Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 309: Is he that kind of person?

Chapter 309 Is he that kind of person?

 “Yeah.” Si Ningning nodded happily.

 “It’s so cold today when I touch the water, but you really think about me.”

Jiang Yue was chattering, but her hands did not slow down. She neatly rolled up her sleeves and poured water into the basin to rinse the piece of meat that belonged to Mo Bei.

Si Ningning smiled "hehehe", "Well, you are a warm-hearted comrade. No one else will help me except you, right?"

“Nonsense, just call anyone and they will be happy, okay?”

“Then why did I call you? Isn’t it because we have a good relationship?”

 “I thank you.” Jiang Yue rolled her eyes, but a smile appeared on her face.

There wasn't much meat, so the two of them chatted and worked, and quickly packed it up.

After bringing the meat into the house, Si Ningning took things to pack his own portion of the meat alone, added various seasonings to marinate it, and did the preparatory work for the shredded meat. On the other side, Jiang Yue was rubbing salt to marinate Mo Mo. Bei's meat.

To put it bluntly, cured meat is actually cured bacon. After Si Ningning finished her work, she started to help Jiang Yue. She marinated the meat and put it on the rope according to the process that Huo Lang saw before. Give it to Mo Bei and ask Mo Bei to find a place to dry it tomorrow.

Mo Bei's bacon was returned, and Jiang Yue became curious about Si Ningning's pork strips coated with various spices and seasonings. "What are you planning to do? Isn't it marinating bacon?"

“No.” Si Ningning shook her head and smiled slyly, “You’ll know when it’s done.”

"Another lawsuit..." Jiang Yue exhaled unhappily, but couldn't help but ask: "How long will it take to complete this?"

"It should be tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, right?" Si Ningning said uncertainly. As he spoke, he threw the sliced ​​ginger in his hand into a small basin, mixed the meat and **** slices with chopsticks, and then covered it with a wooden fan and brought it in. room.

“Let it marinate for a while to get the flavor first, and then we can take the next step when it’s evening.” Si Ningning said, smearing soap on his hands, washing them, and then came back and asked, “Does anyone eat braised eggs?”

The small pot I brought back from the town last time has not been used yet. Now that the meat is skinned and the spices and brine are all available, Si Ningning is thinking about braising a few eggs to eat, and braising a few more before going to the county to buy tickets tomorrow. You can also take it with you to eat.

 Braised eggs…

Jiang Yue was a little excited, but she hesitated when she thought that the weather had become cold after winter, and the chickens were not laying eggs as quickly as before. She didn't have many eggs in her hand.

But then I thought about it, the Chinese New Year was coming soon, and she couldn't go home even if others could, so why bother?

 After all, during the Chinese New Year, life should always have some sweetness, right?

 Jiang Yue slapped her palm on the table, "I'll eat it! What do I need to do?"

Si Ningning looked at her funny and said, "You don't have to do anything. Just bring a few eggs over if you want to eat them. I'll call you when they're done."

"Okay!" Jiang Yue nodded, then took out three eggs and handed them to Si Ningning.

Others came over after hearing the news. They were usually reluctant to eat, but now none of them were willing to lag behind. Three or five people took out the food.

When Si Ningning set up a small pot and poured water into the pot and added the marinade, he did not forget to turn around and tell everyone, "Take a notebook and write it down to avoid confusion... Let us first agree that the eggs will be boiled in one pot. Only the quantity is important, not the quantity." Come on, if you mind, just mark the eggs yourself. Don't tell me how small the eggs are. Otherwise, if this happens again next time, I won't call you." "Look at what you said, we are. That kind of person? Hahaha, let’s not talk about it! I have two eggs over there, so bring them over and cook them so that I don’t have to worry about them!”

Everyone brought eggs, Si Ningning added various spices to the pot, then added soy sauce and salt, washed the eggs with skin and put them into the pot, then covered the small pot, and the vent under the stove was Set to minimum.

“It’s not that quick to marinate the eggs.” Si Ningning pushed up her sleeves and looked at her watch. It was around four o’clock in the afternoon. It was too cold to cook the eggs over high heat, otherwise they would explode in the pot.

 A rough calculation shows that these eggs will be almost delicious at seven or eight o'clock at night. If they are marinated for a longer time, the taste will be better.

Si Ningning said: "Bring it slowly over low heat. It has to be seven or eight o'clock in the evening to get the flavor. Don't wait. If you are hungry, you still have to cook."

Everyone disagreed. Some said it was "good", while others said eating eggs was a luxury. Among them, Jiang Yue's voice was the loudest:


Jiang Yue immersed herself in clicking the names on the book one by one. After a while, she raised her head and scanned everyone as if she was looking for something: "Where is Xiaoyun? Everyone has brought eggs, won't she eat them?"

According to Si Ningning, Jiang Yue was responsible for recording. She had just confirmed it several times. There were six names on the book, but Song Xiaoyun was the only one missing.

Song Xiaoyun was still there when he returned from delivering rations. Si Ningning didn’t pay much attention when he went to buy meat later. Now he turned around and looked around. Everyone was there, but Song Xiaoyun was not seen.

Seeing the doubts on everyone's faces, Xu Shuhua smiled and said, "Oh, don't look at it. Xiaoyun just didn't come back with us. She is probably still in the queue watching the fun!"

“What’s so good about killing a pig? Just the sound makes my ears hurt.” Jiang Yue muttered.

 Yeah, what’s so good about killing a pig?

 Not only is it bloody, it also doesn’t smell very good.

Si Ningning agreed in her mind, but she didn't take it too seriously. She covered the small pot and boiled the eggs over low heat. She went into the room and mixed the marinated meat so that it could be evenly flavored.

Jiang Yue closed the book and said, "Forget it, I won't wait for her, let's just leave it like this for now! If she comes back later and wants to eat eggs, I'll switch with her."

Others didn’t have any opinions. For a while, there was nothing else to do, so they dispersed, sitting at the table or by the stove, chatting leisurely.

Song Shuhan also bought pork, but he didn’t buy much, and he didn’t plan to pickle it. He just bought it and ate it fresh to satisfy his craving.

Si Ningning had been busy with work just now, and Song Shuhan was too embarrassed to bother Si Ningning, so he gave the half kilogram of pork he bought to Xu Shuhua and entrusted Xu Shuhua to help him cook a bowl of noodles.

Half a kilogram of meat was actually not much, it was only about the size of half a palm. Song Shuhan could barely eat it by himself and couldn't share it with others, so he told Xu Shuhua: "You can put more water in the noodles when cooking them." , make some noodle soup, and let’s all drink it together.”

 He wanted to take a sip of the soup, so that he wouldn't eat it alone while others were watching. Although he probably bought it with his own money, Song Shuhan felt uncomfortable whenever he thought of that scene.


As soon as Xu Shuhua responded, the door of the hall was pushed open from the outside. Song Xiaoyun ran in with a flushed face and excitement, "Look what I brought back!"

 (End of this chapter)

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