Chapter 304 Test

 The next day, Si Ningning got up early, but unfortunately it started to rain again.

There was no umbrella at the Educated Youth Point, but there was an old bamboo hat. Si Ningning put on the bamboo hat, tightened her clothes and set off. Once outside the boundary of the production team, she put all the things such as backpacks into the space, changed her clothes and continued to set off.

 But even if we set out lightly, it was already 10:30 in the morning when we arrived in town.

Si Ningning simply gave up and went to the post office to mail Jiang Yue's things. Then she randomly put some things in the basket on her back and walked around to the alley behind the scrap station, taking advantage of the fact that no one was around. He took out the stove from the space and knocked on the door.

"Dong, dong, dong," there were three long and two short knocks for a while, and soon someone opened the door from the inside.

Si Ningning didn’t even raise her head. She continued to use her arms to pick up a stove and handed it over, "Help me get it."

 “Oh, okay!” the monkey responded quickly.

After entering the house, the monkey head immediately concealed the lock on the back door.

Si Ningning asked: "How are you today? Are they here?"

"It's so cold outside, and it's Laba Festival again. I guess Mao Dong is at home. There's not many people here at the scrap yard these days." The monkey head nodded, pushed open the wooden door of the compartment and said, "He's here, Brother Yang will bring you I’ve been waiting here since Xihe arrived.”

 The wooden door was pushed open, Si Ningning looked up and saw Gu Yang and Gu Xihe.

 Both of them seemed a little nervous. They took two steps forward and wanted to say something, but in the end they did not speak.

Si Ningning looked around the two brothers with special attention. More than a month had passed since the incident. Gu Xihe's head injury had already healed, and he looked good.

Si Ningning looked at Gu Yang in a blink of an eye, and when his eyes met, Si Ningning was slightly startled.

Gu Yang's brows were pressed down, making his eye sockets slightly sunken. His face looked extremely serious, and... on that face, a pair of eyes were very sharp and deep, as if he had seen through something.

Gu Yang is not a thoughtful person, but he is definitely not the kind of person who can be fooled easily. He should have noticed something about the last incident with Team 7.

Si Ningning realized this and felt a little nervous, but when she remembered that the two brothers hadn't mentioned anything since she entered the house, she felt at ease again.

So what if you are really aware of it?

Gu Yang is a smart man, he will not take the initiative to talk about it, and Si Ningning is even less likely to dismantle himself.

smart people…

 Smart people are good, Si Ningning likes to deal with smart people.

"Dongdong, Brother Yang brought duck eggs again this time. No matter how I begged him, he wouldn't give them to me. He said they were for you... Can I buy two from you later?" He smashed the monkey's head and smacked his lips. He glanced at the corner of the cubicle greedily.

 “Go and get it yourself.” Si Ningning said calmly.

 “Oh! I, I’ll just take two!” The monkey head happily ran to the corner and began to shred in the bamboo basket.

Si Ningning's eyes fell back on Xi Yang. Gu Yang was the most mature and able to take on tasks among the Gu family brothers. By bringing Gu Xihe here this time, he had already explained that he was going to let Gu Xi work in the rubber factory. and go.

Si Ningning had no objection, but she still said a few words: "The job in the rubber factory is an opportunity, but it is only an opportunity. When you get there, it depends on you whether you can keep this job. "

Gu Yang nodded carefully and said in a deep voice: "Thank you."

Si Ningning shook his head and signaled that he didn’t need to.

With the corner of his eye, he glanced at the wriggling monkey head sticking out his **** in the corner. Si Ningning said helplessly, "Have you got the duck eggs? Once you've got them, put the rest in my basket."

 “Okay, okay! I’ll do it right now!”

Si Ningning said an inaudible "hmm" and said to Gu Yang and Gu Xihe: "Get ready, we will set off in a moment."

 Gu Yang nodded, Gu Xihe twisted on one side, and held the corner of Gu Yang's clothes, "Brother, can I do it? I think it's better to let Brother Chao do it, Brother Chao is safer than me..."

"I have other arrangements with my brother. Don't be distracted. Stay steady. Just say whatever people ask you later. Didn't I teach you on the way here?"

“Tsk…well, I’m just afraid of wasting such a good opportunity. Otherwise, brother, you’d better go for it!”

"You are already 16 or 17 years old, and you have to worry about this little thing. Just go and do it!"

Gu Xihe has been worried and nervous, and Gu Yang couldn't help but tone a little more seriously, "Since you know that the opportunity is rare, you should be more energetic and face it."

After Gu Yang finished speaking, Gu Xihe lowered his head and remained silent.

