Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 333: Holang, do you mind?

Chapter 333: Holang, do you mind?

"Well... there is also the matter of going to the countryside. It was originally your eldest sister's place, but she didn't want to go so you went... Now you go too, grandma hopes you don't have any complaints in your heart."

Mo Bei shook his head, "Even if I was angry at the time, I know that we are a family."

Grandma Mo smiled lovingly and was very satisfied with Mo Bei's answer, "You should have seen that the environment in the countryside is worse than in the city, right? I heard your mother said that you will return to your hometown after the new year, and you should take good care of yourself when you get there. "The situation of lesbians is much more difficult than that of **** men. While you are going well, you should also help the elderly and weak around you if you have the ability."

Grandma Mo couldn't explain clearly about Si Ningning's fate, so she could only mention it to Mo Bei tactfully, and pay more attention to the situation of the lesbians in her spare time.

Mo Bei responded one by one, and Grandma Mo waved her hand to let him go back to wash up and go to bed. After soaking his feet, she also tucked in the bed and had a rest.

Grandma Mo only knows a little bit about calculations, but she can't change fate against the will of heaven.

 In other words, no one in this world knows how to do it.

It is impossible to predict things like hexagrams. Grandma Mo only hoped that there would be something wrong with the horoscopes and her calculations would be inaccurate, but she still kept an eye on it and asked Mo Beido to take more care of it.

If it is a small accident, it can be reversed if it can be reversed. If it is a major incident...

God has decided the fate of death, and there is nothing anyone else can do.

At night, from the sun, the night came again, and the sound of the train "哐" stopped after a huge "呲" sound.

The car door opened, and Si Ningning, carrying the rattan box, appeared alone on the platform of Xixian Railway Station on the night of New Year's Eve.

The cold wind blowing against his face made his bones ache. Si Ningning shrank and breathed into the palm of his hand, rubbed his tight collar, and walked out of the station with swollen legs.

There is electricity in the station, and the lights are always on when there are many people. However, there are few passengers on New Year's Eve. Si Ningning walked through several corners before he came across a bright light bulb.

The station with electricity was like this, and the areas without electricity outside were even darker. But hesitating, Si Ningning still decided to go back to the main street of the county to take a look.

On New Year’s Eve, everyone stayed at home to celebrate the New Year, and the road near the station was deserted. Si Ningning was not afraid of bumping into people. She took out her mobile phone from the space and turned on the flashlight, walking back on the muddy dirt road.

The idea was a good one. There was no bus service in the small place. Si Ningning thought that she would not be able to return to the production team right now, so she stayed in a guest house for one night. However, after walking for more than 40 minutes and finally reaching the street, she felt that she was in trouble again. I got worried.

  Guesthouses are not the hotels of later generations. They are open year-round and have people on duty at all times...

 In this day and age, guest houses will also be closed on New Year’s Eve.

The dark streets were deserted, with only the faint light emitted by the mobile phone in her hand. Si Ningning stood under the green wooden sign of the guest house with a suitcase, falling into a brief confusion in the loneliness.

what to do?

 Looking for a place to enter the space? Or what?

While hesitating, a bright light suddenly came from the corner of the street not far behind him. Si Ningning subconsciously put the phone into the space, turned around and looked around, and saw a pickup truck-shaped car slowly approaching, and then from her. Driving by sideways.

Si Ningning was stunned for a moment. When the car drove a few meters away, she lowered her eyelids and tightened her collar.

She didn’t know what she was expecting, but when she saw the car for the first time, her heartstrings tightened inexplicably.

 How could Holang be in the county during this time?

 She really lives and breathes back, and like a teenage girl, she begins to imagine some unrealistic scenes.

Si Ningning smiled slightly and shook his head. He turned around slowly with the rattan box in hand. He wanted to find a hidden place such as an alley and an alley to get some space for one night. He would try to find a way to return to the production team tomorrow.

Unexpectedly, the moment she turned around, the pickup truck that had just passed by her slowly fell back.

In the car, Huo Lang was sober from alcohol. He was sitting in the passenger seat with a red face. He held Shan Mantang's arm hard and shook it. "Go back, go back and take a look."

Knowing that Si Ningning was in Beijing at this time, it was impossible to appear here, but he just glanced at it just now. Holang just felt the image of the image Singing.


After being apart for a few days, he also had some thoughts in his heart. Once the thought that that person looked like Si Ningning came out of his heart, he couldn't stop it. Huo Lang had to go back and take a look.

