Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 341: two people in love

Chapter 341 Two people in love

Having said this, Si Ningning paused, waved his hand and said, "Tomorrow I will go to the county with your elder brother, and ask him to bring back some cloth. I will sew you two pairs of decent underwear later."

 “Thank you, Sister Ning.”

Sanae has a quiet personality, and she will accept whatever Si Ningning says.

Si Ningning nodded and said "hmm", "I'll talk to your elder brother later about setting up another small bed in the room, with a curtain in the middle for you and Hegu to sleep separately. The privacy of the genders must always be remembered." In my heart, just because we are family members, we don’t think it’s okay to do whatever we want, you know?”

Si Ningning's expression and words were very serious. Sanae probably knew the seriousness of the matter. After briefly recalling what Si Ningning said, she nodded again, "Sister Ning, I will definitely remember what you said until today. If I go to Sanya to play, I will also tell them and let them pay attention."

"Ah, very good."

Si Ningning praised Mo Mo Sanae's head. At this moment, Huo Lang came from the kitchen carrying a steaming bucket, "What did you say?"

Sanae smiled shyly and said nothing.

Si Ningning rolled her eyes at him, "Girls say inappropriate things about themselves, but men avoid them and be less curious!"

Huo Lang smiled cheerfully, rubbed his forehead backwards, carried the bucket into the house, and shouted to Hegu to take a bath first.

 The night is getting darker, and the sky and the earth are shrouded in black. In the small and old courtyard, the faint and flickering glow of the kerosene lamp is so warm.

Si Ningning sat on the low wooden pillar at the entrance of the kitchen stove. She leaned forward slightly and picked the vegetables that Huo Lang had picked from the vegetable field one by one, removing the old and worn leaves. Afterwards, she neatly stacked the selected vegetables on one side. Be prepared to put all the dishes into baskets after selecting them.

Huo Lang originally wanted to come over to help, but because Si Ningning emphasized to him that Sanmiao and Hegu were growing up and were no longer suitable for sleeping on the same bed, he dug out the nail twine and old sheets and placed them with Sanmiao and Hegu. A curtain was put up in the middle of the room.

Sanae, a girl, slept inside the curtain, and Hegu slept on the side near the door. Since there were no wooden boards at home, Huo Lang spent some time and moved the bamboo bed from the main room into the house.

The four legs of the bamboo bed are made of strong moso bamboo, but the lying part is made of thin bamboo strips. Sleeping in summer is of course cool and comfortable, but sleeping in winter, even with a quilt, is still You will feel a chill on your back.

After Huo Lang placed the bamboo bed against the wall, he pushed it and tested the stability to make sure it would not sway. In order to prevent Hegu from getting cold while sleeping at night, he first spread a shallow layer of dry straw on the bamboo bed, and then moved it up. Two thin quilts were laid out.

One of the quilts was dug out of the cabinet, and the other bed was made by Huo Lang himself. With more padding, the bed naturally became softer and warmer.

At Huo Lang's signal, Hegu got into bed, curled up his little body and looked at Huo Lang with his little head exposed.

  Holang rubbed him, "Are you cold?"

"It's not cold." Hegu shook his head and said happily: "Brother, you are so soft!"

"This is your bed. From now on, when you get up and tidy up the quilt and sheets yourself, I will keep an eye on Sanae and not allow her to help you."

 “Oh, brother, I understand! Don’t worry, I’ll do my own work!”

   "Take the quilt and sleep well."


Huo Lang stood up and was about to close the door. He Gu, who had retracted his head under the quilt a second ago, suddenly poked his head out again, "Brother!"


Holang opened the door and looked up at his grain in the beam of light from behind the door, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay, good night!" He Gu said good night sternly, fearing that his eldest brother wouldn't understand, he huddled under the quilt and added in a muffled voice, "Si Ningning said, say good night before going to bed, and sleep well at night Dream!"

Huo Lang was stunned for a moment, and his handsome face, which had always been serious in front of Hegu, softened briefly.

"Good night."

He responded with a gentle and low voice, and gently closed the door.

After settling the two little ones, Huo Lang went to the kitchen to help Si Ningning.

Si Ningning has basically finished packing the vegetables she picked back. She only needs to put the finishing touches into the baskets and clean up the broken leaves on the ground.

Leaving the finishing work to Huo Lang, Si Ningning fetched water and went back to the room to take a shower. Passing by the main room, she saw that the place where the bamboo bed used to be was empty. She carried the hot water to the room and put it down in two steps, and then hurriedly ran back to the kitchen:

 “Have you moved the bamboo bed into the hut?”

Holang was stunned for a moment, then nodded honestly, "Yeah."

