Chapter 305: Matchmaking

There is no way to hide this matter. Instead of being found out and making your face look ugly when you register at the factory later, it is better to make it clear in advance.

Si Ningning pursed her lips, considered it for a moment, and said sincerely: "If this matter is not easy to handle, you can tell me and I will go back and explain to them."

Fu Hongshu pondered for a moment and waved his hand: "This matter is indeed a bit sensitive, but there are some things that we are not born to choose. Of course, if there are things that we cannot choose, there are naturally things that we can choose."

"It's a good idea to change the identity of your children, but as long as the person works diligently and down-to-earth, others can't forcefully tell you what's right and wrong. If so, they wouldn't want this job." Fu Hongshu photographed Patting Si Ningning on the shoulder, every word he spoke was as heavy as a promise weighing a thousand pounds, "Dongdong, don't worry, my factory is not a place where dirt and evil people live. Besides, everyone usually works there." I’m so busy that I can’t find time to sort out those things.”

Si Ningning nodded lightly, "I'm just afraid that you will be in trouble, uncle."

Si Ningning is not a person who can't handle things clearly. Work is a matter of emotion and reason. She owes Fu Hongshu some favors. It's convenient for Fu Hongshu to do it. She keeps it in her heart. She can return the favor at will. If When it comes to things that embarrass Fu Hongshu, she is too embarrassed to continue to trouble others.

 Fortunately, the information revealed in Fu Hongshu's words shows that the word "ingredient" is not so negative and harsh in the factory working atmosphere.

"Okay, you kid... we don't speak the same language, and you call me uncle and still care about trivial matters? I'm really in trouble, and I will tell you." Fu Hongshu put his hand on Si Ningning's shoulder Go up and take Si Ningning out, "They should discuss it and go out, so as not to keep them waiting for a long time."


Gu Yang and Gu Xihe did have a brief discussion in the living room, but the result was not very good. Gu Xihe felt that he had poor experience in all aspects and could not take up this job. Worried about missing this opportunity, he kept talking Shaking his head, he either recommended Gu Chao to take over, or begged Gu Yang to go. No matter what, he refused to go by himself.

Gu Yang considers the overall situation, not individuals. Gu Chao is also his younger brother, so he will naturally consider it. However, the current situation between the two families is different. Only by removing Xihe first can he have more energy to think about Gu Chao. .

At the moment, even if Gu Xihe doesn't want to, Gu Yang has to press the cow's head to drink water to make Gu Xihe want to, so his tone of voice becomes stern and coercive:

“This job is for you only, you don’t have to count on others. If you don’t want to go, then we can leave now and there is no need to waste Dongdong and Director Fu’s time.”

"No, no! Brother, let me go. Isn't it okay if I go?" Gu Xihe quickly grabbed Gu Yang who was about to get up.

 If he can only go, then let him go!

Job is so rare, no matter how many people outside ask for it, they can’t get it. Now that so many people are fighting for him, how can he back down?

Thinking so, Gu Xihe felt worried again, fearing that he would not be able to deal with something when the time came, that he would not be able to pass the probation period, and that he would miss the opportunity and disappoint his eldest brother and sister-in-law.

Gu Xihe lowered his head with a grimace.

Gu Yang saw his worry and softened his tone to comfort him: "Don't think about the things that are there and not. Just be obedient. When you go back over there, do whatever they tell you to do. Be diligent with your hands and feet, and have a job in your eyes." , this job can’t be run away.”

“…Hmm.” Gu Xihe responded dully.

At this moment, Fu Hongshu and Si Ningning walked out of the kitchen. Gu Yang stood up and said, "Director Fu."

Gu Xihe followed suit and stood up, "Fu, Director Fu."

"Sit down, sit down." Fu Hongshu glanced at Si Ningning with a smile, "There's no space to sit here, Dongdong, go and find a stool over there to sit on." "Hey." Si Ningning nodded in response and turned to the window sill. Sitting on the chair below and waiting.

Si Ningning didn't wait long. Both parties talked. Fu Hongshu learned that Gu Yang still insisted on recommending Gu Xihe to take up the job. Although he had expected it, Fu Hongshu was still a little surprised when he heard Gu Yang's decision. :

“Comrade Gu Yang, can I ask you why you did this?”


"I am the president at home, and I have already married a wife." Gu Yang rubbed his fingers that were chapped by the cold, raised his lips and revealed a simple and firm smile. He turned his head and looked at Gu Xihe expectantly, "I My younger brother is still young and doesn’t understand the big principles, so I can only guide him step by step. Now that he has such an opportunity, I believe he can do it. When he gets used to work and starts to work, I won’t have to do anything about starting a family and marrying a wife in the future. Worry."

 The situation of the Gu family is actually somewhat similar to that of the Chen family on the Huo Lang side. The similarity is that they both have no father or mother, but the difference is that the two little ones of the Chen family have Huo Lang on their heads, while the Gu family...

Grandma Gu is paralyzed and disabled and bedridden all year round. Gu Yang’s wife is mute and not in good health and can only do simple housework.

Gu Yang himself is not very old, but he not only has to perform filial piety to the elderly and guide and teach the young, but he also has to shoulder the burden of supporting the family.

Si Ningning felt that it was really difficult for Gu Yang.

But this is how she sees it all from the perspective of a future core. But Fu Hongshu, as a native of the 1970s, is like a father, the eldest brother in the family, and the eldest brother in the family shouldering heavy responsibilities. No matter how difficult it is, all this is in Fu Hongshu's eyes. , seems to be a matter of course.

So after listening to Gu Yang's words, Fu Hongshu just nodded sincerely and praised: "You, the eldest brother, deserve praise."

Probably because everyone in this era is simple and responsible, and the world in which Si Ningning grew up in the first place, whether it was TV, news, or various short video apps, there were fights about family and society. There are so many that apart from human distractions and selfish desires, this pure thing cannot be seen at all?

Si Ningning sat aside and listened silently, and suddenly felt a little confused in his mind.

She felt that although Gu Yang deserved to be praised, a word of praise seemed to mean nothing, and changes could not change anything...

 What they need is an opportunity, an opportunity to change their predicament in life.

Si Ningning was in a trance and became emotional for a moment. She couldn't help but think, if she didn't know her and didn't have her as a matchmaker, what would be the situation the Gu brothers would be in?

 Will it get better or worse?

While thinking, the scene of Gu Xihe lying on the ground a while ago, with his head bleeding, suddenly flashed in his mind. Si Ningning was shocked and couldn't help shaking.

At the same time, Fu Hongshu, who was sitting at the table, raised his chin towards the door, "Dongdong, they are waiting for you to leave together today, so I won't let you eat. My uncle has a holiday on the 28th day of the year. It’s just time to resume work. Come over and play when you have time, and I’ll ask your aunt to prepare something delicious for you.”

 (End of this chapter)

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