Chapter 332 Early death

Si Ningning and Si Zhennan broke up unhappy at the platform. She started her journey home on the 26th of the twelfth lunar month and went to Si's house on the 28th. She stayed at Si's house for only one day and experienced so much. The messy things happened, twists and turns, and finally, on the afternoon of the 29th, I got on the train back to Province H again.

Amidst the sound of the train moving forward, Si Ningning put her elbows on the table and put her hands on her forehead to cover her eyes. Under the smoky blue afterglow of the evening, she was the only one in the huge carriage going against the road. So, Lonely, so exhausted...

At about the same time, the entire Mo family in Beijing set off from the Diaoyutai compound in Ganzikou and returned to their old home in Guxiang to celebrate the New Year before nightfall.

Mom Mo and her two daughters were busy in the kitchen. Dad Mo, who had a shaved head and slightly white temples, was holding a cigarette **** in his mouth. While repairing the broken parts in the yard of the old house, he was nagging into the house and occasionally talking. He couldn't stop coughing and said a few words:

“There’s a strict crackdown everywhere outside. I’ve told you so many times, don’t put those things out, don’t put those things out, but you won’t listen! Ahem—”

“You just want to **** me off, don’t you?”

At first, Father Mo just stretched his neck and babbled into the room. The more he talked, the more he talked. He stopped repairing things. He stopped at the door of the living room and shouted at the old and retro wooden door of the main house:

"What good will it do you to make me angry? If you make me angry, I won't come back next time!"

 “It’s Chinese New Year, you should stop talking...”

“If you don’t come back, get out! Go back to your Diaoyutai compound!”

Mo's mother poked her head out from the kitchen. Before she could finish her sentence, an old lady wearing an old-fashioned late Qing Dynasty gown and with silver hair suddenly came out of the main room. She ran up to Mo's father with her little feet and grabbed him. Father Mo’s ears began to beat and scold:

"You are a heartless person who never forgets his roots! The person above is your biological father, how can you say that?"

Grandma Mo was quite tall when she was young, but now that she is older and her bones have shrunk, she is now a short old lady about 1.5 meters tall. Based on her height, she can’t even reach Father Mo’s ears. It’s more like Father Mo took the initiative to bring his ears closer to hers. In front of me, as if to let her pull.

“There are all the little cubs in this courtyard, and you are the father? What can you teach the little cubs to do?”

Grandma Mo scolded her while spanking her with a stern face. Father Mo was a very old man and he didn't dare to resist even when he was beaten. While standing by silently, he had to talk back to Grandma Mo from time to time.

This happens every year when I come back. One elder and the other make a fuss for a while before Mother Mo leads the children out of the kitchen to make peace. After coaxing her for a long time, she coaxes Grandma Mo back into the house to sit down.

The grandson who had made the old man miss him for more than half a year sat and talked with him. Father Mo sent his daughters to clean up the room where they slept at night, and they worked in the kitchen with Mother Mo. During this period, the exaggerated expression on Father Mo's face faded, and he said resolutely and calmly: "Look My body is still strong, no worse than last year.”

Mo's mother glared at him sideways: "Tell me about you. There are many ways to understand my mother's physical condition. After so many years, you have learned this trick... After all, you are an older person, and your mental endurance is priority. You said that you are being abused by me." What should I do if I get angry?"

Mo’s father rubbed his hair and asked Mo’s mother: “Will you come back next time?”

 “I can’t.” Mo’s mother waved her hands quickly.

My mother-in-law was a lady in the late Guangxu period. Although she was reasonable and never judged others, Mo's mother had been educated by the New Organization, and she and her old man still had some problems getting along. This was why the whole Mo family usually lived in the compound and never came back. main reason.

“Mom likes Abei. If you want to give the lyrics to Abei, can you just let Abei do it in the future?”

 “This is a good idea.” Mo’s dad said “hmm” in a neutral tone and approved the proposal.

If it works, he won't have to rush up and have his ears plucked in the future.

To be honest, it’s quite embarrassing in front of the kids at home.

In the kitchen, the couple were planning to dump the pot, while on the other side, on the kang in the main room, the scapegoat Mo Bei sat quietly on one side of the kang table, watching Grandma Mo groping around the room, and finally took out two cans from the old cupboard. The malted milk was pushed along the small table to his hand.

Grandma Mo smiled kindly and said, "The first one just bought it. I will take it with me when I leave tomorrow and take it back to drink with my sisters."

Grandma Mo thought highly of Mo Bei, but she was never biased towards the other two girls of the Mo family.

“We have it all at home, and grandma keeps it for herself to drink.”

