Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 343: communicate effectively

Chapter 343 Effective Communication

There is work all year round in the south, and the only real rest is probably during the New Year. Today is already the sixth day of the first lunar month, and the New Year has come to an end.

Before the busy start of the year, people finally came to the county or town to buy supplies, so there were many more people on the streets than usual, and many young girls could be seen among them.

It must be that in the past year, I saved a few cents every penny, or maybe I got a few cents from the New Year's money during the Chinese New Year. I rushed to the county department store before the production team got busy. Even if I bought Even if I can't afford anything, I can join in the fun. When I return to the team, I can chat with my better sisters who couldn't come with me.

Si Ningning was attracted by a pair of young girls walking by hand holding hands and laughing and talking. Huo Lang turned the corner with the front of the car and saw her eyes looking away. She was still walking forward blankly. Huo Lang stretched out his hand to flirt with her. She touched the end of her hair and said with a smile:

“Let’s go eat first, and we’ll go to the department store later. There are new goods for the Chinese New Year, and those young lesbians are here to see the designs.”

 The pattern of the clothes, the pattern of the headband, and the one-shoulder carry and so on.

This kind of finished product is generally not cheap, with prices above ten yuan. Not many people can afford it, and even fewer people are willing to buy it. In the past, young girls who wandered around department stores mostly went there to see the new designs. There are some people who have strong hands-on skills. After reading this, they can collect pieces of cloth and stitch them together to create a pattern when they go back.

Si Ningning looked slightly embarrassed.

She just took a casual look and was not thinking about going to the department store.

But since the topic came to the department store, Si Ningning turned around and followed Huo Lang to the state-owned hotel. She said, "Eat first, finish your business after eating, and then go to the department store. Then see if you can buy something." A few feet of soft fabric, Sanae is getting bigger, and I have to make some close-fitting clothes..."

Si Ningning took a breath and continued to tell Huo Lang, "There are not so many things to pay attention to when raising babies in the countryside, but girls and boys have different body structures after all. There are many things that should be informed and paid attention to as soon as possible to avoid problems in the future when they are older. , then it will be uncomfortable for a lifetime.”

Huo Lang's understanding of raising babies was still based on the fact that boys and girls wear diapers the same way. He didn't know much about other things. What Si Ningning said sounded vague and vague to him. Zhongyou feels that it makes sense.

 He ​​is a man, and there are some special conditions that need to be paid attention to in the female body structure. Usually he is too embarrassed to ask anyone for advice. Si Ningning is a **** herself, so she is definitely better than him in this area.

Thinking about it, Huo Lang nodded, "Just look at it and make up for whatever is missing during this trip. Don't worry about money."

As he spoke, he freed his hand to rub his shaved head, his expression awkward and sincere, "I don't understand a lot of things, and it's hard to talk to Sanae. I guess I'll have to rely on you to help me in the future." "

Si Ningning put her fist to her lips and glared at him with a smile, "Don't worry, apart from anything else, I'm still her teacher...I can teach you what you need to teach."

"Yeah." Huo Lang nodded, raised his chin sideways, and said with a hearty smile: "Let's go, eat first!"

Let Si Ningning go upstairs first, and Huo Lang parked his bicycle at the door. After entering the state-owned hotel, he gave instructions at the counter.

It was already past breakfast time, and there were not many customers in the state-owned hotel. The comrade at the counter promised to help send them upstairs. Holang thanked him in advance, handed over the money and turned around to go upstairs.

Si Ningning was sitting by the window on the second floor. When she saw Huo Lang coming around from the stairs, she quickly waved to him.

 When Huo Lang sat down across the table, Si Ningning asked, "What did you order again? I forgot to tell you just now. I couldn't eat much in the morning."

“I didn’t order too much, so I ordered a lotus root and pork ribs soup and noodles. I asked them to put the noodles in the soup. The pork ribs soup was a generous portion, and the noodles were enough for the two of us.”

Si Ningning nodded clearly and asked, "Is the lotus root the one you mentioned? Nine-hole lotus root?"

 “Eighty percent yes.”

The lotus roots that come out of Zhima Lake are all nine-hole lotus roots. However, the lotus root cultivation area is not limited to Zhima Lake. For example, lotus roots are also grown in the Seventh Brigade of Hongqi Commune.

If it is served nearby, it is very likely that what is served soon will not be nine-hole lotus root.

But it’s hard to say. After all, the scale of lotus root cultivation in the Seventh Brigade is not large. Maybe the batch of lotus roots handed in years ago has been divided up by the farmers’ markets in the county and town. It is not impossible.

