Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 334: Get your marriage certificate!

Chapter 334 Get the marriage certificate!

“Holang, is this too radical?”

"How can this be radical? You are right." Huo Lang's deep voice came, "Everyone gets along with each other. If she is good, you will be good. If she hates you, you should also stand up and be good. What’s the difference between being patient and being soft-hearted?”

Weighing it up while carrying Si Ningning on his back, Huo Lang continued: "They don't treat you well. If you don't want to go back to that house, just don't go back. I can afford to support you."

 “Yeah.” Si Ningning responded dully.

Huo Lang smiled hoarsely, and after a moment, his deep and steady voice reached Si Ningning's ears again, "It's just a little bit, they turn bad into bad. After all, it's your dad... If you are willing, it's best if you can do something to save yourself. If not, It doesn’t matter if you want to.”

Si Ningning put her ear against the side of Huo Lang's neck and listened silently.

 She understood what Holang meant.

Huo Lang asked her to do face-saving work because he was actually afraid that she would be poked in the back and scolded for being unfilial in the future. He probably took into account that the mountains were high and the roads were far away, and words from the capital city could not reach here or reach her ears. It doesn't affect her, so that's why I said that.

It’s not that Si Ningning never gave Si Zhennan a chance. On the contrary, she gave Si Zhennan many opportunities. The current situation was all caused by Si Zhennan, and it was Si Zhennan’s choice.

The current situation is no longer a matter of losing face, but rather a knot in the hearts of both sides, and it is no longer possible to maintain peace. Instead of trying to save face by suppressing the flames, it is better to stay separate from the crowd and live in peace from now on.

Si Ningning had a clear idea and did not hide it from Huo Lang, "I can't stand this way of getting along. Others don't take me seriously, but I can't not take myself seriously."

 “You are right to think so.”

"Huh?" Si Ningning was slightly stunned, leaning on Huo Lang's shoulder and asked, "Really? Don't you think I'm sharp? Can't bear the slightest grievance? Will every little thing make a big fuss?"

 “You are never a person who blushes easily, I understand you.”

"Moreover, rather than asking you to remain rational and kind at all times, I hope you will be sharp and willful, and be able to pick up what you have on hand to protect yourself in any situation that is not beneficial to you."

What Huo Lang didn't say was that he preferred his little girl to be more selfish, but after spending six months with Si Ningning, he understood Si Ningning's temperament and knew that she was smart and sensible, and good at taking the overall situation into consideration. It was really difficult for her to handle, so Huo Lang simply stopped talking.


Si Ningning chuckled happily.

If she felt relieved just now because she felt protected by Huo Lang, then now, she felt relieved because she was understood by Huo Lang.

 Horang understands her.

It is really difficult to meet someone who tolerates each other and can understand each other at the same time, but she met...

This feeling is very strange, like a heavy burden has been lifted from my heart. At the moment of relief, the sweetness in my head envelopes all my senses, making Si Ningning unable to restrain herself and hugging Huo Lang's neck tightly.

In the deep forest, there are shadows of trees, and there are few stars in the sky. Si Ningning's gentle voice almost blends into the wind, but it is also deeply imprinted in Huo Lang's heart:

 “Hey, Holang.”


 “Next time it snows, let’s get the certificate.”

 “What certificate do you need?”

"It's a marriage certificate, a marriage certificate. Do you understand?" Si Ningning stood up and shook Huo Lang's ears gently. "You bring the household registration page, and I will bring the household registration page. If you marry me, I will marry you." ...and do you know what a marriage certificate is? It is not only proof of husband and wife relationship, but also proof of responsibility. If you marry me and then fall in love with someone else, I tell you, I can sue you with these certificates. Are you afraid of taking away all your money?”

Si Ningning pinched Huo Lang's ear and shook it, "Are you afraid? I'm talking to you, why don't you say anything? Have you regretted it and don't want to marry..."

Before she finished speaking, Si Ningning felt her legs were loose, and she slid off Huo Lang's back, "Hey..."

He was dangling on his feet before he could stand firmly, when Huo Lang turned around and hugged him.

The strong smell of alcohol hit her face. Si Ningning wrinkled her nose in disgust and struggled in Huo Lang's arms. "It's so late. If you don't go home quickly, what are you doing here?"

Huo Lang hugged her tighter with his backhand, and said in a muffled voice, "A soldier's marriage is absolutely loyal, and I will not drift away from another relationship... There is no need to wait for marriage, I will give you all the money when you get home, whatever is valuable is worthless. I’ll give it all to you... If you say you’re going to marry, you must marry, and you can’t go back on it.”

The man who was always strict was like a naughty child at this moment, hugging Si Ningning and refusing to let go, insisting on a guarantee from her.

