Chapter 314 Respect

Huo Lang was jealous when he saw others. Although Si Ningning was a little speechless, she didn't say anything.

 Some things are just jokes unless they are pointed out, but if they are pointed out, everyone will feel sorry for themselves.

Si Ningning put her fist to her lips and laughed softly, then let them go.

The car swayed all the way, and it was already past six o'clock in the evening when we arrived at the county. It gets dark quickly in winter. Before the state-owned hotel closed at seven o'clock in the evening, Huo Lang rushed to pack two portions of steamed buns and sesame pancakes, one for Si Ningning. One copy for Mo Bei.

"Take it, there's nothing to eat in the car. You have a big appetite. How can you hold it with just a few eggs?"

Of course Mo Bei refused to take it, but under Si Ningning's gaze and persuasion, he still accepted it. However, when the car arrived near the train station, he gave Huo Lang fifty cents before getting off the car.

 “Thank you for giving me a ride, but I don’t like to owe others.”

Mo Bei got off the bus first with his luggage and stood on the side of the car, waiting for Si Ningning to enter the station together.

In the car, Huo Lang looked at the flat fifty cents in his hand, then turned to stare at Si Ningning, and finally laughed dumbly and sighed, "Good boy."

Si Ningning got out of the car slowly, and Huo Lang helped her carry her luggage. However, Si Ningning had no intention of entering the station now.

There are still nearly two hours before the train starts. Xixian Railway Station is not big, and few people go out at this season and time period. There are no crowds, and you can get on the train directly after entering.

The wind was a bit strong outside, pouring from the collar into the neck. Si Ningning shivered with coldness, quickly tightened his sleeves and ran towards Mo Bei, "Mo Bei, go in first!"

Si Ningning is considered tall among girls, but in front of big guys like Huo Lang and Mo Bei, she is not impressive at all. She is still small and delicate. Now that her arms are clasped tightly in front of her chest, she looks even more... Hair is petite.

Although the matter between Si Ningning and Huo Lang was not revealed to the educated youth, everyone was smart and basically knew it well. Therefore, Si Ningning did not hide anything and gave Mo Bei an embarrassed "hehe" smile. , raised his chin towards Huo Lang who was closing the car door, "I have a few words to say to Comrade Huo Lang. Come in later, you don't have to wait for me."

Mo Bei frowned slightly and looked deeply at Si Ningning.

The girl has bright eyes and a sweet smile, but those eyes are not looking at him, and the smile is not directed at him.

Mo Bei's Adam's apple rolled, and the hand in the pocket of his military coat tightened, then loosened. He was silent for a while and nodded softly, "Yeah", "Don't be too late... The train waits for no one. It's dark outside and it's not safe. I'll say it later." After that, let him take you to the station."

 “Well, I know, you go ahead!”

Si Ningning smiled and waved. After watching Mo Beixian arrive at the station, she turned around and winked at Huo Lang.

Huo Lang closed his eyes tightly, turned his head and glared at Si Ningning.

They walked side by side towards the station, went up the steps and found a sheltered place to stand. Si Ningning pushed Huo Lang, "What was your expression just now?"

“An expression of dissatisfaction.” Huo Lang’s usually serious handsome face showed an aggrieved expression, “Don’t smile at him.”

"…" Si Ningning paused for a moment, "You are a good person, but you can't cry in front of others! Besides, they are all acquaintances, so it is not appropriate to keep a straight face."

Si Ningning thought about it for a while and asked Huo Lang, "Do you think I'm going too far?"

“Being friendly and welcoming is the basis for dealing with others.” Huo Lang shook his head and said frankly: “I just don’t like you smiling at others, I’ll get foamy...”

Holang is very candid. These few sentences tell at least half of his inner thoughts, but he has not revealed the other half.

For example, he knew that in Si Ningning's eyes, Mo Bei was just an ordinary friend like other educated youths, but what about Mo Bei's heart?

Is Si Ningning also an ordinary friend?

of course not.

 But it was difficult for Huo Lang to say this directly. Instead of worrying about those who have something and don’t have it, why not marry someone home as soon as possible!

So Huo Lang turned to ask: "Do you mean what you said?"

The topic jumped too quickly. Si Ningning was stunned, "What are you talking about?"

The wind blew the thin bangs flying around on his forehead, which made it itchy on his face. Si Ningning scratched it with his fingers and looked at Huo Lang with blank eyes.

Holang pulled her around and sandwiched her between the walls, using his body to block the biting wind as much as possible.

The distance between the two people was getting closer, their breaths were intertwined, and there was no one else around them, so the atmosphere suddenly became ambiguous.

"Xiaoxue will give me an answer." Huo Lang nodded slightly, resting his chin on Si Ningning's shoulder, holding the rattan box in his hand and hugging Si Ningning, his voice gradually became hoarse, "If you are not here during this period, If it snows in time H, will your words still count when you come back? "

Horang actually feels very sorry. In the past, it started to snow in Province H very early in the winter. This year, the weather has been unfavorable and it is almost the beginning of spring after the New Year. Not even a single snow seed has fallen, not to mention a single snowflake.

 “Of course it counts.”

Si Ningning chuckled softly, and her heart softened suddenly.

She likes Huo Lang, and the answer has already been confirmed in her heart. She is just waiting for the promised snow to arrive.

 At the blind spot on one side of the train station, they hugged each other for a moment. In a short period of time, the distance between the two hearts seemed to have taken a big step closer.

The trace of insecurity in Huo Lang's heart was suddenly dispelled. He let go of Si Ningning, carrying the box in one hand and holding Si Ningning in the other. "I'll take you in. It's cold outside. Go in and sit and wait."

"Yeah." Si Ningning responded and walked beside him, "I heard you said before that you still have a grandma in Beijing? Is there anyone else at home? If you don't go back, how about I go over and take a look for you?"

Huo Lang shook his head, "No, you can't deal with grandma's bad temper. I'll go back to my home in Dongsan Province and we'll get there."

As for whether there are others in the Huo family, Huo Lang did not go into details, but Si Ningning could also guess some.

  Why was Huo Lang sent to a family in the Northeast to be raised at such a young age?

 Because, there is no one left in the Huo family.

Si Ningning suddenly felt heavy. Before stepping onto the steps at the door, she held Huo Lang in her hand.

 “What’s wrong?” Huo Lang asked her sideways.

"It's okay." Si Ningning shook her head wildly, her deer eyes shining brightly under the dim tungsten bulb at the door of the train. She looked at Huo Lang and said seriously: "I will be back as soon as possible."


 The two of them smiled at first, and a hope popped up in their hearts at the same time:

 Next year, try to celebrate the New Year together.

 There is not much traffic at the train station. I guess it is because there are not many passengers there, and there will be no family members to see them off. There are no staff in front of the window that sells platform tickets.

Without buying a platform ticket, Huo Lang couldn't follow him into the station. He could only tell Si Ningning before he entered the station: "There are very few people in the sleeper compartment. If there are other **** men in there, you can find an empty room or live in a room with the last name." Mo's kid is next door and we are not allowed to live together..."

 (End of this chapter)

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