhan turned his eyes to Jiang Yue. Jiang Yue's expression was not very good. She was silent for a while and then whispered: "I won't answer either."

Even though the train speed is slow at this time, it takes more than 20 hours to go from north to south. After taking the distance of ten days of vacation, it is still enough to stay at home for a few days.

Si Ningning knew that the people who said they couldn't go home didn't mean they didn't want to go home, but they were short of money and couldn't come up with the money to buy tickets.

 And Jiang Yue is different from those who can’t afford the money.

 She is homeless.

The reason why everyone was so happy just now is just because from the incident of visiting relatives, they realized that there is hope for returning to the city in the future...

Si Ningning sighed softly in her heart, noticing Jiang Yue's change in expression, she reached out from under the table and patted the back of Jiang Yue's hand comfortingly.

Jiang Yue tilted her head and shook her head inaudibly, twitching her lips to make a not-so-good-looking smile.

Mo Bei is not a nosy person, and Song Shuhan is also a smart man with a clear mind. He probably guessed the reason why the friends here chose not to go home, so Song Shuhan did not continue on this topic.

Song Shuhan took off his glasses and rubbed them with the corner of his clothes. When he put them back on, the other person had already stood up from the table. "There is not much firewood left for the stove. I'm going to chop some."

Xu Shuhua pursed her lips twice, and after calming down the disappointment of not being able to go home, she stood up and smiled again, "I'm going to the warehouse to register to carry straw, and is there anyone with me to rub the straw rope? I'm idle, so why don't I get more work points? , have a full belly in the coming year!”

"I go."

Jiang Yue, Li Lingyuan and Song Xiaoyun stood up together.

"I am coming too."

 In just a short moment, half of the people in the main room were reduced.


Si Ningning sighed, her lips pursed slightly in frustration, and she felt sorry for the people around her who couldn't go home.

 While she was feeling melancholy, Mo Bei from across the table tapped his fingers on the table to attract her attention.

 “What’s wrong?” Si Ningning asked.

Mo Bei shook his head slightly and asked instead: "When do you plan to buy the tickets? I have military household registration and can help buy tickets for the sleeper workshop. If you need it, I can buy it together."

Si Ningning didn't really think about when to buy the ticket, but she thought that she had taken a twenty-eight-hour train ride to get here from Beijing. The journey time from here to Beijing should be about the same. .

Si Ningning really didn't think she could hold on after sitting for twenty-eight hours. If she could ask Mo Bei to buy a ticket for the sleeper carriage, the journey would be a lot less painful.

Thinking about it, Si Ningning said: "I don't know either. Let's go and take a look then? I don't know if tickets are always available?"

After saying that, he asked Mo Bei, "What day did you buy it for? If you have the tickets and can make it in time, we can go together then."

She and Mo Bei are both from the capital, so they go together and have someone to take care of them when necessary.

Mo Bei didn't have any idea of ​​which day to buy tickets for, so he thought about it and said, "Then we'll go to the county and see, and we can buy whichever day we can."


That day, Zhao Hongbing not only talked about the educated youth returning to the city to visit relatives, but after returning to the production team, he convened the commune members to announce the time for killing pigs to distribute grain, which was the 24th day of the Lunar New Year.

 Slaughter the pigs in the morning and distribute the grain in the afternoon.

Si Ningning thought about it privately. In addition to the rations she received in the past six months, she had saved some work points in the past two months. Adding in the 70 work points shared equally with everyone for raising rabbits, she should have saved four About 100 work points.

 I don’t know what the ratio of work share and food share is in the team. How much can she get?

Si Ningning exhaled slightly, feeling that she could look forward to it.

With the slightest hope, before going to bed at night, Si Ningning politely greeted Jiang Yue and the others and revealed the news that they were going to the town tomorrow.

Xu Shuhua and the others had no objections, but Jiang Yue got up from the bed and rummaged through the boxes and cabinets beside the bed, "Then you can send me a package on the way! Just send this!"

Jiang Yue handed Si Ningning an oil paper package. The package was not very big, but it was wrapped tightly.

Si Ningning squeezed it and felt something soft. She immediately realized what was inside.

 It’s the pair of gloves she knitted crookedly...

“Send it to your brother?” Si Ningning looked up at Jiang Yue.

