Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 338: Be obedient (please vote)

Chapter 338 Be obedient (please vote for me)

Si Ningning hurriedly dealt with this matter as soon as she came back, because she was afraid that Wang Song and others, because they had not received the news, thought she was playing a trick on them, and would start looking for trouble again...

 After thinking about it, Si Ningning patted Huo Lang’s arm and added: “If you had dressed more formally that day, it would have been better to specify it!”

 In such a small place, not everyone can afford to drive a small car with four wheels.

 With a small car as the finale and a well-dressed Holang at the helm, nothing is impossible.

Si Ningning was making plans, and Huo Lang indulged her: "Just do what you said."

Si Ningning was stunned and asked in surprise: "You have no objection? No other ideas?"

“Do you have any other ideas?” Huo Lang’s peach blossom eyes smiled, “This is a good idea, you can try it.”

Si Ningning's eyes flickered, and he asked tentatively: "Then, let's try it?"


"Okay!" After receiving Huo Lang's accurate reply, Si Ningning became more motivated. He took a sip of water and put the bamboo cup aside, then buried his head and started writing furiously again.

When Huo Lang saw that her cup was half empty, he went to the main room to fetch a kettle and fill it with water. When he was pouring the water, he thought of something and said, "The water in Beijing is astringent, and every household always has dried jasmine. You should be used to drinking it there." Right? There are many flowers here in spring and summer, such as jasmine and honeysuckle. You can pick some back this year and dry them for fun. "

"Hmm..." Si Ningning said "Hmm" without even thinking about it. After thinking about it for a moment, he said casually: "That's fine. This year may be busier than last year. We'll see when the time comes. If you have time, just make some. If you don't have time, forget it. "

Last year, her main job was to feed pigs and occasionally deliver water to others. I don’t know if she will need to deliver water this year. Moreover, she is now a teacher. Although she only teaches half a day every day, preparing for lessons is not an easy task.

Holang said "hmm" in a low voice without saying anything, but silently recorded the matter in his heart.

 It doesn’t matter if Si Ningning doesn’t have time or it’s inconvenient, it’s convenient for him.

He can just go and do it. As for the detailed work on drying, he probably has to ask Si Ningning.

Speaking of sunflower tea, Huo Lang couldn't help but think of something else. He propped up his chin on the table and chatted with Si Ningning for a while:

“Have I told you about Nine-hole Lotus Root before? If you stay at home for a few more days, I’ll get up early and take you to the county to eat.”

“Is it only available in this season? Last summer, Aunt Lianmi gave me lotus roots, which are delicious when eaten raw.”

“The lotus roots are sweet in the summer and powdered in the winter. They are delicious when stewed in soups and meats. They are also durable in the winter. Here we dig lotus roots in the winter.”

"Oh...can't you take some time to go in these two days? I'll stay here. It won't be good if people know about it later."

Huo Lang wanted to say, "There's nothing wrong with it," but he swallowed it back. He thought for a moment and said in a low voice, "I don't need you to work. It's better if you don't go to the front yard... You're in the backyard." Let’s do whatever you want here. I’ll set up the small table for you and prepare melon seeds and candies. You can eat as much as you want.”

Si Ningning laughed at him: "Isn't it right to coax a child?"

Hong Lang continued to add without blushing: "There is also a rocking chair at home. I will bring it out for you and make a thin quilt for you. You can also bask in the sun in the yard."

As soon as he thought about Si Ningning's return to the educated youth spot before long, Huo Lang felt like a stone was weighing on his heart, and he felt unspeakably uncomfortable.

He was happy to see Si Ningning in front of him and felt at ease.

"Let's stay for two more days. Anyway, the captain said that we can go back before the eighth day of the Lunar New Year..." Just like a child pestering an adult for candy, Huo Lang lowered his head and rubbed his forehead against Si Ningning's arm pressing the book, "Stay until the eighth day of the Lunar New Year. Fifth, no, I will take you back on the sixth day, okay, okay?"

 “Oh, okay, okay, I promise you! The words are all twisted!”

Huo Lang's coquettish and coquettish look was so different from usual, Si Ningning burst into laughter, and after a while, she reluctantly agreed.

When Huo Lang saw her promise, he immediately fulfilled his promise. Before Si Ningning had time to stop him, he had already gone to the front room, churning with a bang, and quickly came out carrying the rocking chair that was falling to dust.

The corner of Si Ningning's mouth twitched, "You really turned your back? It's so windy outside, where can you go to bask in the sun? Stop it!"

"It's okay. I'll wipe it out first. It will come in handy." Huo Lang disagreed and carried the rocking chair across Si Ningning. Because he was too hot or too dressed to move, he went into the kitchen and took off his coat and got a rag. Go to the yard and take a dump.

