Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 329: Why are you taking my job?

Chapter 329 Why do you want to steal my job?

"Didn't you always tell me that the sun in the courtyard is good in the past? The sun is not bad today, so Aunt Wu, just kneel here and bask in the sun." Si Ningning pulled back the hem of his clothes and calmly took a step back to talk to Wu Fenfang. Keep your distance, "As for whether I go to trouble Si Qi or not, it depends on your sincerity, Aunt Wu."

The north wind is blowing in this winter, how about basking in the sun?

 Still kneeling in the courtyard?

 Is this human language?

 What kind of **** is this!

Wu Fenfang's face suddenly turned ferocious, but because she had some scruples, she quickly calmed down her expression and continued to kneel forward, wanting to pull Si Ningning back again.

Si Ningning no longer had the patience to continue arguing with her.

She didn't want to stay in this house for a second longer. She had to finish these messy things quickly and leave as soon as possible.

With a clear idea in mind, Si Ningning turned around immediately.

Wu Fenfang was still calling her from behind, but was frightened by her sideways glance, and she instantly forgot her words.

Si Ningning withdrew her gaze, strode across the threshold, and acted according to the original plan.

There is a People's Court in Beijing, but Si Ningning doesn't know the exact address. Not far from the entrance of the alley where he lives, there is a small police station with a simple facade. Si Ningning plans to go there to ask.

As soon as he entered the police station, he was greeted by a young police officer wearing a dark blue coat and a five-star police hat, "Comrade, what help do you need?"

“Hello, Comrade Public Security. I would like to ask where the People’s Court is and how to get there.”

Si Ningning raised his chin from his collar and nodded in a friendly manner.

The young police officer was about to answer, but when he saw a huge and terrifying slap mark on her pretty little face, he immediately turned around and said, "Comrade, your face... you went to the court to handle the matter." What kind of business? Mass fights or family disputes? Our women's union at the police station and the street department can also help solve it."

Si Ningning shook her head gently and expressed the seriousness of the situation euphemistically. After simple mediation failed to work, the other party slowly looked away from her face and informed her of the route:

“It’s Chinese New Year, and there’s no one in the People’s Court. If you’re in a hurry, you can go to the Princess’s Tomb and have a look. There’s an acceptance office there, and there should be comrades on duty.”

"thank you."

 “Oh, you’re welcome! It’s an honor to serve the people!”

Si Ningning thanked her sincerely, and then looked for the bus stop to go to Princess Tomb under the gaze of the police.

Gongzhufen is not close to Nanluogu Lane, and there are not many cars there. Si Ningning struggled for almost two hours and asked several people on the way before he found the civil disputes office of the court.

There are indeed people on duty, but there are not many of them, and none of them are in a hurry to go home for the New Year or something else, and are not very willing to talk to Si Ningning.

Si Ningning stood in the small working hall, feeling discouraged for the first time.

Just as she was worried about how to proceed, Si Ningning was suddenly tapped on the back of her shoulder. She turned around and saw a middle-aged woman in her forties looking at her with a smile. She probably saw the injury on her face. The woman The smile didn't last.

Although he was a little confused, Si Ningning still said "hello" politely.

"Hello, comrade." The other party responded with a friendly nod, "Are you a military family member? Are you here to find someone? I am the director here. Do you want to follow me to the hut and sit and wait? It's very cold. I'll pour some for you. A cup of hot tea while you drink."

Si Ningning was stunned for a moment, but belatedly realized that the other person took the initiative to say hello because he saw the doorway on her military coat.

 The military coats on the market are of a single shape, but the difference between the military coat and the common military coat is that it not only has pockets on the chest similar to the Chinese tunic suit, but also has a golden five-pointed star embroidered on the left shoulder. I heard Huo Lang mention it before, there is a secret to the five-pointed star, it depends on the number, the minimum is one heart, the maximum is five stars, and the one that Huo Lang gave her has four stars.

 It is enough to see the level and special features of Holang's job position.

Even so, at this moment, facing the woman's enthusiastic and even attentive smile, Si Ningning suddenly wanted to sigh.

 She never thought that there would be a day when she would be unable to sue.

I never thought that a piece of clothing would bring her an opportunity.

 Suppressing her complicated emotions, Si Ningning calmed down her mood, raised a decent smile and nodded gently, "Hello, director, I happen to need help with something, how about we sit down and chat?"


The result of sitting down and chatting was that two hours later, Si Ningning returned to Si's house with two trainee lawyers from the Dispute Acceptance Office.

It was exactly noon at that time. When Si Ningning entered the courtyard, Wu Fenfang was not in the courtyard. Thinking about it, she knew, how could Wu Fenfang really kneel down?

With a cold snort in his heart, Si Ningning turned around and smiled at the two people beside him: "Please, you two, please go inside and sit down for a while. I'll call them out, and then I'll get you a cup of hot water."

“You’re welcome, you’re welcome, Comrade Si, the director told me when he came here that business is more important!”

 “Yes, yes, yes, business is important!”

Although they are trainee lawyers, the two people who came here are actually not young people, they are both in their thirties.

When they came here, they were told by the director about the importance of those stars. Neither of them dared to neglect Si Ningning's matter.

But they were nervous. Si Ningning would not use a piece of clothing as a bargaining chip to show off her power. That was not her style.

 Be polite when you should be polite, and be respectful when you should.

After inviting people into the house and sitting down, Si Ningning knew that Si Zhennan and Wu Fenfang were both at home, so she directly knocked on the door of the main room.

It was Si Zhennan who opened the door. Si Ningning quickly and euphemistically told what happened, hoping that Si Zhennan would communicate with the judicial personnel. Si Zhennan agreed simply. During the gap, Si Ningning vaguely heard Wu Wu in the room. Fenfang deliberately suppressed the curse.

She frowned, but smiled after a moment.

Just scold her, no matter how unwilling Wu Fenfang is, she can't stop this.

 In the living room, Si Zhennan took out the paper marriage certificate and the house series certificates, and cooperated with the two trainee lawyers to further discuss the house and other property judgments, while Si Ningning turned around and went to the kitchen to pour water.

Si Ningning poured water into the cup with her back to the living room. At this moment, the half-open wooden door of the kitchen suddenly slammed shut, and a shadow rushed over from the corner of her eye. Si Ningning reacted Quickly, she quickly pushed the hot water bottle to the inside of the table and turned around. She saw Si Qi staring at her with coaxing eyes and trying to pull her hair.

Si Ningning's heart bulged as the visitor was not a good person. She picked up the kitchen knife on the table and held it across her chest, "What do you want to do?"

"Why did you hit my mother? Why did you take my job as soon as you came back!"

 (End of this chapter)

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