Si Ningning was not very clear about the details, but he roughly understood that the supply channels were different, and the "products" presented were naturally different, so he just nodded lightly and didn't say much.

The pork ribs noodles in lotus root soup were served quickly. You must be lucky, right? The lotus root in the bowl is the nine-hole lotus root that Huo Lang has mentioned several times.

Under Huo Lang's earnest and expectant gaze, Si Ningning pushed aside the noodles, picked up a large piece of lotus root from the bottom of the bowl and took a bite.

 Hmm, how should I say it?

Before Si Ningning could think of words, across from him, Huo Lang unconsciously stirred the noodles in the bowl with chopsticks in his hand, but his pair of deep peach blossom eyes stared at her closely, "How is it?"

Si Ningning chewed the lotus root carefully and slowly, and compared to Huo Lang's expectations, her answer was a bit disappointing, "Well... it's rustic and pink enough, but in comparison, I prefer the kind eaten raw in May and June." Taste."

Lotus roots are so tender in May and June. Not only does it taste crisp when eaten raw, but it also tastes as sweet as eating fruit.

Si Ningning has eaten it once, but the texture and taste have always been in her mind.

She thought that if she said this, Huo Lang would probably be disappointed, because the things that were good and beneficial were not approved by her, but the opposite Huo Lang was just slightly stunned. After he reacted, he shook his shoulders and let out a low and hoarse laugh.

 “Haha, hahaha.”

Si Ningning pouted slightly, raised her eyebrows in confusion and turned her head, "Why are you laughing?"

 “Nothing.” Huo Lang shook his head, still unable to help laughing.

A hint of anger appeared in Si Ningning's heart. She leaned forward and pinched the back of Huo Lang's hand across the table, "Speak quickly! Why are you laughing! What are you laughing at?!"

"It's Si Ningning you're laughing at." Huo Lang let her pinch him with a warm smile on his handsome face, "If it were anyone else, after I've said it so many times, even if it was a lie, they would have said, 'Yeah! It tastes really good.'" ?”

Huo Lang deliberately made exaggerated expressions and movements, and then returned to normal after speaking. He looked at Si Ningning with a smile and said, "But you didn't, and you don't know how. Do you know why?"

 He asked the question to Si Ningning.

Si Ningning paused for a moment and shook his head slightly.

But Huo Lang said again: "Because you are Si Ningning."

Huo Lang "sucked" a big mouthful of noodles, his handsome face always maintained a gentle smile, but the words he spoke made Si Ningning slow down unconsciously.

He said: "Si Ningning will not lie, let alone go against his true feelings."

Si Ningning looked at Huo Lang blankly. Seeing the trust and understanding in Huo Lang's deep eyes, she suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

She will not deliberately lie, but when she speaks, there are eighty or even eighty falsehoods in her words.

 Things that cannot be explained or expressed, such as space and time travel.

Si Ningning thought that under normal circumstances, her concealment measures were understandable, but under Huo Lang's trusting gaze, she always felt as if she had suddenly picked up a burden, and her back was extremely heavy.

 If they want to be together for a lifetime and hide something in the middle, then it is impossible for two people to reach a state of true heart-to-heart.

 In the future, if there is a suitable opportunity, she may reveal her secret to Holang, but that will be in the unknown future, not now.

Si Ningning's throat slid, she adjusted her expression and smiled disapprovingly. She lowered her head and took a big mouthful of noodles. She slurred her words and hummed at Huo Lang as if jokingly: "Don't try to trick me here, implying that I won't do it in the future." Lie to you?"

  Holang laughed and shook his head, "No."

Si Ningning pretended to glare, "Then tell me, what kind of person can never tell a lie in his whole life? You think too well of me, doesn't that put pressure on me?"

"Okay, okay, it's my fault, it's my fault..." Huo Lang laughed and admitted his mistake. Afterwards, he gnawed on the ribs and said, "But didn't I want to say that you have a true temperament?"

"True can't be fake, and fake can't be true. You just need to know who I am, but once I say something, it will become a constraint." Si Ningning tilted her head and said "hmm", and gave an example after considering it. "For example, when I think of these words when I do things in the future, will it affect your thoughts on me after I first consider doing so? And will it affect my image in your mind?"

 “If this were the case, how tiring it would be! People would also become rigid and follow the rules.”

 Si Ningning objectively analyzes his own views.