Jiang Yue smiled naively and nodded calmly, "Alas!"

Si Ningning sighed slightly in her heart and put the package into the basket on the back of the door. "Write me your address and name."


Before preparing for lessons, Jiang Yue bought several notebooks from Si Ningning, and now there are two brand new ones. Si Ningning asked for the address, Jiang Yue did not hesitate at all, took out the notebook, tore out half a page and lay on the table to write the address. He handed it to Si Ningning neatly.

Jiang Yue looked at Si Ningning with a meek and flattering expression on her face.

Si Ningning gave her a strange smile, put the note away and said with a smile, "Okay, go to bed!"

As he spoke, Si Ningning was about to blow out the kerosene lamp. Xu Shuhua suddenly said: "Hey, wait a minute, Ningning!"

"Huh?" Si Ningning turned around and saw Xu Shuhua sitting on the edge of the stove, making shoes with the help of the kerosene lamp on the small table.

 “Two more needles and that’s it, you’ll be blowing it later!”


Si Ningning was not in a hurry to turn on the lamp and bent down to make the bed and was busy for a while.

After a while, Xu Shuhua bit off the thread on the edge of the sole, handed the shoe to Si Ningning and said, "Here, let's try it!"

“Hmm.” Si Ningning nodded and said “hmm”, then sat on the bed and tried on the shoes. The soles of the shoes were made of thin layers of rags. Si Ningning put them on and pressed them down from the instep.

 The size is quite suitable, and the upper is also very thick.

Xu Shuhua saw her action and took the initiative to explain: "When I was making the shoe upper, I saw that there were some extra rags, so I pieced them together and nailed them together with the shoe upper from the inside."

She traced her fingers on the instep of Si Ningning's feet. Si Ningning took a closer look and saw that the stitching on the shoe was very sharp.

 The stitching is not too dense, and the shoes are not fine, but they are easy to wear.

Si Ningning got out of bed and tried to take a few steps, "Thank you Shuhua, it fits very well!"

"You just gave me the rags a while ago and you were caught up in the busy farming season. Otherwise, I would have given them to you earlier. You have to rest these two days, otherwise you won't be able to wear them this winter." Xu Shuhua smiled and waved her hand, "Usually You helped me so much, but I can't return it from other places like Mo Bei and Song Shuhan, so I can only do what I can."

Si Ningning sat on the edge of the bed with crooked eyes, took off her shoes and said with a smile: "Hey, if we live under the same roof, don't we just help each other and support each other? You, don't think so much."

 “Haha, yes.” Xu Shuhua rubbed her hands together and laughed cautiously.

Si Ningning put the shoes under the bed, and when she got up, she said, "But Shuhua, I still have some rags there. If you have time, can you make another pair for me? I'll pay you for the craftsmanship."

 Xu Shuhua took the initiative to make these shoes for Si Ningning not long after autumn began. Although it took a long time, it was indeed because she was busy and Xu Shuhua could not spare any time.

Si Ningning can understand.

And when she gave Xu Shuhua the rag head, she already had an idea in her mind, which is what she is talking about now.

 The first pair was for Xu Shuhua to repay her usual favor. Xu Shuhua wanted to make it for her for free, and she accepted.

 But for the second pair, if Xu Shuhua is still willing to help her make it, she will pay accordingly.

 First of all, I really want to replace the shoes, and secondly, it is another kind of help to Xu Shuhua’s life...

 It can be regarded as a way to get the best of both worlds.

Xu Shuhua’s eyes swayed, and she was obviously moved. However, she felt that it was unreasonable to charge money for living under the same roof, so she hesitated and did not speak.

Si Ningning took the initiative and said, "Don't feel embarrassed. Jiang Yue and I helped make clothes for male educated youths and collected the things. Look, do you want money, or do you want rations or something? What if I If you are rich, I can give it to you evenly."

When Si Ningning said this, Xu Shuhua no longer felt embarrassed. She pursed her lips and smiled: "Forget about the rations. We all don't have enough to eat... Can I ask for money? I haven't had much to do lately, except for rubbing the straw rope. There’s nothing else to do, I can make shoes very quickly...well, I don’t need a lot, just two cents.”

 “Two cents won’t do.”

