Chapter 317 Former · Fiancé

Si Ningning could only say that Wu Fenfang might be disappointed this time.

 She can not only speak, but also act.

  Si Ningning is not afraid of Wu Fenfang if he wants to play tricks.

Si Ningning will not stand and be beaten passively if she wants to use violence to solve the problem. She only hopes that Wu Fenfang can have some brains and strategies, and not be like those in the novels she read, which have no IQ at all.

 In that case, it would be really boring to pack it up.

I was browsing around in the study room. It was almost noon and Si Ningning yawned and suddenly felt sleepy again.

 Sleeping is too decadent and a waste of time. There are only ten days of vacation, and the round trip will take up almost half of the days. Si Ning would rather not waste the remaining time.

  He arranged everything, took out his backpack from the rattan box and put it on his back. Then he locked the box, buttoned up his military coat and opened the study door.

Si Zhennan was wearing framed glasses and squinting in the living room to read a newspaper. When he heard the noise, he came out from behind the curtain and said, "The eldest daughter is up!"

Seeing that Si Ningning was getting up, Si Zhennan couldn't stop the smile on his face, "Are you hungry? Your Aunt Wu brought back the ribs and soy sauce beef. Dad will serve you some to try first?"

"No need." Si Ningning pursed her lips, paused and added: "I'm not very hungry yet. I want to go out for a walk, is that okay?"

"Ah?" Si Zhennan's smile faded slightly, and he nodded after a pause, "Okay, of course, you can wait here while Dad goes to get something!"

 Speaking, Si Ningning turned around and entered the house without waiting for a reply.

Si Ningning was curious. She stood on tiptoes and looked in the direction of the living room. She mingled her hands together and waited obediently.

"Your Aunt Wu keeps the tickets. Dad doesn't have them. She's not at home right now. Dad will ask her to get them when she comes back later." In just a minute or two, Si Zhennan opened the door again. The curtain came out, and he happily approached Si Ningning. Without saying a word, he took Si Ningning's hand and stuffed a big unity card into her palm, "Take this money first, go buy a hair tie, buy snacks, Lao Xiang You know there are a few people here selling braised pork and pancakes secretly, so go ahead and don’t come back until you spend all your money.”

Si Ningning looked at the old-fashioned and brand-new banknotes in his hand, and then looked up at Si Zhennan.

 In this era, Si Zhennan's marriage was not too early, it could even be said to be too late. Si Ningning had just turned eighteen, but he had already entered the 40-year-old period.

Because he has read books, Si Zhennan has a strong scholarly atmosphere, especially when he is wearing glasses now, but his job is very special. In addition to staying at home and drawing pictures at work, he also travels to various locations across the country from time to time. According to the inspection, his rough skin cannot be considered white, or maybe his work is not easy. There are many white hairs standing like silver needles in his inch-long hair.

 The imposing manner of his clothing may make him look respectable, but the details reflected in him make him look much older than his actual age.

Si Ningning was not heartless. From the moment she entered this courtyard, she had noticed many things.

 She thought that in Si Zhennan's eyes, "she", the daughter, did hold some weight.

 Even far more than the mother and daughter.

 However, when she recalled the things in her original memory, she felt very confused, making it impossible for her to have a heart-to-heart relationship with the person in front of her.

 Let's get used to it again.

Si Ningning silently comforted herself in her heart, and at the same time, she clenched the big unity in her hand.

She raised her lips slightly and raised a docile smile, "Thank you, I'll go out first."

As she walked to the door, she turned back to look at Si Zhennan, "If I see something suitable, can I buy it and share it with everyone?"

"Of course." Si Zhennan took off his glasses and wiped them with the corner of his clothes, with a smile on his face that was as bright as a light. "Our Ning Ning is so sensible, your Aunt Wu and your sister will be happy."


Happiness is not that great. When the time comes, she will really know that she has spent Si Zhennan’s money. I’m afraid she will be so angry that she will want to pass out. Si Ningning's pupils swayed slightly, she said "goodbye" shyly, and turned around to leave the yard.

Si Zhennan’s smile in the courtyard slowly turned calm. He put on his glasses and stood at the door of the living room for a long time. The joy he felt just now was gone, and the atmosphere around him suddenly became lonely.

 This child…

   I haven’t called him daddy since I came back until now.

 Are you still blaming him for going to the countryside in the first place?


In the 1970s, the lifestyle in Beijing was very primitive and conservative. People had to squat in public dry toilets to go to the toilet, and they had to squeeze into narrow alleys to wash clothes. It seemed commonplace to chat while washing basins next to each other.

“Is it the girl from Lao Si’s family who is back?”

“Oh, yes.” Si Ningning nodded with a smile, lifted the hem of his military coat, and carefully stepped over the large wooden basin where the neighbor's aunt was washing clothes.

The neighbor's aunt looked Si Ningning up and down with a smile on her face, "I heard from your aunt that you went to the south to work in the countryside. What's wrong, my dear girl, is it better to go to the south or to the north here?"

“Each one has his own merits. When I go, I don’t want to come back, and when I come back, I don’t want to go.” The smile on Si Ningning’s face did not diminish, and she spoke in a polite manner without offending anyone.

The neighbor's aunt smiled and praised Si Ningning's smart mouth. After Si Ningning walked away, the aunt couldn't help but muttered to another young daughter-in-law who was doing laundry next to her about Si Ningning's return:

"This child has a hard life. His biological mother died early. He is a stepmother. said such a pretty girl, what do the boys from the Li family think? After all, she is also a serious girl from the Si family. Do you still think about marrying a queen? Can I get more benefits from what my mother brings?”

The aunt sighed and couldn't understand it, but when she saw that Si Ningning hadn't gone far, she immediately smiled and lowered her head.

It doesn’t matter whether you are chatting or gossiping, but there is no reason to speak in front of the rightful master.

Si Ningning only paused slightly, then resumed walking at a steady pace the next moment and continued walking out of the alley.

I haven’t communicated with you much, and I almost forgot about this.

  The boy of the Li family, Li Shuo, was once the fiancé of his original body.

He is the son of Si Zhennan’s classmate and colleague. Both families live in this area. Since they are not far apart, they can be considered childhood sweethearts who grew up together and went to school together.

how to say?


Li Shuo is probably an arrogant young man.

 Somewhat similar to Mo Bei, but different from Mo Bei, his eldest son has a stronger temper and needs to be coaxed all the time. This is not obvious when he was a child, especially when he enters the rebellious period in middle school.

 Because he is richer than others, there are many girls who are attracted to him.

 Coupled with the trust of the so-called good brothers, even if he likes the original body, he stubbornly refuses to say it. Instead, he has been waiting for the original body who has a reserved personality to take the initiative to take the initiative and admit that he likes him...

It’s strangely childish.

Si Ningning felt that based on family conditions, this marriage could probably be considered a good match, but the breakdown of the relationship should have already begun to show signs at this time.


 About the update issue:

A Yao’s wedding this month is because it’s a long-distance marriage + Mid-Autumn Festival, so there are too many things going on and it’s too messy. Decorating the house, buying furniture, trying on wedding dresses, makeup, and ordering gifts. After getting married, she has to move from the north to the south. Things are always real. Lots and lots of them!

Ayao will try its best to update as much and stably as possible, but these are not trivial matters. Parents are all watching, and there are very few gaps in coding... I hope everyone understands!

 (End of this chapter)

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