Chapter 316 Dead Girl

Si Ningning didn't realize what was going on. It wasn't until a "Ning Ning" came from behind that she realized what was going on.

  It turned out that the original person’s father, who was busy with work all year round, came back.

Si Ningning chuckled and said to herself: No wonder Wu Fenfang’s face changed faster than facial makeup.

It’s really hard for her.

But who doesn’t know how to act?

Si Ningning let go and let Wu Fenfang take the box. She closed her eyes slightly and took a deep breath. When she opened her eyes again, the tear stains on her face trembled slightly, and her eyes were bent into small crescents. The cold look just now had been replaced by a submissive one. substitute.

Si Ningning rolled her throat up and down to get used to it, and then she lowered her voice softly, like a harmless little sheep, "Thank you, Aunt Wu."

Immediately turned sideways and smiled sweetly at the door: "You are back."

"Why didn't you send a letter to your family in advance when you came back? Dad can pick you up at the station!" Si Zhennan stepped into the courtyard and handed the bowl of seaweed to Wu Fenfang. He pressed Si Ningning's shoulders with excitement. Shaking, looking both ways, "Come back, come back! We won't go to that place next year! Dad will smooth things over for you!"

"Cough, cough." Wu Fenfang coughed at the right time with a smile on her face, and stepped forward to remind: "Okay! Let's go inside and talk! It's so cold outside, don't freeze the child."

"Oh, yes, yes! Come on, let's go into the house and talk!" Si Zhennan's straight-faced face wrinkled up, and he cheerfully led Si Ningning into the house, saying as he walked: "I just came from I brought you a bowl of beancurd from the state-owned restaurant. Wasn’t it your favorite when you were a kid? Ask your mother to give you a big bowl!”

"Oh, our Ningning is really a big girl. The longer she grows, the more graceful she becomes. With you..." Si Zhennan stuttered, probably because he thought it was inappropriate to marry him in advance at this time, so he pushed Si Ningning down and sat down at the table. , opened the topic and shouted: "Fengfang, hurry up and give Ningning a bowl of tofu pudding. Don't you still have eggs at home? I just brought two eggs. I must not have had a good rest after coming back from such a long journey. Let her finish it later." Get some sleep. By the way, the house needs to be tidied up.”

Wu Fenfang responded while busy, but when Si Zhennan mentioned the bed, she hesitated, "This... Ning Ning is not at home when she goes to the countryside. Her old room is now occupied by Qiqi... How about I make a bed in the study first? Are you going to sleep for now?”

Si Zhennan's attention was all on Si Ningning, and he nodded without thinking, "That's okay, I'll move in there first when Qiqi comes back from work, and then I'll free up the things in the utility room when I have time. It’s also a room to tidy up.”

After hearing the first half of Si Zhennan's words, Wu Fenfang was quite happy. After hearing the second half, she forced a smile on her face and said, "This... Qiqi's things are all in the house. There's a lot of moving around." trouble?"

Si Zhennan paused for a moment, then turned back to look at Wu Fenfang. Wu Fenfang looked at her calmly, as if she had no selfish intentions at all, which made Si Zhennan frown.

Just before Si Zhennan said that he could move Qiqi's things over, Si Ningning, who had been listening silently and said nothing, suddenly said, "Then I'll sleep in the study."

"Ning Ning..." Si Zhennan shouted in disapproval.

Si Ningning curled her lips and smiled nonchalantly, "This is more convenient and will not affect Zhang Qi's usual work."

Zhang Qi is the daughter brought here by Wu Fenfang, one year younger than Si Ningning.

Si Ningning also thought that Wu Fenfang had such a high rank and had hidden it so well in the past, but this was the result?

  I lost my composure over such a trivial matter and rushed to declare my ownership.

If she wants it, then let her do it. Let her be proud first, and then she will be deflated later.

Wu Fenfang thought that the contest between her and Si Ningning was a complete victory due to Si Zhennan's compromise. She was happy in her heart, and the smile on her face became a little more joyful from the bottom of her heart.

Si Zhennan didn't know Wu Fenfang's true thoughts. He just thought that she was happy that Si Ningning was coming home, and the unhappiness in her heart immediately disappeared.

The topic turned to her daughter, and because Si Zhennan had mentioned the title "Mom" just now, Wu Fenfang filled the tofu pudding, brought it to Si Ningning and put it away. She wiped her hands with her hand and had something to say:

“Lao Si, why didn’t you write to Ning Ning about that?”

Si Zhennan was confused and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Tsk, look at you." Wu Fenfang glared at Si Zhennan angrily, then looked at Si Ningning with a small spoon to catch the tofu pudding: "Ning Ning doesn't know, right? I blame your dad for not writing to you. , your sister has changed her surname and is now called Si Qi, and she has also changed her name to your dad. She used to be called uncle, but now she is called dad. "

"Yeah." Si Ningning nodded, "I didn't know about this before, but I know it now."

 “Then are you also...”

"Aunt Wu, I can't drink so much beancurd. Can you bring me a bowl? I'll scoop some out." Si Ningning raised her head and looked directly at Wu Fenfang with a pair of dark deer eyes without hesitation, and directly brought Wu Fenfang to her. The words on his lips were blocked.

