Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 326: Born to be rebellious

Chapter 326 Born to be rebellious

Probably because it was winter outside, the space was warm, and the bed was soft and comfortable, Si Ningning slept deeply and soundly that night. When she woke up and calculated the time, it was already four in the morning. She had slept for at least ten minutes. Two hours…

Thinking that it was still early, Si Ningning didn't rush to get up. She lay on her side on the bed and played stand-alone games with her pillow in her arms. She fell asleep again for a short while. After waking up, she slowly got up to wash up and solve her food and clothing problems. It was only after everything was sorted that there was room. It was just after six o'clock in the morning.

Originally, what she wanted to do was to get out of the room early to avoid Si Zhennan and the others finding out that she was not in the study. But it turned out that Si Ningning was overthinking it because someone got up earlier than her, or in other words, she didn't sleep all night?

In short, as soon as she came out of the room and stood in the study, she heard Wu Fenfang standing in the courtyard outside the door and howling:

 “Which family’s juniors can be like this? Those who have come to celebrate the New Year will not be able to survive, and they will drive the elders away!”

"I provide you with good food and drink, and feed you. I don't want the benefits for you, but why do I raise you, a white-eyed wolf like you!"

While cursing, Wu Fenfang started to cry: "My life is miserable! The man before me left early, and I didn't find a good man when I remarried. Oh my, I can't live this life..."

Si Ningning rolled her eyes and walked back into the space.

 She hasn’t drank water yet when she woke up in the morning!

Wu Fenfang doesn’t feel embarrassed, so if she wants to howl, just let her do it.

Anyway, she is howling hard now, and she will be the one who suffers later.

 In fact, Wu Fenfang really didn't sleep all night, and of course Si Zhennan did too.

The two of them had been fighting and arguing all night long. In the morning, one was sitting on the bedside and the other was sitting on the chair and squinting for a while. However, they were woken up by Si Qi who made some noise after getting up for work. They had barely calmed down. The curses continued for half an hour again.

Afraid that Si Zhennan was really going to get divorced, Wu Fenfang didn't dare to scold Si Zhennan in front of him, so she stood in the yard and scolded Huai and cried about her misfortune.

At first Si Zhennan felt embarrassed and would scold Wu Fenfang a few times to calm down, but Wu Fenfang just pretended not to hear and said it a few times, and Si Zhennan didn't bother to say anything anymore.

 Since he doesn’t stay at home very often, even if the neighbors hear it, he won’t be the one who is embarrassed and embarrassed.

There was no movement from Si Zhennan's side. Wu Fenfang thought that she had suppressed Si Zhennan, but Si Zhennan had nothing to do with her. Suddenly, he became more arrogant and scolded her even more energetically.

Si Ningning did not come out of the space at that time, and there was no sound in the study, which indirectly made Wu Fenfang misunderstood.

Wu Fenfang had been thinking last night that Si Ningning seemed to be a different person when he came back, but after scolding her all morning, she didn't hear Si Ningning reply. She immediately felt that she was overthinking, and Si Ningning was still the same as before. That dead girl who was left to her own devices and had no opinion.

Her gold ring, silver bracelets, so much money, and this house are all hers! Why does that **** girl take everything away at the first word of her mouth?

Now that the window paper has been torn, and it involves her own interests, there is nothing shameless. Wu Fenfang stood in the yard and scolded with all her strength, making up her mind to wait for Si Ningning to come out of the study later, she must treat her well Clean up Si Ningning!

Unlike Wu Fenfang’s vicious resentment, Si Ningning is leisurely drinking hot water in the space at the moment!

There were also ready-made watermelons in the space. Si Ningning originally wanted to eat them, but she gave up the idea as she thought that the hot water mixed with the cold water would make her stomach upset.

Putting down the cup, thinking that she had nothing to do, Si Ningning went to the seed box and rummaged around, picking out a few packets of strawberry seeds. She took a **** and dug a few shallow ditches in the field outside the villa. Sow all the seeds in.

The fruit trees in the space have grown steadily and should be able to bear fruit this year. When she has time, Si Ningning plans to expand some species. For example, Sister-in-law Tuesday in the production team has orange trees at her house. She can go over and ask about it. Can you break off a branch and bring it back? Anyway, you can survive in this space no matter what.

When he came out of the space again, it was already eight o'clock in the morning. Wu Fenfang was still cursing in the courtyard, but this time it was not just her voice, but also mixed with the comforting voices of some neighbors.

The noises were not loud, and it didn’t look like someone had entered the house.

Si Ningning stood by the study window, opened a corner of the curtain and took a look.

As expected, the small, peeling redwood door in Si's courtyard was not opened at all, and the sound came through the courtyard wall.

Si Ningning smiled coldly and opened the window curtain with a swipe, and the winter sunlight poured into the house instantly.

Hunting the door latch and opening the door in one motion, Si Ningning walked out as if nothing happened, "Aunt Wu, you're still cursing."

Wu Fenfang gave Si Ningning a hard look, snorted coldly, and ignored Si Ningning.

Si Ningning was not upset. She pushed the study door as far as it would go, went to the courtyard, pulled the wooden bolt on the courtyard door, and opened the courtyard door with a loud bang.

Even though Wu Fenfang didn't open her eyes to look at Si Ningning, she followed Si Ningning out of the corner of her eye. When she saw Si Ningning opening the courtyard door, she didn't know what was going on. Wu Fenfang suddenly felt her chest tighten.

What does this **** girl want to do?

There were several middle-aged and elderly women standing at the door of the courtyard, some watching the excitement, and some coming to persuade them to make peace. Si Ningning didn't feel embarrassed to meet their eyes, and opened all the courtyard doors generously. She stood aside with a smile in her eyes. He stopped and said, "Aunts and grandmas, please come in and listen, so as not to be unable to hear clearly through the courtyard door."

The younger sisters-in-law thought that Si Ningning was mocking them for listening to gossip and gossiping, so they immediately looked a little regretful, rubbed their noses and laughed softly, unable to speak.

Si Ningning did not get too entangled with these people. She turned to look at Wu Fenfang and said with a smile: "Why did Aunt Wu stop? Continue talking?"

Wu Fenfang wanted to continue scolding, but she couldn't figure out what Si Ningning wanted to do, and it was fine just now through the wall, but now she was standing in front of outsiders, and she really couldn't open her mouth.

Wu Fenfang couldn’t open her mouth, but Si Ningning could.

“You always talk about being good to me, how good you are, let everyone see it today, lest anyone else who doesn’t know it really thinks that I am born rebellious, disrespectful to my elders, and unfilial to my parents.”

The smile on Si Ningning's face gradually faded. She turned around and entered the study. When she came out of the study, she held two thin quilts in her arms. She shook her hands and threw the two thin quilts into the center of the yard, outside the door. Those few people were too embarrassed to actually come in, but standing at the door they could see the situation in the courtyard clearly.

Two quilts, the thin one is like a quilt, and the thicker one is only a finger thick.

 (End of this chapter)

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