Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 340: gender privacy

Chapter 340 Gender Privacy

 “Si Ningning…”

Si Ningning laughed in her heart. After a mature old man fell into the whirlpool of love, Huo Lang became childish. However, she winked at Huo Lang and said seriously:

 “You will have many opportunities to see it in the future, so don’t make trouble now.”


Huo Lang pretended to be frustrated and sighed, but the raised lips showed that he had already heard Si Ningning's words in his heart.

 Yes, there will be many opportunities in the future.

 He can see Si Ningning in various expressions and states...

His heart suddenly softened. Huo Lang rubbed his forehead back with his big palm, and laughed dumbly. His voice became deep and magnetic, "You wash first, and I'll get you some face wash."


Si Ningning nodded, squatted down and continued brushing his teeth.

 She seemed calm, but in fact, when Huo Lang turned around and entered the room, she had been following Huo Lang with her peripheral vision.

Hand-washing water was poured for her, and foot-washing water was poured out for her. Huo Lang...

 Hand is really good to her and takes great care of her.

This kind of care, consideration and kindness far exceeded Si Ningning’s expectations.

There are many things in the world that cannot be dealt with by a single slap, such as the terrible family experiences in two lifetimes. Si Ningning would occasionally think to herself that maybe there were reasons for such a bad result in the end. For example, she was not good enough. If you are not good enough, or you are too rational and cold-blooded, you will not be loved and loved by your family.

Under this situation, when she was alone occasionally, she would doubt from the bottom of her heart whether she deserved the kindness that Huo Lang showed her.

 “What are you thinking about? The toothbrush is almost chewed out.”

"" Si Ningning came to his senses, spit out his toothbrush, rinsed his mouth, rinsed the toothbrush and bamboo cup, ran into the kitchen, put down his things, rubbed his hands together and carefully picked up the towel in the basin, and found that there was water When it wasn't too hot, I quickly picked up the towel and wrung it out.

Holang is very attentive. The water in the basin is at the right temperature. Not only is it not hot to your hands, you can feel a strong warmth when your hands are soaked in it.

After Si Ningning washed her face, she moved a small stool and sat at the back door of Chen's kitchen, combing her hair slowly. Huo Lang sat on the threshold next to her, holding his chin on his knees with one hand, and occasionally hooking Si Ningning's fingers with his other hand. Ning Ning played with her untied hair:

"Let's go to the county on the sixth day of the lunar month? Let's sort out Wang Song's affairs first, get the results as soon as possible, and then you can fill out an application to join the First Party."

Si Ningning's deer eyes swayed and she tilted her head slightly to look at him, "I always hear you talk about joining a party. Why are you so persistent in this matter?"

Huo Lang disagreed, "You always think about others, so you can easily suffer losses. Although I can protect you, there will always be special circumstances when I am not by your side. Once you join a party, even if I am not here in the future, you will have someone to rely on." "

After the 1970s, in addition to the difficult living environment, the country has basically entered a peaceful era, and there may be a few small battles. However, because Huo Lang has retired and changed his career, Si Ningning does not think so deeply.

She raised her crescent eyebrows slightly and asked with a shy smile: "Isn't this an excuse you think of? Comrade Huo Lang, I haven't asked you to get married yet, so you are not afraid of scaring me away by saying this. ?”


As soon as he finished speaking, Si Ningning covered her forehead with the hand holding the comb.

Horang flicked her forehead with a serious expression: "I'm talking to you seriously, and no jokes are allowed."

Si Ningning puffed up her cheeks and glared at Huo Lang sideways, "I know!"

Then he turned slightly sideways and continued to comb his hair, but his movements were much faster and heavier than before, and he looked a little angry.

Huo Lang moved his buttocks a step, sat closer to her, and coaxed with a low laugh: "When the time comes, I will go to the county to have a meal, visit Academician Liang, buy a bicycle... Department stores usually have new products in the New Year, so go and have a look. If you like it, I’ll buy it for you.”

“The photo studio in Chuliu County should be open as well. Have you taken a photo? Let’s go together then and take a group photo.”

 After brushing off the smiles just now, Huo Lang's tone became serious, making Si Ningning look at him seriously.

"Yes." Si Ningning nodded and braided two jet-black braids in a few quick strokes. One was thrown off her shoulders and the other was hanging on her chest. She turned her face, her beautiful porcelain white face was both serious and smart. : "Have you made breakfast? Hegu and Sanae will get up soon too!"

Holang was stunned for a moment and slapped his forehead, "Just thinking about talking to you, I forgot about breakfast. It's okay. I'll do it now..."

 “It’s up to me to do it, and I’ll let you make a pot of soup later.”

