Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 313: Jiaojiao Wu Nongyu

Chapter 313 Jiaojiao Wu Nongyu

“Ticket at 9pm on December 26th, arrive at Jingnan Station at 7am on December 28th.”

 “So fast!” Si Ningning exclaimed in shock.

 Isn’t the twenty-sixth day of the twelfth lunar month tomorrow?

“There are few trains in this small place. Except for tomorrow’s trip, the next trip to Beijing is on the night of the 29th of the twelfth lunar month. If you take that trip, you won’t be able to catch the New Year’s Eve dinner.”

Huo Lang handed the ticket and household registration book to Si Ningning and explained the reason in a few words.

Si Ningning lowered her eyes and said "hmm".

She didn't have much to pack, but she didn't expect that time would be so tight.

 In the final analysis, I am still not mentally prepared to deal with it.

After thinking about it for a while, Si Ningning stood up and put on her clothes, "Then I'll go first and see if there's anything I need to clean up, so I won't be in a hurry tomorrow."

 “Okay, I’ll see you off.”

“No need, He Gu and San Miao are both asleep. What should I do if I wake up later and see no one and are scared?” Si Ningning waved her hands and put on her military coat neatly, “I can just walk by myself.”

Huo Lang didn't say much, and just followed Si Ningning to the gate of the courtyard. "I came back today and said hello to Dan Mantang, and asked him to come and pick her up tomorrow afternoon. You don't have to worry."

 “I know, I’m going back, you go into the house!”

Si Ningning laughed in understanding, waved her hands and ran away.

Huo Lang watched Si Ningning run away, raised his head and frowned, and glanced worriedly at the hazy gray sky. Finally, he closed the courtyard door with a low sigh and turned around to enter the house.

Si Ningning said he was going back to pack his things, but in fact there was really nothing to pack.

Unlike Mo Bei and Song Shuhan, who were looking forward to returning home, she might have put some small objects that she fiddled with in her free time at work with commemorative significance in her luggage, thinking of taking them home to tell her family. Speaking of which, share the ups and downs of this special period.

Si Ningning only packed up two pairs of replacement underwear, plus the pork strips that had been dried to be made into pulled pork.

That shredded meat can't be dried in a day or two. She's not here, and it's embarrassing to trouble others. She might as well take it home with her as an excuse and resell it later to lose space.

Xu Shuhua and the others who couldn't go home were all envious of Si Ningning. When Si Ningning was cleaning up, they all gathered around and watched.

Seeing that Si Ningning had packed so few things, Xu Shuhua said, "Ning Ning, why did you bring so few things?"

Si Ningning smiled and said, "It's not like I won't come back. It's too much trouble to come and go, and it's all at home."

Xu Shuhua nodded, thinking about it.

Si Ningning is in a different situation than them. Their home basically sends them all their belongings. If they don’t bring them home, they won’t have anything to wear or use.

“Well, you don’t have to cook for me for dinner. I’ll braise some eggs so I can take them to the car to eat tomorrow.”


“Where are Mo Beisong Shuhan and the others? Help me ask if they want to cook a few of them too? You can’t buy food in the car.”

"Let me ask Mo Bei! Song Shuhan definitely doesn't want it. He went to Nanjing and didn't leave until the 28th of the twelfth lunar month!"

Si Ningning nodded and suddenly said in surprise: "Is Song Shuhan actually from Nanjing? I didn't recognize the accent at all."

“What’s wrong with Nanjing? What’s the Nanjing accent like?” Jiang Yue asked curiously. Most of them are from the north. They have very little contact with people from the south. They only have some contact by going to the countryside and coming here. That is limited to this area. They have basically never had contact with people from other areas. It is normal for them not to understand the accent. .

Si Ningning can understand. She has heard of Nanjing dialect. Although she doesn't understand it very much, she always feels that Nanjing accent has a unique charm and can be classified into the good-sounding category.

 But if she were asked to learn how to speak, she would not be able to learn it.

