Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 339: Mr. Huo’s overbearing quotations (from 4Q, please vote for me)

Chapter 339 Mr. Huo’s domineering sayings (4Q gift, please vote for me~)

Several groups of people came to the Chen family to pay New Year greetings. Huo Lang kept track of the heads and realized that most of the people had arrived. He and Si Ningning worked together to make lunch and eat at home.

After setting up the backyard in the afternoon, Huo Lang told the family, one, two and three people, about the details that needed to be paid attention to, then gathered up his clothes and went to the village to pay New Year greetings.

  It is said that New Year greetings are not popular in the afternoon, but not all the folks in the countryside care about this.

The New Year's worship and plug -in. The time passed quickly, and the sun entered Xishan. The shadow of Dai Se was gradually shrouded in the sky. On the west side of the Chenjia door, Holang took the lead to lead Sining Ning to patrol the ground.

Si Ningning walked back and forth, spreading his hands to measure from time to time, "It's quite spacious, better than in the city. The yard I went back to a few days ago was too small."

“I heard what you said, I’ll build a two-story building, but it will be a big house with many houses, so you can live in whatever you want.”

Si Ningning was gesticulating vigorously. Hearing what he said, he couldn't help but turn around and glare at Huo Lang. Huo Lang didn't notice and continued: "When construction starts, I will raise the foundation to prevent moisture and heat."

 “Do you still know how to build a house?”

“I don’t understand. I have been in the wild for a while and know a few tricks.”

 “It turns out to be…”

Before Si Ningning finished speaking, there was a sudden "crash" not far away. Unprepared, Si Ningning was frightened, and Huo Lang took advantage of the situation and pulled her behind to protect him.

Hourang stared ahead for a long time, then his eyes narrowed and his eyebrows furrowed. Si Ningning poked her head out from the side of his face and said, "What is it? A cat? Does it sound like a cat meowing?"

Huo Lang pressed her head so that she wouldn't look at it. He turned around and led her back, "That's right. It's too cold. Let's go inside. Didn't you say you want to eat shabu-shabu? Wash the vegetables tonight and you can eat them tomorrow morning. "

"Who eats shabu-shabu so early in the morning?" Si Ningning was diverted by Huo Lang and followed him back to the house muttering, "But speaking of which, it's almost time for Rhubarb and the others to give birth, right? I'll take it then. Keep one back at the educated youth spot!”

Cats raised in the countryside can not only catch mice, but can also eat snakes. This is also the reason why wild cats often starve to death.

Si Ningning wanted to take a cat back, but not really to let it catch and eat snakes. It’s just that animals are generally keen and will react when other vulnerable prey appear.

 Suppose there is a snake, they can find it in time.

 “Okay, raise it.” Huo Lang responded casually.

Si Ningning rolled her eyes and asked in a muttered voice, "Do you want to bring one to Academician Liang? Speaking of which, we should also go and have a look at it during the Chinese New Year, right?"

“Okay, let’s go together in the next few days.”

 With a "squeak" sound, the wooden door of Chen's house was closed, and his words were carelessly muted.

On the other side, in the educated youth restaurant, Xu Shuhua opened the lid of the pot, and the hot steam spread out, revealing two sweet potatoes with sharp corners and round bellies inside.

In the past few days, the rations were steaming than usual. Xu Shuhua's face was clearly visible. He reached out and squeezed the trial rusty, but was scalded back and touched his ears.

Xu Shuhua took a chopstick and pricked it again to make sure it was cooked before she shouted happily:

 “It’s time to eat! Bring the bowl and put it in!”

There were only four people staying at the educated youth spot to celebrate the New Year. When it was time to eat, Xu Shuhua could tell who was missing at a glance, "Where's Xiaoyun? Doesn't she want to eat? She gave out rations for dinner!"

"I went to the team warehouse to deliver straw ropes half an hour ago. I should be back soon!" Jiang Yue peeled off the sweet potato skin and took a bite impatiently. She continued with unclear words: "Let's eat first, and put her portion in the pot first." Here, wait for her to come back and get it yourself!"

“Okay, I’m afraid that if I take it out and let it cool down, I’ll get a stomachache after eating it later.” Xu Shuhua responded while taking out her share of rations and covering the pot.

The educated youth ordered "Hu Chi Hu Chi" and ate deliciously. The Chen family was also full of laughter and joy. After dinner, Si Ningning first took a test on the recent homework of two children. She felt that the two people's control was quite good. They were praising each other and the topic was unknown. I felt like I was involved in the story.

Si Ningning opened his voice for a while. From the Great Qin Dynasty to the late Qing Dynasty when pigtails were cut off, regardless of the era, he would talk about any examples or allusions that could serve as educational themes, as long as they came to mind.

The two little ones listened very attentively. Occasionally, if there was any confusion, Si Ningning would quickly explain it clearly. He explained the boring content in humorous language. Not to mention that the two little ones listened with great interest. They held their chins on one side and stared at Si Ningning. Ning Ning was also very fascinated by Huo Lang.

 It’s just hard to say whether this fascination is for the story or for the people.