Wu Fenfang was dissatisfied and couldn't say anything, so she went into the kitchen to get a bowl.

During this small gap, Si Ningning looked at Si Zhennan, "Do you also think I should call her mom?"

Facing those clear eyes, Si Zhennan thought of his ex-wife who died of illness early. The "little things" that he took for granted at first suddenly felt that he couldn't speak anymore.

Si Zhennan paused for a moment, then finally rubbed his short and short hair and said, "You are an adult. If dad doesn't care about you, he will force you to do whatever you want. You can think about it yourself. Whatever you think, dad will respect it." You." Si Ningning looked away and continued to scoop out the beancurds in the bowl with a small spoon.

She was not the one who was hurt, but since she entered this body due to fate, even if there is no repayment and compensation to the original body, she can never be Wu Fenfang's "mother".

 She doesn’t deserve it.

 And Si Zhennan’s words are enough.

As long as Si Zhennan didn't interfere, Wu Fenfang wouldn't be able to put pressure on her and force her to call her mom.

Wu Fenfang quickly brought a small bowl. While Si Ningning was scooping out the bean curd, she turned around and rummaged through the quilt and sheets, and made the bed in the study.

Wu Fenfang couldn't stop looking at Si Ningning after going in and out a few times. Si Ningning knew it, but she calmly raised her head after eating the bean curd and said, "Aunt Wu, if you have anything to say, just say it."

Wu Fenfang paused for a moment, glanced at Si Zhennan who was having breakfast at the table, waved his hands and smiled dryly: "What are you talking about? I just want to tell you that the bed is ready. You, if you are tired, go and take a rest." Come on, ah!”

Si Ningning curled her lips and nodded with a smile, but her voice was surprisingly sweet and sweet: "Thank you, Aunt Wu."

 After saying that, he looked at Si Zhennan. Si Ningning nodded slightly and said, "Eat slowly."

Lifting up the rattan box beside the door, Si Ningning opened the windshield curtain and went to the study, leaving the two people in the living room to confront each other.

Si Zhennan was happy when his daughter came back. He drank the marinated tofu pudding in big sips, wishing he could curl his lips behind his ears.

 On the contrary, Wu Fenfang's mood was not so good.

Wu Fenfang felt even more upset when she saw Si Zhennan's smiling face.

In the past, she didn't care at all that Si Ningning called her mother, but this time, she didn't know what happened. The **** girl sat upright at the table and shouted "Aunt Wu" one after another, which made her just like the old girl. Just like the old ladies in society, but that dead girl has become a rich lady, waiting for her to serve.

Wu Fenfang thought angrily: Didn’t that **** girl refuse to call her mother? Then she must scream! Diaphragm should not kill her!

 Damn girl, she is as miserable as her mother who died long ago! Why didn't you die outside? Coming back during the Chinese New Year will cause trouble for her!

Wu Fenfang calmly walked to the door, took off the scarf from the door and put it on, "Old Si, after you finish eating, wash the dishes. I'll go squat and see if I can grab some meat. The child hasn't been home for so long. Knowing what life is like over there, I’ll give her something delicious to eat.”


Wu Fenfang wanted to make delicious food for Si Ningning, so Si Zhennan naturally had no objection, "Go ahead, how much money do you still have in your hand? I'll get it for you if it's not enough."

"You still gave me a lot last time. It's enough. Haha...I'm leaving. You should have something to do. When I go out, you can wipe and sweep wherever the house is dirty!" Wu Fenfang had a kind face, and the conversation between Wu Fenfang and Si Zhennan sounded like a normal couple living a normal life.

Si Zhennan thought in his mind and responded quickly: "I know, I know, go quickly. It's very cold outside. If you have enough money, buy more. Qiqi will come back from get off work later, and we can have a good meal for the whole family. of."


Wu Fenfang responded with a smile. The moment he went out, his eyes flashed fiercely. He took a fierce look at the closed wooden door of the study and snorted coldly before going out.

 Damn girl, just wait and see.

Standing by the window and watching Wu Fenfang leave with a sullen face, Si Ningning's pale lips curled up into a smile.

If you want to be scheming, then be scheming. If you want to use violence to solve problems, you can do it. But Wu Fenfang is not the only one.

Si's house is one of the small courtyards in this quadrangle. It looks retro-style on the outside, but in fact the inside area is less than a hundred square meters. This small area is divided into several partitions, an independent study room, two rooms, and a utility room. , the kitchen and bathroom are also separate, and the open-air courtyard is also included. People really feel crowded when standing in it.

Si Ningning glanced at the small courtyard and closed the curtain on the study window with a snap, completely isolating the inside and outside spaces.

Having slept enough on the train, Si Ningning wasn't sleepy at all now. She put down her things and glanced at the bed made up of six chairs with backrests. She felt something was wrong.

I walked over and touched the cushion, and sure enough, the chair was hard and the cushion on it was less than half a finger thick. It was so cold that I didn’t even have to think about it. When I lay on it, my back felt chilly at night.

Si Ningning had a flash of sarcasm in his eyes.

Wu Fenfang still thought that she was the former Si Ningning, who was weak and easy to bully. She suffered hardships and suffered injustices and just suffered them silently without saying anything to others.

 (End of this chapter)

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