"Okay, okay, reverse! Oops! It's crooked, it's crooked!" Shan Mantang responded repeatedly, and at the same time he shouted hurriedly: "Comrade Huo Lang, don't drag me, it's crooked, it's really crooked! The steering wheel is crooked!" "

Being drunk, Huo Lang's eyes were red. He stared closely at the blurry figure reflected in the rearview mirror and kept repeating Shan Mantang's words to reverse the car. As for Shan Mantang's call, he couldn't hear it. Similar.

After a lot of fiddling, the car turned around and returned to its original position without any danger. Before it came to a stop, the person on the passenger seat had already opened the door and jumped out:

 “Si Ningning!?”

Si Ningning had just walked out a few steps, when she heard the sound, she suddenly stopped in her tracks, turned around in doubt, and saw a big man in a military coat facing her, with his back to the headlights of the car. He couldn't see clearly what he looked like. , but can clearly see the burning mist exhaled by the other party under the strong light...

During this moment of sizing up, the other party staggered closer and said, "Si Ningning, I knew it was you!"

"Why are you here? Why are you back? You saw no one on the street. Fortunately, I stepped back. What would you have done if I hadn't stepped back?"

The man talked many times more than usual, and was incoherent. His handsome face was flushed, and his steps were shaky, but he tried hard to run towards her...

 Just like an extremely embarrassed drunkard.

I don’t know why, but Si Ningning felt that her eyes were swollen.

When she was in the capital, even if she was ridiculed, discussed, scolded or beaten, Si Ningning was at most just angry for her original self. From beginning to end, she never shed a single tear.

But at this moment facing Huo Lang, she suddenly felt unprecedentedly aggrieved and sad...

Even though her soul is not Si Zhennan's daughter, her body is. All the feelings she has experienced in the past few days have been personal experiences. Similar experiences have long made her emotionally connected with Si Ningning in this world. Subconsciously, Si Ningning Zhennan is her father.

 But her father not only didn’t pay attention to her, but also because someone else beat her...

Can you not feel aggrieved? Can you not be sad?

  She was extremely sad. She just knew that those people did not care about her feelings, so her strong heart and self-esteem did not allow her to cry in front of those people.

 But now…

 To be more abstract and pretentious, maybe the only one in the world who cares about her feelings is Huo Lang, right?

Si Ningning really couldn’t bear it any longer.

Her lips trembled, she held the box in front of her with both hands, and while shedding tears, she smiled at Huo Lang, and at the same time she said jokingly:

“Didn’t I promise? I’ll be back soon, how about it? Isn’t it soon?”

 Fast, so **** fast!

Huo Lang's head was buzzing, and the blood in his body was filled with excitement and madness because of seeing Si Ningning. He couldn't help but stepped forward and embraced Si Ningning in his arms.

Originally he wanted to express his longing for the past two days, but he slowly realized that Si Ningning was crying. He came back to his senses and gently pushed Si Ningning away. Before he could say the question, he noticed that Si Ningning was crying under her hot tears. A face with bruises and palm prints.

At that moment, the blood seemed to flow backwards. Huo Lang put his hands on Si Ningning's shoulders and asked sternly: "What's going on? What happened? Who hit me? Who hit this?" Huo Lang's eyes were bloodshot and red, and he smelled of alcohol. It was very serious, and the scolding words made others inexplicably feel as if they would rush to skin the person, break the bones and cramp the person the next second if they knew who made the move.

The grievance that had just surged up gradually dissipated, and Si Ningning calmed down. She felt that the Huo Lang in front of her was a bit overwhelming, so she took Huo Lang's arm and persuaded: "It's not convenient to talk on the street, let's go back first, and then we'll talk after we get home. Okay?"

The barking vicious dog can only be calmed down by the comfort of its owner, and the same is true for Huo Lang at this time.

If it was Shan Mantang who was persuading him at this time, and Huo Lang was in a drunken state, there was a high probability that he would not listen to Shan Mantang, but now it was Si Ningning who was persuading him.

 She is the girl who is at the forefront of his heart and wants to pamper him all the time...

Huo Lang put away his fierce side with sharp teeth and claws, took the rattan box, held Si Ningning's hand regardless, and took Si Ningning to sit in the back seat of the car.

"Si Zhiqing." Shan Mantang greeted Si Ningning in the rearview mirror, then looked at Huo Lang, "Comrade Huo Lang, did you originally plan to go home?"

"Yeah." Huo Lang held Si Ningning's hand in his big palm and never let go, and responded in a dull voice. But when Shan Mantang started the engine and moved forward slowly, he changed his mind again: "Go to the hospital first, buy some medicine."

Si Ningning's face was injured by Si Zhennan. Si Zhennan was in a state of anger at the time and did not hold back the blow, so Si Ningning's face became red and swollen on the spot.

It looked scary, but in fact it was not serious. The pain only lasted for a while. It was just that it was cold in winter and Si Ningning's skin was tender and thin. She was hit by the cold wind for a while when she went to the reception center and back to Province H. The red and swollen parts have slight frostbite, so they look red and purple.

