Chapter 315 Stepmother

“The workshop door can be locked from behind. It will be locked after checking the tickets. Except for the conductor who comes and knocks on the door, no one else will open it. Do you hear me?”

 “I heard it, I know it.”

“Well, you can get hot water at both ends of the sleeping car. If you run out of water, remember to go..."

"I see, do you really treat me like a child?" Si Ningning interrupted Huo Lang's ramblings, took the box and checked the tickets neatly.

Stepping back towards the stairs, she smiled and waved to Huo Lang, "I'm going downstairs, you go back! I'll be back soon."

Holang held on to the rusty iron guardrail and continued to instruct: "Take care of everything, cover yourself with a quilt when sleeping, and remember to eat when you are hungry..."

He kept talking non-stop until Si Ningning stamped her feet and glared at him, finally stopping her voice.

Huo Lang sighed in his heart: What should I do?

This cruel girl didn't seem to show any reluctance at all. On the contrary, he was beginning to feel that time was becoming difficult.

 Separated from Huo Lang at the station entrance on the first floor, when Si Ningning arrived at the platform, she didn't know whether the train had been at the station all along or whether it had just entered the station. In short, it had stopped at the side of the platform and the door was open.

A few passengers had already gotten on the bus. Mo Bei was worried that Si Ningning would be late. Although he got on the bus, he was stuck at the door and stared. When he saw Si Ningning coming with a suitcase, he breathed a sigh of relief and turned back to his car.

This train has twelve carriages, the last three of which are sleeper carriages. Although they are the same car, they are in different carriages, one is in the tenth carriage and the other is in the twelve carriages.

Although the tickets in this era were different from those in later generations, they were small and had very clear information on them. Si Ningning found his bed without much effort.

 The layout of the workshop is similar to that of the soft sleeper trains of later generations. There are four beds in a room, divided into upper and lower bunks. Si Ningning's ticket corresponds to the bed in the lower left corner.

Putting down the rattan box, taking out the water and food and tidying them up, Si Ningning propped her chin on the small patent leather table and looked out the window. Under the dim light, the old train station looked increasingly empty and desolate.

It was already getting late, and before long, the loudspeaker at the junction of the carriages made a "pah, pah, pah, pah" sound, informing passengers who had not yet boarded the train to get on the train quickly, as the train was about to start.

Si Ningning looked around for a while. There was no one on the platform at all, and until the train started slowly, there was no second passenger in the carriage she was in. This train would stop once in Henan.

If calculated in terms of time, Si Ningning estimated that the next time a passenger would board the train would be at least twenty hours later. In other words, during these twenty hours, the four-person carriage would belong to her alone and she could enjoy it freely. Do whatever you want.

It was impossible to say he was unhappy. He waited left and right until the conductor came over to check the tickets. When the conductor left, Si Ningning finally liberated himself. The door latch of the workshop door clicked twice and he checked again. After confirming that the windows were locked, Si Ningning closed the shabby curtains and entered the space in the darkness.

She did some chores hastily, harvested some soybeans, and planted some. She took a comfortable bath in the space, and also had a rare facial spa treatment. Finally, she put on a facial mask and used a small spoon to scoop out the tightness on her face. It feels good to eat a small piece of watermelon.

The temperature in the space is suitable. I don’t know how comfortable it is to wear pajamas and a thin silk quilt. It’s completely different from the outside. Not only is it very cold, but it’s also difficult to take off sleeping clothes so thoroughly in the workshop. But even so, after almost resting, , Si Ningning still chose to leave the space.

She was fine, but she was afraid that if something happened, someone would knock on the door, and she wouldn't be able to hear any movement in the space.

  She took off her mask and went to the bathroom in the space. After applying facial cream, Si Ningning packed up a thick quilt and pillows and sheets, and left the space with her fully charged mobile phone.

With the help of the flashlight on her mobile phone, she made the bed. In the darkness, Si Ningning lay on the bed and flipped through the novels she had downloaded to survive the apocalypse. She flipped through several of them. They were all the kind where the protagonists were awesome and coaxing, not in the To slap the supporting character in the face is to slap the supporting character in the face.

Those supporting characters are like tool men carved out of a template, without any intelligence or thinking of their own, and the plot is purely for the sake of slaps in the face.

After reading through it, Si Ningning felt that it was quite boring. He wanted to do something else but didn’t have an internet connection, so he randomly clicked on the Tetris game and played it with gusto for an hour or two. He didn’t put his phone away until he felt sleepy. Space, while yawning, got into bed.