Si Ningning was speechless for a while. Although the words she just said contained her thoughts, at the same time, they were also a joke.

She also understood Huo Lang's sincerity, but she felt that it would be childish to finalize the matter at this moment, so she smiled and pushed Huo Lang and said:

“You say these things while smelling drunk, how do I know if you are telling the truth or if you are drunk? When you wake up tomorrow, sit down and talk to me properly.”

 In the darkness, Huo Lang frowned stubbornly, "I'm not drunk."

 “Hmm—? You don’t listen to me, do you?”

Si Ningning said "hmm" with a slightly threatening voice. Although Huo Lang couldn't see her face, he could imagine her expression of sulkiness waiting for him to show her face at the moment, so he stopped saying "Listen, tomorrow, then Just tomorrow, I can’t go back on my word this time.”

Si Ningning ignored him, struggled in his arms, and ordered: "Squat down and carry me home!"

In the freezing cold wind, Huo Lang chuckled softly, and put Si Ningning on his back again on the path home. He coaxed: "Are you tired? If you are tired, just lie on my shoulder and sleep for a while, and then open your eyes again. We're home."

What I bought when I came back this time was a ticket for an ordinary workshop. Although there were no other passengers on the road, the tables and chairs were spacious and you could sit or lie down wherever you wanted. But Si Ningning was in a public place and it didn’t matter whether there was anyone or not. Can't sleep.

All the way back to Province H from Beijing, Si Ningning didn't sleep or take a nap. It was impossible to say that she wasn't tired or sleepy. It was just that the cold wind was blowing in front of her, and her sleepiness subsided a little. But my body was still very tired.

Huo Lang told her to lie down on his shoulder to sleep for a while. Si Ningning was not sleepy, so she just thought it would be better to lie down on her stomach to relax. But she could always relax inadvertently when she was around Huo Lang, so even if she wasn't sleepy, she couldn't help but feel sleepy in the end. Horan fell asleep in his steady steps.

Horang knew how hard it was for her to go through many twists and turns, and he even felt the tiredness in her heart from the previous words.

 It is impossible to say that I am not distressed.

 His considerate and understanding girl should not be treated like this.

Hong Lang had an idea in his mind, and he was not willing to go to a place too far away from Si Ningning in the future. Si Ningning can't protect herself properly, so it's up to him to protect her.

While thinking, Huo Lang walked more steadily, fearing that he would jolt the sleeping person...

 In response to what Holang said: When you open your eyes, you will be home.

When Si Ningning opened her eyes again, she had indeed arrived at Chen's house.

 She got off the back of Huo Lang and stood at the door of Huo Lang's room. During her brief lucidity, she witnessed Huo Lang taking off his military coat and hurriedly tidying up his back under the light of the kerosene lamp.

 Glancing at the dark main room with his peripheral vision, Si Ningning asked, "Has Hegu Sanae gone to bed? Today is New Year's Eve. Didn't you prepare anything at home? You also went to the county to drink."

"The New Year's dinner is eaten early and in the afternoon. The chairman of the organization department of the working committee knew about the situation at home and invited me to take the children over to have a meal together. It was hard to refuse politely, and it was not easy to actually take the children there, so I just went there by myself. I went there and wanted to come back soon..." Huo Lang took off the old sheets, put on clean sheets, and put a new back on the quilt, "Fortunately, I went. What would you have done if I hadn't gone?"

Huo Lang was busy with his back to Si Ningning as he talked, but he couldn't help but feel a lingering fear.

  Not to mention how cold it is, what will happen if you stay outside for a whole night? What will happen if a girl meets a bad person?

 Thinking about it, Huo Lang felt scared.

After making the bed, he led Si Ningning to sit down beside the bed. Huo Lang squatted in front of Si Ningning. While helping Si Ningning's muddy shoes, he couldn't stop nagging: "The members of the film team last time." You don't have a long memory, right? If a similar situation happens again, you should wait at the station and don't walk alone in the dark. Even if you don't meet the bad guys at night, what will you do if you meet the yellow man? Then you will know what it means to be incompatible with the sky and the earth.”

Holang said this as if he was trying to scare a child. He was still not reassured after explaining the truth, so he used ghosts to scare people.

Si Ningning's eyes were bright, her lips curved up and she gave him a funny look, "Comrade Huo Lang, how can there be any ghosts and ghosts in this world? You are an important person. I really doubt how you passed the trial." Not through the back door?"

 “Talking to you about serious things.”

Huo Lang made a "tsk" sound and slapped Si Ningning on the instep.

