Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 345: The salesperson likes Holang like this

Chapter 345 The salesperson likes people like Holang

Huo Lang was in a particularly good mood. After parking his car diagonally at the door, he and Si Ningning entered the department store side by side. From the moment they entered the building, everything that a girl could use, or on the road, Whenever he saw something that other young lesbians were interested in, he would pull Si Ningning to stop and take a look.

 There were samples for reference on some counters, and he would pick them up and point them at Si Ningning.

 There were people pointing and pointing along the way, and of course there were also young lesbians who cast envious glances.

Si Ningning was a little embarrassed, and quietly pushed her wrist on Huo Lang's waist, reminding Huo Lang to restrain himself.

Huo Lang didn't take it seriously. Facing the inquiring glances from around him, he curved his lips and smiled, and said frankly: "This is my partner. Let's choose things for the wedding. Don't keep staring at her. She is shy."

Those around him who thought they were too close to each other immediately showed understanding. After laughing, they embarrassedly put the samples in their hands back to where they were, and went to look at other counters in shame.

Si Ningning was embarrassed and embarrassed for a while, so she slapped Huo Lang hard and stamped her foot to lower her voice:

 “What nonsense are you talking about!”

"This is called a white lie." Huo Lang chuckled hoarsely, tilted his head and approached Si Ningning slightly, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Don't you like others to give advice? You won't do that anymore."

Si Ningning’s cheeks puffed up with anger. Although he didn’t want to admit it, Huo Lang’s method was indeed effective.

Si Ningning let out a breath, and just as she acquiesced to Huo Lang's approach, she heard the **** at the counter say enviously: "Comrade, your partner is so kind to you!"

Si Ningning curved her lips and smiled without embarrassment.

 “Would you like to buy a pair of these?”

Holang held up a pair of bouquets wrapped in plastic bags and handed them to Si Ningning.

He seemed to enjoy the feeling of being recognized for the relationship between him and Si Ningning. His peach blossom eyes were filled with water, and the smile held by his thin lips was like a dandelion swept by the spring breeze. Although it was light and light, it was enough to touch people's hearts. .

Si Ningning just smiled sadly, thinking that Huo Lang could say whatever he wanted!

Since the two of them are really talking about each other, if a sentence or two can save them a lot of trouble, she thinks it would be a good thing.

  But before her smile even reached her eyes, it was completely dispelled by the things that Huo Lang handed over.

Si Ningning took the hair flower and put it back on the counter. She glared at Huo Lang angrily and turned around to leave.

Horang nodded and smiled at the **** at the counter, and hurriedly followed behind him, "What's wrong? You don't like it?"

"Don't worry if someone else buys it, you have to buy it for me! Why don't you want to see if it suits me?" Si Ningning sighed helplessly, "That's what a child wears. Where can I wear it if you buy it?" ? Put it on your head and sing a big show?”

Hong Lang thought for a moment, not to mention, the big pink flower headdress really looked like the one worn by the opera troupe in Northeast China. Except for this, the matchmaker seemed to be wearing the same kind of flower.

He didn't expect it before, but now that Si Ningning mentioned it, Huo Lang couldn't help but laugh after thinking about it, "Humph... you make sense. But you can't blame me. I wanted to buy you something, but you didn't say anything. If you like something, then I can only watch what others are buying, and then follow them to buy.”

“Let’s not buy those fancy things, let’s buy something practical...and I still have sweater yarn over there at the educated youth center! The hair ties I knit myself look better than that one, okay?”

 “Okay, let’s look at something else.”

Hunting went up to the second floor. Afraid that Huo Lang would be tripped by another counter, Si Ningning walked directly towards the store selling bicycles.

 Bicycles are not cheap, and are considered a luxurious and luxurious item in the countryside. Therefore, unlike the counters selling small items in department stores, it is an independent store, presumably for safety and to prevent theft.

Of course, we do not rule out the possibility of raising the level and card value.

We talked about bicycles on the way here. Si Ningning was still taking a chance, thinking that maybe she could catch up with the sale of smaller bicycles suitable for women. But when she got there, she realized what Huo Lang said. It's true.

His hopes were in vain, and Si Ningning could only choose one of several big cars.

 She didn’t know much about bicycles, so she took Huo Langti’s advice into consideration and chose a Phoenix brand 28-inch big banger, which cost 135 yuan and required an additional foreign exchange coupon.

Si Ningning counted the money for a long time. The money was enough, but there was no coupon. Huo Lang happened to have one, so he gave it to her.