Si Ningning pushed past Huo Lang and found the rice vat. After removing the baffle that blocked mice and wild cats, he bowed down to carefully select and serve.

There were several cloth bags in the rice vat, including rice, flour, thick noodles, and multi-grain noodles, including sorghum rice. Si Ningning thought about it for a while and decided to make some multi-grain porridge in the morning, so she chose to scoop out sorghum rice.

Holang was pacing awkwardly behind Si Ningning with his hands and feet tied up. Si Ningning was busy, and he didn't know which action or something touched Huo Lang's nerves. He suddenly burst out laughing uncontrollably.

 After that, he put his fist to his lips and said "hahahahaha", laughing very cheerfully.

From the night of New Year's Eve to the Chen's house until the fifth night of the Lunar New Year, Si Ningning spent the past few days in vain. Although she never left the front yard of Chen's house, she did a lot of things.

 For example, tell stories from books to the two little ones of the Chen family to popularize science principles.

For example, seeing that the Chen family's backyard was spacious, they asked Huo Lang to open two long vegetable plots at the corners near the courtyard wall, and plant common vegetables such as chives, leeks, and Chinese cabbage in them. And commonly used condiments and vegetables.

Another example is removing Hegu Sanae's bed sheets and quilts, and cleaning them together with Huo Lang's clothes that had not been thoroughly washed in the past. The Chen family did a general cleaning. Useful items were scrubbed clean, and unused items were split and burned as firewood...

By the time Si Ningning stopped to wipe his sweat, the Chen family had changed so much in just a few days. It was so clean and tidy that Huo Lang, Hegu, and Sanae no longer dared to put anything on the table hastily.

Seeing the young man and the young boy standing in the main room with their hands tied, Si Ningning chuckled, glanced at Huo Lang with his smart eyes, and called out: "You turn on the kerosene lamp brighter, and I'll give Sanae and Hegu a haircut." Let’s take care of it. Let’s boil a big pot of hot water for them to take a good bath. School will start soon after the Chinese New Year. Go out and watch to feel refreshed.”

Huo Lang immediately picked up the bucket placed at the corner of the doorway between the main room and the kitchen, "I'll boil two pots and burn more. You've worked hard these past two days. Take a good bath tonight and have a solid rest. Nothing else." Don’t worry anymore.”

"Oh, please leave me alone." Si Ningning found a snakeskin bag suitable for padding around the neck to insulate hair, and placed a bench in a well-lit area beside the table in the main room, not forgetting the gap in between. He took out his hand and waved it hurriedly, "Just put the water on the water and raise the fire. You don't have to worry about me for the time being. I'll just do the work myself in a while. I have other things to tell you."

"What's up?"

"Aren't you going to the county tomorrow? You can't go empty-handed. Didn't you say that you can't eat many of the vegetables in the vegetable field and they will bloom in spring soon? While there is still some light outside, you can pick some and bring them back later. "I'll clean it up tonight and take it to Academician Liang tomorrow, so as not to take anything else she won't ask for."

  “Okay, I’ll clean up your place and leave immediately.”


Si Ningning's chin stretched out with peach pit lines and she said "tsk", with a firm expression with a hint of arrogance, "What else do I need to pack now? The bag and bench are ready, all I have to do is cut it, will you?" ?"

There is a razor for shaving at home, and Huo Lang knows how to shave his head. He has shaved his head before.

When it comes to cutting other hairstyles, especially the kind of hairstyle that Si Ningning gave Hegu and Sanae, which made people think they were cute little babies, he really didn't know how to do it, so he just touched his nose and went for it. A fire was lit in the kitchen to boil water.

Si Ningning glanced at Huo Lang's back with a smile, looked back, her smile widened, and spoke to the two little ones, with a hint of softness and coaxing in her tone: "I'll give you the same haircut as before. ”

Sanae nodded sharply, "Yeah!"

Hegu, on the other hand, scratched his head with a straight face, nodded solemnly and said, "I can do either."


Si Ningning responded casually.

She is not a professional hairdresser. She cuts her hair more by feel, so the cutting speed is not very fast. By the time she finished cutting two small hair styles with the click of the scissors, Huo Lang was already carrying a full bag over there. basket came in through the gate.

Si Ningning removed the snakeskin bag from Sanmiao's neck and carefully patted away the broken hair from Sanmiao's cheeks.

While Sanae and Hegu were standing side by side looking at the results, Si Ningning suddenly realized that among the twins, Sanae was half a head taller than Hegu.

