Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 327: Black-hearted

Chapter 327 Black-hearted


That's not a question of whether it's cold or not, it's a matter of freezing to death!

It’s hard to comment on whether this is true or not, but if Wu Fenfang really did such a thing, then she is really not a kind person!

The scornful words of the sisters-in-law and old ladies outside the door all disappeared in unison, and they all frowned, and the eyes they looked at Wu Fenfang gradually changed.

Wu Fenfang felt a bulge in her heart. Seeing that the situation was not good, she clapped her hands on her thighs, then covered her nose and began to cry and curse again, "You went to the countryside before, and you didn't ask to take care of you in advance when you came back. The family didn't have time." We can only make do with it first. We agreed yesterday and you agreed, but now you suddenly changed your mind..."

“Although I am not your biological mother, I have raised you up for several years without benefiting from you. But why did I raise you to be such a white-eyed wolf? Now I am saying these heart-wrenching words!”

“Can I not give you what I have at home? What kind of person have I become?”

Wu Fenfang cried so hard that Si Ningning was really the white-eyed wolf who had lost his conscience.

But the matter has been revealed, and the sisters-in-law and old ladies who were watching were initially confused. After Wu Fenfang's words, their hearts suddenly became clear.

At this time, a sister-in-law who had come to watch the fun snorted and said: "It's okay to squeeze in at night without a quilt. This yard is not big enough for one person to sleep in a room with no frame. It's so thin at night." The quilt looks like a piece of paper, Comrade Wu Fenfang, how did you come up with it? Why don’t you let Si Qi sleep on it?”

“Whose child is not the palm of the hand? Comrade Lao Si earns a lot of money a year, so forget it if he is not at home, but you still act like this when he is at home.”

 The faces of people around the door changed, and they all whispered to each other.

 After a while, a sentence suddenly popped out: "No wonder people say that if you have a stepmother, you will have a stepfather. This is really true."

They stood close together and spoke in hushed tones. Wu Fenfang couldn't tell who said the words, but when the words hit her ears, it was as if someone had pulled off the fig leaf from her body. Wu Fenfang panicked for a while.

 But I hate it very much in my heart.

Yes, she was targeting Si Ningning for a few good years, but she spent those years peacefully. It makes no sense that this time, Si Ningning could break the rules with just a few words before even the stool in the room was warm. He took her stage and tore her face apart!

"I really have nothing to explain!" Wu Fenfang's mind was racing. She wiped away the hysteria of the morning. She suddenly wiped away her tears and cried aggrievedly. She looked at Si Ningning and said sadly: "If you are not satisfied, you At that time, he told me, can I let Si Qi sleep in a warm place and let you sleep on a cold bench? "

“Ning Ning, you know very well what Aunt Wu is doing to you. Your dad didn’t say anything when you came back yesterday. I went out and ran around all afternoon before I bought two kilograms of meat and came back..."

Wu Fenfang also wanted to show weakness and reverse the situation, but Si Ningning didn't listen to her at all:

"There are some things I didn't want to say at first, but since you mentioned it, Aunt Wu, I will say a few words in front of everyone today."

“In the past, my dad was busy with work and rarely spent time at home. He and I spent less time together and more time away from each other. Aunt Wu, you also know how you treat me.”

“It’s a hot day. You guys are washing clothes under the shade of trees in the alley. You are afraid that others will know that you let me work, so you let me sit in the yard and wash in the bright sun.”

"Ask me to cook. If the saltiness is not to your and Si Qi's taste, then you hit me. You only use the elbows and backs that are not exposed. You filled the swill in my kettle, right? The charcoal in the lunch box. "Don't say it's not you, my dad is not at home. If it's not you, it's Si Qi's fault."

"What kind of person and character I am, the uncles, sisters-in-law and grandmothers in the alley watched me grow up. They know it best. I didn't tell you before because I thought you were the one chosen by my father. You have to live with me for the rest of your life." , you will take care of my dad, so I endure it, but what?"

Si Ningning sneered lightly, "I really should let my uncles and aunts see the scratches and paw prints on my dad's face to see how well you take care of my dad."

"Whether it's good or bad between you, everyone has his or her own life, and I can't interfere or control it! I'm saying these things in front of my neighbors now, not to compete with you here about who cries louder or who cries louder. It’s even more aggrieved, and it’s not that whoever cries louder will be more miserable, that’s not the case.”

 “I want to get my things back now, my mother’s things back.”

"To put it bluntly, I just look down on you and look down on you! You live in my mother's house, sleep on my mother's bed, and my mother's share of the money my father gives you, you enjoy all the benefits. Oh, you still treat me and my dad like this, don’t you feel guilty about using the things in this house? Do you think you deserve it?”

Si Ningning was polite and polite in every word she said, but people inside and outside the courtyard could not refute a single word of her words.

Haven’t you heard what my little girl said?

As long as people have something that belongs to their mother and themselves, what else is there to do?

"Fengfang, we have watched Ningning grow up. She has always been a good child. What she wants is not too much. Just give her what you should give her. Why bother with this Chinese New Year?" !”

"That's right, she doesn't care about what you did to her in the past. If you give her the things, it will be settled. From now on, you and Lao Si will live a stable life. At most, you can only contribute some dowry money, which is not much... The child has been away for more than half a year. It took a lot of effort to come back. You are not her biological mother, but you are also a parent. Don’t let the child feel too cold. "

The people’s one-sided remarks made Wu Fenfang’s face distorted.

It seems that he tried hard to suppress it, but it didn't have any effect. Wu Fenfang simply stopped pretending and started to scold: "You old pious women, stop gesticulating here and talking nonsense! The matter is not your fault. You can say it lightly." !”

“You have rotten ears and rotten tongue! If you don’t busy yourself with your own business during the Chinese New Year, you go to other people’s houses to listen to people coming from the corner. What kind of good things are you!”

 After the bombardment and scolding, the faces of the elder sisters-in-law and old ladies outside the courtyard all looked very ugly.

Some of them came over to watch the fun, but most of them were rushing home and having fun. They didn't want to make a fuss about the new year, so they came over. Wu Fenfang said this, as if they were talking to the family members who didn't want to see anyone else. A happy shit-stirrer, like a troublemaker.

Everyone sighed when they heard what Si Ningning said, and they were really half-believed in their hearts. However, when Wu Fenfang scolded her indiscriminately, everyone noticed that Wu Fenfang's behavior and remarks were very different from usual. Thinking back to Si Ning just now I basically believed what Ning said to the fullest.

 Asking for a monthly ticket! Next chapter: Passionate slap in the face to stepmother! !



 (End of this chapter)

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