What Huo Lang said was out of his trust and recognition of Si Ningning, but if you think about it from another angle, it is very similar to the labeling behavior of later generations, especially based on the fact that Si Ningning did have something to hide in his heart. That's why Si Ningning was obviously repulsed.

Obviously it was a topic of small talk. At first, Huo Lang felt that Si Ningning was a little on the topic, but after hearing Si Ningning's thoughts, he felt that what Si Ningning said made sense.

 In one sentence, proper communication can always solve all problems.

 A mature man has the advantages of a mature man, such as knowing how to care for others, correcting mistakes when he realizes they are wrong, and having a good attitude.

Huo Lang chuckled dumbly, and after apologizing to Si Ningning again, he said seriously:

"That's good. This is my first time dating. I have never had any contact with other lesbians except for a few girls at home. If I don't do something right in the future, you can tell me what you think like this. , I promise to correct it.”

Although the knot in her heart was not resolved, Huo Lang's warm attitude did make her feel relieved.

Si Ningning raised her crescent eyebrows, her cheeks bulged slightly on her fair face, and her lips curved into a bright smile, "You too, if there's anything I've done wrong or bad, you have to tell me."


 “Eat quickly, it will get cold in a while…and there are a lot of things to do today!”


The small conflict was resolved peacefully. The two of them looked at each other and smiled, lowered their heads and ate their meal calmly.

There are indeed a lot of things to do today. In addition to the things to buy, I also have to change the household registration page and visit Academician Liang. However, with a mobility scooter, things can be done with twice the result with half the effort.

After the two of them finished eating, Huo Lang took Si Ningning to Shan Mantang's house on his bicycle. On the one hand, he recognized the door, and on the other hand, he took away the car keys and the temporary bicycle.

The bicycle was temporarily placed here with Shan Mantang, and the cane box and vegetable basket were placed in the back seat of the car. Huo Lang took the car keys and drove himself today. He made an appointment to come back in the afternoon and asked Shan Mantang to take them back to the brigade.

Shan Mantang immediately agreed after hearing this: "Sure, Comrade Huo Lang, I happen to have something else to do at home today, so I'll take care of it at home first and wait for you to come over in the afternoon!"

 “Okay, you go about your business.”

Huo Lang nodded and said "Yeah", opened the driver's door, stood outside and inserted the key, and then stepped out to open the passenger door for Si Ningning. After Si Ningning sat in, he thoughtfully handed the passenger door to the driver's door. The car door was closed, and as for the door of the small courtyard, Shan Mantang ignored all the joking glances he cast.

Huo Lang got out and sat in the driver's seat, and pulled the door open with a bang. While adjusting the seat position, he freed his hand to tap around the driver's seat. "This is the handbrake. You can use it for short parking. This is the control." The lever is used for reversing and shifting gears. "

These are basically the same operating methods as later generations of cars. Si Ningning nodded to express his understanding.

Huo Lang bent slightly sideways and motioned Si Ningning to look at the brake accelerator under his feet, "This car is an old car that was retired many years ago. It is different from the new cars in big cities. Today's cars only have a clutch. , this car has two, and you have to step on them when changing gears.”

This is considered a knowledge point. Si Ningning hurriedly leaned forward and took a look.

Huo Lang was afraid that she would confuse the clutch, accelerator, and brake, so he pointed at each one carefully and introduced the names and uses. After talking about all the controls, the two of them leaned back on the seats again. Huo Lang said: "Driving is not You can learn it in no time. Memorize this first and I will teach you other things next time.”

Si Ningning nodded obediently, and Huo Lang slowly started the car and drove out. Like an outstanding student in class, she kept paying attention to Huo Lang's control process.

As the car drove out of the alley, Shan Mantang, who was leaning at the door of the yard, scratched the back of his head, stepped up and looked into the alley, and mumbled unconsciously:

 “My mother, I finally know what tenderness is like!”

 After speaking, he paused for a while, then sighed and muttered: "Comrade Huo Lang, it's not easy for the iron tree to bloom. You have to keep the flower blooming to the end!"

Si Ningning and Huo Lang went to do the household registration first.

Si Ningning had the original household registration page in her hand, as well as the seal of the brigade's previous grain and oil relations. These things could prove her identity as an educated youth. The new household registration page was soon printed in a red booklet and was given to her. However, During this period, I just paid two cents for the booklet.

Si Ningning carefully put away the independent household registration book. After leaving the office hall, he followed Huo Lang and got into the car, heading to Academician Liang.

 (End of this chapter)

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