Si Ningning is not mysophobic, but thinking that the bedding in the car may have been used by many people, she still feels a little concerned. Now that she has replaced it with the bedding in the space, there is no pressure and resistance in her heart. In the warm quilt, Soon he fell into a deep sleep.

Before falling asleep, Si Ningning was still thinking that when she first came to this world, the hardness of the bed board would affect her sleep quality. But now, even though the train was shaking all the way, she still slept soundly. .

I really don’t know whether to say that she has adapted to this era, or that her body and mind are gradually assimilating.

 Looking at it carefully, there seems to be no difference?

At dawn, it was already eight o'clock in the morning when Si Ningning woke up. She temporarily put away the sheets and quilts, and wandered out of the carriage to get some hot water.

Originally, I thought the drive was too long and it would be a bit strange not to leave the workshop for the whole journey. However, when I got out, I found that there was no one outside the sleeper compartment. Si Ningning felt calm and quickly returned to the compartment to lock the workshop door again.

 For the rest of the time, Si Ningning read during the day, and occasionally took out cashmere thread from the space to knit a few stitches to pass the time. He moved from his own bed to the opposite bed, and then from the opposite bed back to his own bed.

When I got tired from sitting, I would lie down. When I was free, I would insert my feet into the gap between the bedside railings and do a few sit-ups with ridiculous postures. In short, we would try each other, even if we could find some space in the middle to relieve boredom. In addition to activities, when the train arrived at Jingnan Station on the 28th of the twelfth lunar month, Si Ningning's feet were obviously swollen. When she got off the train with her suitcase, she felt extremely swollen and uncomfortable with every step she took.

The train arrived at the station at around seven o'clock. Mo Bei was determined to wait for Si Ningning to leave with him, so he got off the train as quickly as possible and waited.

This train is considered good if there are a total of fifty people on it. Almost as soon as Si Ningning got off the bus, Mo Bei saw her and said, "Si Ningning, this way."

Si Ningning's eyes wandered for a moment, and when she saw Mo Bei, she ran over and said, "What's going on?"

"Go together."

"Okay." Si Ningning nodded in agreement. As he walked out, he didn't forget to tease Mo Bei: "You are much darker than when you first went to the countryside. Can you recognize it when you go back to your home?"

“You should be able to. Speaking of which, you don’t seem to have changed much?”

“No, I’m the most lazy among the educated youth, haha...”

“No, everyone’s efforts are different. Where do you live? I’ll send you off first.”

Mo Bei lives in Ganzikou, and Jingnan Station is quite far away. Si Ningning and he are going in a different direction. She just agreed because she thought Mo Bei said he would go to the bus stop together, but now she realizes, This is what Mo Bei meant when he said "walk together".

Si Ningning held the collar of the military coat with one hand and hid half of her face inside. She held the rattan box with the other hand and shook her head: "No, my home is not far from here, and you can get off at the entrance of the alley."

Mo Bei paused for a moment, glanced at the rattan box in her hand, and asked uncertainly: "Can you do it?"    "What's wrong with this? You said that people from Province H are not familiar with the place. You want to send it to me. I understand. I grew up here in Beijing, so what place do I not know?" Si Ningning said with a helpless smile.

Mo Bei was silent for a moment. Instead of continuing the stalemate, he turned away and said, "Then I'll take you to the car."

This clearly means not giving the opportunity to refuse.

Si Ningning smiled helplessly, thinking that Mo Bei would have to take the bus anyway, so he nodded "hmm" and said "ok".

Before the time travel, Si Ningning was from Beijing. She was very familiar with this area of ​​Beijing. However, the streets and alleys of Beijing in the 1970s were all dilapidated. The South Third Ring Road was all cultivated land growing cabbage and sunflowers. There were bus stop signs and so on. Wherever she was, even with the memory of her original body, she was still a little dizzy for a while and didn't know where to go.

 Fortunately, Mobei is on one side, and Mobei is not familiar with the train station, but maybe the residents of the original world have a good way of considering the surrounding environment? In short, Mo Bei quickly found the bus stop sign.

The two of them stood on the roadside dragging their boxes and stared at the simple bus stop sign. After a while, they turned to look at each other:

 “You can get home in six stops from here.”

 “Ganzikou is the terminal station, you have to take twenty-one stops!”

Si Ningning scratched her head in embarrassment and glanced at her home station. Sure enough, it was station six, "How do you know where I live?"

"..." Mo Bei was silent, not knowing how to answer for a moment.

He will definitely not say that he sent a letter to his family and investigated Si Ningning's family privately when Si Ningning cried.

Before Mo Bei could answer, Si Ningning frowned slightly and called out again, "Mo Bei?"