Si Ningning frowned, "Then where will you sleep at night?"

Holang paused, thinking that Si Ningning had misunderstood that he wanted to share a room and a bed with her at night. His ears were slightly hot and he explained: "It doesn't matter to me. There is a bench in the main room. I can make do with it later and sleep."

Si Ningning laughed angrily, and knocked on the wooden door of the kitchen with her index finger and middle finger, "This is March, not late spring or midsummer! Can people sleep on a long bench?"

Huo Lang originally wanted to say that it was nothing. His skin was rough and his flesh was thick and frost-resistant, and he could sleep on the ground. It was obvious that Si Ningning's fair little face had a look of anger on it. He swallowed his words, but he spread his hands helplessly and said, "The wooden board is not easy to handle." , we can only move the bamboo bed over first...What do you think we should do now?"

“Won’t you tell me if I didn’t? It’s not impossible to be two days late…”

It's not like she can't be considerate... Sanae and Hegu are both brothers and sisters. They have slept on the same bed in the past few years since they were young. There is no reason why you have to change the bed immediately. It's not right to take it slow in time according to the conditions at home. A normal thing?

 It is said that the wind is the rain...

 How big should a bench be? The two benches put together are less than 40 centimeters wide. Not to mention that they can't hold a quilt. How can someone as big as Huo Lang sleep on it?

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. Si Ningning stamped her feet and glared at Huo Lang, "It's your job, don't ask me what to do!"

Si Ningning walked towards the stove in two steps, snapped the lid of the steaming pot with a violent "duang" sound, turned around and went back to the room, locked the door and walked into the space, all done in one go.

who cares!

 Such a careless thought, let him freeze!

Si Ningning thought angrily with a straight face. She had already entered the small space villa, took off her military coat and entered the bathroom.

She said she didn't care about Huo Lang, but when she came out of the room to dry her hair, Si Ningning threw the towel into the basin and stirred it casually in the basin, causing some water stains to appear as if she had finished taking a shower. Looking at the back of the closed door, I suddenly felt a little unbearable.

 How can I sleep on such a narrow bench and in such a cold weather...

Si Ningning squatted by the bathtub, circling the towel in the basin with his fingers. After struggling for a long time, he finally threw away the towel, stood up and opened the door, "Huo Lang!"

Huo Lang had just tidied up the kitchen and put the basket full of vegetables on the big table in the main room. Hearing Si Ningning's call, he immediately turned around and took a few steps closer to Si Ningning, "What's wrong?"

“It’s nothing, the tub is too heavy to move.” Si Ningning lied casually.

However, the bathtub was made of solid wood and became heavy after absorbing water. When washing clothes in the yard, Si Ningning could lift it up and pour the water out, but in the house, she had no choice.

 Because it’s really hard to move.

Horang knew this, so he would not be suspicious. "After washing, go and get in bed, and I will pour you some water."

As he spoke, he rolled up his sleeves, revealing his muscular forearms. He wrung out Si Ningning's towel and hung it behind the door. He bowed slightly, and with a gentle "ha", the muscles in his arms bulged and became heavy. The basin was also moved directly by him.

Si Ningning said "Yeah", but he slowly followed Huo Lang to the backyard to pour water. She stumbled twice and stepped on the heels of Huo Lang's shoes. It wasn't until Huo Lang poured water, stood the basin behind the door, and cast a doubtful look at her that she swallowed and plucked up the courage to speak:

“If you are honest, you can squeeze in with me today and tonight.”


Horang's brain buzzed. He was probably too surprised to make a correct response at the first time.

Si Ningning saw the confused look on the face of the second-year-old monk, and the tension suddenly faded away. He was like a little wild cat with fried hair, and he pushed Huo Lang with his teeth and claws, "What's your expression? If you don't want to, forget it. You think I want to be with you..."

Huo Lang smiled hoarsely, took Si Ningning's hand that was beating randomly, and interrupted Si Ningning's words, "Yes."

Si Ningning's handsome face suddenly softened, making Si Ningning dazzle slightly. She swallowed the curses on her lips. She let Huo Lang hold her hand, but her eyes turned to the side awkwardly, "I'm just If you don’t want to bear the psychological pressure, don’t think too much...and I’m warning you, you’d better be honest. If you do anything, I will report you to the captain and convict you of being a hooligan!”

 “Okay, I won’t do anything, I promise.” Huo Lang responded softly, thoughtfully and without exposing Si Ningning’s little thoughts.

 The little girl is really soft-hearted when she is soft-hearted, and she is really shy when she is shy.

After coaxing Si Ningning to lie down on the bed, Huo Lang took a quick shower in the backyard and then entered the house covered in moisture.

