Chapter 310 Good Dreams

Like everyone else, Si Ningning looked over curiously and saw Song Xiaoyun's index finger and thumb hooked together with a hemp rope. The lower end of the hemp rope was wrapped around two large sticks and hung heavily.

Song Xiaoyun’s eyes flashed, and she was very excited and proud, "You guys left too early just now! There are still some at the stall. I have been waiting for a long time, so I am rushing to order some!"

Xu Shuhua happily cheered, "These two rods are not small. How much do they cost?"

"The captain said that all the meat on the head is shaved clean, and these two stick bones only cost eight points... I found that our team is quite good, and there is human touch everywhere. Look at this time, the pork is better than the pork joints. How many times cheaper!”

 “Yo! That’s not a loss!”

Although there is not much meat, the stick bones are not meat-eating in the first place. When you bring them home, you can stew them in soup.

 These two big stick bones are really a good buy.

“No, what does this mean? Our captain really takes care of everyone!”


Song Xiaoyun started talking, and everyone was talking about it.

While the discussion was getting lively, Song Xiaoyun suddenly squeezed through the crowd, raised the stick in her hand and stood in front of Si Ningning, swearing: "It's hard to catch up with the festive day, and there is no work during this period. It's rare for everyone to take a break. I decided Let’s make soup with big stick bones this time, let’s eat together!”

 “Song Xiaoyun, okay, you are so loyal!”

 “Xiaoyun, you are so good!”

The hall sounded with excited and joyful voices, and the praise indirectly satisfied Song Xiaoyun's vanity.

Song Xiaoyun couldn't hide her excitement and was very happy. After letting everyone make a fuss for a while, she turned sideways and blinked at Si Ningning. She coquettishly said: "Ningning, you are good at your crafts. How about you make this soup? Okay?" ?”

"Okay." Si Ningning agreed readily, "But do you want to wait a little longer and wait until tomorrow? Song Shuhan just said that he wanted to eat shredded pork noodles, and there will be noodle soup later."

Bone soup is easy to make and doesn't require much fuss at all, so Si Ningning agreed easily, but she had a small worry in her heart.

  When Song Xiaoyun came back from collecting rations in the morning, what she carried was the least. In addition, she was not rich at first, and only had a few cents saved from selling eggs.

It's just a small amount of money, and I don't think I'll use it to buy rations when the rations are not enough. It's not incomprehensible to use it to buy some meat or stick bones during the Chinese New Year. It's not incomprehensible to want to eat a meaty bite, but Song Xiaoyun's plans and arrangements are... In Si Ningning's eyes, it was indeed a bit "generous".

But this is just Si Ningning's personal opinion. Song Xiaoyun, the real owner, doesn't think anything of it, let alone her.

Song Xiaoyun tilted her head and said "Hmm", thought for a moment and said: "How can noodle soup be as oily and watery as bone soup? Let's eat together today without waiting for the next time!"

Si Ningning turned to look at Song Shuhan, who put up his glasses and smiled politely: "Then let's do it together."

Song Xiaoyun already said "eat together", so Song Shuhan couldn't say anything else.

If you save his for tomorrow, wouldn't it make others think that he just wants to drink Song Xiaoyun's bone soup?

Song Shuhan didn't have that idea, but after thinking about it, he nodded to Xu Shuhua and Si Ningning, "It's troublesome."

Si Ningning shook her head slightly, while Xu Shuhua waved her hand directly, "What's the big deal? I'll do it and you can just wait."

For dinner, everyone's staple food was sorghum rice and steamed sweet potatoes. A few special orders were made, such as Si Ningning and Song Shuhan. One had shredded pork...oh no, it was pork noodles, and the other picked some green vegetables and stewed them hastily. Bowl of gnocchi.

 It was rare to catch the meat and fish, and everyone wanted to have a full meal, so the food they brought out was enough. They ate it with bone soup in the evening. Not to mention full, everyone was exhausted by the end. Before going to bed at night, Xu Shuhua and the others were still mumbling: "It smells so good. Today's meal is solid enough, and it's better than what I've had in the past few days!"

“No, there is a big difference between having oil and water and no oil and water! After taking two sips of oil and water, I feel that I am much better at work!”

 “Haha, how can you say it is so exaggerated?”


After laughing and joking, Jiang Yue poked her head out from under the quilt, first shrugged the tip of her nose, and then subconsciously looked at the bed opposite. When she didn't see Si Ningning, she shouted: "Si Ningning, what are you doing? Isn't that right? Are the eggs ready?”

"Yes, do you want to eat? I will fish out a few." Si Ningning responded in the main room.

The weather is cold, and the stove is usually placed in the room at night. Today, the eggs were braised. Si Ningning felt that the smell was strong, and she was afraid that if she left the room to smoke all night, her clothes and quilt would be filled with the smell of braised eggs, so she did not bring the stove in. .

"If I don't eat, I'll almost die." Jiang Yue lay back on the bed, rolled up the quilt and exposed her head, "Hey, Si Ningning, won't these eggs go bad if you leave them overnight?"

“No, it’s cold. It’ll be fine if I leave it for a day or two.” Si Ningning said.

Seeing that none of them wanted to eat the eggs, Si Ningning turned down the vent of the stove and kept the heat to a minimum. Then she added some water to the pot, placed a bamboo steaming tray on the water surface, and marinated the previously marinated meat strips. Remove excess water and arrange them one by one on the steaming tray.

Since there was no "baking" conditions outside, Si Ningning thought of steaming.

Slowly burn it on a small fire, and it will take half a night to cook. After it is cooked, you can dry it when you have free time after buying the ticket tomorrow. You can use it as a snack later and eat it casually.

When Jiang Yue heard that the eggs couldn't be spoiled, she immediately laughed to herself. After a moment of silence, she shouted, "Then come in quickly! It's very cold. Let's go to bed early today. I can smell the aroma of these braised eggs. Have a nice dream!”

Si Ningning was amused by Jiang Yue and smiled silently. She responded "come right away".

 Hurryly placing the remaining strips of meat on the steaming plate, Si Ningning threw the chopsticks back into the basin, returned the basin to the kitchen, added two ladles of water, soaked it overnight, and washed it when she got up tomorrow.

Si Ningning rubbed her hands and ran back to her room, having a good night's sleep without any dreams.

 Early the next morning, the room of the female educated youth was quiet, but Si Ningning was woken up by Jiang Yue: "Si Ningning, Si Ningning!"

"What's wrong?"

Si Ningning opened his eyes in a daze. His eyes were completely dark, and it was also dark outside.

"They are waiting for you!" Jiang Yue lowered her voice, fearing to disturb the other two people in the room, "Waiting for you to buy tickets together!"

We went to the county to buy tickets on the 25th. Si Ningning remembered this, but there were dirt roads outside and it was still dark. The key was that it was still cold.

Si Ningning tried to reach out her hand to fumble with her clothes. As soon as her hand came out and touched the cold air, she retracted her hand with a startle, "Forget it, tell them not to wait for me. I'll go back and go by myself. Let them go first." !”

 While talking, he rolled up his quilt and fell asleep again, facing inward.

Si Ningning is feeling lazy and really doesn't want to get up so early in the morning.

 (End of this chapter)

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