Horang only felt that the more he got along with Si Ningning, the more he could appreciate Si Ningning’s shining points and excellence.

A man born of iron and blood will not feel inferior. He will only make up his mind from the bottom of his heart to take a good look at the girl in front of him, and no one can take her away from her.

Because he was thinking about bringing one of the kittens to Academician Liang when the production team gave birth to a kitten in the future, after saying good night to each other, Si Ningning locked the door and walked into the space.

Academician Liang cannot raise a cat. A large part of the reason is because the food rations cannot be supplied. If she finds a way to solve the cat food problem, then Academician Liang should still be willing to keep the cat by her side, right?

Si Ningning thought thoughtfully, and he had already reached the space creek.

Every time after taking fish and shrimps from the fish basket, she will throw them into the stream again. In addition to the bait, the big fish and prawns will eat the smaller ones, plus stream algae, microorganisms, etc., and the fish that got into the basket will Shrimp usually live a long time.

Si Ningning lifted the fish basket from the stream. As expected, it was heavy and weighed two or three kilograms. The larger one was about three times the smaller one.

This time she didn't choose. She took the fish basket directly to the kitchen, separated the fish and shrimp, and roughly removed the scales of the larger fish without removing the internal organs. In addition to the original small pot with a flat bottom and a deep groove, Si Ningning was alone again. Turn out a large pot, add water each, add the whole plate, pour in the still jumping fish and shrimp, and start steaming directly.

Si Ningning wants to try making cat food, but of course she doesn’t know how to do it, so she can only make it based on feeling.

Cats should be considered carnivores, right?

The meat content cannot be too small, so Si Ningning chose fish and shrimp. Of course, fish is fish and shrimp is shrimp. Let’s not talk about success or failure. She plans to make two flavors. It will be up to Dahuang Dahua which one they like better...

Of course fish and shrimp alone are not enough, nutritional balance must also be considered, and vegetables cannot be missing...

Si Ningning thought about it, went to the vegetable patch outside, broke off two broccoli, and pulled out a few carrots and went inside to wash them.

Prepare vegetables at a ratio of 3/1 of meat and vegetables. After taking care of the nutritional balance for the time being, you have to consider the issue of satiety. Si Ningning was hesitant, but still based on the overall situation, two separate portions would take up about 40% of the total. One-third flour, live accessories are fish, flour, carrots, broccoli and shrimp, flour, carrots, broccoli.

 There are no additives. People in this era don’t have enough to eat, and cats are not picky. Si Ningning thinks it should be fine.

After the fish and shrimp were steamed, Si Ningning took the pots and divided them into pots. While it was cooling, she quickly washed out the pot and filled the water to steam the broccoli and carrots again.

Si Ningning thinks steaming is best. If it is overcooked, some nutrients may be incorporated into the water.

Si Ningning used chopsticks to remove the main spines of a few big fish, but left the other small fish and shrimps alone.

Fish bones are not bones and are relatively soft. Remove the large ones just in case. The small ones can be pureed directly.

Si Ningning pounded the cooled fish and shrimp into a puree in two batches. After pouring it out, it was still divided into packages. Pour in two portions of flour. After steaming the carrots and broccoli, let them cool slightly and beat them into a puree. Originally it was a little dry, but the steamed big and small fish had some moisture and oil in their bellies. After a few steps, the mixture in the basin began to become harmonious.

After everything was mixed, Si Ningning suddenly fell into confusion for a moment.

Cat food is all small particles. If they are too big, it will be difficult to eat. There seems to be nothing around her to help her break the mixed paste into small particles...

What should we do?

Hunched up several times, Si Ningning couldn’t find the right tools in the long kitchen cabinet, so he chose a stupid method.

Put tin foil on the baking tray and apply a thin layer of oil. She took out a piece of batter with her hands and spread it in a shallow layer. She also brushed oil on both sides of the kitchen knife, starting at an interval of about 0.5 centimeters. Cut, cut, cut…

To be honest, Si Ningning didn't feel tired even after doing the whole process, so she just cut out this task. As soon as she cut out a small half of the first plate, she couldn't lift her arms.

Not only was he tired and wasting time, Si Ningning simply pushed the oven into the oven.

The oven is not small, and if it is full, it can hold five baking pans at a time. Si Ningning was afraid that individual baking pans would be heated unevenly, so he only put three baking pans in at a time. The two pots of batter were baked six times in total, and they were almost done. After two hours, I finally smashed it with a rolling pin and bagged it, which was only about two kilograms...

Handwork is like this, time-consuming, laborious and inefficient.

Si Ningning wiped her sweat and planned to go back to the educated youth center in a few days and then take the time to go to the warehouse to experiment. If there is really a cat to eat, she can do more in her free time. The first time it is unfamiliar, the second time it is familiar...

 In the future, we should be able to gradually improve the speed and efficiency.

  Putting away the two hard-earned "cat food", Si Ningning scattered her hair and went to the bathroom to wash herself thoroughly.