It was also at this time that Si Ningning discovered that Huo Lang was only wearing a thin jacket under his coat. How thin was it?

 Even when you bend down, the curves of the back vertebrae and the bulging muscles of the arms can be clearly seen...

 It is eye-catching, but it makes you feel cold when you look at it.



Huo Lang bowed and stopped wiping and looked over. Si Ningning was lying in front of the small table and waved to him. He put down the rag and walked over in a hurry.

Holding up the table and looking down at Si Ningning, Huo Lang asked, "What's wrong?"

"Isn't it cold?" Si Ningning hooked her fingers on Huo Lang's sleeves and played with them. Her eyes were clear and she looked up at Huo Lang. "If the military coat is inconvenient, you can find other clothes to wear first."

Her cheeks were fair and flushed, her eyelashes were curled, her eyes were dark and clear, and her slightly raised lips and smile were not only well-behaved and serious, but also released something that made people feel peaceful.

Horang's Adam's apple slid, and for the first time he felt that he was so out of place.

 Because he found that whenever this happened, he couldn't help but act like...

 “What do you want to do?”

Huo Lang's head came closer and closer, so close that his breath hit his face. Si Ningning stretched out her fingers in time to touch Huo Lang's pressing lips, "Are you looking for a slap?"


This is probably torture.

 Sweet torture…

Holang exhaled angrily like an old cow, went into the house, found a coat to put on, and then returned to the backyard to get busy with his work.

Si Ningning turned from glaring at him to arching her eyebrows and laughing, and finally shook her head helplessly.

The two of them were busy in one room through a small open wooden door, and the other was busy in the courtyard. Time passed quickly. When Si Ningning lowered her neck and raised her head again, it was already past eleven o'clock at noon.

After silently reading the contents of the notebook to make sure there were no typos or sentences, Si Ningning shook the notebook and was about to speak when someone suddenly knocked on the door of the front room, and Sanae quickly ran over:

“Sister Ning, eldest brother, it’s Uncle Hongbing and Brother Xibao who are here.”

 This is a New Year greeting.

Si Ningning subconsciously looked at Huo Lang, who had already entered the room and walked to her side, "You are busy with your business, don't worry about it."

Horang poured a glass of water and put it on Si Ningning's hand. He pressed Sanao and gave a hiss. The brother and sister closed the kitchen door and left in a hurry.

Si Ningning was almost busy with her work. As she had nothing else to do, she adjusted the position of the table and sat in the beam of light that was tilted in.

While basking in the sun, Si Ningning turned her head and listened to the movement in the main room. There was nothing special, just some blessings in the dialect of Ontology, such as: good luck and fortune, etc.

 The general meaning is congratulations on getting rich. People’s Spring Festival blessings are really synchronized from now on to future generations...

Si Ningning was amused by her own thoughts and laughed softly. It was only at this time that her whole body gradually relaxed.

  Before, she had been worried that someone would find her at Holang's house, but now it seemed that no one paid much attention to the closed door and kitchen door.

Think about it, without special circumstances, who would be curious about such details?

  I really scare myself.

Huo Lang opened the door and came in, and saw Si Ningning patting her chest to relax, "What's wrong?"

Si Ningning briefly stated her thoughts. Huo Lang laughed at her and said, "You are too nervous."

 “You are too calm, right?!”

Si Ningning gave him a bright look.

As a soul from later generations, she has a deep understanding of the harshness of the relationship between men and women in this era, so she is nervous. On the contrary, Holang, a resident of the original time and space who also understands everything, does not feel much at all!

 It’s so unfair!

Si Ningning frowned and said nothing. She originally wanted to find an example to emphasize this matter to Huo Lang, but her tense appearance was misunderstood by Huo Lang as being too frivolous, which made her unhappy.

Huo Lang sat next to Si Ningning and explained in a deep voice: "I don't mean to take this matter lightly, I just want to express that I will hide you well."

The beauty is hidden in a golden house, so of course it must be hidden, so that it will not be coveted by others.

Si Ningning snorted and said nothing, but her tense little face softened a lot.

Huo Lang picked up her braids, pinched the ends of her hair, and rubbed it gently in his hands, while coaxing: "The captain approved the homestead for me years ago, and I've almost packed it up. I even carried some bricks back a few days ago. Wait. After you memorize some more, you can start building a house... When it gets dark later, I will take you over to have a look. "

After saying this, he pointed to the west corner of the front yard, "It's right there, very close."

Si Ningning was distracted by him, nodded and asked: "Carrying bricks, where did you carry them back from?"