Seeing this, Gu Yang sighed slightly, his hardened heart softened again, he patted Gu Xihe on the shoulder and advised: "Xihe, don't let me down, this is all for your own good."

"I know, brother..." Gu Xihe said sluggishly. At first glance, he looked like a big dog being scolded by his master.

Si Ningning witnessed everything from the corner of her eye and sighed slightly in her heart. She also felt a little worried without realizing it.

Gu Xihe, can you do it?

Although he is tall, from what he has seen several times and the pitiful little appearance in front of him, it is clear that he is still a child who is not very independent.

It doesn’t matter.

 Whether they can seize the opportunity to see if they can, Si Ningning has provided as much as she can. As for the rest of the matter, she doesn't want to worry about it.

 “Dongdong, it’s all installed!”

"Okay." Si Ningning responded, put the basket on his back and told the monkey head: "If you are not busy, just wait at the scrap station. We will come back after we finish the business in a while."

 “Okay, then I’ll wait here!”

Si Ningning nodded with a soft "hmm", bowed and put the basket on his back and glanced at the Gu Yang brothers, "Let's go."

Gu Yang nodded and stretched out his hand to take Si Ningning's basket, "I'll help you."

Si Ningning shook his head to avoid it. The monkey scratched his head and asked, "Aren't you coming back? Why are you carrying the basket? Just put the basket here? With me watching, what are you afraid of?"

Si Ningning smiled lightly and said nothing.

Don't be afraid of losing it. If you take this basket with you, it might be useful in a while.

Going through the back door of the scrap station, Si Ningning took Gu Yang and Gu Xihe straight to the family building behind the health center.

 Today is the Laba Festival. State-owned factories do not have a unified holiday, but employees at Fu Hongshu's level will definitely take a holiday.

Si Ningning’s guess was right. She went up to the second floor and knocked on the door. The person who opened the door was Fu Hongshu himself.

"Uncle." Si Ningning shouted in a slightly louder voice, then took a step away to let Gu Yang and Gu Xihe stand behind him, "As I told you last time, I brought my uncle's children here today.In just a short moment, Fu Hongshu's mood changed several times, from being stunned to being surprised when he saw Si Ningning, to being serious when he remembered something serious.

Fu Hongshu coughed slightly and moved out of the door, "Come in and talk."

Gu Yang had thought early on that the person Si Ningning brought them to see must not be an ordinary person. When he saw Fu Hongshu with his own eyes, he confirmed this idea in his heart.

 Because even though Fu Hongshu was wearing an old cotton-padded jacket, others couldn't let others ignore the elegant atmosphere about him.

 It is definitely impossible for people of this age to be scholars, and even less likely to be teachers, so the only people who can make sense are factory cadres.

 Furthermore, he is Dongdong’s uncle…

"Hello Hello."

Gu Yang lowered his posture to greet Fu Hongshu, but when he entered the room, his eyes fell on Si Ningning involuntarily. The guess that had been basically confirmed in his mind before became doubtful again at this moment.

What exactly is going on?

Gu Yang is almost dizzy, or is that girl really not Dongdong? And Dongdong has a sister?

 Since business is important right now, Gu Yang can only put his doubts in his heart first.

 “Sit, sit, sit.”

Several people who came to the house were considered guests. Fu Hongshu invited them to sit down. Zhang Yuemei stayed in the room with his granddaughter on the bed, so he took an enamel jar and a thermos to pour water for Si Ningning and others one by one, and finally sat down.

Si Ningning knew what Gu Yang meant and wanted Gu Xihe to get the job, so when Fu Hongshu sat down, she briefly introduced Gu Xihe to Fu Hongshu, and then nodded at some of the more obvious things about Gu Xihe. The advantages.

Of course, she didn’t pick out all the good ones. She would also mention one or two that had shortcomings when appropriate. For example, Gu Xihe was young, too lively, but not that stable.

If Fu Hongshu is willing to keep him, Fu Hongshu can do it himself.

 Fu Hongshu nodded while listening. After a brief self-introduction, his question session followed.

Si Ningning did not participate and said, "Today is the festival, so I brought some things over. I'll pack them up later." After that, Fu Hongshu responded with a few "hey hey"s and carried the basket on his back. .

Based on his understanding of Si Ningning, Fu Hongshu knew that the things she brought must be good and would definitely not be improvised. Almost subconsciously, Fu Hongshu couldn't help but feel a little nervous about what was happening in front of him:

 “How old are you this year? Do you usually help out at home? What are you good at?”