Huo Lang wanted to go to the hospital to buy medicine. Si Ningning persuaded him, but Huo Lang was as stubborn as a cow. Si Ningning couldn't persuade him, so she simply let him go.

I bought iodine and swelling and cooling ointment from the hospital, restarted the car and set off towards the production team.

Probably he also realized that there were some things that were not suitable to be discussed in front of Shan Mantang, so Huo Lang did not ask any questions on the way, but just held Si Ningning's big hand and never let go from the beginning to the end.

The car was bumpy for more than an hour. It was about 9:30 at night. The two got off the cable bridge and watched Shan Mantang drive away. Huo Lang was hunched over with his suitcase and patted his shoulder with his free hand. Si Ningning After hesitating for a moment, he finally climbed up obediently.

 The nights in winter are already darker than in summer, and with the light rain just a few days ago, there are no moon or stars in the sky.

“It’s inconvenient to go back to the educated youth spot so late, why don’t you go to my house first?”

Si Ningning thought for a moment, nodded slightly and said "Yeah".

Actually, it doesn't matter if she is an educated youth. She just has injuries on her face and she came back so early. Jiang Yue and the others will definitely ask.

Huo Lang carried Si Ningning on his back and went home through the mountain path.

The mountain road was pitch black, and it was no exaggeration to say that you couldn't see your fingers with your hands outstretched. However, with his hands around Huo Lang's neck and Si Ningning lying on Huo Lang's back, she felt extremely at ease.

With the pinna of his ear pressed against the side of Huo Lang's neck, Si Ningning asked curiously: "It's so dark, can you see?"

"I can see it." Huo Lang held Si Ningning's leg and lifted it up. "It can be seen more clearly than on a snowy day."

The heavy snow stretches for ten miles. At first glance, it looks bright, but if you look closely, you will find that you can't see anything. If you keep your eyes open for a long time, they will become bloodshot and the pain can be fatal.


Si Ningning responded quietly, and then didn't speak again. For a moment, all she could hear was the "squeak" of Huo Lang carrying her through the mountains, the sound of his shoes breaking dead branches and the "squeak" of his shoes stepping into the mud. "Voice.

Hunted for a long time after not hearing any movement from Si Ningning, Huo Lang couldn't help but ask: "Are you asleep?"


 “Then why don’t you speak?”

"..." Si Ningning was at a loss for words after being asked. After only a moment, she hugged Huo Lang's neck tighter from behind and said in a low mood: "That's good."

 Actually, I don’t know what to say.

Seeing that she refused to take the initiative to speak, Huo Lang took the initiative to ask: "What happened when we went back this time?"

 “Who gave you the wound on your face?”

Si Ningning laughed hoarsely and asked instead of answering: "What? Do you want to help me fight back?"

Horang didn't say anything about whether to help relatives or not, or whether to help relatives or not. He only said in a deep voice, "I can't let you be wronged."

  It doesn't sound like a reasonable statement, but it is completely biased towards Si Ningning.

“It’s not a big deal, it’s over.” When Si Ningning heard this, her heart felt anxious. When she thought of something, she leaned close to Huo Lang’s neck again:



“I will be without a father and a mother from now on. Do you mind if you want to be with me?”

Horang paused slightly.

This seemingly understatement actually contains countless messages.

Countless conjectures popped up in Huo Lang's mind. Huo Lang forgot to answer Si Ningning's question and asked instead: "Did your father beat you? Or your stepmother?"

Si Ningning has always been rational. She couldn't take the initiative to blush with others. The more she thought about it, the colder Huo Lang's voice became, "They beat you for such a long way back and forth? And kicked you out?"

Although it was a bit different from what Huo Lang said, Si Ningning felt that the actual situation was far more chilling than this.

But speaking of it, she had been struggling for so long, and she didn’t even have anything to eat seriously, let alone hot meals, when she went back...

“I came back on my own, but they didn’t welcome me either.”

Thinking that she would not have any contact with that place in the future, Si Ningning said a few words, "My stepmother abused me in the past. I thought she would live with my father for the rest of her life so I didn't tell anyone about it. This time, something happened a little bit when I went back." Contradictory, my dad told me the truth.”

 “He said he wanted a son, so he asked me to be considerate.”

“This is a backward thinking. Girls are no worse than sons.”

"Yes, I thought so too, so I didn't let myself suffer." Si Ningning smiled carelessly, and his tone was a bit like showing off to Huo Lang for praise, "I got all my mother's things back, the house I also got it. I took everything my stepmother and stepsister wanted and left nothing for them.”

 (End of this chapter)

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