"Hmm..." After thinking about it for a moment, Si Ningning said, "I don't know what to say, but if you are really curious, can I sing a part?"

She can’t speak the dialect, but she has heard a lot of songs with similar emphasis, and it’s not a problem to hold back a few lines.

As soon as they heard that Si Ningning could sing, Jiang Yue, Xu Shuhua and the others immediately became energetic, and one by one they said to each other: "The relationship is great, what are you waiting for? Let's do it! Let's do it!"

The room was warm and the atmosphere was lively and beautiful. Si Ningning couldn't help but laugh, and those who were pushing and shoving became more interested, "Then I'll improvise. Don't laugh at me if I don't sing well! Otherwise, I'll follow If you break off our relationship, I won’t care about you if anything happens in the future!”

 “Oh, don’t worry! Hurry up!”

Si Ningning didn’t do any ink. He took a sip of water and put his fist to his lips, coughed a few times and cleared his throat. He stood up straight. After taking a deep breath and exhaling a few times, his pink lips slowly opened and closed and said:

“Blue brick with tile paint

  White horse treading on new soil

Mountain flowers and banana leaves dyed red scarves at dusk

 Raindrops sprinkled from the eaves


Jiang Yue and the others originally wanted to have a little fun, but when Si Ningning really started singing, they sat on the edge of the bed one by one, looking up at Si Ningning with eyes like fire, and they didn't realize it. Listening in fascination.

It turns out that Si Ningning sings so beautifully!

 It turns out that the Nanjing accent is like this!

I didn’t understand the meaning of “Wu Nong’s soft language” written in the book before, but now I understand it.

 “Smoke curls up from the kitchen

Where are you, wandering around


 Desolate and deserted

The moon is setting, the crows are singing, and the crescent moon is falling into the solitary well.


Si Ningning's singing continued, but those who were addicted to it were not only the girls sitting around the kerosene lamp in the room, but also the people outside the door who touched the door with their long hands but did not push it open.

Green bricks are accompanied by tile paint, white horses tread new mud, and Wu Nong’s words are charming...

 After a mediocre year, this song is probably the best gift, right?

Without disturbing the good atmosphere in the room, Mo Bei retracted his hand and slowly turned sideways, looking up at the light group in the sky covered by clouds through the gaps in the branches and leaves in front of the door, and silently murmured in his heart:

See you next year, Si Ningning.

The station is small and the number of trains inside is limited. Mo Bei did not buy the tickets with Huo Lang, but the tickets they bought were for the same train. In addition, when Huo Lang came back, he asked Shan Mantang to send them back. On the way, he met Mo Bei and Song Shuhan stopped the two of them.

At that time, when he learned about the ticket time of Mo Bei and Song Shuhan, Huo Lang had spoken and asked Shan Mantang to come and help deliver the tickets that day. Mo Bei thanked him in a low voice, while Song Shuhan babbled and said his thanks over and over again a dozen times. .

At around four o'clock in the afternoon on the 26th of the twelfth lunar month, Mo Bei, Si Ningning and Huo Lang got into Shan Mantang's car at the cable bridge. What was different from usual was that this time Huo Lang was childish and cautious. , and did not let Si Ningning sit with Mo Bei.

Huo Lang asked Si Ningning to sit in the passenger seat, and he sat side by side with Mo Bei in the back row. He patted Mo Bei on the shoulder awkwardly, as if he couldn't see the resistance on Mo Bei's face, and asked Mo Bei with a smile. Say hello to all the parents for him when he gets back.


I actually felt quite complicated when I wrote this chapter. Many people said that the heroine is having an affair with Mo Bei and Huo Lang, but in fact, this article is not really emotional. It may be that friendship and the way of being in the world can inadvertently trigger the warmth. It takes up more things. I don’t really want to write about the love story between the male and female protagonists. I only focus on love. Some of the little things in life are actually very loving.

 (End of this chapter)

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