The two of them chose quickly and paid generously and neatly. The salesperson in the store was stunned for a long time with the money in his hand. He was reminded twice by Huo Lang before he remembered to pay.

After counting the money and confirming that there was no problem, the salesperson asked Huo Lang and Si Ningning to wait for a moment while he paced to the long table to write out the invoice note. After writing the note, he took out a square and four-printed red invoice from the drawer. The paper came out, folded repeatedly and quickly tied with a small red flower.

Hooking a thin hemp rope through the red flowers with an iron wire, the salesperson tied the flowers on the front of the car. Then he called Si Ningning and Huo Lang to the front, and carefully handed the invoice slip and a series of receipts to them:

“This big thing has a brand guarantee and it is not damaged by man-made damage. If there is any problem within half a year, you can come over with a note at that time. There are masters in the building who can repair it for free.”

The salesperson told him to keep the receipt note. Huo Lang thanked him and handed the note to Si Ningning.

 This was a smooth move on his part, but in the eyes of outsiders, it vaguely revealed who was in control of the financial power in the family.

Bicycles are another big item among the three-turn-one ring. Most people buy them when they get married. The salesperson glanced at Huo Lang and Si Ningning. He saw that the man was tall and straight, with a handsome appearance, and the woman was slender. , looking the same as those who walked out, I guessed that the two of them must have come to arrange a wedding ceremony, and immediately auspicious words came out:

 “The orchids will flourish for thousands of years, and the harp and string music will last for hundreds of years. I wish the two newlyweds a happy union for hundreds of years, and a son soon. The new country will witness your happiness!”

 Hands together well for a hundred years, and a son will be born early...


Si Ningning was stunned for a moment. No matter how calmly she accepted Huo Lang's words, she couldn't help but blush when she was directly congratulated for having a baby.

Horang was also stunned for a moment. After reacting, he patted the salesman on the shoulder with his backhand and said, "Thank you, comrade."

After saying that, Huo Lang half-carried his bicycle and quickly left the second floor with Si Ningning, who had almost three bedrooms and one living room on his toes.

 “How are you? Are you okay?”

 “Thank you, this is a huge misunderstanding!”

"What are you afraid of? It will happen sooner or later anyway, and since I'm not here usually, nothing will happen."

 “Do you think, what if?”

  "Okay, okay, it's my fault, my fault, okay? Let's go buy some cloth!"

Two people, one waved his hands and complained bitterly, while the other carried a brand-new bicycle and laughed and coaxed her all the way. When the saleswomen at the counter on the first floor saw this scene, they all cast envious glances at Si Ningning. How wonderful!

 The partner looks upright and can afford a bicycle, but the key is that he also knows how to coax people!

 It is no exaggeration to say that it is difficult to find another object like this with a lantern.

 It’s so enviable…

Envy is envy, there are so many people in the department store, and there are many people with special thoughts who will have jealousy. But when I turn around and look at Si Ningning's slightly pouting face, jealousy is stuck in my throat like a thorn. Since I can't spit it out or swallow it, I can only make myself uncomfortable!

If you say you are nice to a person because he is beautiful, that would indeed be a bit inappropriate.

 But having said that, even if you don’t want to admit it, you can’t refute the fact that having a good family is also an advantage.

Those who denigrate others because they are good-looking or have good conditions, in most cases it is not their fault, but that kind of people who are not as good as others, are jealous, and want to use slander in disguised form to make themselves better.

 To put it bluntly, I am still jealous.

There may be people like this in department stores, just because department stores are the territory of a state-owned industry and are different from the streets. Even if someone has bad ideas, they don't dare to express their opinions at this time.

After all, losing your job because of a moment of verbal pleasure is not worth it!

Si Ningning didn't know what others were thinking. She and Huo Lang went to the fabric counter and chatted with the salesperson at the counter.

 Department stores are equivalent to department stores and supermarkets in later generations. Everything is clearly marked with a price, and there is no negotiation. Generally, you can buy what you find suitable without worrying about being hacked or ripped off.

Si Ningning had a clear goal and said directly: "Are there any new materials sent? There are also soft fabrics. It doesn't matter if they are more expensive. Take them out and take a look."

The salesperson was an older lady with short ear-length hair. She responded with a busy smile: "Okay, comrade, please wait a moment while I go get some samples for you to take a look at."