"Ah." Mo Bei came back to his senses, his starry eyes flickered slightly, his Adam's apple rolled and he hesitated: "Have you forgotten what you said before? And my grandma also lives nearby."


Si Ningning responded, but she didn't say it. In fact, she didn't remember it that clearly. After thinking about it, she thought it should have been mentioned in the previous chat, otherwise she wouldn't know that Mo Bei lived in Ganzikou. no?

The north is drier than the south, and the wind is stronger than the south. It is colder in the early morning than at noon or afternoon. Si Ningning stood in the wind. His thick military coat could prevent the cold on his body, but it could not cover his face. When she felt hot, her nose was blown and her ears were red. During this period, she stretched out her hands to cover her ears, which were as cold as iron.

On such a cold day, Si Ningning was really embarrassed to ask Mo Bei to wait on the roadside with her. Fortunately, the bus arrived very quickly. She carried her box and got on the bus. When she bought the ticket from the conductor, she turned around and curled her lips. Smiling and waving to Mo Bei, "I'm leaving first. I wish you good luck. Also, I want to say Happy Spring Festival and Happy New Year in advance!"

"Happy Spring Festival, Happy New Year." Mo Bei replied, and trotted along with the bus before the door closed: "I will probably visit my grandma, and then I will stop by to discuss buying a ticket to return to my hometown... "

The last word was spoken, and the car had already driven dozens of meters away. Mo Bei slowly took a step back, wondering whether Si Ningning heard what he said.

Before Mo Bei could think about it, there was a beeping car horn behind him. He turned around and saw a car parked next to the stop sign. The conductor wearing an L-front hat stuck his head out of the window, "Comrade, Are you going to Ganzikou? Hurry up and get on the bus. It’s three cents inside the second ring road and five cents outside the second ring road!”

 “I want a ticket to the terminal.”

Mo Bei trotted into the car carrying the box and neatly took out five cents.

On the other side, the bus staggered to a stop at Houhai Nanluoguxiang. Si Ningning got off the bus with her suitcase in hand. She was originally worried that she would be blind and unable to find the place like she did at the train station, but after getting off the bus, her body's memory As if waking up, his legs automatically walked in one direction.

They all arrived at the door of their house. The burden they felt when they came back relaxed at this moment. Si Ningning walked slowly, aimlessly looking at the retro and old courtyards on both sides of the alley, with eyes that couldn't help but reflect the scrutiny of future generations.

Even though the courtyards of this building are densely scattered and the space is small, in the next ten or twenty years, the sales price will be in the unit of 100 million, which is not affordable for ordinary people.

Wandering around, looking along the road, we finally stopped in front of a house.

Si Ningning raised his eyes and looked at it. The wooden door of the small courtyard was half new and half old. The maroon paint had obvious wear and tear on the bottom part. Perhaps it was because of the approaching New Year. Two small red lanterns were hung in front of the door. There is also a twenty-centimeter-sized five-star flag that I bought while visiting T'anmen...

 It is a very indigenous Kyoto style of dress.

The memory that had been floating in my mind like a shadow suddenly became clear and realistic at this moment. Everything that Si Ningning experienced in the 1970s seemed to be engraved on Si Ningning today.

Si Ningning stood on the steps. He raised his hand to knock on the door, but he hesitated and clenched his fist, wondering whether to knock or not.

But the people in the room didn't give Si Ningning a chance to react. As if they knew someone was outside, the maroon wooden door creaked open, and a middle-aged woman with a pointed chin and a round face poked her head out.

Seeing Si Ningning, the woman was stunned for a moment, then immediately put on a kind and polite expression and asked with a smile: "Hey, comrade, who are you looking for?"

Si Ningning was silent, then let go of her hand and revealed half of her face hidden in the collar of her military coat, "Aunt Wu."

 Wu Fenfang.

 Si Zhennan’s second wife after his first wife died of illness.

  That is, the stepmother who once abused the original owner.

Si Ningning spoke calmly, and when she thought of the immoral things this woman had done, her face became careless, cold and distant.

On the opposite side, Wu Fenfang, after recognizing her, the kindness and smile on her face quickly faded. After a brief moment of surprise, her eyes suddenly became strange, "You..."

Si Ningning knew that Wu Fenfang would not have anything nice to say, and he could even guess what she wanted to curse.

But for some reason, Wu Fenfang suddenly put back the bad words on her lips. With a smile on her face, she enthusiastically snatched the rattan box from Si Ningning's hand and half dragged her towards the courtyard. :

“You kid, why didn’t you say hello in advance when you came back for the New Year? It’s better for your dad to pick you up at the station in advance, right?”

 (End of this chapter)

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