“From the brick yard in the county, let Shan Mantang pull it to the rope bridge. If the car cannot pass, use a basket or a bamboo basket to carry it.”

“It takes so many bricks to build a house, how can we hold more in one basket? Let alone carry the basket!” Si Ningning frowned instantly.

Holang smiled teasingly, "I'm not afraid of anything. Physical work is just something that takes some time."

He got the batch note from the brick yard. The quantity of bricks has been approved. He can go there and pull it out at any time. But the road is blocked and there is no way to pull it back in one go...

Horang’s plan is to carry these back with his hands when he starts working later, and then pull them out when they are used up or almost used.

Si Ningning didn't know what he was thinking, and said: "How long can you carry so many bricks on your back? You have to wear off a layer of skin even if you don't die, can't you think of other ways? For example, our production team has cattle, we can't Can you borrow an ox to hitch a cart for a few trips?"

Huo Lang touched his forehead and replied hesitantly: "Niu Jingui, the captains of the brigade and the production team are all very distressed when we are busy in the farm work. I borrowed the puller to turn around, but I will definitely not be happy with it."

Si Ningning took a long breath. Although he was angry, he couldn't find any words to refute.

 Cars can’t get through, and ox-carts can’t get through, so what else can we do?

Si Ningning thought irritably for a while, and suddenly his eyes lit up, "Buy a car! A bicycle!"

 “Used to pull bricks?”

"I'm not all that." Si Ningning shook her head and added with a smile, "In the future, I can go cycling when I go to town. I won't be so tired."

Holang nodded immediately, "Okay, buy it. I'll go to the county for dinner in two days, and then I'll go check it out."

 “Well! Then I’ll get the money!”

"Get the money?" Huo Lang grabbed Si Ningning who had just stood up, his deep peach blossom eyes showing confusion, "What kind of money?"

Si Ningning replied disapprovingly: "It's money to buy a bicycle!"

After saying that, he added: "I sold my job in Beijing. I have a lot of money in my hands, and I am worried about how to spend it!"

She was beaming with joy, but Huo Lang said: "Keep your money, I will sell the bicycle."

Si Ningning refused, "No, you have to listen to me on this matter. I was thinking about this on the way back, and it was not decided on the spur of the moment because of your business."

What Si Ningning said was not a lie. She had been thinking about this on her way back to Province H from Beijing.

In the future, Gu Yang will no longer be involved in the black market circles, and Gu Chao will probably not appear in the black market frequently. Gu Xihe went to work in the rubber factory again, and in the business department, her right-hand assistants suddenly lost three.

At present, the money accumulated on hand is not worried about the flowers for a long time in the future, and then refer to the actual reason.

Apart from this, Si Ningning plans to take some time to go back to the town to explore and see if she can find a small courtyard in a secluded place. She doesn’t have to do the retail business, but pig’s balls...

If you have a bicycle, you can leave the pig at the rented place and ask Brother Gu Yang to help stir it up. It will be convenient for her to run both ways, and she doesn’t have to ask for leave from the team if she goes quickly.

Si Ningning paid attention to Huo Lang's face. In order to increase the success rate, she added: "And the bicycle is mine after you buy it. I'm just lending it to you."

Unexpectedly, Huo Lang said: "What you bought is yours, and what I bought is also yours."

"…" Si Ningning was at a loss for words for a moment, and then said firmly: "No, we are not married yet. Only what I bought is mine."

 “Can’t I give it to you if I want?”

 “Do you still listen to me?”

"..." Huo Lang exhaled and responded after a long silence: "Okay, you buy it, you buy it."

 “That’s pretty much it.”

Si Ningning's deliberately tense face suddenly gave way to a bright smile from the fire department. He leaned forward on the table and pecked Huo Lang on the face.

Huo Lang covered his face and turned to look at her. She raised her eyebrows and said with a smile: "This is a reward for being obedient."

Holang nodded blankly, and the discomfort in his heart was instantly swept away. At the same time, pink bubbles appeared around him, and he thought:

If Si Ningning doesn't let him buy a bicycle, then he won't buy it, but he can buy other things.

 Everything that Si Ningning didn’t say “no” to can be bought, right?

Huo Lang suddenly felt happy, stretched his neck, and pushed his head towards Si Ningning, "Do it again."

Si Ningning pushed him, "Why do you want to do it again?"

 “I listened to it several times in the afternoon, and one reward is not enough.”

 “Go away, you!”

It’s the end of the month, please give me a monthly pass~ The monthly pass has doubled recently, I’m so greedy!

(Tomorrow my family will have a small wedding, and the groom No. 3 will have a big one. Ah Yao will try his best to spare time to update!!)

  (End of this chapter)

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