"I'll be seventeen in the spring of the next year and work at home, um..." Gu Xihe scratched the back of his head and hesitated for a long time before replying: "There's nothing he's good at, um, just, he's good at swimming, catching fish, and shooting. water…"

 Under the table, Gu Yang quietly kicked Gu Xihe.

Gu Xihe stuttered, as if he had just come to his senses, and stopped his mouth in time to avoid saying the words "wasted".

 Fu Hongshu noticed the eyes of the two brothers met, laughed twice and said, neither praise nor disparagement: "Haha, you are quite energetic."

In a flash, his eyes fell on Gu Yang again, "Comrade, are you this little comrade?"

"Hello, Director Fu, I am Xihe's brother. I have no other reason to follow you. I am just worried that Xihe is stupid and may say the wrong thing."

"Haha, I understand, I understand." Fu Hongshu pressed his hand down and smiled kindly, "Don't be nervous, I'll just ask. Comrade Xihe looks pretty good to me, but I still want to ask, what are you doing now? Where to get a job?"

As soon as these words came out, not only Gu Yang was stunned, but also Si Ningning who came out with an empty frame.


 How does this formation look like Gu Yang in the photo?

Gu Yang couldn't talk about the black market. He only said euphemistically that he was currently working in the production team as scheduled. Perhaps it was because he had a more stable aura. After he finished speaking, Fu Hongshu said:

“This job was originally for Dongdong. He had some family issues that made it difficult for him to leave, so he suggested recommending someone else to me, and I agreed.”

"You came here today and I have learned about the general situation. To be honest, I like you more." Fu Hongshu looked directly at Gu Yang, "If you are willing, you can start working directly after the year. If you still want to keep this opportunity, It's not impossible to give it to Comrade Gu Xihe, but a probation period needs to be added before this. I have to confirm whether he is qualified before I can make a decision on whether to keep him. "

“You two can discuss how to decide.”

With that said, Fu Hongshu stood up and walked towards Si Ningning. He invited Si Ningning to the kitchen as if an elder was scolding a junior, "What did I tell you last time? I told you not to bring anything over, so why didn't you listen?"

   “How can I be embarrassed to be empty-handed when I come to visit during a festival?”

 “You, you…”

 It looked like they were talking as a family, but in fact Fu Hongshu deliberately made room for the two Gu brothers to discuss.

Si Ningning saw this and asked in a low voice, "Uncle, do you really like Gu Yang? Don't you want Gu Xihe?"

"I have taken a fancy to it, but I don't want it." Fu Hongshu glanced at Si Ningning cheerfully, "Besides, I can't refuse it because of your face."

If Gu Yang insisted on recommending Gu Xihe, Fu Hongshu would of course accept the offer, but he wanted to see what Gu Yang would choose.

 It can be considered a small test.

If Gu Yang always keeps Gu Xihe in mind and can resist temptation and risks, in a sense, Fu Hongshu will appreciate him more, and he will also be willing to give priority to Gu Yang if there are other opportunities in the future. people.

Si Ningning vaguely heard the overtone. She originally wanted to say that Fu Hongshu didn't need to take care of her, but when she thought of the scene where so many people surrounded Gu's courtyard, she swallowed her words again, pointed to the corner of the kitchen against the wall and said:

"I didn't get anything when I came back this time. What's over there are duck eggs, brought by the Gu brothers."

Fu Hongshu was clear-minded, but he still said: "I only think that you brought this thing, and the work is given out for your sake. I don't know anything else."

The implicit meaning of these words is that Fu Hongshu is only willing to acknowledge his relationship with Si Ningning, and only sells Si Ningning's face. Fu Hongshu does not acknowledge other people's friendship.

"Okay, you and I are the only ones who know about this. Others don't need to point it out, let alone expose it." Si Ningning said.

Anyway, the duck egg issue is indeed up for debate. If Fu Hongshu tells the story, the Gu brothers will have to explain it to her.

 This progress is just right at the moment.

"Okay, let's go." Fu Hongshu smiled knowingly, "It's time for them to discuss the outcome."

Si Ningning nodded and pulled Fu Hongshu back after a while, "Wait a minute!"

"What's wrong? Is there anything else we should avoid saying?" Fu Hongshu asked in confusion.

Si Ningning frowned with her eyebrows decorated with eyebrow powder. After thinking about it for a long time, she mentioned the matter of the Gu brothers' family status in a seductive tone.

This is where Si Ningning is more worried. On the one hand, he is afraid that Gu Xihe will not be welcomed into the factory. On the other hand, he is also worried that the factory is taboo about these things and is unwilling to hire Gu Xihe.

 (End of this chapter)

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