Chapter 319 Panjiayuan

The library at this time did not provide book frames like bookstores in later generations. Si Ningning couldn't hold so many books, so he took them out and put them on the chair on the side of the bookshelf, then turned around and looked at other books.

Although there is not a complete set of the comic strips of the Warriors of Langshan, I found a 32-page educational book. I pulled it out from the bookshelf without thinking. I turned over the last one to confirm that it was a complete set and put it directly on the shelf. on the chair, ready to buy it back together.

After wandering around for a few times, he picked out a few prose books that were catchy and had good content. Si Ningning took the books to check out. The old man put a thick stack of books on the counter. The young man with double braids was in charge of taking notes. The girls were stunned:

“Study hard and make progress every day! To borrow information, you need to register your household registration page. Comrade, you see what you are doing...”

"I'll buy it. Please help me calculate how much it costs. By the way..." Si Ningning scratched her head in embarrassment, "I'm in a hurry and I didn't bring my schoolbag. Can you help me see if I can get a bag?"

“Okay, it’s not a big problem. I’ll enter the information first and I’ll help you find it soon.”

The girl at the counter smiled. She was just stunned for a moment but she quickly realized what she was doing. She carefully took the book from Si Ningning's arms and started recording each one by counting the numbers written on the back of the book.

 At this time, the library did not have computer equipment, and registration was all done by hand, so the time was not so fast.

While Si Ningning was waiting on the side, the young girl looked up at her with a smile, "These books are actually more suitable for borrowing. The deposit is two yuan for up to five books, and the rent is only one cent per day."

Si Ningning smiled and nodded to show her understanding, and did not deliberately conceal her identity, but directly confessed: "I am an educated youth who went to the countryside. This time I came back to visit relatives... Country children have no experience of the world and have no fun. , I just wanted to buy some books and take them there so that they can take a look.”

"You are an educated youth!" The young girl covered her mouth in surprise, and continued to register hurriedly for a long time, "My brother is also an educated youth, and he just came back... He has a bad temper, and he didn't say anything when he came back, and besides, when I looked at him, he didn't say anything. Your ideological awareness is high!”

Si Ningning curved her lips and chuckled, and responded casually: "The environment in the countryside is not as good as in the city, and the educated youth are also under a lot of pressure. I can rest for a few days when I come back, so I can understand if I don't want to talk."

"One code equals another, at least in my eyes, that's what you are!" The young girl shrugged, finished recording the last book, and stacked all the books together again. She smiled at Si Ningning and gave a thumbs up. , "We are all children of a big family, but there are not many people who are as enlightened as you. I want to learn from you!"

“By the way, it’s eight and six yuan in total, please check, comrade!”

  Si Ningning did the math in his mind before coming over to settle the bill. He nodded sharply when he knew he was right.

The young girl asked her to wait for a moment, then squatted down and rummaged around. When she stood up for a while, she found an unloaded snakeskin bag in her hand, "Comrade, do you think this is okay?"

The library does not provide bags. This snakeskin bag was left over from the books sent by the publishing house. The **** man on duty opened the bag violently and tore the top circle, but the bottom was intact, so there was no problem in loading the books. .

Si Ningning probably noticed something and knew that he couldn't find another bag, so he took the bag directly and thanked him.

While she was loading the books, the young girl squatted under the counter and rummaged around. When she got up after a while, she thrust a book over her and said, "I'll give this to you, comrade."

Si Ningning was slightly stunned, his eyelids were slightly lowered and he looked at the girl in confusion.

The young girl scratched her head, Qingli's little face was a little embarrassed, "There is only one quota in my family. My eldest sister was supposed to go, but in the end it was my brother... I always missed the opportunity to go to the countryside to contribute to the country. I always feel very sorry. This book belongs to me, not from the library. Well... I give it to you. You can show it to the children when you go back. "


Si Ningning was silent, thought for a while, and said, "Actually, if you want the children to read, you can also ask your brother to take him there."

The place where everyone goes to the countryside is different. When she goes to the countryside, what she brings is enough. It was originally a well-intentioned suggestion, but the girl clicked her tongue, her smiling face suddenly wrinkled, and she pursed her lips and muttered: "Let's forget it, I can't make sense with him."

After saying that, he directly stuffed the book into Si Ningning’s arms, with a smile on his face again, “I’ll give it to you, same thing!”

 In this era, the people have a passion in their hearts and pay attention to unity, so things like this will happen. If it is in later generations...

Si Ningning shook his head and did not continue to think about it.

 She put the books together into the bag, paid and waited for the change, and asked: "Can I ask your name?"


"Hmm..." Si Ningning drawled "Hmm" and said carefully, "After the Chinese New Year, I will tell them when I go back that this is a book sponsored by a sister named XX."

 The young girl understood immediately, her clear eyes curved up and she showed a bright smile, "My name is Hongqi, Mo Hongqi."


Si Ningning responded calmly.

Si Ningning has always felt that the surname Mo is a relatively rare surname, but it seems to be quite common here in Beijing?

Mo Bei is also named Mo Ne.

After leaving the library, Si Ningning found a public toilet nearby. The purpose was not to go to the toilet, but to put things into the space without being noticed.

Perhaps it was because the weather was too cold, there were no people on the street, and there were no public toilets, so it was convenient and smooth to move around.

I was a little hungry, but I looked at my watch and saw that it was only around three o'clock in the afternoon. Even if I took the two-hour bus back, it would still be early five o'clock, and it was not yet time for dinner.

 The false family atmosphere made Si Ningning feel uncomfortable, so she gave up the idea of ​​going home for the time being.

Walking along Warwick Bridge South Road for about ten minutes, Si Ningning suddenly smelled the aroma of roasted sweet potatoes. She looked around and saw an obscure sign at the entrance of the small alley on the roadside, "Roasted Sweet Potatoes." Eight cents each.

Without thinking, Si Ningning walked over and bought a roasted sweet potato for eight cents. She wrapped it in oil paper and carefully peeled off the skin, then took a bite of the heat and put it in her mouth. The sweetness of the sweet potato accompanied by its unique flavor The aroma instantly overflows in your mouth.

Si Ningning couldn't help herself, she raised her head slightly and let out a sigh of satisfaction.

 Looking up, it was as if he had discovered some new continent. Si Ningning looked at the library facing in, then looked back at the small alley behind him.

I quickly measured the location in my mind, and it took me a long while to be sure that the place I was stepping on was the future antique market, the famous Panjiayuan.

 (End of this chapter)

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