Chapter 344 New Blood

Huo Lang went to park the car, while Si Ningning carried the vegetable basket and walked into the alley first.

The green brick floor in the alley has been in disrepair for a long time, with many holes broken. The severely dilapidated areas were filled with hemp bone stones. Hemp bone stones are not a solid type of stone and can be broken into small pieces with a gentle squeeze of the hand. However, although it is not strong, it has good permeability, so there is basically no muddy water in the alley.

Huo Lang parked the car and followed Si Ningning in stride, "I'll carry it."

He reached out to pick up the basket, but Si Ningning didn't bother him and handed the basket directly over, "Can Academician Liang be at home?"

"It should be there." Huo Lang responded casually, then paused and added: "It's such a cold day, and it's rare for this place to be quiet for a while. Maybe Academician Liang is enjoying himself comfortably in the shed."

 The living environment was harsh, and it was difficult to say that he would enjoy it. However, Si Ningning felt that Huo Lang was right about one thing.

Perhaps because of the burns on his face, Academician Liang doesn't like to interact with people. Most of the workers here have left, and there are not many people there. It's not that noisy. Maybe Academician Liang will really feel relaxed for a short time.

State-owned factories usually resume working hours after the tenth day of the first lunar month. This is where the families of the brick factory live. Many workers have not returned home for the New Year, so the alley seems particularly quiet.

It is precisely because of this that the conversation between Si Ningning and Huo Lang becomes more and more obvious.

Liang Qinghong squatted in front of the shed, holding half a brick in her hand and patting the pit marks in front of the door, trying to smooth those pit marks.

Listening to the voice, Liang Qinghong frowned at first, thinking that it was the workers from the brick factory who had returned. However, hearing the Mandarin with a clear accent, she hesitated and looked around the corner of the alley. Sure enough, she saw Si Ningning. He and Huo Lang turned over from there.

Si Ningning and Huo Lang were still chatting about whether Liang Qinghong was at home. When Liang Qinghong saw them, they did not notice Liang Qinghong.

Liang Qinghong was slightly stunned, holding the brick and buttoning it helplessly. The next second, as if she suddenly had an idea, she threw the brick next to the firewood pile. After entering the house, she took out two relatively flat wooden piers.

Si Ningning and Huo Lang approached the shed and were helping her place the second wooden pillar securely.

"Academician Liang, you are at home!" Si Ningning raised her eyebrows, glanced at Huo Lang beside her, and said with a happy smile: "We were just talking, because we were afraid that you were not at home."

Liang Qinghong's attitude was not as resistant as before, but in the face of Si Ningning's enthusiasm, she didn't say anything. She just patted the unnecessary dust on the wooden pillar uncomfortably, stood up and stood to one side.

Liang Qinghong waved her arm towards Mudunzi, motioning for Si Ningning and Huo Lang to sit down.

Si Ningning and Huo Lang looked at each other calmly, and both realized the change in Liang Qinghong's attitude.

Si Ningning couldn't help but smile happily.

Huo Lang himself is not a talkative person, and he has nothing to say except politeness to Liang Qinghong, so Huo Lang is very sensible. After handing the vegetable basket to Si Ningning, he crookedly moved the wooden pillar aside and chose to put it aside. Leave space and time to Si Ningning.

As for the rest, we can just wait for Si Ningning’s instructions later.

Si Ningning winked mischievously at Huo Lang, then hung the basket on her arm, followed Liang Qinghong and lifted the curtain to the shed.

Si Ningning took off the frame on the corner wall on his own initiative and put the green vegetables he brought in handfuls.

Liang Qinghong was sitting on the messy low bed. She didn't speak much at first. When she saw Si Ningning's actions, she clicked her tongue and yelled hoarsely: "Why are you bringing something again? Don't bring anything! I told him years ago, He didn't tell you?"

The time years ago, it should be said was the time when Si Ningning returned to Beijing. At that time, Si Ningning asked Huo Lang to send some daily necessities to Liang Qinghong.

But those are not important.

Si Ningning squatted there and continued to work, while innocently winking at Liang Qinghong, "They are all grown on my own land. The season will be out of season soon when spring starts to warm up. If you don't eat it quickly, it will be a waste. I really couldn't finish it, so I brought some over here. "

Liang Qinghong subconsciously dismissed it: "If people can't eat it, then it will be eaten by animals."

She looked pale, but Si Ningning was not afraid of her and immediately replied: "There are animals to eat, so of course we have to keep ourselves alone first."