Si Ningning walked on the muddy road for more than 40 minutes, and her shoes and socks had already been worn through. After sitting in the car for so long, her feet were not only cold enough to freeze, but also swollen more like inflated pig's trotters.

Just looking at Huo Lang made him feel distressed, and he felt the coldness to his bones from the slight slap, which made him feel even worse. He immediately put Si Ningning's feet together and put them in his arms to keep them warm.

Si Ningning drew her legs back anxiously for fear of being hurt, but Huo Lang circled her even tighter, staring at her with stern eyes and asking seriously: "Did you hear what I just said?"

"I heard it, I heard it. I will never act alone at night in the future!" Si Ningning assured, her white and tender fingertips stretched out and poked Huo Lang's shoulder, and coaxed in a soft voice: "Is there any hot water? I'll take a bath. Soak your feet, you don’t need to warm them like this..."

"The water was boiled in the morning. It's probably not very hot anymore. You go ahead and sit in bed for a while. I'll boil the water and I'll be back soon."

Huo Lang uncovered the quilt, and with a hint of compulsion, tucked Si Ningning into the quilt and covered her tightly.

Si Ningning half-pushed, and when Huo Lang was about to walk out of the room, she poked her head out of the quilt and asked, "I'll sleep in my room, where will you sleep?"

There are only two sleeping rooms in the Chen family. Huo Lang is alone in one room, and two little guys sleep in the other room.

Now that she occupies Huo Lang's room, where will Huo Lang sleep?

"..." Horan paused, as if after a brief thought, he said: "I sleep in the main room, there is a bedding, and I will make a brazier later, it won't be cold."

 The arrangement is quite good.

Si Ningning said "hmm" and retracted her head, as if she was really waiting for Huo Lang to come back, but only she knew how nervous she was at this time.

 It sounds awkward to say.

At that time, I just wanted to avoid the educated youth’s questioning. I never thought that after I came to Chen’s house, I would sleep in Huo Lang’s room and squeeze Huo Lang away...

The tall and burly man didn't look like he was attentive, but he replaced the bed sheets and bedding with new ones, for fear that she would dislike her.

Si Ningning saw it all, but Huo Lang had done everything right, but there was one thing he ignored.


 He changed the sheets and returned the quilt, leaving only the pillow behind.

The tip of Si Ningning's nose twitched, and she turned sideways and sniffed. The rice husk pillow with the plain pillow cover was actually a bit high for her, but there was still the smell of Holang on it. The smell of sweat was definitely there, but it wasn't. It's heavy. It must have been replaced a few days ago.

Originally, his feet were shivering from the cold, but as he sniffed the familiar, slightly cold, pure breath before his breath, Huo Lang's restrained face with a gentle smile seemed to be right in front of him, and Si Ningning's neck, which was stiff one second, became stiff the next. Within seconds he was pressed heavily against the pillow.

Hourang came back with hot water. Si Ningning had already fallen asleep. She was really tired from the journey, and even her breathing was so heavy that she snored sweetly.

Huo Lang couldn't bear to disturb Si Ningning's rest, so he twisted the towel himself and wiped Si Ningning's face and feet.

Si Ningning's feet were not warm enough, and were still as cold as iron. Huo Lang hesitated for a while, squatted at the end of the bed, put his hand under the quilt and held Si Ningning's feet to warm her feet.

During this period, she probably tightened her grip a little. Si Ningning kicked twice restlessly, and Huo Lang quickly loosened her hand, and then she calmed down again and slept well.

Holang squatted at the end of the bed like this for half a quarter of an hour, until the temperature of Si Ningning's feet warmed up again before he turned back. As soon as he stood up, he heard a "gurgling" sound.

He had the New Year's Eve dinner in the evening and drank wine at night, so the sound was definitely not his.

It turned out that Huo Lang was a little confused due to being drunk and sleepy, but thinking that Si Ningning had been on the train for so long without eating anything, he suddenly woke up from his sleepiness and carefully tucked Si Ningning into bed. , Huo Lang got up and went to work in the kitchen again.

When he came back again, he had a big bowl in his hand. He put the bowl on the small square table next to the bed, lifted the corner of the quilt and coaxed Si Ningning to get up.

Si Ningning was very tired, so it was okay to stay up. Once she fell asleep, she had to doze off enough, otherwise she couldn't open her eyes. That was not a lie.

Si Ningning closed her eyes and moved her head from side to side. No matter what Huo Lang said to her, she always responded with a "hmm". After a few times, Huo Lang knew that she was still confused.

But people are like iron rice. This person didn't eat anything on the way back. He probably didn't have a good meal after all the troubles he got home. It took such a long time to get back on the train, especially since he was already home now. If you don't eat something, how can your body bear it?

 (End of this chapter)

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