Men are more angry than women, and Huo Lang is a strong and energetic boy. With the help of his body temperature, when he entered the room, there was still a trace of heat rising from his body under the dim light of the kerosene lamp. Si Ningning didn't even know that he was It's a cold water bath.

Si Ningning was a little overwhelmed by being in the same room and even sleeping on the same bed. She felt that she should be shy or embarrassed, but she was not.

 Just a little bit…

 Feeling a little embarrassed.

With the sound of footsteps, Huo Lang got closer and closer to the bed. Si Ningning hugged the pillow and turned sideways to face the wall. Then the bed board shook gently, and Huo Lang lay beside her. .

The small bed is a single bed. In the past, Huo Lang slept alone, but now there are two people lying on it. Even though both of them are shrinking and paying attention, their bodies are still close to each other.

 Invariably, the two of them swallowed a mouthful of saliva at the same time.

 In the end, it was Holang who spoke first: "The lamp didn't blow out."

Si Ningning nodded and gave a dry "hmm".

  Holang was silent for a long time, and then said: "Shall I blow out the lamp?"

Si Ningning said "hmm" again.

The bed board shook slightly, and Huo Lang blew out the lamp.

 The room suddenly turned dark, and as the bed shook, Huo Lang lay back on his side again.

I don’t know why, but I didn’t feel nervous just now, but now I feel not only my heart, but also my heart is beating rapidly.

Si Ningning's body was tense. She always felt that Huo Lang would probably not be honest due to the previous story of Huo Lang holding her waist tightly and asking for a kiss. However, after waiting for a long time, until Huo Lang's breathing became calmer behind her, she felt that she Thinking a little too much.

  The tense body slowly relaxed. In the darkness, Si Ningning pursed her lips and called tentatively: "Huo Lang?"


 No one responded.

Falling asleep so quickly?


There hasn’t been much physical work these days, so I should have had enough rest and I’m full of energy.

Si Ningning's eyes were darting around, and she turned around slightly as if she was sleeping carefully before making a prank. She stood up half straight with her elbows on the bed board, lowered her voice and leaned into Huo Lang's ear:

"are you asleep?"

It was pitch dark, and Si Ningning couldn't see Huo Lang's frequently fluttering eyelashes, "Huo Lang? Are you really asleep?"

With the warm fragrance of nephrite in my arms, could Huo Lang fall asleep?

Then why don’t you say anything? Just pretend!

Huo Lang was also afraid that he wouldn't be able to control himself, so he wanted to pretend to be asleep first, and wait until Si Ningning fell asleep before restraining himself from falling asleep. However, he couldn't resist Si Ningning, who was full of faint fragrance, and leaned close to his ear, whispering all the time. Test to see if he is asleep.

 A irritating little thing.

Huo Lang sighed softly in his heart, but in fact, his big hand had already reached out, wrapped around Si Ningning's slender waist, and forced her to lie down again, in his arms.

 “Um…what are you doing! You really didn’t sleep!”

The two bodies were pressed tightly against each other, Si Ningning was still twisting and turning, and Huo Lang's voice suddenly became low and hoarse, "Don't talk, go to sleep."

"Then, let me go first! I...I'll move in."

 “It’s good to sleep like this.”

Si Ningning squirmed and protested, "No, it's too close!"

 “I won’t touch you before we get married, don’t move now and sleep well!”

 Let her roll in the bed for three seconds, then Huo Lang tightened his grip around her waist and brought her closer to his arms.

Huo Lang was so strong that the hand wrapped around his waist made Si Ningning feel a little painful. It was obvious that he was determined not to let go.

Si Ningning gradually stopped struggling and waited quietly for a moment with her head in Huo Lang's arms. Seeing that Huo Lang really didn't do anything, she gradually let down her guard.

Si Ningning was not very sleepy. She originally counted Huo Lang's breathing to pass the time, but ended up counting and fell asleep.

Huo Lang breathed steadily, his eyes were closed tightly and he remained motionless. Looking at him from any angle, he appeared to be in a deep sleep. But at the moment when Si Ningning took a steady and long breath, he suddenly opened his eyes.

 The deep peach blossom eyes reflected the moonlight from the window, making them look particularly clear.

He straightened up slightly and stared at the sleeping Si Ningning. After a while, he lowered his chin and placed a light kiss on the side of Si Ningning's face. After lying down, he calmly adjusted his sleeping position. She covered herself up and pulled Si Ningning into her arms.

 “Good night Si Ningning, have a sweet dream.”

 He murmured in a very soft voice.

The girl in her sleep seemed to have heard his words, and she moved slightly in his arms twice, and made a murmur-like sound:

 “Good night…Holang…”

 (End of this chapter)

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