“Two types of materials were just delivered two days ago. There are six colors. Take a look.” Not long after Si Ningning responded, the salesperson brought over a small stack of foot-wide pieces of cloth:

“It gets warm here very quickly after the new year starts. These two materials are very good to buy right now. They can be used as jackets in spring and autumn, and as separates in summer. Look at this color, it’s also resistant to stains.”

The items brought over were all samples that could be seen and touched. Si Ningning looked at and felt each one one by one. She felt that it felt good and could be used for making underwear, so she picked up one of the small floral styles and asked:

“I think it’s okay. How can I sell this material and this color? How much does it cost per foot?”

“This is fine cotton, which is made of good material, so it is more expensive than processing cloth. It costs eight cents per foot, and an additional cloth ticket is required.”

Si Ningning let out a low "hmm" and touched the fabric without saying anything.

 She also has muslin in her space, but the patterns are fresher. She can take out some, but not too much.

I was really hesitant to calculate how many feet would be appropriate to pull back. On the other hand, Holang had already handed over a small stack of cloth tickets to the counter: "How many cloths are there? Take them all."

His cloth tickets didn't look like many, only four or five, but the largest amount on them was indeed five feet.

Si Ningning was startled and quickly took back a few large-amount cloth tickets. She smiled apologetically at the salesperson and said, "Haha... Just pull it two feet for me. I'll look at other tricks."

 The salesperson smiled knowingly and said it was okay.

Si Ningning took the time to look back at Huo Lang. Before she could speak, Huo Lang said, "I usually don't have much to spend. I have all the money and tickets saved. You can buy whatever you like. It's rare to go out and buy something. Don't save me money." money."

Along the way here, Si Ningning didn’t pay much attention to anything except the bicycle. She only took a second look at the fabric, but in the end, she only wanted two feet.

 What can you do with two feet of cloth? It can make up to two small vests for Sanae or Hegu, and they are compact.

"The things have just been brought up, why are you in a hurry? Can't you take your time to look at it and pick it slowly?" Si Ningning glanced at Huo Lang angrily and hummed: "It's your money that I spent today. I won't save it for you. I won't save it for you later." Just don’t feel bad.”

 “Haha, I don’t feel bad, you have to spend your efforts. If it’s not enough, then I’ll make a note first!”

Horang laughed.

 How do you say a sentence?

 As a man, the purpose of earning money is to spend it on your wife.

 For Huo Lang, it was a happy thing that Si Ningning was willing to spend his money.

If Si Ningning could clearly distinguish everything and separate it, Huo Lang would feel uncomfortable.

Si Ningning picked and looked at it slowly, and then pulled out a few feet of plain cloth and treated cloth.

This counter not only sells fabrics, but also sells all kinds of stitches, buttons, and ready-made clothes. Si Ningning told the salesperson that she wanted to see the buttons, and when she was picking out buttons, she caught up with three young girls with long braids.

The three girls pointed at the clothes on the shelf and asked. The salesperson introduced that they were newly delivered and made of good quality materials that are selling well nowadays.

When the girls heard that it was really good, they were all very excited. They also saw that the hemp-colored thick-lined design was very rare in the county and the countryside. The three of them were a little moved, and they all begged the salesperson to take the clothes away. After coming down, the three of them took turns trying the sides.

 It took a lot of time, and the three girls liked it very much, but they still didn’t buy it.

 Because of the price.

Although this batch of ready-made clothes does not require cloth stamps, the selling price is astonishingly high, costing eighteen yuan a piece.

 No matter how much the girls liked it, they were ultimately defeated by the price and left one by one in despair.

The salesperson was not surprised, as if he was used to it. He shook the clothes with a helpless smile, took the clothes pole made of bamboo and iron hooks, and was about to hang the clothes back on the rack.

Si Ningning was picking up her buttons and didn't pay much attention to the situation around her. Huo Lang stayed by her side, but he saw the situation from beginning to end.

Thinking that the lesbians had really good results when they tried it on, Huo Lang gave Si Ningning a nudge and said, "Why don't you try it too? It's suitable for us to buy one."

Si Ningning didn't know why. The salesperson over there hadn't hung up her clothes yet. When she heard this, she hurriedly smiled and said, "Your partner has a good figure, so these clothes can definitely be worn. You all know the material of Deliang. They are all in big cities." No, we only have two left here.”

When he heard that there were only two pieces left, Huo Lang was even more anxious, fearing that someone would come and **** them away later, so he tried his best to persuade Si Ningning: "Try it, try it! Try it first and then talk about it." ?”

 (End of this chapter)

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