“Is the one your mother bought the same thing as the one your grandma bought? Keep it!”

The old lady kept a straight face when she got angry, but Mo Bei was not a coaxer, so he had to keep silent and compromise.

  This time, besides having a reunion dinner during the Chinese New Year, Mo Bei actually had something else on his mind.

This matter is indirectly related to Mo’s father’s previous nagging in the courtyard...

Grandma Mo was born in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China. She was a good lady, but she received the education of that period. In addition to being nostalgic in her bones, she also had some knack for calculation.

 The current season is sensitive, and these things that Grandma Mo is tinkering with are not allowed, especially under the conditions and background of the Mo family, it is even more sensitive.

Grandma Mo usually doesn’t do anything, so just around the New Year, she will still put out the incense table and ancestor tablets, and worship with the door closed. Father Mo knows her well, so he always takes advantage of this time to say a few words...

Of course, Mo Bei’s purpose is not to let Grandma Mo calculate his future or fortune for him.

Mo Bei just feels that he is extremely confused now. If no one leads the way or wakes him up, he may inadvertently do something wrong and hurt others, or in other words, he may regret it for half his life...

Thinking like this, Mo Beiling pursed his lips and lowered his head slightly, and couldn't help but tighten the hands in front of his knees.

Grandma Mo sat across the kang table next to Mo Bei, enjoying a moment of immersion. She turned her head, her eyes on her wrinkled and old face were lined with smiles, and she asked kindly:

“Did our Abei encounter any difficulties?”

Mo Beiling opened and pursed his lips, pursed and opened them again. He hesitated for a long time, carefully considered his words before speaking slowly:

 “Grandma, I’ve fallen in love with someone.”

"Oh? When you came back last year, your mother said that you didn't have the awakening. Let me just say it. It's not that you don't have the awakening. It's just that the time has not come... Hehe, Abei, tell me, which family is the girl from?"

“Her surname is Si, and she is also an educated youth. We went to the countryside..."

Night fell outside the window, and the slightly swaying flame of the kerosene lamp in the room coated Mo Bei's body with a warm golden edge. Mo Bei tilted his head and looked at Grandma Mo, his eyes flickering, and his voice was like the frost of late autumn, slightly cool and pure, "She He is also from Beijing, and his home is in the alley next to this alley. "

There were no entertainment projects in this era. When people were free, they mostly moved benches to chat together, or walked among neighbors to pass the time.

The alleys in front and back are close. Grandma Mo has lived in this courtyard since she married into the Mo family. The Si family is also an old resident here, so after Mo Bei said his surname was Si, he lived in the alley next door. Grandma Mo instantly Just know who he is talking about.

"I'm the one who's the engineer?" Grandma Mo asked, but after she finished speaking, she immediately said Si Ningning's name again: "Is your name Ningning?" Mo Bei was stunned at first, and then slowly reacted. nod.

For a period of time afterwards, Mo Bei rarely spoke, mostly listening to Grandma Mo lamenting about what she knew and some hearsay about the Si family:

"That child had a hard life. His mother passed away early, and his father was busy working and didn't care. He was still young at that time, and he couldn't be much higher than the table, right?" Grandma Mo stretched out her hand and gestured, and continued Said: "There are no adults at home, so a little girl like that is guarding the yard eating and drinking by herself, and she can still go to school..."

"People say that children from poor families become masters early. This is not entirely true. Children who are unprotected and unloved are the most mature... The flowers and bones that should be innocent and innocent are ripened early by the family and the world. How can it be said? Pitiful?"

Grandma Mo believes in Buddhism and is good at heart. As she talks, she feels very uncomfortable in her heart.

 But now that the topic has turned to Si Ningning, Grandma Mo couldn't help but feel a little indignant when she thought about what she had heard in the past two days:

"Her father is not a good guy. He and your father were classmates in the past, and they all learned about writing and rulers. I didn't see that he was so unworthy at that time. He married a second wife and abused his daughter. Today My son was still making a fuss in the morning, and the little girl’s face was…”

Having said this, it seemed that she was afraid that Mo Bei would feel uncomfortable. Grandma Mo waved her hands and sighed without saying any more. Instead, she changed her words and said:

"Everything in the family is open-minded, so long as you like it, then ask your mother to find someone to go and find out. If the girl is willing, it doesn't matter if she spends more money. I can afford it...just a little."

Grandma Mo nodded at the table and told Mo Bei seriously: "Old Mo's family are all rules-abiding people. When you get married, you should be treated well. There is no such thing as divorce if you don't divorce your wife. That child's life will be miserable. If you really treat him badly, Marrying her home is her second life, Abei, what you should be thinking about is how to make up for her previous suffering."