I got off the train yesterday with a strange smell, and I didn't take off my clothes when I went to bed. I always felt uncomfortable everywhere. Si Ningning was very concerned about it. She didn't have the right to express her opinion when she didn't have the chance. Now that she had the opportunity, she didn't want to wrong herself.

I take a shower and wash my hair. I apply all kinds of scrubs, massage creams, facial masks, and creams on my body. After finishing a full set, I dry my hair and willingly climb into bed to rest.

 I feel comfortable both physically and mentally, and I slept sounder than usual this night...

Woke up early the next morning, and the Chen family was still quiet. Si Ningning put on his pants and sweater, but didn't put on his military coat because it was inconvenient to wash up.

She opened the door with a bamboo cup for brushing her teeth, only to find that Huo Lang was still asleep. His burly figure was huddled on the small bamboo bed in the main room. Because of the crowd, he stood with one leg bent, and the other was directly under the bed, with his long arms horizontally He was sleeping deeply in front of him, and he could still hear snoring as low as his voice...

Si Ningning felt a little sorry and didn't want to wake up Huo Lang, so she gently picked up the corners of the quilt that had fallen under the bed and tucked him away. She planned to wait until Huo Lang woke up to talk about the bed later, but as soon as she was about to get up, her wrist was caught. Clasp, a force clamped down on her, and pulled her back.

Si Ningning fell directly on Huo Lang's chest, his waist was held by Huo Lang, and his long black hair covered Huo Lang's chest and face.

"What are you doing? You're here again!" Si Ningning lightly hit Huo Lang's chest, fearing to scare the two little Hegu Sanae, so she only dared to yell in a low voice, "Let go!"

With his face itching, Huo Lang freed up his hands to push his hair away from his face. Instead of letting go of his hand around Si Ningning's waist, he tightened it, "It's so beautiful."

Huo Lang looked at Si Ningning with burning eyes.

He has seen Si Ningning with her hair in a bun, a braid, and double braids. This is the first time he has seen Si Ningning with long hair shawl...

Si Ningning’s cheeks are not big to begin with, and her hair looks even smaller when her hair is down. She also looks whiter. She smells good and is soft when you hold her. She really looks like a baby bump no matter from any angle.

"It's no use praising me!" Si Ningning bit her lip in embarrassment and glared: "Hurry up and let go!"

  Holang chuckled hoarsely, "It's okay to let go."

Having just finished speaking, he added, "Yesterday you didn't keep your word. I listened to you and you didn't kiss me. Today, you have to kiss me first before I can let you go."

 “Are you being a rogue?”

Si Ningning tried her best not to believe it, but after struggling several times, she couldn't break free at all. On the contrary, because of her twisting, Xiao Huo had the posture to raise her head. Si Ningning's face was red and bleeding, and she was so ashamed that she gave in. Xiao Zhu He took a bite on Huo Lang's chin like a cabbage.

Originally, she wanted Huo Lang to let her go quickly, but in the end, Huo Lang took advantage of her, and the hand around her waist moved to her back and Huo Lang, their breaths intertwined, and they had a deep French kiss.

The kiss made Si Ningning’s head turn into a mess.

After a long time, Huo Lang hugged Si Ningning, who was lying softly on his chest and gasping for air, and sighed deeply, "It might snow in spring, right? I really want to marry you home as soon as possible and give birth to ten or eight children." ”

"I want to give birth to you, but I won't give birth to you!" Si Ningning slapped Huo Lang on the chest, but she lost her strength and made a "dong" sound. She was so frightened that she quickly patted Huo Lang twice more. For fear of beating Huo Lang out of trouble.

 “If it doesn’t hurt, how strong can you be?”

Huo Lang chuckled, took her hand and brought it to his lips to kiss her. Si Ningning's handsome face suddenly looked a little flat in his eyes, and Si Ningning really wanted to hit him twice.

Si Ningning rolled her eyes at him and said with a sullen face: "I've hugged and kissed you, is it time to get up?"

Huo Lang's stubbled chin rubbed against Si Ningning's neck. After all, he was afraid that he would really **** her off, and he would have no choice but to let go if he didn't give in.

Si Ningning took the toiletries to the well to wash up. Huo Langma Liu got dressed and took the last bit of hot water from the kettle to wash Si Ningning's face. From the corner of his eye, he saw that Si Ningning's end was as thick as seaweed. He said, "Don't tie your hair up. Let it be loose. It looks good."

 Like a porcelain doll.

Si Ningning looked at Huo Lang and said incoherently while brushing his teeth: "Can't you laugh at this?"

"Who's joking? You just hang out in front of me so that no one else can see." Huo Lang said seriously.

Si Ningning looked at him speechlessly. She didn't know where he learned the boss's quotations from. In the end, she rolled her eyes and chose to ignore them.

These days, there is no such thing as gentle and fluffy hairstyles. People only care about whether you look good or not.

I think she didn't realize this when she first traveled through time. She had a fluffy braid that she thought looked good, but she was pointed out several times...

  After that experience, even though Si Ningning felt like she was at home in the braided village, she still followed the steps and got her braids done conscientiously.

 (End of this chapter)

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