Chapter 308 Buying Tickets

"Come right here." Huo Lang responded, looking at Si Ningning with his deep eyes, "Am I going?"

Si Ningning blinked smartly and nodded obediently.

Horang then strode towards the crowd with a knife in his hand.

 Killing pigs, calculating work points, dividing grain and meat, there is bound to be a lot of busy things in the whole day.

Si Ningning’s work points were divided into 180 kilograms of rations, including twenty kilograms of sweet potatoes, and the rest was sorghum dried in the autumn sun.

Everyone else in the educated youth camp also received their own rations, with the largest amount being 210 kilograms for the male educated youth.

Song Xiaoyun received the least, with a total of 142 kilograms of sweet potatoes and sorghum rice.

The male educated youths carried their own rations back to the educated youth point, while the female educated youths' rations were distributed by Zhao Hongbing and asked the young men on the team to help send them back.

 Huo Lang was assigned the task of sharing meat with others, so he couldn't come to help Si Ningning. Si Ningning didn't have any ink, so he politely thanked the young man who helped him and followed slowly behind.

After sending the rations back to the educated youth point, you have to go back to the team to share the meat. The work points of the educated youth have been exchanged for rations. Now they have no work points to share the meat. If you want to eat meat, you have to wait until the team members have divided it. After that, if there is any leftover, you can buy it with money tickets.

The fattening pigs this year not only have more meat, but also have a lot more fat than in previous years. Many people didn't plan to buy them at first, but when a pig was broken open and they saw the quality of the meat inside, those people immediately changed their minds. idea.

Those who didn’t plan to buy it also bought it, and those who did plan to buy it were even more cruel and asked for an extra pound and a half.

The two pigs threw their belly into the water, and the pork weighed more than 300 kilograms. There were nearly fifty households in the production team, and each family shared some, and at the end of the day, there was almost fifty kilograms of pork left on the door panel.

The pork in the team is cheaper than the price at the butcher joint shop. Forty work points can be converted into one pound of meat. If one work point is calculated as two cents, it is eighty cents per pound of pork, which is much cheaper than the price at the butcher joint store. point.

Another one is pigs in the water. Si Ningning reads novels. These are things that no one wants. She also wanted to see if she could grab a pair of pig livers and braise them for a while and eat them cold. But what happened?

As soon as Zhao Hongbing shouted, the pigs weighing ten pounds per pound were put into the water. The members immediately swarmed forward. If Huo Lang hadn't been strong and strong, he could have pushed over the door panel where the pork was placed. .

Si Ningning was robbed without even seeing the pig enter the water. It is really not an exaggeration at all.

“They’ve all divided it up, don’t you want to buy it? Go quickly!” Jiang Yue urged.

Si Ningning nodded.

Most of the commune members had finished buying the meat, and the crowd had dispersed quite a bit. Through the half-meter-wide door panel, Si Ningning glanced at Huo Lang, stretched out her finger and tapped casually, "I want five kilograms."

Jiang Yue, who was following behind, was stunned, "Five pounds! What do you want so much for?!"

What the members bought was actually about five to eight kilograms, but they were local residents and there were six or seven people in their family!

Si Ningning is the only one, and she has to go home for the Chinese New Year soon, so she has to buy so much...

As if sensing Jiang Yue's concerns, Si Ningning pursed her lips and smiled faintly: "Buy it back, pickle it with salt, dry it and eat it slowly. Besides, aren't you all still in the educated youth center? Don't worry, you can't throw it away."

Jiang Yue couldn't say anything else.

Over there, Huo Lang has already cut the meat, no more, no less, exactly five pounds. He cut it according to what Si Ningning said before about picking the lean meat. He also didn't forget to make a hole in the piece of meat and twist two straws. After rubbing it, he put it through and tied it before handing it to Si Ningning.

 Who is this?

   You don’t know how to choose a fat cut for your partner!

Si Ningning took the meat and walked back. Jiang Yue didn't know it. Seeing that the meat was all lean meat, when she followed Si Ningning and turned around, she didn't forget to glare at Huo Lang.

"..." Huo Lang was speechless for a while, and casually wiped a handful of slippery lard on his hand with a rag, looked around and asked, "Who else wants it?" Mo Bei walked over, "I want five kilograms."

Song Shuhan stepped forward, pushed up his glasses and said with a warm smile: "Comrade Huo Lang, I can do it if I want half a catty."


Si Ningning originally planned to marinate the meat, but when she got the meat, she changed her mind.

  Bacon still needs to be mixed with some fat to make it taste better. The meat she has now is basically 10% lean meat, which is not suitable for making bacon, so shredded meat or pork jerky would be more suitable.

And whether it’s hand-pulled meat or pork chop, once it’s made, it can be stored for a long time after being sealed and packaged.

Thinking of doing it, Si Ningning quickly turned around and went to the kitchen to get a basin and a kitchen knife. She washed the pork directly at the well at the door, cut off the only small piece of skin, and cut the remaining parts into long strips.

During this period, Mo Bei was standing aside with the pork in his hands. Si Ningning glanced at him several times while he was busy, and tentatively moved the things to make room, but she didn't see any movement on his part.

Si Ningning was silent, raised his hand and wiped away the water droplets on his forehead with his arm, "...Do you have anything to say?"

Mo Bei nodded slowly, lowered his eyelids and looked at the pork in his hand, then looked at Si Ningning, "I also marinate meat."

Si Ningning said to her heart: If you want to marinate the meat, then marinate it! Just use salt, but she didn’t even take any salt!

With a shallow breath, Si Ningning stared at Mo Bei for a long time. Based on her understanding of Mo Bei, she asked tentatively: "You don't know how to do it, so you need help, right?"

Mo Bei nodded slightly.

Si Ningning breathed out again. If her hands didn't smell like pork, she really wanted to hit her forehead.

 Sometimes she really didn't understand why Mo Bei couldn't directly say something. He had to guess, understand, and wonder why he didn't say anything, and it was really tiring.

Si Ningning looked away, washed the wooden basin and pushed it to Mo Bei's feet, "Just leave it, I will arrange it later."

After finishing speaking, while Mo Bei was bowing to put down the pork, Si Ningning thought of another thing and immediately called to Mo Bei and said: "By the way, Mo Bei, um... thank you for the ticket. I have already found a way to buy it myself." Okay, just buy your own tickets these two days and don’t worry about me.”

Mo Bei's eyebrows furrowed slightly, and he understood that this was Si Ningning's refusal, and he also knew who the so-called "friend" Si Ningning was referring to.

He couldn't suppress his disappointment as he felt heavy in his heart, but Mo Bei didn't say anything. He just pursed his lips and said "Okay", and then added "Thank you" after realizing it.

This "thank you" refers to Si Ningning helping him marinate the pork.

Si Ningning knew it and shook his head with a smile, "No need."

After Mo Bei left, Si Ningning stretched her neck and called Jiang Yue who was standing at the door, "Jiang Yue, what are you doing? Come here and help me?"

“What are you doing?” Jiang Yue came over without hesitation, “You want me to help you wash the meat?”

 (End of this chapter)

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