Liang Qinghong knew that she couldn't defeat Si Ningning, so she simply sat there and stopped talking.

Si Ningning secretly smiled and sighed, rolled up his sleeves and paced back and forth, searching to see what he could do to help Liang Qinghong, tidy up the house, and talking to himself about what happened in the production team recently:

"Our production team is studying growing mushrooms. Now we have a solid harvest, and we should be on the right track in the near future. Next time I will bring a few mushroom bags, and you can put them under the pile of firewood at the door and sprinkle them from time to time. Just a few drops of water and you can live..."

Facing Liang Qinghong's hesitant gaze, Si Ningning explained with a smile: "The cost of the bacteria pack is only two handfuls of straw. They are abundant items in the team. Don't push me because of this."

Liang Qinghong herself studied agriculture. She may not have grown mushrooms herself, but she knew a little bit about them. She immediately asked Si Ningning: "Does it not cost time and money to cultivate strains? All of these are costs."

Si Ningning rubbed her nose. Just now, she had forgotten that Liang Qinghong studied agriculture and was not easy to fool. However, as Liang Qinghong said, she had a way to deal with it.

Si Ningning smiled dryly and replied: "Since you know that cultivating bacterial strains is not easy, you should cook it well. When the time comes, I will bring it, but you are not allowed to let me take it back."

Liang Qinghong retorted: "Why don't you just bring it?"

Si Ningning laughed again and shook his head, "No, I will take it."

 For a moment, Liang Qinghong was at a loss for words. At one moment, Liang Qinghong felt that her weird temper was being eaten up by Si Ningning.

No matter how cunning and difficult she is, after meeting Si Ningning, she is like a fist hitting cotton, without causing any ups and downs.

Liang Qinghong had a straight face and decided not to talk to Si Ningning, but when Si Ningning said something next, she couldn't help but ask again.

“I left in a hurry a few years ago, and I originally wanted to come here for a visit before returning to Beijing. But I happened to be ill for a long time, so I didn’t come over.”

Liang Qinghong turned her face away half an inch, and soon she looked back at Si Ningning, with a hint of elder concern in her disgusted tone:

 “Why are you sick? Is it serious?”

Xu realized that she had adopted an attitude that she shouldn't have, and Liang Qinghong's calm expression became solemn again, "There are differences in the seasons between the north and the south. There is a big temperature difference between morning and evening in spring and autumn in the south. When you come here, you should do your homework in advance. There is no precaution. , you deserve to be sick."

Si Ningning smiled lightly: "Yes, after this experience, I will have a better memory."

Probably he didn't expect Si Ningning to say that, so Liang Qinghong gave her a surprised look.

Si Ningning didn’t think it was meaningful and smiled lightly.

In this special era, Si Ningning sympathizes with and admires people like Liang Qinghong, and to Si Ningning, Liang Qinghong is more like an elder with a weird temperament in her heart, and this weirdness comes from the harm caused by others. .

 She may not be able to heal Liang Qinghong's knot in her heart, but she is willing to tolerate this weirdness.

Moreover, if you think about it from another perspective, as long as you understand Liang Qinghong's personality, her character is actually quite cute at times.

For example, every time I see them coming, I seem to be bored with them, but I still bring out stools for them to sit on. When I learned that she was sick, my first reaction was concern...

 You say you have a weird temperament, but it’s actually more like being awkward, right?

Si Ningning put herself in his shoes for a moment. Because of the special experience and the horrific scars on his face, Liang Qinghong resisted contact with people and was also afraid of contact with people. Without the opportunity of borrowing the cat, they would not have known each other...

 Being alone for a long time, apart from the initial resistance and fear, people will become dull and gradually lose their ability to communicate, which is why Liang Qinghong seems so at a loss every time.

Si Ningning has no right to interfere with how Liang Qinghong chooses to live, and she will not interfere too much in Liang Qinghong's life. On this basis, Si Ningning only follows the respect in her heart and does some insignificant things.

Perhaps because of Si Ningning’s sincerity, or perhaps because she managed the distance properly, Liang Qinghong gradually let go of her discomfort, and gradually started to talk to Si Ningning casually:

“I heard from the comrade surnamed Huo that your team has a literacy class and you are the teacher, but you are teaching children?”

Si Ningning nodded truthfully, "It does happen, but there are two teachers. I am responsible for teaching Chinese, and another educated youth comrade is responsible for teaching arithmetic."

Liang Qinghong nodded thoughtfully and was silent for a long time. Then she suddenly took Si Ningning's hand and patted it gently twice, "This is a risky and difficult job, but if you can persist in completing it, you and I will be together." Great men are great.”

