Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 337: Don't kiss me

Chapter 337 Don’t kiss me

 “Next time, you are not allowed to kiss me without my permission!”

 Huo Lang was pushed out of the room by Si Ningning with a warning, and as the door closed with a "snap" from the inside, two little ones with crooked buttons immediately jumped out from the next room and surrounded them:

"elder brother."

"Brother!" He Gu hugged Huo Lang's arm, retracted his legs and hung himself in the air, "Brother, I just saw Si Ningning. Did I see it wrong? But I really saw it!"

He Gu was doubtful and stretched his neck to look into the room behind Huo Lang. Huo Lang bowed and took him under his arm and took him to the side. "Yes, Si Ningning is back."

He Gu immediately squirmed and thumped, anxious to see Si Ningning, but was fixed by Huo Lang's words:

“She is hungry and wants to eat. Tell me, do you want to cook?”

 “I’ll light the fire!” He Gu immediately raised his hands in a gesture.

Huo Lang couldn't see how he was holding Si Ningning's puppy legs, so he looked at him and asked, "Which trouser leg is wet?"

“…” Hegu was at a loss for words for a while, then his face turned red and he shouted: “No! I didn’t! Brother, you heard wrong!”

“Brother, don’t ask the second brother, the second brother will be shy.”

Sanae, who was combing her hair with water on one side, couldn't help but burst into laughter. She accidentally broke through Hegu's stubbornness with one sentence, which made Hegu burst into tears. He was so embarrassed that he wanted to cry but didn't dare to cry.

Through a door, Si Ningning calmed down the embarrassment of being a socialite. Hearing the commotion in the main room, he couldn't help but curved his lips and chuckled "hum hum".

 The warm and lively atmosphere is much better than Beijing...

Don't blame her for being willing to sell her job and come back here. It's really because these people with a foreign surname gave her more warmth and care than Si Zhennan's father.

 It is an accident once in a while, but if it happens again and again, then it becomes a problem.

 Furthermore, Si Zhennan’s eccentricity and series of outrageous operations are no longer misinterpretations by Si Ningning, but a definite fact.

Shaking his head and not bothering to think about those bad things, Si Ningning combed his hair casually, took out the toothpaste, toothbrush and small towel from the space, then opened the room and walked out.

Sanae had just opened the chicken pen and let some chickens out. When she saw Si Ningning, she quickly jumped up to Si Ningning and said, "Sister Ningning!"

"Good morning, Sanae." Si Ningning rubbed Sanae's head and went to the kitchen with her things.

Sanae smiled shyly, touched the place where Si Ningning touched her forehead with both hands, and walked back together.

Huo Lang was busy in front of the stove, and He Gu sat at the mouth of the stove to light the fire. At the same time, because he had been slapped and spanked twice by Huo Lang, he was reluctantly putting his legs up to bake the wet stain.

 Seeing Si Ningning, Hegu was like a puppy smelling the aroma of meat. He immediately dropped the tongs and ran to Si Ningning, "Si Ningning, you came back so quickly! I thought you were going to be gone for a long time!"

“You came back early and haven’t said hello to the captain yet, so you can’t let others know. Do you understand?”

 “Hmm!” He Gu nodded vigorously, not knowing what he was enjoying. When he saw Si Ningning, he kept laughing.

Si Ningning touched Hegu's head and gently pushed Hegu back to the stove. She raised the object in her hand and turned around to ask Huo Lang, "Do you have a cup?"

  "The cup is not washed. I'll get a bowl for you to use first."


Huo Lang neatly brought a bowl and handed it to Si Ningning, and then went to the backyard to wash up at the well. Sanae followed behind Si Ningning to help fetch and scoop water.

In the house, Huo Lang paid attention to the situation in the yard. While he was busy cooking, he took the washbasin, neatly opened the lid of the back pot and scooped out two ladles of hot water:

“I’ve prepared the hot water for you, mix it with some cold water and wash it later. After washing your face, you still have to apply ointment..."

 “No need, right? I don’t feel the pain anymore, and the swelling seems to have subsided.”

"That's not easy." Huo Lang said, thinking in his heart: It's not swollen, but it's still red.

 “By the way, let’s have pimple soup for breakfast.”


Si Ningning disliked Huo Lang who was nagging like an old woman, so she answered absentmindedly, and then asked Sanae with a smile: "Have you done your homework well these days? Have you memorized all the places you circled to memorize?"

 “The one who carries it can carry it better than the second brother!”

“Ah, is it true? Is Sanae so powerful now?”



Hearing Si Ningning's voice praising Sanae in the courtyard, Hegu, who was in the kitchen stove, rolled his eyes and let out a cold snort.

Although he was very unconvinced, Hegu was not ready to go out and intervene, because he had already broken up with Sanae for an hour when Sanae broke up his backstage in the morning!