He asked Huo Lang to carry the vegetable basket to the kitchen, and then put two pieces of firewood into the stove to make the water hotter. Si Ningning bowed slightly and tapped the tip of Hegu's nose, "Did you see that? My sister is taller than you. "

He Gu was embarrassed for a moment, a little unconvinced. After taking a look at Sanmiao, who was taller than him, he felt a little nervous and scared again, "I, I have eaten well, and I am no longer picky about food."

Si Ningning touched his head. The little boy's hair was harder than the girl's, and it was slightly prickly after being cut short. "Eating is not enough, you also need to exercise. From now on, Sanya and Zhou Xiaocui will ask you to play, and you have to participate, okay?" Know?"

"Running not only exercises the body, but also promotes digestion. The nutrients eaten in the stomach are absorbed faster." Si Ningning paused, considered his words, and continued: "Look at the Tuo Tuo and Tuo Tuo on the team. Although Gundam and the others are thin, aren’t they all taller than you?”

Hegu thought for a moment and nodded seriously, "Yes."

Although he doesn’t want to admit it, he seems to be the shortest among the boys of his age on the team.

Thinking of this, He Gu suddenly felt a little worried, "Si Ningning, will I not grow taller in the future? Will I always be this tall? What if I never grow taller again?"

Si Ningning smiled faintly and whispered to comfort He Gu, removing the panic in his heart, "So eat well and exercise well."

Hegu frowned and bit his lower lip, hesitating, "Is it really okay?"

“How will you know if it works if you don’t try? Didn’t you tell the fables in class before? You will never know the result if you don’t try.”

He Gu could never refuse Si Ningning, especially when Si Ningning spoke in a logical and convincing manner. He pouted and pondered for a moment before finally nodding seriously, "I understand, Si Ningning. I will do it early tomorrow morning." Let’s go play with Sanya and the others!”

Si Ningning curled her eyes and smiled, rubbed his head hard twice, then gently pushed his small body towards the kitchen, "Okay, let your elder brother get you some water. You go take a shower first."

Playing is small. The main thing is that although Hegu is no longer opposed to eating, he is still not able to integrate into the group of children. Si Ningning wants to take this opportunity to let Hegu accept other children, and also let those children accept Hegu.

"Hmm!" Hegu ran away a few steps, then stopped after a while and turned around, "Sanae, come here with me!"

Sanae said "Oh" and was about to follow him to the kitchen. Si Ningning hurriedly pulled Sanae back and said to Hegu: "You are a little man now, you can't take a bath with a girl..."

Hegu was stunned for a moment, as if he thought of something, his round face suddenly turned red, he covered his face and said "oh" indifferently, and then ran away.

The sound of Huo Lang asking questions and He Gu answering could be heard faintly in the kitchen. About ten seconds later, the sound of lifting the lid of a pot to fetch water could be heard again.

Si Ningning didn't pay too much attention. She and Sanmiao were the only ones left in the main room. She stretched out her hand, took the bench and sat in front of Sanmiao. She held Sanmiao's hand affectionately with her slender green hands, and she and Sanmiao talked about women almost cheek to cheek. Whispers among children:

"Your elder brother has a rough temper and doesn't understand many things. He can't teach you. As a sister and a teacher, I should tell you, Sanae, you have to remember it carefully, do you understand?"

Sanae's dark pupils reflected Si Ningning's face. Although she didn't quite understand why Si Ningning was suddenly so serious, she still nodded seriously, "Yeah!"

 “Women are born weaker than men, in terms of size and strength…”

  After Sanae responded, Si Ningning paused for a moment, and after roughly summing up a set of easy-to-understand words in his mind, he slowly spoke:

"Whether you are with others or alone, the first thing you need to do is protect yourself. You must pay more attention to gender privacy. You must avoid men when taking a shower or going to the toilet. It is the same whether you are a child, an adult, or an elderly person. Yes, you know?”

Sanae nodded seriously. Si Ningning's eyes flickered and she thought for a while, then she made vague gestures on several parts of her body with her hands, "And here, here, these places are not allowed to be touched at will. If someone forcefully If you touch or touch randomly, you have to stop it, resist it, and tell the teacher and your elder brother in time, remember?"

Si Ningning didn't explain why those parts couldn't be touched, but because of the specialness of those parts, Sanae was vaguely aware of it, so she nodded with a red face under Si Ningning's gaze. Promise, "Sister, I have remembered everything. I will also pay attention when I go to the toilet alone in the future."

Si Ningning smiled lightly and patted Sanae's head with satisfaction. When she thought of something, she added an additional instruction, "Little girls should love to be clean. If they can't take baths often, they should also wash their faces and feet before going to bed every day. Wash your **** and change your underwear frequently..."


 Stable updates will start from today, please remember to comment and vote for me~~~mua~!

 (End of this chapter)

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