Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 320: Stepsister Siqi

Chapter 320 Stepsister Si Qi

 The name of the antique market should have gradually taken shape in the 1980s. At this time, everyone was severely cracked down. Who dared to take out old objects?

Until the times change, Panjiayuan, which will be crowded with people in the future, will be nothing more than an ordinary, old alley at this moment.

 The prosperity of the future and the loneliness of this moment intertwined in Si Ningning's consciousness. It couldn't be said to be a tearing feeling, but melancholy and scruples surged into his heart in an instant.

 The illusory world and illusory family shattered every sense of belonging in her heart.

 It’s still the special time of the Spring Festival, a special festival...

It was a lively festival no matter what, but whether it was her grandma in the 21st century or Huo Lang in the 1970s, the people she really liked and loved were not around.

how to say?

The streets were empty and sparsely populated. Standing at the entrance of the alley against the whistling cold wind, Si Ningning lowered her long eyelashes. Her heart was heavy and she suddenly felt that the time was a bit unbearable.

It’s obviously less than a day since I got home.

With a slight sigh, Si Ningning wrapped the sweet potatoes and put them in his pocket. He put his hands into his pockets and looked for the bus stop sign.

Hand out your head with a knife, retract your head with a knife, the pain will not last for a few days, there is nothing difficult to endure!

Si Ningning clenched her fists and comforted herself in her heart. At the same time, she also made a memory and determined to bring Huo Lang back with her next time!

Although there were not many entertainment facilities in Beijing in the 1970s, there were still many places to visit. Si Ningning felt that walking around alone was boring, but if Huo Lang was here, he would definitely find a way to coax her around. Right?

Thinking about that situation, Si Ningning shook her head and chuckled, feeling somehow better.

 After gathering his emotions and correcting his mentality, Si Ningning set off on his way home.

 After a long journey, it was already half past six in the evening when we got home, and the sky was completely dark.

As soon as Si Ningning put down her things when she got home, Si Zhennan called her to sit down at the table and tear up the vegetable leaves together.

 There are not many other green vegetables in the north in winter, but Chinese cabbage is plentiful.

"Your Aunt Wu stewed the ribs. She said that she was afraid of damaging her stomach. She tore some cabbage and boiled it for a while to neutralize the oil on the soup. Where did you go today? You didn't come back just now, and your Aunt Wu said I'm going to take a look at the entrance of the alley."

Si Zhennan tore the cabbage slowly and leisurely, wrinkles appeared in the corners of his eyes. He looked at Si Ningning with a pair of smiling eyes. He and Si Ningning chatted about intimate and warm topics like a father and a son. I mean to say good things for Wu Fenfang.

Si Ningning understood his intention as soon as he heard it.

Si Ningning did not change her expression in a hurry, but asked calmly: "Si Qi hasn't come back yet, aren't you going to go to the alley to have a look?"

Si Qi works in a department store. It’s cold in winter and gets dark early. She usually gets off work at 5:30 or 6 pm. In summer, the working hours are slightly longer, and she has to work until 7:30 at the latest.

 Counting the time now, I should be back by now.

 However, Si Zhennan did not think about this issue. He answered almost subconsciously:

“Your sister works in a department store and she often walks on this road. Besides, during the winter, Li Shuo’s kid is stuck picking her up every day.”

But as soon as he finished speaking, he realized something was wrong, the smile in his eyes quickly disappeared, and he opened his mouth dryly and shouted: "Ning Ning."

Li Shuo was originally Si Ningning’s fiancé.

The job in the department store was obtained through friends with Si Ningning's mother. Before Si Ningning's mother had a medical history, she sought protection for her children... However, these things now belong to Si Qi.

"What's wrong?" Si Ningning pretended to be confused and looked up at Si Zhennan. His dark and clear eyes reflected Si Zhennan's embarrassed and stiff face at this moment.

In order to close the relationship, Si Zhennan thought about it all afternoon, and had already prepared a thousand words in his mind. But under the gaze of those eyes, it seemed as if someone had violently torn off the fig leaf on his body, and Si Zhennan spat out every word. Not coming out.

He didn’t go home often at that time, and he wasn’t present when many things happened, but he was not a fool, and he could more or less guess something, but so what if he guessed it?

 He still chose to indulge.

 Choose to pretend to be deaf…

Si Zhennan suddenly felt very astringent.

Si Ningning was the only person in this room who had a blood relationship with him, but he managed the relationship like this.

This child is right to be angry with him and distance himself from him.

Father and daughter looked at each other in pairs, and no one spoke. For a while, the only sound that could be heard in the living room was the bubbling sound of the soup pot in the kitchen.

There was a stalemate in the atmosphere. At this moment, two sounds of parked bicycles came from the courtyard, and then a clear and crisp female voice came: "Dad, what delicious food did mom make today? It smells so good. Let me go." I can smell it right at the door!”

Si Ningning heard the sound and looked sideways. The windshield curtain in the living room was opened, and a girl wearing a Death Barbie pink silk scarf and a red cotton-padded jacket with crushed flowers walked in.

It was Wu Fenfang who brought over Si Qi, who had just changed his surname to Si a while ago.

Si Qi inherited 70% of Wu Fenfang’s appearance, with a pointed chin and bulging cheeks. However, unlike Wu Fenfang’s double eyelids, the tail of her eyes was slightly raised, a bit like fox eyes.

She had a beaming smile when she entered the room. She looked like a capable and powerful girl. Putting aside her original memory, according to Si Ningning's first impression of meeting Si Qi, the most profound one might be the mysterious one. Dress up aesthetically.

Of course, this was just the first impression, because the moment he saw her sitting at the table and his eyes met hers again, Si Qi's steps obviously stopped, and the smile on his face quickly faded.

Si Qi's raised eyebrows suddenly lowered, her distinctive fox eyes stared at Si Ningning with concern, and she asked Si Ningning with a clear "This is my home, why are you here" on her face.

 The capable and imposing look of the previous second also changed in an instant, and there was a hint of meanness between his eyebrows.

Si Ningning looked at her nose with her eyes and her heart with her nose. She smiled lightly and sat calmly at the table, continuing to tear into the cabbage.

According to her age, she is the elder sister, and she came back after being away from home for such a long time, so there is no need for her to get up to greet Siqi.

Different from Si Ningning's thoughts, Si Zhennan has already stood up. What is different from the memory that Si Ningning accepted is that he is no longer a tall man, nor is he the railway engineer who is respectfully called "Si Gong" by the juniors in the workplace. engineer.

“Qiqi is back, how was your work today? Are your colleagues getting along well? Your sister came back today, and your mother specially stewed a large pot of ribs. She quickly put down all her belongings and it will be ready for dinner in a while.”

Si Zhennan greeted Si Qi with a smile on his face, his attentive attitude didn't even resemble that of a father, but more like that of a coward.

 (End of this chapter)

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