Thinking about it, Hegu pursed his lips again and changed his mind.

 One hour is not enough! It will take two hours now. Who can let Sanmiao chicken be a thief (cunning)? He actually competed for favor before him!

  It’s simply too much!


He was groaning angrily when he received a blow on the head. He Gu looked up and saw his eldest brother holding a bowl in both hands and looking down at him: "What are you moaning about? Hurry and clear the small table and get ready to eat."

“Big brother always calls me to work, why not call me Sanae? I’m biased!”

He Gu was so angry that he stamped his feet, but even though he was mumbling, he still clumsily got up to help.

 The big one and the small one cooperate with each other. Although the speed is not matched, from the picture point of view, it is still quite harmonious.

"Sanae doesn't have to do anything, she has a job in her eyes. Besides, you are a boy and a man. A man must stand upright, take care of the weak, and work. If you don't want to, you can wear floral clothes and be a girl from today on. "

Although He Gu is young, he is willing to listen to others' reasoning. He was led astray by the true and false truths spoken by Huo Lang. He also heard Huo Lang say that he should be a girl. He couldn't help but jump up and refute:

“How can a man be a girl? I don’t want to be a girl. Let me do all the work at home from now on!”

Huo Lang turned around, brought the bowls and chopsticks and put them on the small table. He stretched out his hand and patted Hegu on the back of the head, "This is what you said."

Hegu was shaken by his slap, and he quickly raised his head again, puffed out his chest and said stubbornly: "That's what I said!"

Holang continued to trick him: "A man keeps his word?"

"Keep your word!"

Si Ningning came back after washing her face and saw Huo Lang teasing Hegu in the kitchen like a big-tailed wolf. Pian Hegu had a stern face and a majestic look on his face, and he immediately became curious:

 “What did you say?”

"It's okay." Huo Lang responded that it was okay, but He Gu hurriedly added: "Si Ningning, I told my eldest brother that I am a man and I will help Sanae work in the future!"

Si Ningning was taken aback for a moment, then bowed down and rubbed Hegu's head gently, praising: "That's right, hard work is a good quality. It is not limited to gender, taking care of and helping others when actual conditions permit, also reflects a People have good moral character, so you have to persevere, you know?”

He Gu talked to Huo Lang, and he was still sighing in his heart, but now that Si Ningning also agreed, he half-understood the realization and felt that this seemed to be right, so he frowned and nodded gently:

 “I remember Si Ningning.”

 “You’re so good, sit down and get ready to eat!”

Si Ningning smiled and went back to the room to put down her things. She came back and sat down at the table. When she saw the contents in the bowl, she frowned in doubt. She turned to look at Huo Lang and asked:

"This... pimple soup?" There are vegetables and meat slices in the bowl, but there are no lumps.

Holang rubbed his head in embarrassment, "The water has increased."

At that time, Si Ningning was in a state of confusion. How could he be in the mood to cook?

I said I was making pimple soup, but I accidentally added too much water. Instead of mixing in a few pimples, I ended up with a large pot of clear, bottomless batter.


“Then let me make some flour and make some more…”

 “No, just eat like this, there is still such a big pot...”

There was a brief silence in the air. Huo Lang reached out to pick up the bowl, but Si Ningning stopped him in time. "It's better to eat thinner in the morning, which is easier to digest. Wait until you have to work at noon and afternoon. If there is still some left, then consider adding some separately." Let’s make some soup!”


The four members of the family sat at the table. During the break, Si Ningning asked Huo Lang, "Aren't you here to celebrate the New Year?"

Today is the first day of the Lunar New Year. Logically speaking, a village should be able to walk around the streets.

"Bye, but in previous years I came back late on New Year's Eve and got up late. My uncles on the team should all know that, so they have come late in the past two years, or they may come back on the second day of the Lunar New Year."

"Oh, that's it." Si Ningning nodded and asked: "Then what arrangements do you have? Over there in BR County, who needs to pay New Year's greetings to the boss? You can just go, I'll be busy with something myself. "

"No." Huo Lang shook his head. He knew the leading bosses in the county very well.

 They meet often, and they don’t need to pay attention to these things to maintain their relationship.

 It is a rare holiday, so instead of disturbing them in the past, it is better to give them some peace and quiet and spend time with their spouse and children at home.

Thinking of his lover's children, Huo Lang's throat rolled. He glanced at Si Ningning, who was looking at him with bright eyes, and then looked at the other two little ones calmly.

His deep eyebrows twisted and then raised the ends of his eyebrows, and his lips could not suppress a slight arc.

This scene is like he is accompanying his lover’s child...

 “I’m talking to you! Why are you distracted again?”

 Under the table, Si Ningning stepped on Huo Lang.