“The motherland always needs fresh blood, and fresh blood must not be illiterate.”

Even though she was treated indiscriminately and cruelly, Liang Qinghong still hoped that the motherland would prosper and prosper forever.

In terms of reading and literacy, she seems to have her own persistence and opinions: "Children must read if they can read, including you. There is no end to learning. People are in the process of learning throughout their lives. Don't just because you know some words, If you stand out within a certain area, you will stop there.”

 “That is a kind of self-degradation and is not advisable.”

Liang Qinghong spoke earnestly and thoughtfully, and Si Ningning could vaguely sense a trace of expectation in her eyes and tone.

 That is the expectation placed on the latter by the elders.

Si Ningning was slightly stunned. Liang Qinghong seemed to be more intimate with her than she expected. It was just a problem with expression that made her think a lot more.

Thinking of this, Si Ningning suddenly smiled and promised like a loved junior, "I will remember what you said."

 At the same time, he said: "We have compiled and compiled the textbooks for the literacy class ourselves. I will show them to you next time."

Liang Qing twitched her lips, showed a rare smile, and nodded lightly.

Si Ningning didn’t stay here long. She put down the vegetables and probably helped clean up the shed. When she was about to lift the curtain and leave, she remembered something and said to Liang Qinghong:

“Counting the time, the Sanhua in the team seems to be about to give birth to a baby. If there is a suitable one, can I bring you one to raise?”

Liang Qinghong smacked her dry lips and shook her head slowly, "Just stay with your production team. I'm tight here and there's nothing for them to eat."

Si Ningning asked: "If the food problem is solved, will you be willing to raise it?"

 Liang Qinghong was silent.

  She wanted to raise one, but she always had concerns, such as worrying that the workers in the brick factory would beat the cat, such as the issue of food rations...

 It is said to be solved, but how can it be solved?

Liang Qinghong shook her head regretfully, "No."

Si Ningning nodded thoughtfully, picked up the empty basket and handed it to Huo Lang, and borrowed the pickle jar Liang Qinghong handed over.

The jar was delivered with pickles the first two times. Liang Qinghong finished eating the pickles. Si Ningning thought about taking the jar back. When she came back, she saw some vegetables suitable for making pickles and pickles, so she could pickle some more and bring them.

Putting the two jars carefully into the basket in Huo Lang's hand, Si Ningning took a few steps out, then suddenly looked back at Liang Qinghong and said:

“Academician Liang, there are a lot of bamboos growing around our production team, which is basically inexhaustible…”

 The meaning of this saying is that bamboo costs nothing, so there is no need to worry.

“Next time we will come over and bring two bundles of bamboo to repair your place and expand it a little so that it will be comfortable and sturdy.”

Liang Qinghong held the door frame with one hand and gave a rare nod. Afterwards, she waved to Si Ningning and the others, telling them to go home early.

Si Ningning immediately turned around and walked towards the entrance of the alley with Huo Lang without stopping.

Si Ningning breathed a sigh of relief after getting in the car. While starting the engine, Huo Lang asked her: "What did you say just now? It seems that Academician Liang's attitude has changed quite a lot this time."

 “It’s nothing.”

 As for the's not bad.

Si Ningning asked Huo Lang casually: "Did Academician Liang always look bad before you came here?"

"It's not that bad." Holang looked in all directions, turned the steering wheel and turned around, "It's just like cannibalism."

“…” Si Ningning’s mouth twitched and was speechless for a while, “Is it true or false?”


 “You are poisonous!”

Si Ningning was speechless and rolled her eyes at Huo Lang.

The latter chuckled "hum hum" and asked: "We've almost finished the business, where are we going now? A department store? And a photo studio?"

“Let’s go to the department store first! You can’t go to the photo studio. If you can’t make it this time, you can go there next time. The things are different. If they are sold out, you won’t be able to buy them!”

Si Ningning was talking about fabrics. Cheap and affordable fabrics would definitely be snapped up by everyone, and she had always been thinking about buying a bicycle.

No matter what she said, regardless of whether it was right or wrong, Huo Lang believed in everything. Without saying much, the car slowly drove out of the brick factory workers' settlement with a puff of exhaust fumes.

As Holang said, department stores do have a lot of new things during the Spring Festival, a special holiday. There are also a lot more clothes, hats, household accessories, and gadgets that children like.


 In a dark corner, A Yao knelt and crawled: please vote! Asking for a monthly ticket!


 (End of this chapter)

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