With these words, it was as if Si Ningning would soon be Mo Bei's daughter-in-law. Mo Bei blushed for a while, and under Grandma Mo's close gaze, he made an oath, but after he finished speaking, he became depressed again:

"But, grandma, I like her, but this matter..."

 Mo Bei is in a dilemma. He has fallen into a misunderstanding of love and is reluctant to give up. But if he continues, he will not be able to do anything to damage other people's feelings. He will struggle over and over again. In the end, he will be the one who suffers the pain.

Mo Bei spoke in a disorderly manner. At the end of the sentence, the child prodigy and little genius who had always been widely praised by the courtyard was as confused as a lost child at this moment.

Grandma Mo had a rough understanding of the situation. Mo Bei was her grandson, so she naturally knew his temper, so she knew Mo Bei's dilemma.

 After a brief silence, Grandma Mo sighed softly and spoke slowly:

“Abei, you already have the answer in your heart.”

 “Then what are you worried about?”

Grandma Mo gently picked up Mo Bei's hand in front of her knees, squeezed it first and then patted it gently. She said with a charitable smile: "Just do it when you think about it and implement it. The important thing is not the result, but the process. People This life may be long or short, so don’t let yourself have any regrets.”

 In a few short sentences, Grandma Mo’s attitude has been expressed.

 Even so, Mo Bei still asked: "Grandma, can I do it?"

"Yes, why not?" Grandma Mo asked cheerfully, and then said: "When you choose this path, it means that you have subconsciously accepted the difficulties you are about to face, and in this life, even if you don't take this path, There will also be other difficulties on other roads, and it will not be smooth sailing to the end.”

 Since this is the case, what are you still worried about?

It is better to perfect yourself and follow your heart.

 Mo Bei does have his own ideas, but without support, he will inevitably fall into hesitation inadvertently. Now after Grandma Mo's words of advice, he suddenly became more enlightened.

 “Grandma, thank you, I know what to do.”

"Good boy." Grandma Mo praised with a smile and muttered, "Our Abei has really grown up." Then she sent Mobei out to see if dinner was good.

After Mo Bei left, the main house became colder. Grandma Mo closed the windows and closed the door. She bent down and rummaged under the old wardrobe for a long time. With the weak light of the kerosene lamp, she squinted and dug out a pair of broken jars from a pile. A crescent-shaped pair of cards and an old, yellowed leather paper.

 Returning to the kang table, Grandma Mo sat quietly for a moment. After thinking about it, she decided to do a fortune-telling for her descendants.

Grandma Mo knew the birth dates of Mo Bei, and because Si Ningning was a close neighbor, Grandma Mo also knew a rough idea. She cleared the clutter on the kang table, and recited the birth dates of the two of them in her mind, and played the cards up and down. I tossed it three times to see the yin and yang, and finally calculated based on the hexagrams presented on the sign against the traditional Chinese table locked on the paper.

Originally, it was supposed to be a close relationship between the two, but when analyzing Si Ningning’s horoscope in depth, Grandma Mo’s dry fingers finally stopped on a word on the paper:


Grandma Mo was stunned.

Thin ropes only pick and break at the thinnest points, and fate only plays tricks on the poor...

That child had a hard life. His mother died early, and he was not cherished by his father...

Grandma Mo originally thought that if the child had a fate with her grandson and was favored by her grandson, it would be a happy event in the future and he would be taken back to his home and cherished and treated well. But despite all the calculations, Si Ningning never expected that he would It is the destiny to die young.

Died young. Anyone who died before the age of twenty can be called premature death. Counting the zodiac sign, Si Ningning is now eighteen years old, only two years away from turning twenty...

 Two years…

Grandma Mo’s sparse and furrowed eyebrows relaxed, she sighed and put away the old things.

 There is no need to calculate any further.

Grandma Mo had her thoughts on her mind and finished her dinner absentmindedly. Before going to bed, her daughter-in-law gave her water to soak her feet. She then beckoned Mo Bei to her and whispered:

“Grandma is getting old, and there are still a few years left to live that are uncertain. There are some things grandma told you, please remember them.”

Mo Bei wanted to interrupt Grandma Mo, but it could be seen that her expression was not as good as in the evening. After thinking about it, it was best to nod obediently and listen silently.

Grandma Mo said: "You are the only boy in the Mo family. You must remember that you will be the one to pick the pillars of the Mo family in the future. And your two sisters are both siblings. When you become rich in the future, you will also be relied on by the sisters. , is their confidence, do you know?"

Mo Bei responded solemnly, "Grandma, I know all this."

 (End of this chapter)

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