Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 335: Which pot should not be opened and lifted?

Chapter 335 Which pot should not be opened?

Huo Lang helped Si Ningning up like a child, put a military coat on Si Ningning and let her lean on his arms. He held a small iron spoon and coaxed her to feed her a spoonful.

Although it took a lot of effort, Si Ningning still ate a lot. During this period, he muttered vaguely: "It smells so good."

Huo Lang sighed helplessly, and continued to coax in a funny way: "The bacon that was marinated when you were here last time was not quite ready yet. Soak it in hot water and it will become less salty. If you like it, I will give it to you separately tomorrow. Fry a plate... Come on, open your mouth and take another bite."

“Hmm…I don’t want to eat anymore.” Si Ningning turned her head to the side and murmured in a soft voice, as soft as a cat, “I’m full~”

 “Take one last bite, just the last bite, be good…”

In her sleepiness, Si Ningning's head froze as if it was rusty, and she couldn't turn around for a long time. Huo Lang coaxed her to eat, but she was not happy, but she still took another bite with a groan.

 Perhaps he could see that she was really full, so Huo Lang didn't pull her to continue eating.

The big bowl clattered on the small table beside him, and he rustled away the military coat. Huo Lang put Si Ningning back on the bed with a gentle movement, and tucked Si Ningning into bed. This wasn't the end yet. Huo Lang went into the pocket of his military coat and fished out the medicine bought by the hospital.

Looking at Si Ningning's red and swollen face, Huo Lang rubbed his forehead angrily. He took a deep breath to suppress his anger and irritability. He took out a ball of alcohol cotton and carefully wiped Si Ningning's cheek to disinfect it. Afterwards, he opened the green translucent Gently apply the ointment on Si Ningning's face.

  The ointment is cooling and reduces swelling, and contains mint ingredients. The excessive cooling feeling touches the skin, and Si Ningning subconsciously avoids it, "It hurts..."

“Don’t move, it’ll be fine in a while. After taking the medicine, it won’t hurt tomorrow, eh? Be obedient…”

Huo Lang grabbed Si Ningning's hand that was trying to touch her face to resist, and coaxed her in a low voice. He continued to apply the medicine until Si Ningning was obedient and motionless.

Under the kerosene lamp, the little girl's fair skin is covered with a gentle halo, her pink lips are slightly pursed, and her long eyelashes are thick and curled. Except for the eye-catching redness and swelling on one cheek, her lovely appearance is still there. He frowned, as if something was bothering him.

"Got home…"

After taking the medicine, Huo Lang was not in a hurry to leave. He stroked his boss Si Ningning's eyebrows with his big and generous palm. The tall man squatted beside the bed, stared at the sleeping Si Ningning and said softly:

“No one can bully you here, sleep peacefully, I will guard you...”

As if he was really comforted, Si Ningning whispered, his brows relaxed, and his breathing became heavier.

Huo Lang bowed slightly and leaned forward to place a delicate kiss on Si Ningning's forehead. He stayed by the bed for a while and made sure that Si Ningning was completely asleep. Then he blew out the kerosene lamp and groped gently to pick up the quilt. Enter the main room.

 A deep sleep without dreams.

 Early in the morning, Si Ningning was woken up by the dazzling light.

Horang's room is not big. The bed is against the wall and next to the window. There are no curtains on the window. Even though the outside is very close to the bamboo forest, the dappled early sunshine pours into the house from the gaps between the branches and leaves.

 It is a rare sunny day since the beginning of winter.

 After calming down, Si Ningning got up from the bed, saw the scene in the room clearly, and blushed slightly.

 Him red.

Although she was too sleepy to open her eyes last night, she was intuitive and aware of what Huo Lang did to her, how to coax her, and finally...

Si Ningning bit her lip, supported the bed with one hand, and slowly raised the other hand to rest on her forehead.

 …Others are drunk and go crazy, so who does she think she is?

