Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 342: Too many skills but not too much pressure

Chapter 342: Many skills are not overwhelming

The clumps of bamboo shadows swayed one after another, the moon shadows circled around, the rooster crowed in the east and the fish belly was white. When Si Ningning woke up again, he was woken up by Huo Lang's low voice.

At that time, the kerosene lamp was lit in the room, and the light outside the window was still dark. Huo Lang was already ready to go, and he was leaning on the bed with one knee on the ground, his handsome face unusually soft.

Seeing Si Ningning open her eyes in confusion, he reached out and gently touched her smooth side face with his big palm, and spoke in a gentle and gentle tone:

“I’m going to take you back to the team in the afternoon, so we have to leave early so that no one else can find out... Can you get up? Huh?”

  Cannot be discovered, which means that it cannot be exposed that Si Ningning returned to Province H early and has been staying at Chen's house for the past few days.

 Therefore, they have to set off before other members of the production team get up early to work.

Si Ningning's biological clock has always been fixed, but because the weather is cold and the quilt is warm, she often stays out of bed after winter. This time she also knows the importance of the matter, so she just stretches herself in bed and stretches herself. sat up.

In just a few seconds, the person seemed to have changed. Not only did his eyes look clear and energetic, but he also dressed and made the bed very neatly.

Holang took Si Ningning's tidying hand and led him a few steps toward the door of the room, "You go and wash up, and I'll clean up the room."

Thinking that it would be safer to leave early, Si Ningning did not refuse. After saying "Okay", she turned around and took a towel and a bamboo cup to wash up.

The kitchen was very warm. There were two large pots on the stove. Steam came out from the gap on the edge of the pot lids. Si Ningning walked closer and took a look. There was rice porridge in the front pot and a large pot in the back pot. Hot water.

After fastening the lid of the pot, Si Ningning walked towards the backyard. She couldn't help but murmur in her heart: When did Huo Lang get up? Why didn't she feel any movement? The porridge in the pot is almost done. How early can you get up?

The well water is cool in summer and warm in winter, perhaps because of the temperature difference between it and the surface. Wisps of smoke mixed with tiny water droplets float out from the well mouth.

Si Ningning squatted under the eaves of the backyard and brushed his teeth, his eyes wandering and looking around casually.

After finishing cleaning up the room, Huo Lang stuck his head out of the back door of the kitchen, looked at her and said, "I'll lock your suitcase and carry it for show first. I'll take the scattered items that haven't been put in to you back to the educated youth center later." Don’t carry heavy weight.”

 “Hmm…” Si Ningning spit out a mouthful of foam, “Okay.”

"Then I'll wait for you in front. There's hot water in the pot. Come when you're ready."

 “Okay...hey, aren’t we having breakfast at home?”

"The pot is prepared for Sanao Hegu. We will eat it when we go to the county, otherwise we will not be able to make it in time."

"Oh, okay..." Si Ningning nodded in response, with a light layer of foam on his lips, and moved the hand holding the toothbrush outward, "You go ahead, I'll be ready soon!"


The plan to go to the county was considered a temporary decision. Shan Mantang was in the county and was completely unaware of the matter. Naturally, he would not drive here in advance.

Si Ningning thought they were going to walk to the county, but as soon as they took a small path and came to a wide road not far from the outside of the brigade, Huo Lang pulled her to stand by the road.

 “What’s wrong?” Si Ningning asked blankly.


 The vegetable basket was placed on the side of the dry grass. Huo Lang smiled and shook his head.

The morning wind was still bitingly cold. Afraid that Si Ningning would freeze, he pulled up the fur collar on both sides of her neckline and covered half of her face. "You wait for me here for a while. I'll go borrow a car from the team." bike."

Si Ningning grabbed Huo Lang's hand that was about to withdraw and said subconsciously: "We need to buy bicycles when we go to the county. How will we get two cars when we come back? I don't know how to ride a bicycle yet."

“It’s all a trivial matter. When the time comes, let Shan Mantang drive around and put the bicycle in the back compartment.”

Huo Lang squeezed Si Ningning's hand to comfort him. After convincing him, he put Si Ningning's hands together and wrapped his big hands tightly in his big palms.

After Si Ningning's hand warmed up, he took her hand and put it into the coat pocket on her side:

 “I’ll be back in a moment, please wait for me here and don’t talk to strangers.”

 This is treating her like a child again.

Si Ningning raised her chin in the direction of the brigade and interrupted Huo Lang's words: "...Go quickly."


Horang left quickly and came back quickly. The bicycle he brought back was a big one.

 The 28-year-old is not a little guy. The body length alone is 1.7 meters, the seat is one meter high, and the rear seat is about 85 to 90 centimeters high.

Si Ningning wore a lot of clothes, and the length of her military coat almost reached her calves. Huo Lang pushed the bicycle to a stop in front of her. She turned around and tried for a long time, but she couldn't spread her legs and sit on it.

In the end, Huo Lang stopped the car, looked around to make sure there was no one around, then grabbed her waist and lifted her up, making her sit sideways.

“Hold on to the seat first, wait for the car to start riding, and then hold me tight.”