Xu Shuhua was stunned for a moment, hesitated for a moment, and quickly added: "Then, that one penny will do!"

"I don't think two cents is too much." Si Ningning shook his head slightly and sighed, "I'll give you a dime."


Xu Shuhua immediately shook her head and said, "It's just a shoe. How can I use a dime?"

 How much cloth can be bought with just one dime! ?

"Don't refuse in a hurry, I also have a request." Si Ningning pressed down Xu Shuhua's hand, squatted down and picked up the shoes that were just placed at the bottom of the bed, gesturing with her fingers on the uppers, "These stitches are too rough, I'm afraid If it slips in the rain, the thread will fall apart. If you decide to do it for me, the stitches should be tighter."

Si Ningning wanted to help Xu Shuhua, but it was definitely not the kind of help that a philanthropist would provide.

Xu Shuhua said it doesn’t take long to make a pair of shoes, but in fact it still takes a lot of time and energy. Staying up late doing it under the lamp will hurt your eyes even more.

 What can you do with two cents? Can't even buy an egg.

If Xu Shuhua insisted on pinching her for two cents, Si Ningning would rather not let her do it.

 It would be a real shame if you let her do it.

Jiang Yue and Song Xiaoyun both looked at her with confusion in their eyes. They probably didn't expect that there would be employers who would raise wages, and workers who would lower wages...

Xu Shuhua was very hesitant. To be precise, she felt a little uneasy about her conscience, but in the end she surrendered to reality.

"That's okay, but you have to give me these shoes first, and I'll give them to you two days later." She took away the new shoes in Si Ningning's hand, and added with hindsight, "I'll give them to you again." Nail a circle of thread!”

Xu Shuhua's shoes were not made in a hurry. When she was learning, she only used wider stitches. She also tried to nail dense stitches, but they always tended to become crooked in the middle, so she stopped. So done.

If Si Ningning wanted the stitches to be finely spaced, she might be able to do the stitching in two passes, first with thicker stitches, and the second time with a slightly staggered stitching, and it should be the same.

Si Ningning nodded and smiled, "Okay, you can take it first. I'm going to town tomorrow and I'm too lazy to look through it now. I'll find the time to find it out for you when I come back tomorrow."


 “Okay, go to sleep.”

 “Okay.” Xu Shuhua nodded, and the smile on her face couldn’t help but become more sincere this time.

Si Ningning feels that it is actually easy to understand.

Even though I am so busy every day, it is actually difficult to properly provide for food and clothing, let alone spare the extra work points and go back to the team to share the money.

 Xu Shuhua basically has no source of income. Now she can make a little income by helping Si Ningning make shoes, which can alleviate the embarrassment of life to some extent, such as the necessary "AA system" for educated youth, so can she be unhappy?


 The world’s original inhabitants are still very simple in some behaviors and ideas.

Si Ningning blew out the kerosene lamp with a huff, got on the bed, closed the mosquito net and said "good night".

In the darkness, the sound of bed boards shaking came from all around, and then there was a brief silence. After a while, Song Xiaoyun's voice came from the back of the room: "Ning Ning, what is the word 'good night'? What does it mean?" I’ve heard you say that several times.”

"Uh..." Si Ningning was stuck for a moment. After a moment of reaction, she found her voice and said, "Good night, maybe it's just a blessing before going to bed at night? On the one hand, I tell the other person that I'm going to bed, and on the other hand, I'm going to sleep." On the one hand, it probably means sleeping peacefully and having good dreams?”

Si Ningning explained unconfirmedly.

Si Ningning really hasn't thought about the exact meaning of "good night". The meaning she explained is entirely her personal understanding.

However, Song Xiaoyun didn't care at all. After Si Ningning finished speaking, Song Xiaoyun said good night several times:

 “Na Ning Ning, good night!”

Si Ningning said softly, "Good night."

Song Xiaoyun's bed shook for a while, and she said again: "Good night, Jiang Yue! Good night, Shuhua!"

“Good night, good night! Stop talking and go to bed quickly!” Jiang Yue urged.

Xu Shuhua chuckled and said "good night" smoothly, and then the room suddenly became quiet.

 Just as Si Ningning explained the meaning of "good night", several girls slept particularly peacefully and sweetly that night...

 (End of this chapter)

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