Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 328: Also born as human beings

Chapter 328: Also born as a human being

Wu Fenfang is trying to hide her fig leaf. She is evil-hearted and pretends to be aggrieved because she wants to covet someone else’s little girl’s things!

What a shameless person!

"Bah! Shameless thing, why didn't I know you were so shameless before!" A broad-faced aunt spat at the door, "It's so embarrassing to have a neighbor like you. Don't let me see you in the future." Otherwise, don’t blame me for throwing **** on you!”

"Ahhh!" Wu Fenfang was so excited that she screamed, her pupils shrunk and she ran towards the door fiercely. She probably wanted to close the courtyard door, but she tripped over a broom that fell to the ground in the courtyard and fell in front of everyone. The dog ate **** and knocked out two of its front teeth.

 “Get out! Get out of here!”

Wu Fenfang roared incompetently.

People outside the hospital did not want to pay attention to this crazy woman. They all looked at Si Ningning with sympathy and pity, sighed and shook their heads before leaving.

Si Ningning didn’t think she had anything to sympathize with. She had already torn off most of Wu Fenfang’s face. In less than a day, the residents of this alley and alleys would know what kind of person Wu Fenfang was.

Li Shuo and the Li family, who are already engaged to Si Qi, will certainly know about it. So, when that time comes, can the engagement between the Li family and Si Qi continue?

Si Ningning was too lazy to pay attention, but when she thought of Wu Fenfang walking on the street and being scorned and criticized by others, she "hummed" twice and couldn't help laughing.

Wu Fenfang, who was sitting on the ground covering her mouth and gasping for air, heard the laughter and immediately raised her head and glared at Si Ningning fiercely.

Si Ningning's eyes met hers, and instead of being frightened by her ferocious eyes, she smiled even more happily, "Aunt Wu, don't glare at me so anxiously, the matter between us is not over yet."

Wu Fenfang felt resentful, but thought of something. She stared at Si Ningning with wrinkled pupils and asked: "What do you want to do?"

"It doesn't matter what I want to do, the important thing is..." Si Ningning paused for a moment in a long tone. The next moment, his eyes suddenly curved, revealing a bright and bright smile: "I won't make it easy for you."

 “You are, and so is Si Qi.”

"As for the house matter, don't even think about it. It won't be your fault. But if you are not afraid of going to jail, maybe you can try to stop it? But I think the police and judicial comrades will not listen to you messing around here. Right? Hum~"

Si Ningning put her fist to her lips and said "hum hum" and laughed.

 In Wu Fenfang's eyes, she always maintained a proper smile.

 But behind that gentle and bright smile, there are thousands of sharp knives hidden...

Wu Fenfang couldn't understand why a person who had always been a coward and a timid person turned into like this in just half a year.

In less than a day, every physical and verbal interaction between her and Si Ningning seemed to be traps arranged by Si Ningning in advance.

On the surface, he was showing weakness to her, but in fact, he was luring her into the depths of the cage!

 Killed with one blow, there will never be a chance to recover!


 Becomes so scheming, so terrifying, so chilling!

Wu Fenfang clasped her fingers **** the cracks in the bricks in the yard, and cursed angrily: "You little whore, why don't you be like your mother who died long ago! She died outside..."

Before Wu Fenfang finished speaking, the smile on Si Ningning's face had faded. He stepped forward with two steps and turned Wu Fenfang's face away with a "pop" sound. The blood in Wu Fenfang's mouth was even more pronounced. Mottled red spots splattered on the ground.

"you this…"

Wu Fenfang quickly turned around and wanted to scold her again, but Si Ningning slapped her again, leaving a symmetrical slap mark on her face.

"This is for you. I will treat you the same way you treat me." Si Ningning pulled Wu Fenfang by her collar and brought her to him. "You can continue to scold me. Guess I can cure you. Can we still cure Si Qi?"

Most people in the world are like animals, loving their calves and protecting them as soon as possible under adverse circumstances. Wu Fenfang is like this.

Even if her previous husband died and she married Si Zhennan again, Si Qi who crawled out of her belly would always be the most important person in her life.

So, after seeing Si Ningning's ability to change the direction of the wind, Wu Fenfang's pupils trembled violently when she heard Si Ningning mention Si Qi, and fear gradually emerged in her heart.

Witnessing the whole process of Wu Fenfang's expression change, Si Ningning felt happy for some reason.

She rubbed the blood stained on the back of her hand on Wu Fenfang's clothes with her backhand, and she chuckled twice with a sinister "hem". She said approvingly: "Very good, that's it, learn to behave with your tail between your legs in front of me, I will If you are happy, it may make you live a more comfortable life."

“…” Wu Fenfang was so angry that her teeth chattered. Although she did not dare to curse anymore, she still glared at Si Ningning with a murderous look, “Si Ningning, how dare you…”

"What am I afraid of? I dare to do anything! Do you want to complain to my father? He is in the house now. Do you think why he didn't come out just now?"

 Why didn’t you come out?

Wu Fenfang paused for a moment, and his angry eyes suddenly darkened.

 Why didn’t you come out? Why didn’t you come out…

 Why else?

 No matter how little we get along with each other and how weak our feelings are, they are still children with the blood of his Si family...

If she hadn't cared about this, what would she have done in front of Si Zhennan when she criticized Si Ningning harshly?

 Wu Fenfang knew that she lost.

 Complete defeat!

 Her reputation has been completely ruined and cannot...can't affect Si Qi anymore!

Thinking of this, Wu Fenfang was excited, and with tears in her eyes, she knelt down and pulled out Si Ningning's arm, "Ningning, Ningning! All the mistakes are Aunt Wu's fault. It's not Aunt Wu's fault. What do you want?" Aunt Wu gives everything! Aunt Wu doesn’t want anything!”

"Don't go to Si Qi, okay? Aunt Wu, please, Aunt Wu, please, Ningning!"

Si Ningning twitched his arm hard, and then pulled his arm back twice.

The smile on her face disappeared, and she looked down and coldly at the woman who was holding her calf and crying bitterly.

 How ironic.

Because the one who was hurt was not his own daughter, so he had a dark heart and was ruthless, beating and cursing her to death.

 Once the person who has been hurt becomes someone you value, he will lick his face and come over to cry and beg...

 They are both born as human beings, so why!

Si Ningning’s pretty face was distorted for a moment, and the next second she suddenly revealed a gloomy and morbid smile:


"Really? Ning Ning? Ning Ning!" Wu Fenfang's eyes widened in disbelief. For just a moment, she ecstatically pulled the hem of Si Ning Ningjun's coat and asked, "Really? Ning Ning, promise to Aunt Wu, Promise you won’t go to Si Qi! Ning Ning, okay?”

“How much is a guarantee worth? And don’t forget, Aunt Wu, you are begging me now.”

 (End of this chapter)

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