Si Ningning deserved to be neat and tidy, but when Huo Lang hung the vegetable basket on the front of the car, pulled his long legs forward, and pedaled the bicycle freely, she just held the clothes on both sides of Huo Lang's waist tightly.

 The times are special, and couples need to avoid taboos outside, let alone her and Huo Lang.

Horang didn't say much, except to ask if her hands were cold if they were exposed outside. If they were cold, she could put them in his pockets. Si Ningning exhaled a breath of mist and shook her head slightly. Realizing that Huo Lang couldn't see her movements, she tilted her head and said, "It's not cold."

Holang calmly pedaled the bicycle pedals at a steady speed, but the wheels of the bicycle were too big to hold up the 28-inch bar. The bicycle moved forward quickly, and the scenery on both sides became silhouettes and swept back quickly.

Si Ningning adjusted her angle slightly and huddled behind Huo Lang to avoid the wind. At the same time, on the way to the county, she chatted with Huo Lang at various times:

“Most of the bicycles on the market have big bars, right? This bicycle is tall and doesn’t look light. Can I learn how to do it?”

“There are several brands, including the Phoenix brand, the Forever brand, and the Feige brand. But speaking of it, they are all similar to the one we have in front of us. They are all big guys... If you want to learn, I will teach you later.”

After all, for such a big thing, the weight is definitely a bit heavy, but the bicycle is for riding, not for carrying. Once you get used to it, you can pedal it a few more times and you will naturally gain control over it.

Si Ningning is smart, and Huo Lang thinks it won’t be difficult for her to learn to ride a bicycle.

Si Ningning felt that what Huo Lang said was feasible. After nodding thoughtfully, she couldn't help but ask, "Isn't there one with a smaller body? Is it more suitable for lesbians?"

“There is one in the capital, but if it’s here in Province H...” Holang paused, then smiled politely and said, “I haven’t seen it yet.”

After all, the capital is the capital. It is a big place and has many things. Here, there are many families with high-ranking officials and disciples in large courtyards. There are signs of favoring sons over daughters, but there are also some who love their daughters. Many families with good family backgrounds are also willing to Buy a bicycle for the girl at home.

There are not many cases of this kind after all, in other words, there are even fewer in small places in H Province.

 Since they clearly know that the goods will not be sold, supply and marketing cooperatives and department stores will certainly not purchase goods to reduce inventory.

Si Ningning heard the implication and did not continue the topic. Instead, she asked Huo Lang, "Shan Mantang knows how to drive a car, can you?"

˜Preference for boys over girls has existed since ancient times. Even in the 21st century, the peaceful era before she traveled through time, it was an occasional sight.

Even if he doesn’t like or support this kind of thing that is engraved in his bones, Si Ningning still feels that there is no need to theorize about it.

 Because she alone can't change anything with just one word. All she can do is not support or comply with it.

“I drove for the brigade commander when I first joined the camp, so I’m pretty good at it…”

Horang recalled the past. The brief distraction caused him not to hold on to the front of the bicycle, causing the bicycle to meander for a while. It startled Si Ningning and gave him a few gentle blows on the back:

 “Pay attention! This place is full of mud pits!”

Holang chuckled hoarsely and hurriedly tightened his grip on the front of the car, "Why do you suddenly ask about this? What? You also want to learn to drive a car?"

Si Ningning's pupils swayed, and she suddenly leaned forward and leaned on Huo Lang's back and asked, "Is it okay?"


I didn't expect that Si Ningning really had this idea. Huo Lang was a little stunned for a moment, but after he came to his senses, he said: "It's not impossible."


Si Ningning was so excited that she straightened up in joy. After the bicycle snaked for a while in the slippery mud, it slowly resumed moving forward in a straight line.

Horang told her: "Don't move around. If you end up falling into the mud because of your moving around, I won't be responsible."


Si Ningning responded with a pout and a smile, and immediately became well-behaved.

Si Ningning can drive both automatic and manual cars in later generations, but the position of many parts of the car in the 1970s is different from that of later cars.

And it is said that it is a small car from the 1970s, but as far as Shan Mantang's former Soviet-style pickup truck is concerned, if we really want to classify it in the final analysis, it is not a small car from the 1970s, but a car from the 1950s and 1960s, a war-torn It is a selected product after being retired, and the various parts and facilities are even more primitive...

If you want to learn it, you have to identify the various devices carefully.

However, Si Ningning feels that she has the foundation and it shouldn’t be difficult to learn.

She has money, but it is a bit unrealistic for her to buy a small car in this situation. However, Si Ningning doesn’t mind if she has one more thing.

 Furthermore, if it is inconvenient to buy a car now, how can it be inconvenient for the rest of your life?

 Technology will always come in handy.

"Come back later today. You sit in the passenger seat. I'll teach you how to do it first. I'll have to drive back to the county a few times to transport the bricks. If you can spare some time and come with us, I'll slowly teach you other things. "


Chatting along the way, time passed quickly, and we soon arrived near the county seat.

Si Ningning got out of the car while there was no one on the trail, and Huo Lang pushed the bicycle. She followed on the side, carefully avoiding the water and mud, and strolled into the county streets with Huo Lang.

 (End of this chapter)

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