Chapter 312 Five Stars

The Chen family’s yard is still clean and tidy, but what is different from usual is that an open space has been cleared on a high **** not far from the yard.

Si Ningning looked at it for a few times, then knocked on the courtyard door and waited for He Gu to come out and open the door. Then he asked, "What are you doing with that area? Are you going to plant vegetables?"

"No, the eldest brother said he would build a new house there." Hegu said truthfully, and already took Si Ningning's hand and led him into the house, "Let's go in quickly, it's so cold outside!"

Si Ningning understood in his heart that He Gu was wearing thin clothes and was afraid that He Gu would catch a cold, so Si Ningning didn't stop to look around too much, followed He Gu into the house and closed the door, "Have you had breakfast? What did you eat?”

"What I ate was the steamed sweet potatoes made by my eldest brother. I ate two of them in one go, such a big one! Sanmiao ate half... Si Ningning, let me tell you, is it because Sanmiao ate so little because she lost her teeth? Front teeth, hahaha!”

“Don’t laugh at my sister. This happens even during the teething period. Weren’t you the same before?”



In the twelfth lunar month, the Chen brothers and sisters turned eight. They knew more and more things, and with the close contact with Si Ningning in the past six months, the two little ones lost their shyness in the past, and each one was so noisy that they wanted to go to heaven.

At the end of the whole day, they were arguing about who could memorize books better, who could write better, and they were clamoring to play backgammon. After playing backgammon, the two of them jumped on the bed one after another to play a pillow fight, during which their two little hands gestured to each other. They pointed their pistols at each other and kept clicking.

Si Ningning has one head and two children. She has never thought that children can be so noisy, but at the same time, she feels that the childishness of Hegu and Sanae just makes her laugh.

So despite all the trouble, the smile on Si Ningning's face never stopped.

What we had for lunch was hand-rolled noodles. Si Ningning made them by himself. They looked very bad and turned into lumps of noodles when cooked. However, the kohlrabi in the winter in the south is very sweet. It goes with a big pot of three-dimensional noodles. I actually ate so much that I didn’t even bother to lift my head.

During this period, Sanae rarely took the initiative and asked Si Ningning to tell them a story. Si Ningning thought about it for a long time and told a red story related to the five-star red flag in Anmen Square. The two children were fascinated by it and kept asking questions. :

“Is the square really that big? Can it dry all the grain in our production team?”

“Si Ningning, is the flagpole really that high? The flag is brand new every day, so where did the flag from the previous day go?”

"Well..." Si Ningning paused slightly while washing the dishes, and then said after a while: "Each flag has its own number, and it also has its own mission. They belong to heroes."

"Will a hero get the national flag?" He Gu held the hem of Si Ningning's clothes and stood beside the stove, raised his little face, and looked at Si Ningning seriously with his dark eyes, "Then I want to be a hero too! From now on too. I want to get my own red flag! When everyone looks at me with admiration, I will tell them that my first teacher is called Si Ningning, and she is so kind to me..."

Hegu looked energetic and serious, but before he could finish his words, Si Ningning slapped him **** the forehead, "Ouch—"

He Gu covered his forehead in grievance, "Why are you playing with me?"

Si Ningning scolded softly: "Don't talk nonsense."

"I'm not talking nonsense, it's my nature!" He Gu pouted and looked at Si Ningning, "Do you, do you think I won't become a hero?"

"People have different definitions of 'hero', so don't insist on being a hero." Si Ningning rubbed his forehead with wet hands, squatted down and looked at He Gu at eye level, "That red flag is waiting for you to grow up. Yes, you will always see it. If you want to touch it, you can also work hard to become an excellent red flag bearer and join the national flag guard in the future... That way, you can not only see it, but also touch it. "

He Gu felt that there was a discrepancy between what Si Ningning said and what he thought in his heart, but he still couldn't help asking: "What is a red flag bearer?"

“Red flag bearers are those who are responsible for raising and lowering the flag every day, but they are also revolutionary fighters. In other words, we are all revolutionary fighters, because no matter what happens, we will use our lives to defend the red flag.”

Si Ningning changed his tune and tapped Hegu's forehead with his index finger, "Don't think that the Red Flag Bearer is an inconspicuous person. Like your elder brother, he is a person worthy of respect." No matter how long they live, Si Ningning only hopes that He Gu and San Miao can grow up happily and have a safe and smooth life in the future.

 As for that red flag…

Suddenly, the scene that he had seen on the screen of soldiers crossing afar to welcome martyrs back home came to Si Ningning's mind, and he shook his head to stop himself from thinking about it any further.

Although life is poor now, it has gradually stabilized.

 There is no battle to fight, and the days to come will be happier and happier...

Si Ningning's heavy heart slowly calmed down, and suddenly she heard Sanae ask: "What does the five-star red flag look like, sister?"

Si Ningning arched her eyebrows and smiled, looked around, picked up a piece of finely chopped carbon from the mouth of the stove, and quickly drew a red flag pattern on the wall of the stove, "The red flag looks like this, everything here is red, this The stars, and these four little stars, are all golden.”

“This star represents the leader, the small star represents the people, and the small stars surround the big star, which means unity around this center, you know?”


 The two little ones nodded, each picked out a few pieces of broken charcoal from the stove ashes, and squatted down in the front room to write and draw.

Si Ningning sighed helplessly, turned around and continued washing dishes and pots.

Huo Lang set off at about ten o'clock in the morning, and when he came back it was already three o'clock in the afternoon. By then, Hegu and Sanao were tired from playing and fell asleep on the bed. Si Ningning wiped their feet and hands with a towel, tucked in the quilt and left. Come out of the room.

Si Ningning was stunned for a moment when she heard the door open. Seeing that it was Huo Lang coming in, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief and sat lazily on the bamboo bed in the main room. "Have you had lunch? I'd like to save some noodles in the kitchen."

 As he said that, he got up and went to the kitchen to heat up the food.

Huo Lang pulled Si Ningning and saw how tired she was. He shook his head slightly and said, "I'll just do it myself later. Where are the two of them? Are they making a fuss?"

Horang has a clear conscience. When he is at home, Hegu is enough to make a scene. When he is not at home, it is estimated that there are no tigers in the mountains, and the monkey acts as a king and wants to make trouble in the sky.

“Fortunately, we all went to bed.” Si Ningning shook her head indifferently, and asked Huo Lang again, “Did you buy the tickets? When did you buy them?”

“I bought it, but I’m pressed for time. You have to go back and pack it up now.”

Si Ningning lowered her crescent eyebrows slightly, and seeing that he didn’t say when the ticket was issued, she asked again, “When was it issued?”


 What will happen after Ning Ning returns to Beijing? Let’s look forward to it together!

Also, it’s the end of the month, please recommend me and give me a monthly pass!

 (End of this chapter)

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