Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 331: not like this……

Chapter 331 is not like this...

No longer looking at Si Qi's situation, Si Zhennan turned around, put his hands on Si Ningning's shoulders and said, "Speak out if you are wronged. How will others know if you don't speak out?"

“The job is yours, and it will be yours no matter what she wants.”

Si Ningning lowered her head and remained silent, but Si Zhennan's words stung Si Qi.

This is not over yet, Si Zhennan held Si Ningning in his arms and walked out of the kitchen with him in his arms.

The moment the kitchen door was closed, his voice reached Si Qi’s ears again:

"My daughter Si Ningning owns half of this compound. Now I will hand over the other half to her and ask two judicial comrades to help make it fair. I can cooperate with any procedures at any time."

"Comrade Si Zhennan, based on what we know and see so far, your decision is correct. There is no valid document for your remarriage with Comrade Wu Fenfang, and neither Comrade Wu Fenfang nor her daughter Comrade Si Qi have inheritance rights. "

In this era, the marriage certificate was still a thin paper certificate, and people generally lacked legal awareness, so there were really not many people who received the marriage certificate.

Si Zhennan is an engineer, and his ex-wife, Si Ningning’s biological mother, is a teacher. They are both intellectuals, so it seems logical to get the certificate.

Wu Fenfang’s education level is not very high. After she and Si Zhennan started a family again, she never thought about such a thing as a marriage certificate...

Logically speaking, it is difficult for judicial officers to intervene in matters between husband and wife, especially those that have not sought help from the court, the acceptance office, etc. However, they were invited by Si Ningning. After understanding the situation, the first thing to do is to stand on the side of the Si Ningning. Ning Ning's side.

They sat down again to finalize the ownership of the adoptive house with Si Zhennan. The two lawyers frankly informed Si Zhennan of all the legal regulations and rules. Then, based on the situation of the Si family, in order to prevent Si Zhennan from betraying him or making any mistakes in the future, they decided to The two lawyers invited Si Ningning to sit down together and set a few additional terms with the consent of the father and daughter.

 If the situation is favorable to him, Si Ningning will definitely cooperate.

Out of guilt for his daughter, Si Zhennan was also unexpectedly cooperative.

The terms were quickly drawn up. The two lawyers gathered their pens and notebooks and prepared to go back. Si Ningning stood up together:

“How long does this take? Do I need any certificate? Do I need to go with you?”

"No need." Afraid that the words would be too profound, Si Ningning didn't move. The two lawyers looked at each other and said, "It has the handwriting signed by you and Comrade Si Zhennan. It is like a letter of guarantee. These acceptance offices will be included in the treasury." Leave the file, and from now on, the house is yours. If there are any further disputes, you can go to the acceptance office to retrieve the file and appeal to the People’s Court.”

Si Ningning nodded and confirmed again: "Nothing will happen later. It's okay if I'm not here in Beijing, right?"


“Okay, thank you…please, comrades, please make this trip.”

“Comrade Si, you are so polite. We are honored to serve the people!”

Si Ningning smiled awkwardly and politely, and said "Happy New Year" in advance as she sent the two lawyers out. Then she watched the two lawyers go away, and the gentle smile on her face gradually faded away.

Looking back at the empty yard, Si Ningning looked cold, walked two steps outside and stood on the threshold of the yard and shouted: "Who in the alley needs a job? Give me a job as a salesperson in a department store for 100 yuan."

Si Ningning directly dealt with the matter of working in the department store for 100 yuan. Si Zhennan was silent when he heard it in the room. Si Qi was almost crying. Wu Fenfang was furious because the job was in the hands of her daughter. Pull it out!

 But she watched Si Ningning take the uniformed judicial comrade home with her own eyes, and it was not reasonable at the moment. No matter how much she hated her, she did not dare to make any more trouble.

 Coming back from this trip, Si Ningning can be said to have made Wu Fenfang lose his wife and lose his troops. Now for Wu Fenfang, it is not a matter of not being able to survive the New Year.

Wu Fenfang was resentful and ashamed. She was anxious and worried about how she would meet people when she went out. She couldn't spare the time to appease Si Qi, and the whole Si family fell into chaos.

Amid this silent chaos, Si Ningning collected the money from selling her job spot and roughly handed over the follow-up matters. She walked into the study in the biting cold wind of Beijing and when the sun was shining at noon in winter.

There was a short rustling sound, and Si Ningning packed her luggage. Si Zhennan didn't hear any movement in the courtyard for a long time, so he came out to check the situation, and saw her coming out of the study carrying a rattan box.

Si Zhennan's heart trembled suddenly, and he stepped forward and stood in front of Si Ningning, "Ning Ning!"

Si Zhennan reached out to take Si Ningning's box, "Didn't Dad go along with your wishes regarding work and house matters? What are you doing now..."

Si Ningning ducked slightly and looked at Si Zhennan. She calmly pointed out the situation that Si Zhennan refused to admit:

"This home is no longer the home it once was. You should also know that I am not welcome here. If I stay, there will only be more conflicts and troubles."

Si Zhennan’s expression paused, and the hand he raised in the air to stop slowly fell to his side.