"No." Huo Lang regained consciousness and shook his head, then asked again: "What are you going to be busy with later? You have to go back soon..."

Huo Lang thought that Si Ningning was going back to the educated youth center, so he opened his mouth to persuade him to stay, but seeing the two little ones still in front of him, he swallowed his words again and said instead: "Just sit back and direct, I'll do it."

Si Ningning swallowed the piece of meat in his mouth and said with a faint smile: "I'm afraid you really don't have the patience to do this."

 Huo Lang raised his eyebrows, showing a questioning and puzzled look, but after the table was cleared after the meal, Si Ningning sat at the small table and finished describing his thoughts, Huo Lang accepted it simply:

“It’s up to you to do this. I’ll be responsible for running errands afterwards.”

Si Ningning rolled her eyes at him, then lowered her head and began to draw.

Holang leaned on one hand and looked at her, "Is it cold? There are still sparks in the stove. You can light a brazier."

“No, although it’s not a few days away, the temperature difference here is quite big between year and year. I won’t even need to wear a military coat for the next two days, it’s so hot.”

"It's like this in the south. It gets warmer quickly... How big are your feet? You're still wearing single-layer cloth shoes. I'll go to the county to buy you a pair of boots tomorrow."

 “Oh no, it’s getting warmer now, why are you buying boots? Do you have to be the scapegoat?”

“What kind of injustice is wrong? I can’t wear it now. Will I be able to wear it when the weather gets cold in the second half of the year?”

Huo Lang clicked his tongue several times. Seeing that Si Ningning didn't say anything, the others got up and went to the courtyard.

Si Ningning glanced at it and continued immersed in writing. She couldn't help but put her hands on her hands and look toward the backyard before she even wrote two strokes.

The pair of shoes she got wet yesterday were washed by Huo Lang and left to dry in the backyard.

She didn’t tell Huo Lang what size shoes she was wearing. Huo Lang ran to the yard and was pointing at the shoes with his index fingers and thumbs apart.

Don't blame others for saying that old men are nice...Although Huo Lang is not old, he is a few years older than her, and he really takes good care of her in everything.

Si Ningning breathed out, bit her lip, smiled slightly, shook her head slightly and continued to work on herself.

Helping others, respecting the old and caring for the young, arguing about good and evil first, then justice, philanthropy and dedication, learning from lei-feng’s good example...

 “Si Ningning, what are you writing?”

Si Ningning was working hard when He Gu came over holding a comic book and blinking his dark eyes.

Ben Ben Ningning wrote a large paragraph. He Gu only recognized a few words, and he didn't know a lot, so he asked, "Is it this new textbook this year?"

"Hmm..." Si Ningning hesitated for a moment and said, "That's right. I'll probably use it later."

Hegu rolled his eyes and said "Oh". His face looked better and he had gained some flesh. He looked so round and cute that Si Ningning couldn't help but want to pinch it.

With this thought, Si Ningning did just that.

She put He Gu's cheek out of the fold of the bun and asked, "Can you understand the comic strip? Do you recognize all the characters on it?"

Hegu nodded first, then shook his head, "I can understand it, but I don't know all the words, but I can guess what the words are if I read it silently a few times."

"Really? So great? Then when I finish my work, I will test you to see if your guess is right~"

 “Then I’ll wait for you to test me!”

He Gu puffed up his chest and was pushed out of the kitchen by Huo Lang before he could stand up for two seconds. "You are busy with business, don't make trouble."

 “Short of paths!”

He Gu made a face and stuck out his tongue at Huo Lang, and the next moment he ran away happily holding the small album.

Hourang remembered the shoe size, sat down beside Si Ningning, glanced at the content written by Si Ningning, and asked: "Do you still know Comrade Lei Feng?"

Si Ningning raised her head and rolled her eyes at Huo Lang.

 Huo Lang laughed dryly, stared at the content in the notebook with his deep peach blossom eyes, and pointed with his finger: "I mean the writing is good, but can it be done? Those people are not vegetarian children, and they can fool themselves."

“These alone will definitely not work.” Si Ningning held her chin in one hand, considered it for a moment, and then explained her thoughts to Huo Lang:

"Didn't I say it before? I'll plan it, and you'll execute it. When I finish writing the final version, you can make a trip, um... no, I'll ask Shan Mantang to drive a trip with you. In that case, we can definitely do it. "

The main purpose of what Si Ningning just wrote was not for the children of the third team, but for Wang Song and his group who had previously caused trouble in the seventh brigade of the Hongqi Commune.

This matter should have been put on the agenda a long time ago, because it was very busy during the period before the year, and Si Ningning was ill for a while, so it was delayed for so long.

Can I say it? I want a monthly pass. .



 (End of this chapter)

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