Too sleepy? Crazy because of sleepiness?

 What should I do if I feel a little embarrassed to see people?

Si Ningning covered her face with her hands and fell into self-doubt.

Horang, shouldn’t he think she is a giant baby?

Recalling vaguely the scene last night of being coaxed by Huo Lang while he was moaning, Si Ningning was so ashamed that she wished she could go back and punch herself unconscious!    Hmm… It’s really embarrassing!

 After two minutes of lingering in the same place, the silence in the Chen family gradually brought Si Ningning back to her thoughts.

Si Ningning put down her hands and looked around. The door of the room was closed, there was no sound in the main room, and the only window in the room made a "thumping" sound due to the wind.

It's so quiet, haven't you even gotten up yet?

I glanced at my watch. It was almost nine o'clock. According to my understanding of Huo Lang, there was no movement at this time, which was indeed a bit abnormal.

 Or is it that Holang has already gone out?

Where will it go?

Si Ningning was thinking about something. She had already taken off the quilt and put on her coat and was about to get out of bed. When she lowered her legs, she said "Hey".

There were no shoes under the bed. Her shoes were soaked last night, so Huo Lang must have taken them out to dry.

Si Ningning looked around and her eyes fell on the rattan box at the end of the bed. Without thinking, she stepped forward to pull the rattan box, put the scattered things into the space, and transferred other things from the space, such as clean shoes and socks. , the books I bought before, and some other bits and pieces...

Si Ningning was so busy that before she even had time to put on her socks and shoes, there was a knock on the door.

Si Ningning felt agitated and subconsciously covered the messily stacked boxes with her hands. At the same time, her dark eyes widened and she looked towards the door of the room.


The door was quiet for a moment, and then there was another "knock-knock" sound, but this time it was much smaller than the last time.

Si Ningning was wondering when Huo Lang's voice was deliberately lowered at the door, as if he was afraid of disturbing her:

"are you awake?"

“…Wake up.” Si Ningning responded.

Holang paused outside the door, and his voice suddenly became clear, "Can I come in?"

Come in?

Si Ningning was hesitating, but she already said "hmm" first.

Huo Lang opened the door in response, then closed the door behind him with his backhand. With Si Ningning's dazed eyes on him, he walked a few steps to the bedside and sat down sideways. He leaned forward slightly and clamped down on Si Ningning's chin like flowing water. Check the condition of her face, "Does it still hurt?"

To be honest, Si Ningning was a little confused when she woke up early in the morning and had such a close contact without brushing her teeth, washing up or combing her hair. She had an almost blank emotional experience and at this moment she didn't know how to react.

Horang asked her, and she just nodded and shook her head blankly.

After going back and forth several times, Huo Lang saw the clues and reached out to slap Si Ningning on the forehead. "You went back to the capital and asked people to bully your brains out? Why are you so dumb and unable to speak?" ?”

Si Ningning immediately struck back and slapped his hand away, glaring at him angrily: "I don't want to open any pot, I'm so annoying!"

Huo Lang curled up his thin lips and looked at Si Ningning with a "hum hum" smile without saying anything.

Over there, Si Ningning put on clean shoes and socks and stepped onto the ground. As she turned around to make the bed, she asked, "Speaking of the capital city, I still have a very difficult thing to do. I wonder if you can help me?"

"What?" Huo Lang responded, his eyes noticing the opening and closing of the rattan box on the bed, and he asked: "How can such a small box contain so many things? It didn't feel heavy even when I brought it back last night."

  A digression from the topic:

 Go home and get married! There shouldn't be any updates in the next few days, so I'll take a week off in advance. The babies are waiting for me to come back! (Also, after everyone’s feedback during this period, Ah Yao may be thinking about adjusting the outline in the past few days, and may appropriately reduce Mo Bei’s role. The details will depend on everyone’s subsequent feedback!)

 Also, happy National Day in advance!

 (End of this chapter)

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