Seeing this situation, Si Ningning chuckled softly, nodded clearly and said:

"Whether it's your support for Aunt Wu or Si Qi, I can understand you. If you start a family and live together, your previous relationship will of course become closer. Aunt Wu is also the person who will accompany you for life... Originally, there was some dissatisfaction. I’m willing, but I feel relieved when I think about it.”

"I have already got the things that belong to me and my mother, so other things don't matter to me." Si Ningning held the box in front of him with both hands and said with a slight smile: "You don't have to worry or feel guilty all the time. , I have grown up, I am no longer a child, and I can live well alone.”

 After saying these words, Si Ningning turned around and walked towards the door. At the same time, her gentle and polite voice also reached Si Zhennan's ears:

"I won't stay in Province H for too long, maybe three or two years at most. During this period, you can still live in this house. I will write a letter in advance when I come back. I hope you can move out before I get home. "

Si Zhennan rubbed his face and suddenly shouted in a deep voice: "Ning Ning!"

 The heavy voice made Si Ningning pause slightly. She turned back to look at Si Zhennan doubtfully.

Meeting Si Ningning's gaze, Si Zhennan's throat rolled, and he struggled to speak, "Wait a moment...I'll put on my clothes and take you to the station." Si Zhennan's voice became softer as he went to the back, and As the voice fell, she had already opened the living room door and entered the house.

Si Ningning was stunned at the door of the yard. After she came to her senses, she let out a mocking "heh" and lowered her eyes with unclear meaning.

Si Zhennan went into the house and put on an old cotton-padded jacket. For some reason, he quarreled with Wu Fenfang again.

Afraid that Si Ningning would leave alone, Si Zhennan didn't stay in the room for too long. Wu Fenfang scolded him and didn't bother to pay attention. He hurriedly walked out of the room. This time, regardless of Si Ningning's resistance, he took Si Zhennan's hand directly. Ning Ning silently walked ahead with the box in her hand.

The father and daughter came out of the alley and took the bus to Jingnan Station.

It is difficult to buy train tickets in small places, but Beijing is the capital after all, with big stations and many trains. Si Zhennan easily bought the four o'clock train that day with Si Ningning's household registration.

While waiting, the father and daughter sat on a wooden bench in the station and were silent to each other for about twenty minutes. In the end, Si Zhennan spoke first.

He opened his mouth for no other reason than to tell Si Ningning directly:

“Ning Ning, it’s dad who is sorry for you.”

"I used to think that you were obedient and sensible, and that Dad didn't need to worry about anything. Maybe it was for this reason, or maybe there were other reasons, that led to Dad not caring enough about you and paying enough attention to you. This is my dereliction of duty as a father."

Si Zhennan confessed as he said, "After Dad realized this, he regretted it..."

But what about regret?

 Make up for it?

Si Ningning will not accept it, and reality does not allow it, because...

Si Zhennan wiped his face and told a reason that had always restrained him but made Si Ningning find it ridiculous:

 “The Si family needs a man.”

“Ning Ning, Dad hopes you can understand.”


 Stay behind?


Si Ningning was amused and smiled. Her hands on her knees shook uncontrollably. During this period, Si Zhennan was still talking to himself:

“Dad was worried at first, but I just heard from the two judicial comrades that the person you are dealing with is a soldier. Soldiers are loyal, courageous, down-to-earth and reliable, so dad...”

"So? Wu Fenfang promised you that she would give you a son? So you just let them treat me like that?"

Si Ningning clenched her military coat tightly on her knees, interrupted Si Zhennan's words, and for the first time she burst out emotionally, turning to question Si Zhennan:

 “What’s wrong with you, daughter?”

“I can’t take care of you in old age or see you through your death?”

"Do you have the throne? Do you want your son to inherit it?"

“So you know everything from beginning to end, and just because of this, just because you are afraid that Wu Fenfang will not give you a son, so you don’t care about anything!?”

“That’s not the case, Ning Ning, listen to dad...”

 “That’s not it? What’s that like?”

Si Ningning was so angry that she chatted her teeth, "What do you think it is!"

 The reasons why adults abandon people are always so hurtful and ridiculous.

Because of family interests, Si Ningning heard too many words from her father telling her to be a qualified vase. She thought it was already ridiculous, but now she realizes that there are even more ridiculous things in the world.

 Even though he said he didn't care about anything, he had never experienced the warmth of family affection. Si Ningning always had illusions in this regard.

 But what is the reality?

Si Zhennan’s magical operations again and again completely extinguished Si Ningning’s expectations for family ties.

 Disgusting, so disgusting.

Si Ningning took a few deep breaths to calm down. From the corner of her eye, she saw the small cloth bag that Si Zhennan had stuffed into her. Without looking at what was inside, she slapped it on the ground.

"Your daughter is dead! She died half a year ago!" Picking up the box, Si Ningning stood up quickly and said in a cold voice: "Leave these notes for your future son to spend!"

“Also, move out of my house immediately! I will send a letter to the reception office as soon as I arrive in Province H. If you don’t move out, you will bear the subsequent responsibility yourself!”

 (End of this chapter)

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