Chapter 306 If necessary

It turns out that brothers Fu Hongshu and Gu Yang have already finished talking about it, and the time for Gu Xihe to go to work after the new year has been set. At this moment, Fu Hongshu was talking, and Gu Yang and Gu Xihe were standing at the door waiting for her.

Si Ningning reacted, stood up and picked up the basket calmly, "Okay, uncle, I'll leave first this time."

  In the plot of leaving Fu's house and returning to the rubber factory, Si Ningning asked Gu Yang, "Fu...what did my uncle say, when should Xihe go to work?"

Gu Yang replied: "Let the sixteenth day of the first lunar month pass. At that time, the workers will return to the factory and the factory will be busy."

Si Ningning nodded to show that he understood, and asked after a while: "Have I told you the address?"

"Dongdong, have you forgotten?" It was Gu Xihe who responded this time, "We used to go to the rubber factory often, I know even if you don't tell me!"

 “Uh…” Si Ningning was stuck for a moment.

Well, I have to say that she did forget just now...

In order to avoid embarrassment, she opened the topic and slapped Gu Xihe, "How do you talk? Last time, you called me Brother Dong, but this time you call me by your name?"

"Uh...hehehe, Brother Dong, Brother Dong!" Gu Xihe was stunned for a moment, and the next second he turned into the salty duck egg boy who was laughing and joking incoherently.

Si Ningning sighed inwardly, turned to Gu Yang and asked, "Xi He's work problem has been solved for the time being. What are your and Gu Chao's plans? Continue working in the black market, or are you considering doing something else?"

"I plan to stop working on the black market for a while before the new year, and then come back and work on it for a while after the new year. After that, I will probably slowly pull back and stop."

 Sometimes people can offer job quotas on the black market, but not everyone can grab it. Even if they pay a high price, it remains to be seen whether they can actually enter the factory later.

Si Ningning helped a lot with the work in the rubber factory. Considering this kind of affection, Gu Yang was not satisfied with Si Ningning when he said, "I have always been worried about my two younger brothers. Now they have found a way out one by one. I feel relieved now that I can go back to farm safely and my family will be starving."

 As he slowly sinks in, he will be able to resist confidently if someone comes to look for trouble at home, without having to look forward and backward all the time, worrying about implicate others.

Si Ningning nodded, "That's fine."

 This road inherently carries risks, especially for families like the Gu family.

 In the eyes of some people, the existence of the Gu family is wrong.

If someone really gets caught one day, there will really be no turning back.

“I’m talking about this in the future, but whenever you need anything, you can ask Monkey Head to notify me, and I will be there for you.”

Si Ningning originally thought that if Gu Yang and the others stopped engaging in the black market business, it would be basically equivalent to severing their friendship and contact in the future, because considering the composition of Gu Yang and the others, she would definitely not take the initiative to find them and let them go. They fell into a passive position.

But now that Gu Yang said this, she felt a bulge in her heart, and she thought of another problem, so she did not refuse, but nodded and said: "Okay, there should be nothing wrong after the New Year. After the New Year, then If something happens, I'll let Heritou contact you."

Si Ningning doesn’t have to do business in the black market, but pigs in space have to have their balls!

Si Ningning silently shed a handful of bitter tears when she thought of the dozen new piglets added to the space.

 After finishing her work in the town, she would have to find time to harvest and plant soybeans in the space when she returned home, otherwise there would not be enough food for the pigs. In this era when pork is in short supply and private breeding is not allowed, no one may understand the pain in her heart.

Si Ningning thought sadly, but actually said calmly: "I still have to go back to the scrap station. If you have nothing to do, don't make this trip and go home directly. It's very cold."

“Okay, the Chinese New Year is about to happen, and I’m short of a lot of things at home, so we won’t go there. I’ll take Xihe to buy some things and then go home.”

Si Ningning said "hmm" and the three of them parted ways.

Si Ningning followed her words and went to the scrapyard again. At that time, Sheitou had already packed three portions of rice and one portion of fried bacon from the state-owned restaurant and was warming them on the stove, waiting for her to come back and eat them together.

 The weather was too cold, so the scrapyard also installed a stove.

It was taken out by Old Man Cheng from the scraps that had been transported. The top edge of the stove was smashed. Old Man Cheng smeared it with yellow mud, dried it, and tied it with wire to fix it around the outside. Apart from not being very pretty, it can also be used as a normal stove.

Old man Cheng wanted to take care of the outside, so he took some food and went to sit at the door to eat. Si Ningning and Heitou each took some food and sat in the compartment to eat.

“Dongdong, I got you the pot you mentioned last time, but it’s just a small pot, not too big, okay?”

 “Okay.” Si Ningning nodded.

 It is enough to cook for her alone, no matter how small she is.

The monkey head said "Oh", and after eating hard for a while, he raised his head and asked: "By the way, you said something happened when you came back, what exactly is it?"

"It's not a big deal." Si Ningning swallowed what was in her mouth, stretched out her hand to open a gap in the wooden door of the compartment, and pointed the monkey head to look, "Did you see the two stoves I brought with me in the morning?"

"You saw it, isn't it?" The monkey raised his face from the bowl and raised his chin towards the corner of the cubicle, "What's wrong, I haven't asked you yet, where did you get such a good stove? As soon as you left, my uncle came in and touched it for a while!"

Si Ningning smiled, kept silent, turned around and started talking about the purpose, "I have something for you to do, please come closer..."

The monkey head was doubtful. While chewing something, he put his ear close to Si Ningning and heard Si Ningning say something in a low voice:

"Remember when we first met, right? At that time, an enemy bought my kettle..."

After listening to Si Ningning's ramble, the monkey looked at Si Ningning hesitantly, then at the stove in the corner, and said with confusion and disapproval: "How can you do this kind of business? Then we don’t lose money?”

Si Ningning was speechless for a while. The only reason was that she was usually too friendly to Heitou and the others, but now Heitou and the others had already treated her as one of their own and did not want to see her suffer.

Si Ningning gave a light "tsk", patted the monkey head on the shoulder and gave a random reason:

"Okay, there are other things here that I can't explain. It's considered that I owe him a favor. This stove is considered a favor that I can repay him. Remember, you sold this stove and it has nothing to do with anyone else. You can't tell me that I gave you the order."

"I know." The monkey nodded reluctantly, "Then how to sell it? The old one sells for two yuan, what about the new one?"


The plot of the Gu brothers has come to an end for now. There were originally some details, but the things involved have been banned several times, so the process has been simplified.

Anyone who has read A Yao's other chronicle novel (which has become a big boss's favourite) knows that there is a three-year timeline difference between that one and this one. As the male protagonist, Gu Chao only has his cousin Gu. Yang is alone and has no cousins. In the background, his cousin Gu Yang’s family has been living in misery. It wasn’t until Wei Lan, the heroine of the novel, that there was a slight change...

Little babies with smart minds can think about it, why is there no Gu Xihe? Where did Gu Xihe go?

 (End of this chapter)

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