Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 336: Don't let down

Chapter 336 Don’t let it down

Si Ningning was stunned for a moment, then reflexively said: "You drank so much wine last night that your head is not clear. Did you remember it wrong?"

He said, taking a breath again, "But then again, there are a lot of things. When I came back, the box couldn't even fit in it, and I tried my best to stuff a lot of it in."

 It can’t be anything else but this statement.

Without thinking deeply, Huo Lang stretched out his hand and tapped the edge of the box, "You have suffered so many grievances when you returned to Beijing, so you brought back these rags?"

“What is tattered and not tattered? Books are spiritual food! And as enlightenment books, I think these are very good.”

Holang asked Si Ningning, "Can you take care of yourself first before taking care of others?"

Si Ningning pursed her lips and looked at him, "I didn't treat myself badly either..."

 “Then you’re not good enough to yourself either.”

 “What else is a good idea?”

  …“…Don’t be so talkative.”

 “How can I be rude? Isn’t this a serious question to you?”

Hourang was at a loss for words when Si Ningning asked him. He rubbed his forehead to relieve his anxiety. He then changed the subject and asked:

“You just said you were worried about something, what was it?”

"Hmm..." Si Ningning sat sideways facing Huo Lang, her pink lips pursed slightly, and while aimlessly collecting the things in the box, she said: "It's just a matter of household registration, um..."

 “What happened to the household registration?”

“I have got my and my mother’s things back, and I don’t want to have anything to do with them in the future. I want to move out my household registration separately, but he won’t let me.”

 The "he" refers to Si Zhennan.

Si Ningning was originally worried about the household registration matter, but as she finished her words with a frown, Huo Lang chuckled beside her.

"why are you laughing?!"

Si Ningning became furious for a second, stretched out her hand and slapped Huo Lang a few times, "What are you laughing at? What are you laughing at? Am I funny?"

"Don't make trouble." Huo Lang grabbed Si Ningning's hand with a thin smile and explained: "You are an educated youth who went to the countryside. Your household registration was transferred when you went to the countryside to transfer grain and oil relations."

"What?" Si Ningning was a little confused and hurriedly took out the household registration page to check. Finally, he held the household registration page with his backhand and pointed at the word "Beijing City" on it for Huo Lang to see, "If you turn around, then this shouldn't be Province H?”

Huo Lang took the household registration page from her hand, closed it and put it back in the box. "The household registration information is updated slowly. If you wait for it to notify you to change the household registration page, it will take a year and a half at the fastest... If you are in a hurry, If so, I’ll return a new one to you when the new year starts.”

 “Ah...then, that’s okay.”

 Si Ningning realized at this time that the 1970s was different from the 21st century with convenient transportation and developed communications.

 All of its household registration information currently needs to be collected manually, and this is not limited to transportation and communication issues. There are also many other objective reasons for the slow synchronization of information, such as review, verification of actual conditions, etc.

In short, the household registration problem was solved. Si Ningning breathed a sigh of relief. However, recalling Si Zhennan's strong opposition before, Si Ningning thought that Si Zhennan probably didn't expect that her household registration had already been transferred to the countryside. Did you move out of your home when you were young?

Sitting in a daze, her wrist suddenly tightened, and Si Ningning realized that her hand was still being held by Huo Lang.

  Twitching back, Huo Lang not only did not let go, but also tightened his grip. Si Ningning deliberately put on a fierce look: "What are you doing?"

"What are you talking about?" Huo Lang asked her, and then moved a step to sit closer to Si Ningning. "I have stopped drinking, and I happen to be sitting down now. Why don't we talk about the two of us?"

"...What do we two have to talk about?" Si Ningning hesitated and said, "Where are Hegu and Sanmiao? Haven't they gotten up yet?"

"Throw it away after use." Huo Lang let go of Si Ningning's hand and leaned forward to wrap Si Ningning between his arms. "You want to regret it again, don't you?"

The old man was more serious, not only flirting, but also hiding deep affection and patience in his deep eyes. Si Ningning's throat rolled, and she blushed unconsciously and turned her head away, "No, didn't I already tell you?! Just go for it when it snows!" "Proof! "Compared to the original plan of waiting until it snows to reply, now it's snowing to get a certificate. It's just gone up one level, right?

What else is this man so impatient about?

Thinking of this, Si Ningning's shyness was replaced by embarrassment. She turned her head and wanted to scold Huo Lang. However, because Huo Lang was too close, her soft lips brushed against Huo Lang's chin. At that moment, both people were stunned at the same time.

Looking into Huo Lang's eyes again, she saw the burning in his eyes. Unknown to herself, Si Ningning's face turned even redder, and at the same time, some strange changes occurred in her body...

 The heartbeat is "thumping" very fast.

A shiver ran down my spine, the hairs on my hair stood on end, and my waist felt inexplicably soft...

 Strange, so strange…

Si Ningning was still sighing, but she didn't know how tempting her confused look was to Huo Lang.

Hourang had exercised self-restraint, and Si Ningning could be seen staring at him blankly with watery eyes. There was an inexplicable burning sensation in his chest, and his heart was "thumping", as if it was about to jump out in the next second.

Horang's Adam's apple slid up and down, and he suddenly lowered his eyebrows and lowered his head.


Huo Lang's handsome face came closer, and Si Ningning's eyes widened in shock. The next moment, he slowly closed his eyes again amid the hot and entangled breathing.

 Once you have said it, you are not allowed to go back on it.

 No regrets, Horan…


 Please also, don’t let me down...

 No, never.

The door was suddenly pushed open with a "bang", and the door panel hit the wall and rebounded with a "bang".

The two people who were in passion suddenly came back to their senses and looked towards the door together.

He Gu rubbed his eyes with one hand and held the rebounding door with the other. He stood sleepily at the door, "Brother... I wet my pants. Can you find me one..."

He Gu put down the hand that was rubbing his eyes and saw Huo Lang. He was being controlled by Huo Lang in his arms and Si Ningning was pressed underneath him. The words suddenly stuck on his lips and he couldn't continue.

He Gu frowned and rubbed his eyes in disbelief. He opened his eyes and looked again. After confirming that he had seen correctly, his eyes suddenly widened:



Hegu screamed, and Si Ningning in the room followed suit with a scream.

 “I, I didn’t say anything just now!”

He Gu’s face turned red and he ran away, but unlike He Gu who was in embarrassment when he peed and wet his pants, Si Ningning simply wanted to die!

 Compared to the social death just now, what is it? This is the death of society!

 “Look at the good things you have done!”

Hashish and angry, Si Ningning was like a kitten with hairy fur, pawing at Huo Lang's face.

 “He is still young and doesn’t understand.”

Three red marks immediately appeared on Huo Lang's face, but he was not annoyed at all. He held Si Ningning's hand and asked to stick it, but Si Ningning pushed his head away with a backhand:

"How can a child do this if he doesn't understand? Huo Lang, you are shameless! Do you know what it means to be a good leader?"

“Okay, listen to you, listen to you, take the lead, and I will teach you whatever you say from now on.”

 (End of this chapter)

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